Alicorns and Creatures

by Alvaxerox


A few days have passed. Princess Celestia has informed Ponyville that Twilight comes in peace and will be living among them. Twilight loved living in the Golden Oaks Library. She even added her ship's technology as a part of her room. To make it more like she's home. She plans to walk outside and hang out with the girls since they've been so nice to her during her arrival.

The next day...

Twilight woke from her sleep. And brushed her teeth. She went outside and decided to make a to do list. First she's gonna go hang out with Pinkie Pie. Then Rarity, then Applejack, then Fluttershy and finally Rainbow Dash. She walked over too where Pinkie Pie works. Sugercube Corner. Pinkie Pie helps the family who owns the store. Their calles the Cakes with selling desserts. Twilight walked in. "Hi Pinkie." Twilight said while waving her hand.

"Hi Twilight. What brings you here?" Pinkie asked.

"Well... you know. I was thinking you and I could hang out. I want to get to know you and the others. It's the least I can do since you saved me from my crash landing." Twilight explained.

"Oh sure. I've been waiting since yesterday to hear you asked that." Pinkie said.

She and Twilight left Sugercube Corner and hanged out. "So Pinkie, what would you like to do?" Twilight asked.

"Well... I was thinking you can show me your superpowers." Pinkie asked nicely.

"Uh... okay... why?" Twilight asked.

"Since your a superhero and have a cool origin story. I want to your powers and how you fight." Pinkie replied.

"Oh... okay." The 2 girls went to a hill so that they won't cause any damage. "Okay Pinkie. Are you ready?"

"Heck Yeah!!! Let her rip Sparkle!!!" Cried Pinkie.

Twilight concentrated and formed a red glowing aura on her hands. And lavitated Pinkie from the ground. "OMC! You can lift things without touching them..." Pinkie said with excitement. "That is awesome!"

"It's called pshycokenisis. Or telekinesis. I use my hands to help move stuff in the air." Twilight said. "But that's not all I can do." Twilight lifted herself off the ground and was floating.

Pinkie gasped. "You can fly?!" She asked.

"Yep." Twilight answered. "Now watch this..." She took Pinkie Pie for a flying ride. Pinkie was so surprise that Twilight can fly without wings.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was showing off her awesomeness to her fans. And she loved the attention. She later saw Pinkie pie fly with Twilight. "What?! Are you kidding me? She can fly?" Rainbow Dash complained. She flew after Twilight and Pinkie as they made a safe landing. "Hey Sparkle!" Rainbow cried out to Twilight. "Why didn't you tell me you can fly?"

"Because you didn't ask her Dashie." Pinkie said.

"Shut up Pinkie. Don't defend her." Rainbow Dash said to Pinkie Pie. "Listen Sparkle. I don't know what your doing showing off your fancy superpowers. But your in my turf. I don't want you near my turf. It's bad enough that the Wonderbolts are having a show here tonight, and they don't need so alien Red Guardian showing that she's better then them. The wonderbolts are heroes too." Rainbow Dash ranted.

Pinkie took Twilight away from Rainbow Dash. "It's okay Twilight. Look, ever since Rainbow Dash became a Wonderbolt. She thinks she's a legend because of it. And when somepony comes here becoming more popular even when they haven't done nothing, she intends to thinks that anypony is predictable. The best thing to do is to just ignore her." Pinkie explained to Twilight. They turn their heads to Rainbow Dash and she had her arms crossed.

Twilight nodded. And Pinkie Pie decided to call it in for the day. She had a lot of fun with Twilight. And hopes to do it again. And wanted to spar with her.

Next on the list she decided to visit Applejack. She went to Sweet Apple Achers. She sees Applejack working. "Hey Applejack." Twilight said.

"Oh... Howdy Twilight." Applejack said. " So nice to see ya. So what brings ya to my farm sugercube?" She asked.

"I just thought I hang out with you for a while. You know... see what you do and maybe have fun..." Twilight explained.

"Sure thing. Granny Smith, Applebloom and Big Macintosh are away for the day. Cause Ah really like to see how strong you are." Applejack said.

"How strong I am?" Twilight raised a brow.

