Warrior To Hero

by Flowjam

Chapter 1 The beginnging to an adventure

It was quiet around the area, until *Boom* an abandon storage site exploded and a man ran out before it happened. Hopped on a motorcycle and drove off but was followed by the police on his tail.

The man that caused the explosion, and being chased by the police is none other than dracule knight, one of the most deadliest people on earth.

Dracule is 19 years old, has short black hair, his eyes bright red, height 6.7. His parent are long gone. But has his fathers sword always by his side to remember him, and a stone necklace his mother gave him at a young age.

Drake is a master in combat, motor vehicles, and a survivor. He’s been around the world living life to the fullest. But every life must have their fair share of problems, and in drake’s life it’s pretty much a everyday thing for him. And believe it or not, he loves it.

Drake shook his head at the amount of police on his tail and said “Well. That didn’t go as planned, but at least I was able to grab the money”

He smile at the backpack on his back, the money safely inside. Being able to get the money out of the mob leaders greedy hands and getting out with it was a peace of cake, but getting away might be difficult.

If you what to know what happened, I’ll tell you. You see dracule needed cash to get out of the country he’s in, But didn’t have enough money. So he went around to get some info and heard about a trading between a gang of drug cartels, and a mob boss wanting to buy off from them for his own business. Drake found out about it and learned they were going to do it at inside storage site, he followed them and snuck in with no one knowing.

Drake hide behind a huge storage box and watched the conversation between the gang leader and the mob boss.

A gangster walked up. He was a tall and lanky man, he looked like he was in his thirties, his clothing looked clean but drake could tell they were an older fashion set of clothes, the hair on his head was cut short almost faded. The gangster stopped at a good distance away from the group of men in black, and said "Ah, so you came. I hope today went well for you on getting here"

The mob leader snorted “Cut the crap louis. Let's just hurry up and get this over with, you got the drugs we ask for?”

Louis's smile vanish and turned around to signal one of his men to bring out the drugs. The man grabbed a bag and handed it to louis, his smile returning.

Louis looked back at the mob boss and said "Yes, we have what you want. But do you have what we want, hmm?"

The mob boss snapped his fingers and a man walked up and handed him a briefcase. He opened it to show the cash drake needed to get out of the country "Yeah, we have what you want and it’s all here. 100,000 bucks the amount you asked for”

When drake saw the money, he was surprised at the amount there was “Well this got even better. That’s enough for me to get out of here and stuff my face for months!

Right when they were about to walk up and hand each other their respective items. Dracule jumped out and ran up behind his first target with abnormal human speed swiftly rapped his hands around the mans head and *Snap* breaking his neck, he ran up to the next three behind the mob leader and *Snap* did the same thing as the first one to the three.

Louis and the mob boss heard the sound of cracking coming right near them. louis was able to see a faint shadow behind the mob boss and move back fast and away from the unknown figure, sadly the mob boss was not fast enough to get away.

Drake Pulled out masamune and right when the mob leader was about to turn around *Shik* he pierced his back with his sword, pulled his body back and grabbing the briefcase.

The tip of the sword was seen sticking out of the mob boss chest. Drake pulled masamune out of the dead mans back and started to clean the blood off by ripping a piece of cloth off the mob bosses dress shirt. While he was doing that drake looked towards the frightened louis with his men surprised at what happened, Drake said "Sorry but I'm going to have to take this case for myself if it's ok with you"

After the shock left their systems. The whole gang pulled out pips and metals bats while only three pulled out pistols and aimed them at him, before they could fire louis pulled his hand up to signal them not to shoot, they pulled back lowering their guns.

Louis composed himself, his scared reaction leaving his system and putting on a serious look on his face at drake "And who might you be?" he kept his eyes on drake.

When drake finish cleaning masamune, he threw the cloth on the floor. drake smirked and said "The names dracule knight. I would say it's nice to meet you, but I really don’t like any of you" what he said at the end made some of the gangsters angry, wanting to kill drake already.

