//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Radiant // by SC_Orion //------------------------------// Rainbow casually stroked Twilight's mane, slowly brushing her hoof along the back side of Twilight's neck. Her eyes trailed along the alicorn's features, tracing along her slender, sleek body. The dawn light peeking through the windows just barely vanquished the darkness of the room and gave enough light for her to make out the alicorn she held close. Her side was still darkened, but the distinct lack of the outline of Twilight's wing protected beneath her own wing sent a pang throughout her being. If it weren't for her missing wing, Rainbow wouldn't be able to find a single fault with how she looked. Twilight shifted subtly, pushing herself closer to Rainbow and burying her muzzle deeper into Rainbow's neck and chest as she continued to stroke her mane. Rainbow smiled, then lifted her head up and slowly brushed her nose up and down against Twilight's forehead. Seconds passed, and her nuzzle continued, though her strokes slowed down with each passing second, lengthening and drawing out the feeling of Twilight's soft, silken coat against her sensitive nose. A feeling of calmness emanated from the contact, making a little well of giddiness swell up inside of her chest. SImply getting to hold, touch, and nuzzle Twilight always left her happy, and it was a great way to start any day. She closed her eyes, then started brushing her nose side to side against Twilight's forehead. After a few seconds, her strokes once more slowed. She sighed softly, then leaned in, brushing the length of her muzzle against Twilight's forehead and mane. She pulled back, then laid her head back down on the pillow and gently pressed her chin against the back of Twilight's head, securing the sleeping alicorn in place. She smiled and idly looked down Twilight's back as she continued to brush her forehoof through her mane. The way in which the strands of Twilight's mane parted around her hoof was simply beautiful. While her mane was slightly disarrayed, with the normally pristine pink and lavender highlights melded in with the blue strands composing the rest of her mane, and a few strands sticking or curling out from their normal positions, she was still unquestionably beautiful. No amount of chaos could ever change Rainbow's opinion on that. She slowly angled her forehoof slightly, then brushed the edge of her hoof through Twilight's mane, running her hoof down the back of Twilight's neck. Twilight's soft mane tickled her hoof, and even as she lifted her hoof up to stroke her again, she could feel the lingering sensation left on her hoof from Twilight's mane. She gently rubbed her muzzle into Twilight's soft mane, then she squeezed Twilight with her left foreleg. Her repeated strokes left a slight indentation in Twilight's mane where her hoof ran through, leaving a mark to display her affection. Brushing her mane would be easier once she woke up since she had already started on it. Every few seconds, Twilight's side grew, then slowly shrank back with her steady breathing. It was rhythmic and calm, the mare was at peace, and it showed. There was no stress, nor any conscious involvement in her breathing, and so the gentle rhythm continued unimpeded, and that gave Rainbow a deep sense of peace. Her heartbeat, like her breathing, was calm and controlled, not frantic nor panicked. Rainbow found the gentle pulse from Twilight's steady heartbeat even more calming and relaxing than her breathing. She wasn't nervous, and her muscles were relaxed, rather than tensed up. It felt right. Rainbow gradually let her eyes wander back over to Twilight's side. She shifted a bit, then reluctantly lifted her wing up, revealing Twilight's barren side. Twilight shifted her weight and pressed herself further into Rainbow's embrace. Rainbow glanced away from Twilight's side and looked over her muzzle. The edges of her lips were pulled down. Her legs and hind legs shifted and fidgeted uncomfortable, as if she saught Rainbow's protection even more, or as if she was cold and wanted more of Rainbow's comforting warmth. A soft, piercing whimper broke the stillness of the room. Rainbow laid her wing back down on Twilight's side, embracing and protecting her, covering her side from sight. Twilight's muscles tensed up for a brief instant, then the tension faded. Over the next few seconds, her fidgeting slowed, and she relaxed again. Rainbow looked away from Twilight and watched the blankets. She took a deep breath, then slid her forehoof up to the back of Twilight's head. She hugged Twilight close, pressing Twilight's limp body into her own and refusing to let her go. Eventually, she let up, but she continued to keep her hooves and wings wrapped around her mare to hold her. Twilight twitched, then rubbed her muzzle against Rainbow's neck. Rainbow's lips pulled up from the feeling. She hesitantly slid her head back, freeing Twilight's head. At first, nothing happened, but after a few seconds, Twilight's head twitched, jerking back slightly. A few more seconds passed, then Twilight slowly slid her head back. Rainbow lifted her head up and watched Twilight with a smile. Twilight squinted, clenching her eyes closed, then she begrudgingly parted an eye. As soon as she opened her eye, she closed it again and clenched her eyes shut before she opened both of her eyes. As she opened her eyes, her lazy eyelids drooped about halfway closed, partially covering her eyes. Twilight glanced up at Rainbow, then her eyes darted to the smile on Rainbow's lip. Twilight closed her eyes and smiled giddily. Rainbow chuckled a little, then leaned down and tenderly nuzzled Twilight, brushing her muzzle along Twilight's muzzle in long, slow strokes. "Hey..." she greeted softly. Twilight cooed softly and leaned her muzzle in against Rainbow's muzzle, wanting to lengthen the contact. Eventually, she opened her eyes and looked up at Rainbow. A look of curiosity and joy breathed life into the formerly lifeless, dull orbs. Her irises were so vibrant and stunning, so filled with life, that they almost seemed to sparkle or glisten with the happiness radiating through her being from the simple action of Rainbow's nuzzle. Rainbow's nuzzle slowed to a stop, then she slowly lifted her head up. Twilight's lips twitched downward but quickly lifted back up into a smile as she watched her. "Morning, Twi... sleep okay?" Twilight sheepishly looked away from Rainbow's face and nodded. She stared at Rainbow's neck and chest, and her smile lingered. "Yeah..." she trailed off, then closed her eyes as her mouth opened all the way and she yawned. She exhaled calmly and her eyes fluttered closed. Twilight nestled into the pillow, only for Rainbow's forehoof to slide from her mane, along her neck, to her jawline. Her body shivered in pleasure at the feeling. The sensation of Rainbow's hoof lingered, even as her hoof slid up to her chin. Ever so slowly, Rainbow coaxed Twilight's muzzle up. Twilight offered no resistance, and she watched Rainbow, almost shyly. Rainbow smiled comfortingly down at Twilight. After a few seconds, she slowly leaned