The Haunted Dressing Room

by JesterOfDestiny

Chapter 1

I always have an easy time planning surprises for Lyra’s birthday. She always stays at home for the week, because she’s afraid of Pinkie Pie throwing a surprise party for her. Understandable and very convenient.

You see, there’s this donkey musician she idolizes called Hinny Hendrix and he was going to perform at Las Pegasus alongside Trixie, who’d handle the special effects. Lyra really wanted to see that, but due to this show being even more expensive than usual, she just gave right up. But I knew a way to get tickets for free. I’d tell you how, but then I’d have to erase your memories.

Anyway, I went home with the two tickets, hoping to surprise Lyra. She didn’t surprise me, she was reading the same book as she did when I left. Something about an evil monster and a dragon.

“Hey Lyra!” I tried to get her attention.

“Hey Bon Bon…” She said in a disinterested tone.

“Look what I got you!” I said in that obnoxious tone you use when you want to surprise a little kid.

“I hope it’s a cupcake, because I could…” She stopped in the middle of the sentence when she saw, that what I was holding was in fact, not a cupcake.

The way she looked is hard to describe. Let’s just say, that her mood went from zero to a hundred within the fraction of a second.

“Are those…?” She looked at me in wonderment.

“Two tickets for the Trixie-Hendrix Las Pegasus Spectacular? Why, I believe they are!”

And if you thought there was nothing beyond a hundred, yes there is. There is when it comes to Lyra. She jumped out of the couch and hugged me in that ribcage crushing way you hug only your best friends.

“How did you…? I thought they sold out!”

“Well, let’s just say, I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy.”

“Bon Bon this is incredible! Ah! You’re the best thing ever!” And then she continued to crush me between her forelegs.