Louis was also angry but hide it behind his calm smile. Louis laughed "Oh you must think your funny, but your not. You may have killed that fool but that just made things even better for me. Know we can keep our drugs, kill you and take the money" his calm smile never leaving thinking everything will go ok for him, but it wasn’t.

What drake said next made louis smile vanish and be replaced with a scowl "Wow. You must be an idiot to think that” drake placed the case down and looked at the louis.

Louis was getting tired of drake's cocky attitude "Oh really, and why is that?” he ask drake having his patients dwindling.

“Because” Drake’s red eyes got brighter that glowed and changed into a savage look that scared louis. He pointed masamune at him while smiling, “The one that’s going to be killed is you and your dogs” dracule said sending out a wave of uneasiness to the hearts of the gang.

Music: Escape the Fate "One for the Money"

Louis backed away from what drake said. Pointing his finger at drake with a scared look on his face and yelling “Kill that bastard!” once he said that the whole gang left their fears behind and ran at him with their so called weapons.

Drake counted the number of gangster in the room real quick.
The whole gang
9 wielding metal bats
6 wielding steel pipes
3 gun men
1 leader
19 people total

Drake smiled and moved his sword into a samurai stance “Alright let's get this over with”

After that dracule sprinted up to the first gangster. Drake ran past him swinging masamune horizontal *Shining”* cutting across the man's chest killing him first. One tried to hit him from the side but drake stepped back dodging the attack, then moving forward and *Shik”* piercing the man's heart killing him instantly.

Two gangsters ran up to drake with bat’s in their hands. The first one swung the bat at his shoulder but drake side stepped and *Shining* slashed his neck in quick speed, the other swung vertical trying to hit him above the head but drake moved his head to the side letting the bat go past him while he *Shining* slashed at the man's abdomen letting him scream in pain, letting him die from blood loss. Dracule killed 3 bat wielders and 1 pipe welder leaving six out of 5 people attacking up front while the 3 gunmen staying back and louis hiding behind them like a coward.

One ran at him dumbly but drake moved to the side putting his feet out so the gangster trip over it and running into another gangster that tried to hit him from behind. Both falling giving drake an easy kill *Shik* stabbing both of them on the ground.

Drake chuckled at their stupidity “this is way to easy” drake turned around and ran up to his next victim.

Right when he was about to move to the next person, one of the gunmen moved to a good spot to shoot drake. Dracule saw this and moved in front of a gangster with a bat so the gunmen doesn't have a clear shot on him. The man swung at drake, he dodged it *Shik* stabbing his chest with his sword and pushing his dead corpse towards the gunman as a shield.

The gunman saw this and got scared and firing at drake but each bullet was blocked by the dead corpse drake was using as a shield. Right when drake was in a good distance he moved his sword to the side, spinning around throwing the dead body at a group of bats and pipe welders.

He ran up to the gunman and *Shining* cutting down vertical through his shoulder killing him and making his body hunch over letting drake use it as a step ladder. Putting his foot on his back drake jumped up and fell towards the group that got hit by the corpse.

They started to get up but it was too late, in quick speed drake put masamune back in its scabbard on his side his right hand gripping the handle and right when he got close to the group he *Shining* cut right through all of them. He then land on the ground in a crouch position, silence took the air as the group of gangsters didn’t move an inch but then *Schlicht* all of their heads fell off making a sick *Splat* sound as their heads hit the ground. Killing 6 bat wielders, and 5 pipe wielders in one strike.

The whole gang that’s left
2 gunmen
1 leader

Dracule stood back up and grinned at his handy work, in just a minute dracule killed every gangster that fought him up close leaving the two gunmen left protecting their boss. Dracule turned around and looked at the trembling men pointing their guns at him in a sacred manner, while louis was shaking, his pants got wet from his own piss. Drake laughed in his head “He wet himself like a scared animal, that’s just sad

Dracule grinned at them “Well that just leave you boys then. Make this easy and put the guns down and die like the men you are”

Drake took a step towards the small group but that shook one of the gunmen. He fired right at him, but drake was no normal person, he saw where the bullet was heading and *Bink* blocked the bullets with his sword while still moving towards his prey.