down, then brushed her nose against Twilight's nose. Twilight's warm breath tickled Rainbow's nose, and her breathing slowed, becoming more controlled and rigid. Rainbow grinned, then slowly brushed her lips against Twilight's lips. Twilight slowly closed her eyes, and her jaw relaxed ever so slightly as their lips met. Rainbow gently kissed Twilight, pressing her soft, warm lips against Twilight. After a few seconds, Rainbow pulled back, then slowly slid her hoof up along Twilight's cheek. Twilight slowly opened her eyes. For a couple of seconds, she watched Rainbow, then her eyes darted down and focused on her neck and chest. Her smile lingered on her lips, just like the tingle left in the kiss's wake. After a few seconds, Rainbow shifted, then held Twilight tight and rolled over onto her back, pulling Twilight up on top of her body. She let her hind legs fall aside, but she kept her forelegs wrapped around Twilight's withers. Twilight took a deep breath, then sighed softly and scooted down a little bit so she could lay her head on Rainbow's chest. She stared at the crystal wall across from the window, idly looking over the details, but not bothering to give it any thought. Rainbow pulled her wings off of Twilight, then brought them up and wrapped them around Twilight's withers. Twilight's lips pulled up more and she closed her eyes. Rainbow slowly slid her wings back along Twilight's body, gently caressing her with her wings, sliding her feathers through her coat. Twilight tensed up a bit and Rainbow slowed as her wings met Twilight's wing and barren side. The next few seconds passed painfully slow as Rainbow continued to brush her wings over Twilight's body at a snail's pace. And yet, as Rainbow's feathers enveloped Twilight's side, the tension in her muscles slowly receded as she relaxed. Rainbow held her wings in place over her sides, protecting her from any further injury. Rainbow studied Twilight's expression, searching for any discomfort, displeasure, or pain. She had to tilt her head to the left to see, but Twilight just stared at the wall absently, looking as if her mind was wandering pointlessly. "Are you okay?" Rainbow asked quietly. Twilight blinked once at Rainbow's question. After a moment, her eyes lazily darted back and forth across the wall. Eventually, she slowly lifted her head up and turned to face Rainbow. Her smile was gone. In its place, a blank, empty line. Twilight shifted her weight a bit, then looked back at her side. After a few seconds, she looked back at Rainbow, though she didn't meet her gaze. Instead, she looked down and to the left, staring down at the bed beneath them. "You know... I still can't decide whether I like that or not..." she mused. Rainbow unwrapped her wings from around Twilight, then folded them to her sides. Twilight's brow creased and a frown crossed her lips. After a few seconds, her frown twisted into a grimace and she bobbed her head from side to side. "I like it but at the same time, it's... I don't know," she answered. "It..." she trailed off and nibbled on her lip. "You're... the only pony I'm okay with... touching there..." she trailed off and tilted her head to the right. "It... sort of feels nice, I guess, but..." she trailed off, her grimace returning. Her grimace turned pensive as she thought about it more, and the crease in her brow deepened. "It's... okay," she finally answered. She looked up at Rainbow and met her gaze for a slight moment. "It... feels okay when your wing touches it..." she whispered. A second later, her eyes jumped back down to look at Rainbow's chest. "It just... I know that..." she trailed off. Rainbow nodded slowly, then gently laid her wing back on Twilight's side. Her muscles tensed, then relaxed as Rainbow's soft feathers brushed against her side and came to rest there. Twilight sighed softly and her ears folded back. Her eyelids lazily drooped, and she slowly laid her head down on Rainbow's chest. Rainbow slowly brought a forehoof up, then gently stroke Twilight's mane, running her hoof from the top, down the back of her neck through her mane, parting it into two sections. Twilight closed her eyes and smiled. Her ears slowly relaxed and stood back up normally. "Hey... you want to stay like this for a while, or go ahead and get up?" Rainbow asked softly. Twilight was silent. For several seconds, she just laid there, her eyes half closed. Eventually, she looked up at Rainbow and lazily met her gaze. Rainbow smiled down at her reassuringly. Twilight's eyes slowly trailed over the mare's expression, though it was hard to see for the dim light coming from the early morning sun. After a few seconds, she glanced down at Rainbow's chest, then she slowly brushed her muzzle forward and to the right over Rainbow's chest. She closed her eyes and laid the side of her head down on Rainbow's chest so that her muzzle pointed at the wall. Rainbow leaned down and slowly brushed her muzzle against Twilight's muzzle. She felt Twilight's muscles react accordingly, and her smile grew warmer. Eventually, she stopped and pulled her head back up to look down at Twilight. Twilight slowly opened her eyes, then took a deep breath. "Can we... stay like this for a while?" she asked softly. Rainbow nodded. "Of course, Twi..." she answered softly. "Thank you..." Twilight whispered back. She watched Rainbow for a few seconds, then rubbed her cheek against Rainbow's chest. Her eyelids slowly drooped, then closed. Her nuzzle slowed and the strokes grew longer and more drawn out until they eventually ceased, and her breathing calmed back to the gentle, steady rhythm of sleep. Rainbow watched Twilight, then slowly leaned in and laid her lips on Twilight's forehead, exactly where her horn would have been. She didn't see it, but the corners of Twilight's lips pulled up. Rainbow closed her eyes, and a few tears spilled out of the edges of her eyes. Rainbow eventually broke the kiss and laid her head back down. She stared up at the ceiling and draped her wings over Twilights back, then waited, holding Twilight close and protecting her while she slept. Rainbow casually pushed open the bathroom door, then walked on inside. She paused to glance back at the door before kicking it shut with her hind leg. With the door shut, she turned around and quickly locked it with a skillful flick of her feathers. For a moment, she double checked to make sure the door was locked, then she looked up at Twilight's sleepy, but awake form draped over her back. Twilight laid on her lengthwise, with her legs wrapped around her body. Her forelegs wrapped around her barrel, holding tight to her just below her forelegs, but it didn't impede her mobility. Twilight's hind legs were angled so that she gripped Rainbow's body and her hooves crossed underneath her stomach. Despite her strong grip, she avoided Rainbow's gaze and stared down at the floor. Rainbow waited a few seconds, then turned and walked over to the bathtub. She turned on the faucet with a forehoof, then stepped back and sat down on her haunches. Twilight hesitated a moment, then slowly let up on her grip and then slowly slid down to the floor and sat on her