Warrior To Hero

by Flowjam

Chapter 2 The skill of a Warrior

Down below, inside a old ruin. There was a library and inside were a bunch of male ponies wearing robs and wielding weapons. And across from them was a very angry human ready to paint the floor red with their blood.

Ace point was afraid and scared, not thinking his plan would backfire. Ace point was frightened by the creature, no this wild animal that somehow bypassed the spell from the portal and know fighting back even threatening to kill him.

At first ace though it was over but remember the creature was alone and he had his henchmen, his confidence came back realizing that he had the advantage. Ace point smiled and looked at drake with a glare “You fool do you not see what you are up against. Its just you against my mighty legion, and you think you can fight all of us, just stop and surrender”

Ace point’s smile never left his face thinking he already won and thinking drake would giving up and succumb to his will, but dracule is someone that never gives up or back out from a fight, Never.

Dracule scoffed at ace point’s big words and said “Do you really think I would just give up and listen to a idiot like you” drake put masamune back inside its scabbed and went into his quickdraw stance “ Die or fight. It’s your choice little pony” drake grinned ready to take down these bastards.

Masamune was a well crafted katana sword, passed down from parent to child over the years in the knight household.

The blade was made out of carbine fiber steel and titanium making the blade sharp and strong. The hilt of the katana was made out of steel and in a rectangular shape and a dragon engraved to the hilt, the handle was red and black mixed together. The scabbard was red with white marks, made out of a strong hard wood his ancestors used for the blade to secure and hold masamune perfectly. Masamune was a beautiful and deadly masterpiece used by only those in the knight family either be male or female, the sword had face many people and slayed many animals but know masamune will get to taste something new for a change.

Ace point was pissed that drake didn’t surrender to him and dare call him an idiot and a little pony. He is the leader of the mighty legion. They were supposed to take control of everything and change it for the better. Ace point yelled out to his followers “All of you kill this animal. We will find another means in taking equestrian, kill this fool

All of the ponies yelled out their battle cries and ran at drake. Dracule saw the amount of ponies there were and put the number in his head.

The mighty legion
10 earth ponies
10 Pegasus ponies
15 unicorn ponies (counting ace point)
Total 35

Music: Rage Never Dies, Asura’s wrath

Drake grinned at this and clicked masamune out a bit “Alright. Let’s have some fun” when the ponies were in a good distance drake dashed forward to the first pony that was a earth pony and *Shining* slashed diagonally across his chest.

The earth pony didn’t know what happened, in his eyes he saw drake stand in his spot then disappear right in front of him not giving him a chance to react. The other ponies saw this but drake didn’t stop and went to the next one in extreme speed, killing four more in his quick draw stance leaving 5 earth ponies left.

The ponies backed up not wanting to get close to him, drake saw this and grew a bored look on his face “what’s wrong. Scared to get cut little ponies” drake mocked them to get them to come right at him and it worked.

One of the pegasi ponies got mad and so did his pals and said “You damn freak, nothing’s faster than a Pegasus” he turned to the other Pegasus ponies “Let’s show this animal what we can do” they all nodded and flew in the air and came right a drake with their swords raised high.

Drake chuckled at them “Know the flying rats what to play”.

The first pegasi came at drake pretty fast but drake trained himself to dodge, block, or direct incoming projectiles much faster, so it wasn’t hard for drake to see the flying pony heading towards him. Once the pony got in close and aimed his sword to stab him, drake dodged to the side letting the Pegasus attack miss, grabbed the ponies arm and pulling it behind his back *Crack* breaking his arm.

The pony screamed and dropped his sword but was silenced when drake let go of his broken arm and grabbed the sword before it hit the floor and *Shining* cutting diagonally through his face killing him and know having two swords. One of the other pegasi tried to attack drake from behind but drake turned around fast and *Shik* stabbed his chest, another took this as a opportunity and attacked at drake’s opening on his side but he saw this and *Clink* blocked it with masamune pulling the other sword out of the dead Pegasus body and *Shining* vertically slashed through his face and chest killing another pegasi, drake saw another one flying behind him from the reflection of the stolen blade, getting ready to dive bomb him.