This just made the gunmen's even more scared and unloaded all there bullets on him. But this only made drake move faster while still *Bink* *Bink* *Bink* *Bink* blocking every bullet they fired at him. Even did fucking flips while still moving towards them in a slow but quick pace.

Soon a noise dracule heard that was coming from the gunman's pistols *Click* *Click* *Click*. “Ah the sweet sound of empty bullets” drake smiled as the gunmen's looked at their pistols fearing having run out of ammo.

This gave drake a chance to finish this, so he ran straight at them so fast they didn’t know he was already on them. *Shining* cutting the first one on the stomach, turning around and “Shining" *Schilt* cutting down up vertically right through the second mans face as his face splits apart just a bit as blood runs down his face, falling face first on the ground dead, Leaving just one person left.

Dracule put masamune back in its scabbard and looked at louis as he tries to sneak away. Drake frown at this and grabbed the man from behind his shirt, threw him at a wall and before louis could react *Bash* punching his stomach hard enough to lose all the air in his mouth. Sliding down the wall hugging his stomach in pain, drake didn’t let up and shoved his foot on his chest pinning him to the wall.

Fearing for his life louis got his bearings and tried to make a deal with dracule “Wait. You don’t have to kill me. I can give you anything you want name it, money, women, I'll even give you all of the drugs just please spare me”

Dracule looked at him in disgust and *Smack* hitting louis across the face with his scabbard for trying to get out of this with cheap talk.

“You make me sick” drake said in disgust “I heard about your group and all of the terrible deeds you’ve done, the lives you taken, the families you ruined, the children that suffered from your drugs. No... I don’t want your money, or your women, and fuck your drugs. I want your life it’s the only thing that will let those that suffered find peace and redemption.

This scared louis, he started crying begging for his life but it was silence by dracule *Shining* jumping back spun and slashed right across his throat no sound but the noise of his dying cries. His body falling to the ground on his side dying like the bug he was.

Dracule slide masamune back in its scabbard and walked to the briefcase that was next to the dead mob boss body, picked it up and put it inside his backpack he brought with him.

Dracule slide masamune back in its scabbard and walked to the briefcase that was next to the dead mob boss body, picked it up and put it inside his backpack he brought with him. “Man. That was fun and all but it’s time for me to get out-” drake couldn’t finish his sentence cause *Crash* all the glass windows in the warehouse got knocked down by a bunch of police officers.

Once they landed on the ground they got into formation and pointed their guns at drake not letting him move from his spot. One moved up, his gun pointing at drake, and yelled out “Freeze. You are under arrest for second degree murder and manslaughter”

Drake sighed "Shit. This wasn't suppose to happen, someone must of known about the whole trade and called the cops" drake looked around to find anything to help him in this predicament.

He looked to the side and saw a gas canister in the corner of the room, he looked down to see one of the dead gunmen's pistol next to his feet. A plan formed in drake's head and he grinned and looked back at the police officers still pointing their guns at him, while the one that yelled at him was walking towards him, his gun in one hand while the other hand his cuffs.

Drake tighten his grip on masamune "Seems like I have to escape by explosives. Again"

When the police officers was just inches away from drake, he swung masamune at the cops gun knocking it away, grabbed the mans arm, pulled him in front of drake while putting the mans arm behind his back, trapping the poor cop in his hold while placing masamune close to his neck.

Drake did all of that only in seconds shocking the officers and not giving them a chance to fire or do anything. And only in 15 seconds, drake placed the gun under his feet kicking it up in the air, pushed the cop he had towards the others, grabbed the gun out of the air, and fired right at the gas canister causing an explosion the blew a few of the cops to the grown while others tripping. Giving drake that moment to run out of the storage building and find a motorcycle, hot wire that shit and ride off, not with out the officers that were able to get out and get inside their vehicles to chase after drake.

And that's the story how dracule got himself into this police chase. know let's get back to the point of the story.