haunches. Her left wing fluttered out a little, but she corrected with a hoof and managed to mostly stabilize herself. Rainbow scooted forward and stood up, then turned around and looked at Twilight. Even as she sat there, staring at the floor, she wobbled in short, quick jerks from left to right, constantly threatening to fall over. Rainbow walked around, then sat down beside Twilight at her left. She slid her wing out, then draped it around Twilight's body. With barely any effort, she coaxed Twilight into leaning against her for stability. For a few minutes, they sat there quietly, the only sound coming from the water filling the bathtub. Eventually, the sound changed from that of water splattering on the hard crystal to water falling into a shallow pool of water, and then finally to that of water filling a deeper pool. Twilight took a deep breath, then lifted her head up and leaned away from Rainbow so that her body wasn't propped up against her. She looked over at the bathtub and scrutinized it. Rainbow hesitated as she watched Twilight look over the bath, then she unwrapped her wing from Twilight and slowly stood up. She made sure Twilight wasn't about to fall over, then she walked over and turned the water off. Rainbow dipped her right forehoof into the water. The heat from the warm water seeped into her hoof, and the pleasant feeling brought a smile to her lips. She closed her eyes for a moment and moaned softly, then withdrew her forehoof from the crystal clear water. She walked back over to Twilight, then sat down in front of her so that her back was to her. Twilight hesitantly gripped Rainbow's shoulders with her forelegs, then scooted up closer and gripped her with her hind legs. "You ready?" Rainbow asked. Twilight nodded timidly. Rainbow slowly stood up, then carefully walked over to the bathtub. She slowly lifted each of her legs in turn, then stepped into the bathtub. She turned around so that she faced away from the faucet, then slowly sat down on her haunches. The warm water quickly enveloped her body up to about halfway up her wings as she sat down. Twilight relaxed her grip on Rainbow, then released her and scooted back. She sat there patiently, her muzzle pointed down, staring at the water while Rainbow turned around to face her. Rainbow smiled and scooted up against Twilight, then slowly extended her wings out under the water. The water flowed in between her feathers like air would have if she was flying. She swept her wings through the water, bringing them over to Twilight's sides. Rainbow relaxed and closed her eyes as the warmth soaked into her wings, and her mouth parted slightly in pleasure. Ever so slowly, she slid her waterlogged wings up Twilight's side, enveloping the mare in her embrace and letting her share in the warmth of the water. Twilight leaned into Rainbow's embrace and nuzzled her almost instinctively. Rainbow returned the nuzzle, making her heart flutter slightly from the giddy joy it brought her, then helped Twilight turn around so that she was facing away from her. Twilight inhaled deeply, then lifted her muzzle up. She slowly leaned forward, sliding out of Rainbow's feathery embrace, then dunked herself under the water. After a couple of seconds, she surfaced and shook her head a little, then she lifted her forehooves up and wiped excess water off of her face and away from her eyes. Her body threatened to topple over, but Rainbow's wings were right there to steady her, so she had nothing to worry about. Twilight leaned into Rainbow's left wing, letting Rainbow use her right wing to grab a bottle of shampoo. As soon as she had the bottle, she opened the cap with a flick of her hoof and then squirted the soap into Twilight's mane and down her back. Once she was sure there was enough soap on Twilight, she set the bottle aside. Twilight leaned forward and spread her forelegs out to brace herself, then Rainbow folded her wing back to her side. Twilight stood still as Rainbow's hooves went to work gently rubbing the shampoo into her mane and coat. Rainbow's slick hooves easily ran through the length of Twilight's mane, lathering the shampoo up and working out any knots and kinks left by her slumber. Once she had worked the shampoo into Twilight's mane, Rainbow moved down to Twilight's back, carefully rubbing the soap into Twilight's coat to lather her up. She slowed down as she reached Twilight's sides. She hesitated and watched Twilight carefully, then hesitantly slid a hoof down over Twilight's wingless, unprotected side. Twilight winced and jerked at the contact. Her whole body tensed up under Rainbow's hoof, and her breathing turned rigid and forced. Rainbow shifted her weight uncomfortably but continued to rub the soap into Twilight's side. She tried to hurry, but she stayed as gentle as she could, attempting to balance between not hurting her and moving on as soon as she could. After a few seconds, Twilight's body relaxed and she slumped forward further. As soon as Twilight's side was lathered in the soap, Rainbow wetted her wing, then used it to meticulously and carefully brush the soap off of her sensitive side. Twilight glanced back at her before looking straight ahead again. After Rainbow finished washing Twilight's side, she resumed working the soap into her back until her hooves were warmed by the water against Twilight's body. "Stand up..." Rainbow said. Twilight swallowed, then took a deep breath. Ever so slowly, her hooves shuffled beneath her until she slowly stood up. Water rolled off of her body and cascaded back into the bath. Twilight hesitantly spread her hind hooves and stabilized herself as best she could. Rainbow quickly applied more soap, then rubbed it into Twilight's lower back and sides, then rubbed it into her flanks and haunches. She grabbed the shampoo, then poured the liquid soap into Twilight's tail. She cautiously brought her hooves through Twilight's tail in long, slow brushes, working the soap into her hair and carefully avoiding tugging on her tail too hard or knotting the long strands. As she worked the soap into Twilight's tail, she did her best to avoid looking at her, but it was still embarrassing for Twilight and awkward for both of them, despite having helped her bathe countless times before. As soon as she finished with her tail, Rainbow cleaned Twilight's legs. Once she finished with that, Twilight sat back down and stared blankly at the water, her head gradually leaning forward. She took a deep breath, then exhaled. Twilight slowly shifted, then leaned back into Rainbow. Rainbow caught her with a wing and helped her lean back. Her mane and tail melded in with the warm water and gracefully splayed out, mixing in with the water and flowing with the little ripples of the current, almost akin to Celestia or Luna's mane and tail, but neither shimmering nor sparkling. Twilight closed her eyes as Rainbow went to work washing her chest, then stomach, and then abdomen, finishing with her inner thighs. After a painfully long awkward silence, Rainbow finished and helped Twilight sit back up on her haunches. Her jaw muscles were tense, and her mouth was clenched