Gripping the sword he turned his body to the side and threw the sword straight at him, the sword flew fast *Shik* and ran right through the Pegasus stomach killing him, as he falls to the ground.

Another Pegasus tried to attack drake with another right behind him for support, when the Pegasus got close he swung his sword at drake in different directions going left and right, up and down but each one was blocked by drake perfectly not really trying because how unskillful their attacks where.

Drake blocked a vertical slash from the Pegasus and knocked the sword up leaving the Pegasus wide open. Drake was about to end his life but the Pegasus behind the one in front moved around and swung his sword horizontally at drake, drake jumped up dodging the sword and “Bash” kneeing the Pegasus that attacked first in the face.

While the first Pegasus was dazed drake moved towards the other one, the Pegasus swung his sword at drake but he was to fast for the Pegasus to hit and “Shining” sliced his neck open, he turn to the Pegasus he knee and ran right at him, the Pegasus was able to get himself together but it was to late drake slide on the ground cutting his leg making the Pegasus scream in pain, drake shot back up and vertically “Shining” slashed his stomach all the way to his chest.

This time 3 earth ponies and 2 winged ponies attacked drake. Two earth ponies swung their swords horizontally towards drake’s neck, but drake blocked both swords at the same time crouched under the blade while directing the swords over him. When he was between the two earth ponies drake spun and “Shining” sliced both their necks open as blood sprayed out some getting on his cloths.

Drake saw something and moved out of the way from a arrow that was aimed right at him. He looked up to see the two Pegasus with crossbows trying to hit drake from a far. Drake looked at the two Pegasus and said “it’s smart to change tactics and attack an enemy from faraway”

Drake sidestepped two more arrows, he looked to see an earth pony running right at him. Drake smiled putting masamune back in it’s scabbard, a plan formed in his head.

Drake kept dodging the arrows fired by the two pegasi while walking to the earth pony that was getting closer. When drake was in a good distance from the earth pony, he dash right at him, the speed drake did surprised and scared the earth that dropped his guard for a split second that soon cost him his life because at that moment drake was already on the earth pony.

Drake ”Bash” punch the earth pony hard in the stomach. The blow made the earth pony lose all air in his lungs, drake didn’t stop, he jumped and “Bash” elbowed the top of earth ponies head. Drake didn’t put much power into the hit just enough to kill the pony but not letting his body fall to the ground. Leaving the earth pony standing low, his eyed rolled back and blood falling down his face.

Drake stepped back jump and placed his foot on the ponies shoulder and jumped higher in the air. The force of the jump knocking the dead earth pony to the floor, drake’s right hand was placed on masamune’s handle ready to cut down the two birds in the air.

Dracule put enough force in his feet to jump and reach the pegasi that were in the air. Fear was plastered on their faces, their wings started to beat and move away but drake was to fast and got close to one of them. Dracule grabbed the one on the left, pulled masamune out of it’s scabbard and “Shining” slash across the ponies chest blood shot out coating drake’s face and hair, drake grinned “but it means nothing when face against someone that’s smart to find a way to get close”.

The Pegasus to the right saw the whole thing and placed an arrow on his crossbow his aim was shaky, but was able to aim and fire at drake. Drake saw the arrow coming and moved the still alive and bleeding Pegasus in the arrows direction. The arrow hit the Pegasus back, piercing and killing the Pegasus.

His wing stopped flapping and was about to fall but drake jumped off the dead pegasi to the other, his sword raised high. The Pegasus saw this and didn’t have enough time to put another arrow to the crossbow so he tried to block the sword with the crossbow.

It was a good idea but didn’t mean anything when the sword was masamune. Drake “Shining” slashed down cutting right through the crossbow and slicing the Pegasus from top to bottom. Drake landed down in a crouch position and slide masamune slowly back into it’s scabbard, when the blades hilt clicked the Pegasus in the air body “Schlicht” spread apart one going left and the other right splitting the pegasi in half and falling down to the ground in a sick “Splat

Leaving two earth ponies and four pegasi left.