Drake was driving around dodging every car he drove past trying to lose the cops but it was a lot harder than he thought. Don’t lets this fool you drake knows his stuff about driving and is the best but this time the cops were making sure he didn’t escape them this time.

Drake said “Man these guys stepped up their game”

Drake turning right into a alley still being chased by the cops, a police cruiser drove in and blocked his path, drake not stopping looked and saw a wooden ramp.

Smiling he drove the bike right towards the ramp. The officer got out and yelled out “Stop right there and-” the cop froze when he saw drake hit the ramp and fly over his head and land behind him.

He looking at drake in bewilderment for taking such a risk. “Sorry chubs but I got places to be” dracule said then drove off to another direction still having the cops on his tail.

Soon dracule notice he was being blocked by every turn and being lead to a empty lot where he could be trapped, drake grinned and said “Clever” he turned and headed to an opened passage but two police cars got in his way but he still drove in high speeds “But not clever enough!” drake yelled out pulled the bike back and drove right over and across the hoods of the cars landing on the other side and leaving out of the parking lot.

Dracule still being chased drive the bike in every direction losing them but soon found right after. It was starting to get annoying and drake was losing interest in this game of cat and mouse.

Man, can something please get me out of this dumb police chase” dracule thought. Right when he turned into another alley a crazy random portal opened up in front of drake out of nowhere. Normally a personal would pull the breaks and stop fearing at what the portal might lead but for dracule knight this just made him excited.

Looking at the portal with sparkles in his eyes, drake said “Holly shit! Is that a portal?! Thanks god your the best” and drove right into the portal sucking him in and taking him who knows where but only for him yo know, leaving behind the cops that were surprised to lose him and confused at how he got away. And leaving them all to wonder what happened to the infamous dracule knight.


Deep inside a broken old ruin, down below inside a hidden library. Creatures known as ponies were working together in creating a portal for some reason only they knew what it’s purpose was for. But these ponies weren’t normal because they could walk on two legs, speak, and each one is different from the other, some being unicorns, pegasi, those that had neither and all being male.

All of them had the same idea and it was to rule the world. But they couldn’t do it themselves so they needed something to help them, a warrior that would do as they say and follow there bidding and use him to conquer the world. Right now the unicorns are using their magic to create a portal from an old dead spell that would summon a powerful creature.

The leader of the ponies walked up to one of the unicorns that was taking notes and said “Is the portal working” the unicorn said “Yes ace point, the portal is functional and should bring use what we need”

Ace point grinned at this. Ace point is a tall unicorn male, his fur color being green, and his mane purple, dark green eyes, and on his shoulder their was a mark that looked like a snake with a hood only showing its mouth and eyes “Good. And once we have him we can slowly take control in each kingdom and rule equestria with a iron grip” Ace point laughed so did the other ponies thinking they will take over equestria but sadly their going to wish they never tried this dumb plan.

One of the Hench ponies yelled out “Everyone the portal. Something is coming out” This captured everyone’s attention “Yeah I feel something is coming” the other unicorn said and the portal started to shake and you can hear something in the distance.

Ace point heard this and tried to find out what it was “What is that sound”

The Pegasus next to ace point said “I don’t know sir but it’s coming from the portal”

“It sounds like a monster” A earth pony said. What they were all hearing was the motorcycle dracule was riding through the portal.

Then the portal pulled back and shot forward and something came out on a weird contraption that the ponies never seen before, and a creature that was riding it that shouted out “Hell Yeah” both of the unknown creatures landed on the ground almost hitting a few ponies.

The weird contraption slide on the ground, the wheels created a big smokescreen that hide the creature in it. All the ponies moved back and grouped together just incase.

Dracule was excited to escape the cops and make it into whatever world he’s gotten himself into “ That’s what I call a getaway” drake said, he grinned and waved his hand to blow away the smoke that was blocking his sight “Know where the hell am I”

As drake said that and looked he was pretty surprised at what he was seeing, he at least though he would be sent to some alien planet but instead some place where there are anthroponotic ponies that resemble a human but look like ponies “Ok, I didn’t expect this. But hey, better than getting caught

Drake got a good look at them and new each one was male. Each one was different from the other because some had horns, others had wings, and a few had neither, it confused drake how each one had different color fur on their bodies, it was pretty weird at first but drake seen crazier shit on earth that normal people never seen so it was at least a 9 to him.