shut. "Twilight, you doing okay?" Rainbow asked. Twilight stayed silent, then slowly turned to her right and simply leaned into Rainbow's embrace, catching the pegasus off-guard. Twilight closed her eyes, then took a deep breath. Her body shook as she inhaled. Rainbow frowned and enveloped Twilight with her wings. "Right... sorry." She swallowed, then laid her muzzle on Twilight's head. Twilight welcomed it and buried her head in Rainbow's neck, hoping that Rainbow's soft coat and warmth would help wash away her worries. Rainbow nuzzled Twilight, then slowly brought her hooves up to hold her. She slowly stroked her right forehoof through her alicorn's mane, trying to comfort her and brush her mane at the same time. She stared blankly at the wall, her expression teetering on the edge as Twilight sniffled and shook in her embrace. She squeezed Twilight reassuringly with her forehoof, hoping it would help. Twilight whimpered quietly. The sound pierced Rainbow's heart, instantly making her ears fold back. "It's okay, Twilight..." Rainbow whispered in a soft, delicate voice. She hesitantly lifted her head up, then leaned down and tenderly stroked Twilight's mane with her muzzle, slowly brushing her muzzle forward and back. After a few gentle brushes, she nestled her muzzle against Twilight's forehead and gently placed her lips against her coat. Twilight's whimpers softened as Rainbow kissed her. After several seconds, Rainbow brushed her muzzle up and tucked Twilight's head in against her neck and chest. She gently stroked Twilight's body with her wings, then held her tight again. Twilight's shaking gradually calmed with each passing second as Rainbow's warm, reassuring embrace protected her. Although her pain lingered, ever so slowly, it faded as Rainbow comforted her. Every stroke of her wings brought Twilight a renewed sense of calm that fought back the anxiety, fear, and pain, and every gentle brush of Rainbow's hoof through her mane reminded her that she wasn't alone in her struggles; there was somepony there with her, somepony there cheering her on. Eventually, Twilight shifted and laid her head on Rainbow's shoulder. She took in a ragged breath, her body shaking as she breathed in, but no more pained whimpers escaped her lips. Rainbow lifted her head up and softly smiled down at her. She continued to hold the wet alicorn's body to her own, keeping her safe and secure. As she continued gently brushing her right forehoof through Twilight's wet mane, Twilight started nuzzling her neck. Rainbow opened the bathroom door, then stepped out into the bedroom. She lingered near the door and looked over at the bed. For a few seconds, she stood there, watching Twilight. Twilight laid on her stomach facing the end of the bed, with her muzzle angled down towards the covers. She held her right forehoof like she wanted to stand up, but her left forehoof was laying on the bed casually. Her expression was neutral, but present, rather than absent. Her lips were flat and blank, displaying no emotion. She glanced over at Rainbow, then turned to look over at her. Her eyes were dull, lackluster, and glossy. Her irises looked almost like voids. Rainbow fluffed her wings and forced a smile to try to reassure her, then calmly walked over to the bed. As she approached, Twilight watched her with an absent look. As soon as she reached the bed, she jumped up onto it and laid down beside Twilight, draping a wing over her. Twilight's lips lifted up at the gesture. She blinked a few times, and a little life flowed back into her eyes, as if the simple act of laying her wing over her back was enough to reenergize her for the day. Despite the life and energy flowing back into her, she still looked drained. "So... what's the plan for today?" Rainbow asked. Spurred on by the question, Twilight took a deep breath and lifted her head back up. "Well, I was wanting to talk to Celestia and Cadance today, but other than that there's nothing too pressing," she answered. "So, we can do something you'd like... if you wanted," she offered. Rainbow shrugged. "Eh, it's fine. I figured we'd just hang out around here with the princesses since the Crystal Faire hasn't started yet." Twilight shifted her weight a bit. "There isn't anything you'd like to do?" she asked. Rainbow shook her head. "I'm happy just to be here with you," she answered, giving Twilight a bright, encouraging smile. Twilight smiled back, then looked away from her and the smile faded. "Are you sure?" she asked. "I mean... I-I could... um... stay with..." She hesitantly looked back at Rainbow and studied her expression. Her smile lingered, but it wasn't quite as enthusiastic. "Celestia or... Luna... o-or um... something... while you... did something," she offered quietly. She looked down at the bed, "W-without me," she hesitantly added. Rainbow frowned. "Twi... it's fine, really. I know you," she replied. Twilight sighed, then shook her head. "Sorry, I just... I..." She sighed again in defeat, then laid her head down on the bed. "You never have any time to yourself now, and it's just... it's all my fault. And I can't even do anything to make it up for you..." she whispered softly. "Hey. Come on, Twilight. It's alright, you know that... I don't need you to make it up to me. It's okay, really," Rainbow comforted. She gently stroked her wing over Twilight's back, making the alicorn smile and close her eyes, though it wavered a little as Rainbow's silken feathers traced over her side. After her feathers slid further up, Twilight opened her eyes. Rainbow leaned her head in close and bowed it so that she touched her muzzle to Twilight's cheek, then she gave her a little nuzzle. "I love you," Rainbow said softly. Twilight leaned into Rainbow's nuzzle and smiled at her hopefully. After a moment, as Rainbow's nuzzle came to a close, the smile faded, and she looked back down at the bed. "I love you too..." she replied, her voice as soft as silk. Rainbow lifted her head slight and started slowly rubbing her nose against Twilight's cheek in slow, tender strokes. "Come on... let's go get breakfast," she suggested. She pulled her head back away from Twilight and gave her an optimistic, encouraging smile, "Maybe that'll help you feel better?" Twilight hesitated a moment, then nodded. "Okay," she replied. Twilight sat on her haunches quietly, spacing out as she stared blankly down at the bed below her. Beside her, Celestia sat patiently, her wing wrapped around Twilight, sheltering her and trying to comfort her. Despite the protection and reassurance she offered, Twilight's heart still raced. She shook a little as she inhaled, betraying the otherwise calm, empty expression she wore. "Twilight?" Celestia spoke softly. She hesitantly lifted her wing a few inches from the young alicorn's back, then laid it on her again, a few inches above where her wing had rested. She slowly stroked her soft wing down Twilight's back. Twilight closed her eyes at the feeling. "I... I tried to talk to her..." she drawled. Celestia's lips lightened, and a little of the air's weight lifted as Twilight broke her silence. She slowly started to shake her head. "I just... I