Ace point saw all of this first hand and new facing drake up close would only make it faster to death’s door step “Dammit these idiots are dying like flies. I new earth ponies and Pegasus were useless” ace point frowned and sweat started to fall down from his forehead but smiled evilly and looked at his team of unicorns “It’s time to show how superior unicorns are to all species”

A big earth pony wielding a mace thought using his strength would overpower drake and end this fight but sadly drake has fought tougher opponents in his life and won every battle that composed in strength. When the earth pony came close to drake and dropped his mace on him like a hammer drake grabbed masamune with one hand and swung right at the mace *Clang* knocking it back without using a lot of his strength, the earth pony was wide eyed and shocked to be beaten in sheer power against something smaller than him.

The pony was wide open so drake spun and *Shining* slashed horizontally across his stomach “Schlicht” his guts fall to the ground and the earth pony falling to the floor.

A earth pony that saw what happened couldn’t take it and threw up on the floor “Gagging” as he tries to catch his breath “T-this is c-crazy! I can’t die here” after that the earth pony tried to run but ace point saw this and shot a fire spell at him hitting him and burning him alive killing the last earth pony of the group.

His screams captured the small group of pegasi and they were shocked to see their leader kill one of his men like he was nothing they all looked at ace point to ask why he did that but he spoke before them “That fool tried to run away like a coward, instead of fighting like he was supposed to and died for it”

The pegasi’s looked at each other not sure if it was right “But sir we can’t fight something like him, he’s to strong and faster than us” one of the pegasi said and the others nodded thinking it would be better if they run away.

Ace point saw this and his face turned red from rage “How dare they give up and let this creature beat use. Well if they won’t help then they can just die like the trash they are!!” Ace point turned to his team of unicorns and yelled at them “Kill these flying fools” the unicorns nodded. their horns started to glow and then they aimed their hands at the group of pegasi’s and fired explosive spells at them. The pegasi ponies were too shocked to reacted and were *Bang* shot down killing them before they hit the ground.

Killing the whole group of pegasi leaving only the 20 unicorns adding ace point into that number. Ace point smiled, happy to get rid of those pathetic excuse of ponies, he could always gain more anyway.

Dracule saw this and was not impressed “This guy just killed his own men just because they were smart enough to know they could never beat me in a close up fight” drake shook his head at this and looked at the group of now only unicorn ponies left “So that only leaves you guys left huh. Man your whole legion really suck”.

Ace point laughed at drake and said “We don’t need them because we have the power to kill you, the magical power of us all can vaporize you to dust” ace point turned to his fellow unicorns “Everyone fire your magic and kill this vermin” all of the unicorns charged their magic to let out one powerful blast to kill drake. When the magic was at its peak they all fired at him hoping to finally kill him.

For some reason when the magical blast was flying towards him. Drake felt like he didn’t have to dodge or move out of the way for some reason, his senses didn’t warn him the danger of the flying bolt of magic at all. So like a badass he took the blast head on.

When the magical beam hit drake *Boom* an explosion occurred and took the whole room, as a cloud of smoke blocked the ponies vision not knowing if it worked or not.

Ace point took cover before the blast hit. He got up and heard nothing drake was when the blast hit, he grinned widely thinking he finally took out that wild animal that tried to ruin everything for him but know he’s dead “Yes, that annoying pest is finally dead!” he started to walk towards the group of unicorns “Know all we have to do is take everything here an-”

“Wow, not bad. That was pretty cool how you all did that with just your hands alone” ace point thought’s were cut short when he heard that voice.

Everyone slowly looked at the smoke as it starts to fade “No” the smoke reviled drake’s feet “That’s impossible” the smoke cleared to show drake’s chest “This can’t be happening” the entire smoke cleared and showed dracule looking like the blast never hit him, wearing a smile on his face.