After getting a good look at them he looked around at his surroundings.

While dracule was looking around, the ponies looked at him in wonder and some in freight at seeing a new and potentially dangerous species but ace point looked at drake in excitement finally summoning the warrior they need to take equestria by force.

The spell they used said to summon a great and powerful creature that could gain or take whatever it what’s with its own hands. Having power even greater than the princess’s or those bastard monsters that have been killing and taking ponies around equestrian, but know it can all be there’s with this thing in their hands.

Ace point gathered himself and walked up to drake, his followers following him from behind. He coughed in his fist to catch drake’s attention “It’s great to finally meet you, oh great warrior” ace point greeting drake.

Dracule turned to the pony that spoke to him, got off his stolen motorcycle, dropped his backpack on the ground and looked at the potential leader of the group of male ponies.

Drake said “Sup, so are you the guys that took me from my world or…?” drake raised an eyebrow wanting answers.

Ace point smiled happy to know drake spoke the same language as him. ”Yes we are the ones that have summoned you here. My name is ace point the leader of the mighty legion!” ace point said with mirth rising his head high like it met something.

The ponies behind him cheered. But drake just looked at him like he was crazy “Wow. This guy is way too full of himself, like is that suppose to mean anything cause these guys look like their in a cult or something

Drake looked at their shady looking robs that total signifies they are indeed a cult that just made things a bit awkward for dracule finding out he was brought to this world by a cult of male ponies “That or these guys are lonely and need someone to help them get chicks

After that drake responded back to ace point “Alright. Thanks, I guess?” drake wasn’t certain about this but whatever. Like he said before he’s been in weirder circumstances than this. Ace point looked at drake smugly that already pissed off drake and felt like he wasn’t going to like what this dork was going to say next. And he wasn’t going to, at all.

Ace point pointed at dracule and said “Know… Bow to your new master and soon ruler of the world” ace point smiled evilly, so did his cronies know having the means to make equestria a only pony rule.

“Signify your loyalty to me and me alone creature” ace point said and stuck his hand out towards drake like he was a dog thinking he would take it and join him but sadly for him he just signed his own grave.

Dracule looked at ace point’s hand then glared at him at eye point that scared ace point a little and before he knew it drake took one step and *Bash* kicked ace point in the face that sent him flying back into the other ponies that barely dodged him, some still got hit and fell to the ground with him, drake set his foot back down and said “ Yeah.. No. That’s not happening”

The other ponies were shocked to see their leader get kicked back like he was nothing. They broke out of their shock and went to help ace point, while a few pulled out hidden swords from their robs to keep drake back if he tries anything.

Ace point was beyond shocked that drake didn’t obey to him. The kick drake did on him hurt a lot and busted two of his teeth. The spell they used should have affected him “This doesn’t make sense”

Ace point looked at drake having one of his hands support his bruised cheek and yelled “You should be under my control, the spell was made to summon and control any being that comes through?!” ace point and the rest of the ponies that fell got up and they also pulled out swords and others had maces.

Dracule looked at him confused “Wait they brought me here so they could use me as their weapon?!

Right now inside drake’s body he was feeling an emotion only few could make him feel and end up dead later. That feeling was “RAGE” this was the first time this ever happened in his life. There were many things that happened to drake on earth, but being told to be someone’s weapon, property, slave, this was the first and he hated it.

Dracule eyes burned with rage and glared daggers at the ponies “So you took me from my world, just to use me as your slave!” drake words were spoken like venom that scared some of the ponies. He grabbed masamune on his side pulled it out of it’s scabbard and pointed it at ace point, his anger making ace point body shack in fear “Each and everyone of you are going to die here”

Ace point body kept on shaking, fear taking over. Because he just angered a beast that was ready cut them all down in anger.