couldn't. And... so I didn't." She sounded defeated. A few seconds passed in silence. Twilight lifted her head up. She stared at the crystal wall, then blinked. She slowly turned her head to face Celestia. "How am I... supposed to be able to do this, if I can't..." she trailed off, growing quiet. Her eyes darted down from Celestia's face, falling onto her neck. A moment later, they jumped to her shoulder, and after another short pause, they darted back to the bed. Her head slowly turned back and she stared down at the blankets. "You don't have to tell her everything all at once, Twilight..." Celestia replied. "But... Twilight, please keep in mind that you tried. Don't look at it as a failure, please... you didn't fail, Twilight. You tried to talk to her, and that's what matters," she comforted. Twilight sighed and slumped down into the blankets. "It doesn't feel like it..." she replied, her voice empty. "One small step at a time, Twilight," Celestia reminded. "When I took you under my wing as my most Faithful Student,-" her lips lifted up into a smile as her eyes sparkled at her fond memories of that time in their lives, "- you could only cast so many spells, and they weren't as complex as the ones you can cast now." She chuckled softly and slowly slid her feathers along Twilight's back. "And you certainly didn't learn all you know overnight, Twilight." The corners of Twilight's lips pulled up. "I... suppose," she cautiously admitted. Her lips fell back into a flat, emotionless line. "But that's different, and it doesn't change anything..." she countered. "Oh?" Celestia asked softly. She gently draped her wing back over Twilight's withers. "How many years did you study under me? And during those years, did you ever once foresee the day of your ascension?" Twilight's brow creased into a frown. "No..." she answered. "But... I didn't-" "You weren't looking for it, Twilight," Celestia replied softly. "And... I don't think you're actually looking for the little, incremental signs that you're getting better now, either..." she said hesitantly, her voice still gentle, but an edge of concern had seeped into it. Twilight's brow and lips twitched down slightly, and a bit of energy seemed to fade from her expression. She slowly turned her head and looked up at Celestia. For several seconds, she just watched her, and Celestia looked back down at her with a gentle, caring expression, though concern plagued her features. A moment later, Twilight turned her head away from Celestia. "I... want to get better... I really do, but... I just..." she trailed off quietly. "Twilight, it has only been a few months. Give it time... worrying will do nothing for you... If there is one thing which I failed you the most in, it was teaching you not to worry so much, and I regret that Twilight," Celestia said softly. Twilight's lips twitched downward, although her brow relaxed. "Celestia, it's not like... I'm this way because of you," she replied. Celestia grimaced and sighed softly. "Except it is, Twilight... I failed you there, and for that, I am sorry." Twilight looked over the blankets for a few seconds. "It's not your fault," she stated. Celestia pulled Twilight close with her wing and held her there for a few seconds before releasing her. "Twilight?" she asked. Twilight hesitantly looked back up at her. Celestia smiled down at her in an almost motherly manner. "You trust me, don't you?" she asked. Twilight's ears pinned back against her head as watched Celestia with an expression of betrayal and shock that Celestia would doubt that she trusted her, but nodded emphatically to reinforce the point that she did trust her. "I know for a fact that you're getting better, Twilight," she said. "And I wouldn't lie to you about that," she added. Twilight's frown returned, but her ears slowly drifted back up. After a moment, her eyes darted down to Celestia's shoulder, then she turned away and stared at the blankets. Her expression slowly blanked again. Celestia watched Twilight for a moment, then slowly brushed her wing across Twilight's back once more. "I know for a fact you're getting better because you're here right now. You're talking to me about this... and you're trying. Small steps, Twilight." Twilight looked back at Celestia, then sighed. She closed her eyes and laid her head down on the bed. "It doesn't feel like it..." "It didn't feel like any passing day brought Luna any closer to coming back to me, Twilight, but it didn't change the fact that they did," Celestia replied softly. Twilight weakly opened her eyes. "Celestia, I... this is different. I..." she trailed off and clenched her eyes shut. "Even if... even if my wing grows back, even if my horn grows back... I..." she trailed off, exhaling defeat. "Twilight, it will be okay," Celestia comforted. "We're all here for you when you need us. If you do not want to talk to Rainbow, then... talk to Luna or myself, Twilight. We will listen," she coaxed. Twilight's lips wobbled slightly. "I-I just... I-I can't talk... a-about that... it-it..." She clenched her eyes shut, and as she inhaled, her whole body shook. "Chrysalis-sh-she..." she trailed off, letting out a high-pitched, broken whimper. Celestia's wing came to rest over her body, blanketing and sheltering her, then pulling her closer to Celestia's warmth. Twilight's body continued to shake as she inhaled, but she remained silent. "C-can y-you..." Twilight eventually whimpered. Celestia lit her horn. "Of course, Twilight," she comforted. Before she cast her spell, she leaned down and tenderly nuzzled Twilight, trying to reasure her. Luna stood casually on her room's balcony, looking towards Equestria. The fading light of the sun cast a brilliant display of colors across the sky, which gradually transitioned to the darker colors of the night. The evening was calm, there was no breeze, and no clouds dotted the skies. The air had a slight chill to it, but it went unnoticed by Luna as she stood there, while the warmth of the sun on her coat gradually cooled as the sun sank towards the horizon. "So uh... why did you want me here?" Rainbow asked, breaking the silent peace that had fallen between the two of them. Luna inhaled, then looked at the pegasus sitting at her right. She studied the mare's calm, yet bored expression. For several seconds, she stayed silent. Rainbow fidgeted a bit. While Twilight had done a lot to further Rainbow's patience and calm her down, there was still a certain energy present, accompanied by a familiar anxiety. Eventually, she turned her attention back towards the horizon. "Not that this isn't nice or anything," Rainbow added hesitantly. "I just...