Alicorns and Creatures

by Alvaxerox


It was a beautiful day in land of Equestria. Everypony was going about their normal day. Their were 5 friends that mostly like to have fun. Their names are Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash is a full trained Wonderbolt, and is the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria.

Applejack is a street fighter, a brawler, a farmer and she runs the applefarm on Sweet Apple Acers. She is the one of the strongest earth ponies in her family. She also has a big brother name Big Macintosh, and a little sister name Applebloom.

Rarity is a fashion warrior and a stylist. She creates amazing outfits and designs and she protects people against those out would make an injustice to her clothes. She is also one of the most beautiful unicorn in the fashion business.

Pinkie pie is a boxer and a party planning crazed earth pony. She was full of energy, defines the laws of physics and and she makes partys last for a week.

Fluttershy is a shyful and kind pegasus. She loves animals. She mostly has great ideas that work. She keeps herself calm and brave in situations and even the most dangerous and toughests creatures yield to her kindness.

These five are the best friends ever. Nothing would make them happier. They also take on creatures who would bully ponies in their hometown Ponyville. But one day... Their lives will change forever...

One summer day in Ponyville... Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were house sitting Spike's home in the golden oaks library while he's away during the dragon migration. They've been enjoy how much the library is quiet with him around.

"Hey Dashie. When do you think Spike will come back? It's been 3 weeks." Pinkie Pie asked.

Rainbow Dash sighed and explained to her pink pony friend. "Look Pinkie. Spike is gone to a dragon migration and He said he promises to come back during the fall. I don't really know when exactly in the fall when he'll come back. Besides, he said the migration would help him get over his crush on Rarity. And also help him feel more like a dragon then a pony." Rainbow replied.

"Well... he better be back. It's kinda boring around here without him rocking to some music or looking at these cool movies." Pinkie said while looking through his movie set.

As the two girls kept the library nice and tidy, the ground started to rumbling... "P-P-Pinkie Pie-e-e... please tell me that's your party canon?" Rainbow Dash said while her body was shaking.

"I-I-I don't think so..." Pinkie Pie replied. Her tail starting acting up. "My Pinkie Senses are tingling." Pinkie said before she led out a big gasp! "Something big is coming down..."

"Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Come on out! There's a meteor falling from the sky!" Applejack said while busting through the door. "And its coming towards the outside of Ponyville. Hurry!"

Applejack gather Rarity and Fluttershy to come see the meteor in the sky. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie catched up as well. They see the meteor hurdling down faster and faster. Everypony was running in circles and screaming.

"Everypony is freaking out over this meteor." Fluttershy said.

"Of course they are dear, if that giant space rock lands, then it would be massive." Rarity said.

"The impact of that meteor could damage Ponyville, house will be destroyed. And ponies will be hurt!" Pinkie Pie said while being overactive.

"Then it looks like we need to stop it." Rainbow Dash said with a stern look on her face. "Applejack, I need your help." Rainbow Dash said to Applejack.

"What's the plan Rainbow."

"I'm gonna throw you to that meteor so you can stop the impact. I'll be behind you so you won't lose your trajectory." Rainbow Dash explained her plan to Applejack.

"All right Rainbow. Ah trust ya." Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash turned her head to Rarity. "Rarity I need you to be lander. I need you to make a diamond shield to block the meteor so that it so that way we won't cause any collateral damage while stopping it."

Rarity simply nodded and said. "Okay Rainbow Dash. But you better not damage my outfit. It's really rare."

Rainbow finally pointed her head to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, "You too, I need you to get everypony away the impact. Get everypony outside of Ponyville until we stop the meteor." Rainbow Dash said to the two girls.

"Okie dokie lokie! Come on Fluttershy. Let's get dangerous!" Pinkie Pie said while her heart is pumping fast due to the excitement.

"Um... Okay Pinkie. I don't even want my animals to get smoshed by the meteor." Fluttershy said.

Everyone had their mission. It was easy for Pinkie Pie to get Ponyville evacuated. Fluttershy took her animals to the woods where they can be safe. Rainbow Dash used her speed to throw Applejack up to the meteor... Rainbow Dash flew behind her to help ease down the meteor landing. Both girls were struggling, "Why won't this space rock... stop... falling!!!"

Applejack noticed something... "Uh... Rainbow... I don't this is a meteor...


Rarity was on the ground ready to catch Rainbow Dash and Applejack. She made the shield bigger so that the girls won't drag her to the ground. Rainbow Dash and Applejack landed on the ground but the meteor falling impact started to bury the two girls. That closely reached to Rarity's shield and as Rainbow Dash predicted the meteor stopped moving. And it was an inch close to Rarity. Applejack and Rainbow Dash got up from the soil. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy lead everypony to the meteor now that it's safely on the ground. Everypony cheered for the 5 girls that saved them from the meteor.

"You did It!!!"

"Way to go!"

"You stopped the meteor from destroying Ponyville."

"You the girl Rarity."

"Thank you Pinkie Pie!"

"You rock Rainbow Dash!"

The 5 friends complemented on the cheers but Rainbow Dash loved the cheers and the celebration. "Yep. Just me and my best friends work together and saved you from the meteor! No need to thank me. A hero's work is never done." Rainbow Dash while doing poses.

Meanwhile, the girls looked at the meteor as the smoke cleared and they were in for a shocking surprise. "Uh... Rainbow Dash darling?" Rarity said nervously.

"Yeah Rarity?"

"This is not a meteor sugercube." Applejack said.

Everypony stopped cheering after hearing what Applejack said. Rainbow Dash eyes widened. "Um... pardon?"

She walked up to the meteor and discovered that the girls were right... "It's not a meteor... It's a spaceship." Applejack said. Everypony gasped.

"A spaceship?"

"Like an in..."

Fluttershy heart was pounding fast as she was sweating out fear... "A spaceship... you mean as in... aliens?"

"Aliens? Like from outer space?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"You mean to tell us that... we've been helping an alien life form safely land onto Equestria?!" Rarity angrily said out of fear.

Rainbow Dash was sweating. "If so... then that would be awesome... And kinda bad right? I mean... the aliens in the movies simply attack people and falsely say that they come in peace."

"Girls look!" Applejack pointed to a window of the ship.

They walked to down the ship and took a close look at the window... They see amazing technology and someone inside... A girl with dark blue hair with pink and purple stripes. Wearing a crimson red and white outfit and she was in hypersleep and her skin was peach. She's not a pony.

"It's a girl." Fluttershy pointed out. "She looks... innocent."

"Maybe she does come in peace after all right." Pinkie said.

Rarity eyes wided in awe. "She's... so... beautiful."

Rainbow Dash was kinda disappointed but mainly worried. "Do you think she's alright?" Rainbow Dash asked Applejack.

"Not sure partner. She seems to be in a deep sleep of some kind. We should take her to Canterlot, maybe the princess can figure out what she is..." Applejack suggested.

"Good idea Darling. Let's go."

To be continued...