Error Code: FIO

by Ashfur

Arc 3-2: Shine with hope

It didn't take long for the trio to reach a secluded area in order to test Glitch's new idea. While the three worked tirelessly in order to get the spell correct, fixing brackets and finding those pesky colons posing as semicolons, the rest of the ponies got to work scrounging through the homes and businesses that made up ponyville. It was a long effort, and many struggled without Celestia there to ensure optimal satisfaction. This meant that many useful materials were left behind and the things that were gathered were in unorganized piles, but by the time Glitch and company got back there was plenty to sort through. Still, commendations were in order. Glitch congradulated the ponies on a job well done before assigning houses to each pony, making sure everypony had enough supplies, and finally taught the modified spell he dubbed Replicate to all the unicorns present so they could copy food and supplies until everything was under control, however long that may be. As the happier ponies walked to their new homes, Glitch and his friends retreated to the Castle of Friendship to plan their next move.

Location: Cutie Map Room, Castle of Friendship
Time: 3:20 P.M.

Round tables, Glitch quickly discovered, were very useful for pacing in a circle as he thought things through. Had any of the canon cast been present, they likely would have thrown a fit at the stallion using a priceless magical artifact as an impromptu treadmill, but Circuit and Loop didn't seem to mind.

"Alright, so let's go over what we know so far. SOMETHING broke an entire shard, but we don't know what, and it happened relatively quickly." This earned Glitch nods of approval from the two mates. "Furthermore, despite what I can assume to be casualties in the dozens from this mystery force, Celestia has yet to help us, despite the fact that morale hit an absolute low point before I stepped up to get everypony going again." Andother nod. Glitch turned to Circuit and tilted his head in confusion. "And remind me again: I can't just tell her in the physical world because...?"

"Okay, so you found this pad in the river, right?" Circuit asked. Upon receiving an affirmative noise from Glitch, she sighed. "Then there's chance that she'll get mad since you never bought it. There's a chance she'll break it trying to fix it, or not realize we are in here and just recycle it."

Loop spoke up, confused. "I'm pretty sure that would never happen, the princess is very loving and understandi-"

"I DON'T WANNA DIE!" screamed Circuit, tears beginning to form on her face. "All... all my life Celestia has been there to solve all my problems. She loves us, yeah. But now we have this, losing families and the like, and she doesn't show up! What... what if she l-left us? If... if she resets our shard to 'fix' things, what happens to me? My memories? I don't want to... I can't... I'm not ready to let go of this. Of life." The yellow mare covered her face and cried, tears flowing freely as she wailed and sobbed. Glitch and Loop both moved to hold and comfort her. It took ten minutes, but the tears slowed and Short Circuit looked at Glitch with red, puffy eyes. " this how it feels out there, Glitch? How do you live like this, knowing that you might not get up in the morning? That one day you might just... disappear?"

Alex took a moment to glance at the weathered plastic sword still stuck in the rocks before sighing and giving his response as System Glitch. "Honestly? A lot of us don't live. We exist, sure. But living and existing are two very different things. But that doesn't mean we can't make our own life for now, making sure these ponies are safe." He paused to let Circuit take this information in. "Now, Short Circuit. I promise, I swear on everything I love that I will not tell Celestia until you are ready. But you have to promise me something, too."

The yellow pony nodded, her electric blue mane hanging to one side as thoguh it too could feel the gloomy mood in the room. "Name it."

"Promise me... promise me that you won't let your fears rule rule you. Keep hoping for the future. Because that hope for tomorrow's sunrise is a light all its own. And no matter how dark it gets, don't worry..."

Location corrupted
Time corrupted

A child lies crying in the dead grass late one winter night. He has nothing, no hope, no light, no family or friends to comfort him after the hell he just went through. He looks up ward, crying out to the heavens in defiance, begging for closure. A shooting star flies overhead, and he wishes for something, anything, to turn back the clock and fix what has been broken. Something to look forward to so he can have a reason to continue. Instead, he falls asleep as he watches the star pass over the horizon. When he wakes again, he sees an indescribably beautiful sunrise centered on that point of the horizon. Moved by the hauntingly beautiful view reflected in his eyes, he makes a promise. A promise to keep holding onto hope, regardless of the circumstances. A promise to make sure that noone loses hope, no matter how dark it gets...

Location: Castle of Friendship, Cutie map room
Date: Sunday, March 6th, 2016, 4:30 P.M.

"...because in the darkest of nights, the tiniest spark of hope shines with the light of a million suns."

"I promise."

"We all promise. All three of us."