-" she fluttered her wings apprehensively "-don't know why you wanted me here," she added. "I thought you might wish to talk," Luna replied casually. "And since Twilight is with my sister, I figured this would be a most excellent opportunity for the both of us. And the company is nice." "Uh... okay," Rainbow replied. She shifted her weight a little, then stood up and watched Luna. Luna watched the horizon with ever increasing intent as the vibrant colors of the sunset darkened and disappeared to be replaced by the thick, almost inky purple, blue, and black darkness of night. Eventually, the last of the fiery star sank below the horizon, letting the twinkling stars overhead shine down on them. She took a deep breath, then closed her eyes. Her unique, dark blue aura glowed to life around her horn, shimmering and sparkling as she reached out to the moon. Rainbow watched silently as Luna coaxed the moon above the horizon and set it on its course for the night. Even thoigh she knew next to nothing about magic, Luna radiated power, grace, and majesty as she raised the moon. It was special, and she recognized just how special it was. After a few seconds, the glow of Luna's magic faded, and her eyes opened. "I... have not often had company when I perform my duty," Luna said, a hint of remorse dimming her voice. She looked over the crystal half-wall railing, then looked over at Rainbow. "It... can be lonely, I suppose. I am glad that you accepted my invitation to be with me while Twilight was with my sister, Rainbow Dash." "Yeah... I mean it's not like there was much else for me to do or anything." Rainbow nodded slowly, then cringed when she realized that it could have been taken as an insult. Luna, for her part, just smiled. "Well... uh... it's cool to see you do that, I guess," she offered. A frown pulled at her lips, and her brow creased in thought. "I don't think I've seen you do that before." "I do not believe you have either," Luna answered simply. She slowly looked back out towards Equestria and sighed softly, almost longingly. A distant look pvertook her expression as her mind wandered back through her memories to days long since gone. "Do you know which Elements my sister and I bore before you did?" she asked casually. Rainbow frowned, then shook her head. "Uh... I don't think so..." she trailed off, then squinted. "Uh, didn't you mention that Loyalty was one of your Elements?" she asked hesitantly. Luna nodded once. "Indeed it was," she affirmed. A smile pulled at the corner of her lips. "Would you believe me if I told you that I also bore Laughter and Honesty?" Rainbow's brow twitched up in surprise. "Really?" Luna smirked and nodded. "Indeed," she answered. "My sister bore Magic, Kindness, and Generosity. Such traits suit her,-" she turned to face Rainbow and raised an eyebrow, "-do they not?" she asked. Rainbow nodded. "Well, yeah... they really do, but... I mean..." "I do not show those traits," Luna noted. "At least... not very much anymore..." she trailed off and looked towards the sky. For several seconds, silence lingered. "It-" her muzzle slowly tilted downward and her eyes ran back and forth over the crystal floor "-was a long time ago," she finished quietly. Rainbow frowned and nodded. She opened her mouth and inhaled only to close her mouth and exhale. "You wish to ask a question," Luna noted. "Well... yeah... but... I don't want to uh..." she trailed off, looking away from Luna. "It is quite alright, Rainbow Dash," Luna comforted. She smiled reassuringly. "We are friends, are we not?" she asked. "Well, yeah, but..." Rainbow trailed off and then swallowed. "I mean there's a lot of questions I could ask you, Princess." Luna batted a hoof through the air dismissively, then smiled at her companion. "You do not need formalities here, Rainbow Dash," Luna reminded, her voice in mimicry of Celestia's motherly tone, but not quite as gentle. "Simply 'Luna' will suffice," she said with a soft chuckle. Rainbow waited a few seconds, then nodded in affirmation. "Right... sorry, Luna... I just... I don't know," she said. "I'm not really used to this yet," she admitted with a wry smile. Luna inclined her head. "That's quite alright, Rainbow Dash," she stated. "Could you... just call me Rainbow instead of using my full name?" Rainbow asked. "It's uh... kinda... well, I mean it makes it...-" she squinted "-...seem so much more formal. And... it sort of... worries me?" Luna looked over at Rainbow and nodded. "I am sorry, Rainbow... I did not realize it made you uncomfortable." "It's okay..." For a few seconds, they just looked at each other, then Luna inhaled and looked back out across the sky. She slowly sat down on her haunches beside Rainbow. "But yes... I bore the Element of Loyalty," she reaffirmed. "Like I did," Rainbow said. Luna bobbed her head thoughtfully. "In truth, I would argue you continue to bear it, even if the Elements have been returned to the tree. You have a much stronger connection to them than my sister or myself had. You six were more representative of the Elements than we were, and you were able to accomplish more with them than us." She smiled. "After all, you saved me from Nightmare Moon," she said. Rainbow shivered a little. "Well... it's mostly been Twilight that's... done all that. I mean we've all helped! But... you know, we wouldn't have been able to do anything without her." Luna nodded slowly. "Regardless, just as you all needed her, she needed all of you, perhaps even more than you needed her," she said. "I did not know Twilight that well before my sister ascended her, and in truth, I regret that... It was a missed opportunity on my part. I should have reached out to her sooner and more often." She laughed softly. "It would have saved me a lot of trouble adjusting..." Rainbow looked at Luna incredulously. "Really? Twilight. Back before she ascended?" she asked dryly. Luna frowned and looked at Rainbow. "Yes?" she asked. "The same Twilight who relied on books for basically everything until we got her out of her shell," she deadpanned. Luna's frown lifted and she nodded. "Yes," she stated. Her frown returned. "I do not understand your confusion..." Rainbow shook her head. "I'm just... surprised. I mean... it's Twilight. I mean she's okay now, but... back then? I'm not sure she would have been able to help you that much..." she trailed off, grimacing. "At all." Luna bobbed her head and fluffed her wings. "It would have helped... I have never had many friends, Rainbow," she replied. "I would count Twilight, my sister, and yourself among my closest, however." "You... count me as one of your closest friends?" Rainbow asked dumbfounded. "But... I mean, we really don't know each other that well and..." Luna smiled a little. "Perhaps it is silly, but it is true. I have friends among the guard, but... it is simply not the same as with Twilight or you. Although perhaps I am a bit..." she trailed off and shook her head. "You and Twilight, along with the rest of your friends, were responsible for saving me, after all, so perhaps, in a way, I may put you each on a pedestal..." Luna inclined her head to herself. "In a way, I admire you, Rainbow. I bore Loyalty, and so have you, and I can see that in you, and I respect that a great deal. I can see that loyalty in you in regards to Twilight, too... and I respect that a lot. You want to protect her, help her, and keep her safe. And not the least of these was putting your life on the line to rescue her." Rainbow nodded unsurely. "Well... yeah." Luna nodded, then lifted her forehooves and draped them over the crystal railing. She leaned forward a bit and then looked over at Rainbow. "And perhaps the best part is that you choose to do this. Perhaps you do not recognize it, but... in a way you are being merciful to Twilight..." she trailed off. Rainbow's lips slowly drew into a flat line. "I...