"Pinkie quickly mentioned how your superpowers are flight and dat moving stuff with your mind and hands powers. So I wanna see if you got strength like me." Applejack explained while showing her muscles.

"Oh okay." Twilight answered.

The 2 girls went to the field. And Applejack got two rocks. "Okay partner. We're gonna test out your strength. Life that rock. It's very heavy. Ah'll lift it first and then you." Applejack lifted the rock with her arms. Twilight then did the same thing. "Holy smokes. You are strong." Applejack said. "Now can you try with one hand?"

"That might be tricky for me." Twilight tried to be put one arm down but she was about to lose her balance and her arm was starting to give.

"Okay enough." Applejack and Twilight put both their rocks down. "You really are strong." Applejack complemented.

"But your more stronger." Twilight complimented back.

"Thanks Twi. I should be getting back to work. But I like to go a few rounds with you someday." Applejack said.

Twilight waved goodbye to Applejack as she sets off to Rarity's house. She knocked at the door. Rarity opened it. "Twilight darling. Welcome to Carousel Boutique. This is where I work and sleep in."

"It looks nice Rarity." Twilight noticed that Fluttershy was here as well. "Oh hey Fluttershy."

"Oh... hey Twilight. How are you"? Fluttershy asked.

"I'm good. I wanted to hang out with Rarity. I've heard she uses gems to help make her clothes look beautiful." Twilight said.

"First of all darling, it's a fashion design. And second I do collect gems."

"Well I was thinking since the others were interested in my powers. Maybe I can show you how I can find a gem." Twilight explained to Rarity.

"Ohhh ho ho ho ho..." Rarity giggled. "You can do that. Come on Fluttershy let's go."

The 3 girls want to where Rarity usually finds gems. Twilight found a big rock, she used her powers and see if she can see the gems inside. It's called a 6 scent. "There's only one." Rarity lowered her brows in disappointment. "But it's really big." Twilight pointed out. Rarity and Fluttershy were surprise. Twilight punched a hole in the rock and levitated the big red gem. "Ta-da!"

Rarity and Fluttershy were impress. "Oh thank you thank you thank you Twilight. I absolutely love it." Rarity said. "You know... I don't really like fighting that much since I am a lady of fashion. But... I kinda like to see your moves. I am a fashion warrior after all." Twilight nodded and agreed. Rarity went home waving goodbye.

"So Fluttershy. What do you do." Twilight asked.

"Oh well... follow me." Twilight followed Fluttershy to her cottage. She's an animal care taker. And she took Twilight to a pond where some of the small animals live close too. "Usually I like to hang out at home and with my animal friends. And sometime swim in the pound. You want to swim?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight nodded. As Twilight was getting her swim clothes on. She saw Fluttershy wearing nothing at all to swim.

"Fluttershy... why are you in your birthday suit?" Twilight asked.

"What do you mean birthday suit?"

"I mean... Why are you naked?" Twilight explained.

"Oh yeah. Sometimes when I'm alone with my animal friends I like to feel free with my animals. It's to help them get use to me and my scent. And I like to swim free too. It feels so relaxing. You should try it." Fluttershy suggested.

Twilight took off her swim clothes. And Fluttershy never saw a naked human before. They both got into the pond and swam for a little while.

"See Twilight? It's feels good to swim in the free bare skin. Fluttershy said. She swam some more and more. Twilight did but later she felt uncomfortable.

"Yeah... this is not working out for me. We can do different stuff expect skinny dipping." Twilight said. "I'm gonna go back home. Today has been okay. I'll see you next time Fluttershy."

"Okay Twilight. I understand, goodbye." Fluttershy waved goodbye as she continued swimming and her some fish swam with her too.

It was getting dark out. Twilight was relaxing for little while. And then she wrote a note.

"Dear princess Celestia, I've been doing okay with my time in Ponyville. The ponies were okay with me. And the girls were very nice with me and admire my superpowers except for Rainbow Dash. She seems jealous. Anyways I wanted to let you. The girls are the best friends I ever made.

Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight sent the note throw the magic tube that will be sent to the castle... "What a day." Twilight went to her bed and went to sleep. Tomorrow is another day...

To be continued...