Error Code: FIO

by Ashfur

Arc 2-4: Lost and found

"Hello, Long Lost." Celestia's words echoed in the stallion's head for a moment . "It's a pleasure to finally see you in pony here as opposed to seeing you struggling in the outside world. How has your experience been so far?"

Lost, now bearing his new name, looked at the princess inquisitively. "Um... so far, so good. Although I have to question your use of puns. Blue Scream giving me a blue screen? Seriously?"

"Puns are a natural part of Equestria, my little pony. Not so common that you would tear your mane out, mind you, but enough to keep you occupied. Trust me, I had puns set up for everypony you could have spoken to. You just chose Blue Scream. As for your little... impact earlier, I don't think I need to remind you that I know ALL your online history. I've seen which games you play. You like it when games get 'meta', as it were. You wouldn't be worried about glitches and exploits otherwise, would you?" Celestia inquired. Lost shook his head dismissively.

"Alright, fair. I've played way more than enough games that fake crashes for you to notice that. Heck, I bet anyone could figure that out with enough time." He trotted forward, finding himself at the bottom of the stairs leading to the throne. "But you would also know I like bending the rules of the world. Loopholes, exploits, exceptions... all those and more. Not to use them, but to help the game improve. And a certain guard informed me that she helps even though you don't need any."

He didn't even need to finish the thought. "Your values are satisfied in part by finding and fixing mistakes in games. Debugging, playtesting. You want to learn how to break the world so you can figure out how to fix it if it breaks again. For the sake of the other ponies here. Am I wrong?"

"You really are as smart as they say you are. Or you've read my social media."

"Actually, it was your questions about errors and crashes when we spoke earlier that really made me think you want to fix them. I know all about human mannerisms. You are a kind soul, wanting to help others. You fit in well in Equestria, so much it feels like you are a long lost relative. Thus your name."

Lost smiled. First a genuine smile due to having someone who cared enough to know him so well.
Then it evolved into a smug grin. "Alright then princess Smarty-Smart. What can you teach me about this crazy world of ones and zeroes?"

Location: Just outside the throne room
Time: 6:00 PM

Blue Scream waited patiently by the doors the the throne room. It had been two hours, so she knew her new friend would get his name soon, and then they could have so many fun times together! She may be a guard, but in Equestria she could take as many days off as she wanted. In fact, most days she did choose to show up were days something fun and exciting happened! She was in the middle of fondly recalling the previous week's food fight in the banquet hall when a familiar gray unicorn walked out the doors towards her.

"Hey, Blue! Nice to finally be able to introduce myself. I'm Long Lost, nice to meet you."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you! So, what's your name mean? Tell me, tell me! We've got to go get something sweet to celebrate! I know this great candy shop that sells smoothies and ice cream and-" Blue found herself silenced by Lost holding a hoof to her mouth gently.

"Calm down, Blue! Geez. We can go get something, but it's not like I can eat it in the outside world. Stull, might be nice to explore the city. And Celesia named me Long Lost because she said I act like a long lost citizen of Equestria. It's not TOO big a deal."

Blue scowled. "Not too big a deal? NOT TOO BIG A DEAL?! The princess tells you that you belong here, all but declares you a friendship expert, and it's not too big a deal? What a load of Malarkey! You march your flank right out that door and follow me to the candy cafe, and we are going to CELEBRATE! NOW MARCH, SOLDIER!" With a startled 'eep!', Lost dashed toward the castle doors with Blue Scream hot on his heels. That was, until a shimmering message appeared in the doorway, and they skidded to a halt in front of them.

Blue eyed the message curiously. It read 'The door you seek is Object_Door3486. -Celestia'. The blue earth pony didn't seem to understand, but Lost did. He poked Blue with a hoof before guiding her to another, smaller door on the side of room, and cast a spell on it before stepping through. Blue followed, and while stepping out into the candy shop she knew was halfway across Canterlot was unexpected, she had worked with Celestia long enough to know the gateway spell. She turned to face Lost, pride evident on his face. "Surprised? Celestia taught me a few spells, since I have some programming knowledge. All I had to do was edit a few lines of code and boom, instant shortcut!"

Blue grabbed Lost into a bone-crushing hug. "That was amazing! I've never seen anypony master complex magic like that so fast, what's your secret?"

"Computer science classes at college. Now, let's eat, shall we? I'm sure you have things to do better than hang out with me."

Blue giggles. "I can take all the time I want to. And I want to enjoy spending time with my new friend. Come on Lost, let's get this date started!" And she turned and walked into the establishment.

"Wait, did you say date?"