-" her face scrunched up "-...guess?" she asked. She shook the confusion away. "I mean... I wouldn't leave her, it's just... it wouldn't be right," she said quietly. Luna nodded sympathetically. "And you do that despite the cost to yourself... you have sacrificed for Twilight's well-being, and I respect that in you." Rainbow watched Luna curiously as her eyes slowly drifted between a few of the faint, sparkling stars in the night sky. "Twilight... she clings to you like a newborn filly clings to her mother," Luna said hesitantly. "And you're there for her. You don't push her away, despite the hardship it puts on you... That, Rainbow, is beautiful." Rainbow looked away from Luna and studied the crystal as she thought about her words. Silence passed between the two before Rainbow looked back over at her. Luna calmly gazed out at the night sky. Her expression looked serene, peaceful, and unassuming as she looked at the tranquil sky above. A short popping sound and a flash of golden light broke the silence of the night. Luna blinked, then turned her head back towards the source. A smile pulled at her lips, then her eyes darted down slightly. Rainbow turned and looked. "Luna," Celestia greeted casually, a soft, yet concerned smile on her lips. Twilight looked between Luna and Rainbow, then her right foreleg jerked up. For a moment, she hesitated, then she darted out from under Celestia's wing and pressed herself up against Rainbow's left side. Rainbow grunted as Twilight almost tackled her, then chuckled softly. "Hey, Twi..." she greeted in a soft voice. Twilight nuzzled her and shifted, trying to press herself up closer to Rainbow, almost threatening to knock her over. She avoided looking at Luna and simply stared at the crystal railing, with her muzzle against Rainbow's neck and under the pegasus's muzzle. Rainbow quickly unfolded her wing and wrapped it around Twilight's body. "You alright..?" she asked. For several seconds, Twilight didn't react, then she blinked several times and nodded. She exhaled and her muscles relaxed, then she laid her head on Rainbow's shoulder. A yawn escaped her muzzle, then her eyes drifted closed. She fought against it, but every few seconds after she opened her eyes again, her eyelids drooped low, until eventually, they didn't open again. Rainbow's brow gradually pulled down into a frown as Twilight drifted off to sleep, her breathing calming down and her body limply laying against her. Eventually, she looked over at Luna, who once again regarded the night sky. Celestia stood to the left of Luna, simply watching the sky with her. It was peaceful, and for some reason, being there with Celestia and Luna, while Twilight slept on her, felt both calming and comforting. She was neither nervous nor anxious. After a few moments, Celestia leaned away from Luna and walked around behind her. She paused and looked at Rainbow, then at Twilight. For a few seconds, she just watched the young alicorn sleep peacefully, then she looked at Luna and took a deep breath. "I suppose I shall leave you..." she trailed off. Luna turned back to look at her, then nodded and turned around. She gave Celestia a quick nuzzle, which Celestia met and returned. The two of them rubbed their necks together for a few seconds, smiling, before parting. "Goodnight, Luna... Rainbow," Celestia said. "Goodnight, sister," Luna replied. "Night," Rainbow said. Celestia nodded and smiled, then a quick flash of golden light signaled her departure. Luna looked down towards the floor, then glanced back up and slowly turned around. "I suppose it is late, and... since Twilight has returned, perhaps you too should take your leave," she suggested. There was a hint of disappointment in her voice that didn't go unnoticed by Rainbow. Rainbow frowned a bit but nodded. "Yeah... I mean, I don't mind staying here, but... I should probably take her to bed. She'd be fine here, but..." she trailed off. Luna simply nodded. "Perhaps we can talk again soon," she said. "Sure," Rainbow replied. She licked her lips, then turned her attention to Twilight. She smiled, then stroked her wing down Twilight's side. The mare breathed calmly and refused to stir, though her lips held a small upturn to them, displaying a soft, delicate smile that was more beautiful than any flower could ever hope to come close to. She leaned in and nosed Twilight's muzzle a few times. Twilight's head limply moved, rubbing against Rainbow's neck in the process, but otherwise remained still. "Hey... Twi?" she whispered. A few seconds passed in silence, with no reaction from Twilight. Luna looked over at her. "She's already dreaming..." Luna trailed off with a slight frown. "If you would like, I can teleport the two of you back to your room." Rainbow thought about it for a minute, then nodded. "Alright... uh... can you not wake her up?" "I believe so," Luna answered. "If you would like, I can put her in bed with my magic for you. It would be less likely to disturb her." "Okay," Rainbow said. She gave Twilight a quick nuzzle, then gently placed her lips on the mare's forehead. Despite the cool air that had started to chill Twilight's coat, she could feel her warm body below, and the warmth made her lips tingle. She smiled as the kiss lingered, then, after a few seconds, she broke contact and nuzzled the same spot. The warmth from Twilight lingered in her lips, just like both of their smiles. "Shall we go?" Luna asked. Rainbow looked away from Twilight and looked up at Luna. Luna wore a gentle, approving smile on her lips. "Yeah," she answered. Luna inclined her head, then lit her horn. A short flash and popping sound. They reappeared in their bedroom. Twilight continued to sleep peacefully on Rainbow's side. Rainbow looked away from Luna and looked over Twilight's expression, which displayed no signs of even the slightest disturbance from their movement. She slowly brushed her wing down Twilight's side, then reluctantly lifted her wing up and looked at Luna. Luna walked over to her, then enveloped Twilight's body in her magic. She carefully leaned Twilight away from Rainbow, then levitated her up into the air. She carefully brought Twilight's sleeping form over to the bed and laid her down. As Rainbow watched Twilight in Luna's magic, she could see her friend's lips twitching down a little. As soon as Twilight was laying down, Luna released her and Twilight shifted in her place uncomfortably as if something was missing. Rainbow walked over to the bed, then climbed up onto it. A soft, high-pitched whimper left Twilight's lips. Rainbow's lips instinctively fell downward and her ears pinned back. She leaned down and brushed her muzzle against Twilight's slightly shaking body. "Hey... it's okay, Twilight... I'm here..." she whispered. The sound of her voice eased Twilight's shivering, but she still looked out of sorts, despite being asleep. Rainbow scooted up with Twilight, then brought her hooves