“Man that was surprising. I didn’t know you guys can fire huge beams like that” drake looked at the wide eyed, mouth opened ponies that thought he was dead but didn’t, he looked at ace point and saw he had the same face but in a angry way “what? Is there something on my face?” drake started wiping his face to play his joke but that only made ace point more angry.

“That’s impossible you should be dead. Killed, murdered” ace point yelled at drake at the top of his lungs that made the other ponies cover their ears from his loud voice, except drake that was far away.

Drake looked up, thinking “Well... I don’t know either but when it hit me, it did blow up but didn’t affect me somehow’ when drake said that the unicorns tried to understand what he meant but only one pony new what that means and he paled at the thought.

The unicorn pony turned to ace point “Umm sir. I might know why the spell didn’t work” ace point turned his whole body around to the pony and looked at him that said explain “Well I think that the portal might have done some negative effects on him meaning he could be immune to magic” the pony said. And every unicorn looked at him, shocked at that explanation and ace point whole color faded, if that’s true than…

Dracule whistled at this discovery “Huh so that means your so called magic won’t work on me. Well this went bad to worse for you all real fast” drake smiled and got into another stance wanting to end this quickly.

Breaking Benjamin-Dance with the Devil

All of the ponies started to freak out and panic but that only ended faster for them. Drake took one step and dash real fast “Shining” “Schlicht” cutting down each one in one smooth slash horizontally against their chests, neck, heads, cutting them open and taking them down one at a time, killing five unicorns, and leaving dead bodies behind him.

Ace point backed up to a corner and watched the bloodbath that was happening right in front of him, shaking and breathing hard as his heart beat faster every scream he heard.

A unicorn pony aimed his horn at drake’s head and fired, drake didn’t dodge the blast. The bolt of magic hit but like before it didn’t affect him. Drake turned to the pony and before the unicorn could run, he jumped *Shik* stabbing masamune right through him.

A few unicorns picked up some of the swords on the ground and tried to attack up close but like ace point said before, that would only lead to their death much faster. They all ran at drake in a line, so drake closed his eyes breathed in and excel out of his mouth.

For a split moment time seemed to slow down around drake, the ponies in front of him were moving slower. This was a technique drake learned that slows time in his eyes. In quick session drake opened his eyes, dashed into the group of unicorns running at him, weaved around them while slicing through them. And when drake got behind them he slowed down and stopped, the ponies behind him frozen in place but when he slide masamune into it’s scabbard their bodies just fell apart.

Dracule stood up and looked at the last few of unicorns backing away from him. Drake’s red eyes glowed, he stood forward, masamune on his side with his hand on the handle, his legs spread apart. Once in this stance dracule said “One Sword style: One shot kill

Dracule dashed so fast he became a blur disappearing and reappear behind the group of unicorns, masamune was half way inside the scabbard like he never pulled it out and once he appeared behind them *Shining* each one had a diagonal slash on their chest and fell to the ground dead from the super fast attack.

Music End.

Dracule put masamune back inside it’s scabbed and stood back up, he looked around and saw he killed every unicorn male in the room well… almost every unicorn.

Drake turned towards ace point that never left his corner in the room still shaking and looking paler, drake slowly walked to ace point. While walking towards him he picked up a random sword off the floor, he was right in front of ace point staring him down “So.Tell me. You ready to die?”.

Ace point quickly looked up at drake’s glowing red eyes “ I-I I-I’m n-” but it was to late drake already pulled back *Shik* stabbing the sword right through his head killing him on the spot letting go of the handle as ace point’s body lean forward.

Dracule backed up and looked around at the damage he did in the library “Guess that’s it. The portal that sent me here is gone, and the only ones that could send me back are all dead” drake paused for a second then shrug “Eh, whatever”.

Drake looked around the library and saw all of the books there were in the shelfs “I’m know in a new world so learning about it couldn’t hurt” right when he was about to go grab a book, drake stopped and looked at himself noticing all the blood that stained his clothes and reeked with sweat “Shit. Forgot about the blood, might as well change into a better set of clothes” drake went up to his pack that had the money, and his clothes inside and started to change into a better clothing style.