over to the straps holding the pack in place. Luna's hooves clicked on the crystal floor, then her blue aura enveloped the straps and swiftly undid them. Rainbow looked back at Luna as the older alicorn levitated the pack away from Twilight's side. "Thanks..." she whispered. "Think nothing of it," Luna replied. "She is my friend as well, and I do not like seeing her in pain any more than you do." Rainbow licked her lips and nodded, then looked back at Twilight. The alicorn shifted a bit, then rolled over onto her left side so that she laid on her wing and faced Rainbow. Her barren, unprotected side was put on display for both Luna and Rainbow, and a small frown detracted from her innocent beauty. Rainbow sighed, then leaned down and nuzzled Twilight's neck. Twilight's lips pulled upward as she felt Rainbow's coat brush against hers, but the smile was so small, it looked like it would shatter if a slight breeze were to touch her. Twilight pulled herself closer to Rainbow, seeking out her warmth and protection. Rainbow responded by lying down and draping her wing over Twilight's exposed side. She could almost feel a lingering chill in her side from being outside, despite Twilight having taken shelter under her wing as they sat on the balcony. She rolled over to face Twilight, then scooped Twilight up with her forelegs. She pulled her close and hugged her there, holding their chests together. She used a forehoof and her muzzle to gently nudge Twilight's head in under her muzzle to give her more protection, then she pulled the rest of her body close with her hind legs. Rainbow stared at the crystal wall, eyeing it absently as she slowly ran her forehoof through Twilight's mane. Her alicorn's heart pulsed quickly, but with each stroke and every passing second, it slowed. Her chest gently rose and fell with her breathing, and the gentle pressure it put on Rainbow comforted her. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Luna asked quietly. "If not, I can leave," she offered. Without releasing Twilight's head, she glanced over at Luna and smiled a little. "Just... uh... can you take care of the blankets for us?" Luna nodded in silence, then pulled the blankets out from under them and laid them on top of the mares. "Thanks..." Rainbow replied. "Goodnight, Rainbow," Luna said. "Night, Luna," Rainbow replied. She looked back towards the crystal wall, and another soft popping sound accompanied by a flash of blue light signaled Luna's departure. Twilight nestled up with Rainbow, and Rainbow closed her eyes as the cool blankets started to warm up from the warmth of their bodies. Twilight's entire body tensed, then she jerked awake, jolting up into a sitting position and immediately leaving Rainbow's embrace. The blankets protecting her body slid down almost like a fluid and rested on her abdomen. Rainbow groaned and stirred awake beside her as Twilight suddenly jolted out of her grasp. Twilight stared ahead at the wall, her body ever so slightly shaking, and her left wing extended an inch from her side. "Twi?" Rainbow half-groaned, half-yawned. She clenched her eyes shut, then blearily opened them. "Twilight?" she asked. Twilight's eyes glanced over at her, then they shot back over and focused on the bed. Almost immediately, Twilight shifted her weight, then sat up on her haunches, sliding out of the warm blankets. Her body slumped slightly and she wobbled in place as she struggled to sit up. And in an instant, Rainbow sat up beside her and used a wing to pull her close. Twilight closed her eyes as Rainbow's warm side pressed up against hers. "Twi?" she asked again. "I..." Twilight trailed off, opening her eyes again. Her jaw widened as a yawn surged through her body. Her eyelids drooped, and her head slowly tilted to the left until her head came to limply rest on Rainbow's shoulder. "Did you have a nightmare?" Rainbow questioned, her eyes darting over her alicorn's features and body, searching for any of the telltale signs of her nightmares, except none of them were present- no whimpering, no uncontrollable shaking, no crying, no desperate begging for her. It brought her relief to know that what woke her wasn't a nightmare, but it didn't change the fact that something had awoken her, and in the pit of her stomach, she worried. "No..." Twilight finally answered, shaking her head and rubbing her muzzle and head against Rainbow's neck. A smile pulled at both of their lips, and Rainbow's unease subsided. "I just... I had a dream, and... then... I talked to Luna," she said quietly. Rainbow watched Twilight for a few seconds, not sure of what to say in response. She waited for Twilight to continue, but she didn't. "Twi?" she asked. "Mmm?" "It's... why don't we go back to bed?" Rainbow suggested. Twilight took a deep breath, then a faint sigh escaped her lips. Ever so slowly, Twilight lifted her head off of Rainbow's shoulders, and her weary eyelids slowly opened. She barely managed to hold them open. "We... should talk..." she said softly. Rainbow slowly brushed her wing up and down Twilight's side, doing her best to avoid Twilight's injury. "No, Twilight... it's okay. It's late, you're tired... we can talk tomorrow," she suggested. Twilight grimaced and shook her head. She swallowed. "Rainbow... please..." she whispered. Rainbow's wing stopped. She studied Twilight for a moment as her head gradually drifted downward. "Okay... if... if you're sure," she relented. Twilight just barely lifted her head to nod. Several seconds passed in silence, and Twilight's eyelids drifted closed again. "Whenever you're ready," Rainbow coaxed. Twilight nudged her head up and down. "Balcony..?" she asked. Rainbow frowned but nodded. "Okay... let me get your pack," she said. Twilight opened her eyes more energetically, and they looked more awake than she had seen in days. "No..." Twilight replied at length. "I just... not that..." she said quietly. "Okay..." Rainbow replied. She slowly brushed her wing down, slowing until her feathers rested where Twilight's wing had been. Twilight didn't respond to the touch, but she stared at the bed. "Do you want me to carry you?" she asked. Twilight shook her head. "No... can you... help me walk there?" she asked. A moment later, she looked over at Rainbow. Twilight's eyes started to glisten almost immediately, and she turned away from Rainbow as if she wasn't worthy to look at her. "Yeah," Rainbow said. "Come on..." she coaxed. She gradually lifted her wing up from Twilight's side, and Twilight laid down on her stomach. Rainbow jumped off of the bed, then waited and watched as Twilight slowly turned, then slid across the bed until her forelegs touched the floor. She slowly pulled herself forward and wobbled, nearly toppling over. But as soon as her hind legs were on the floor, Rainbow's left wing pulled her close. Twilight swallowed and leaned her weight against Rainbow. Despite her support, she struggled to stand. Eventually, she lifted her shaking right forehoof and took a step. Rainbow was right there with her, and Twilight slowly limped to the balcony door. Without letting go of Twilight, Rainbow opened the door. A chilly breeze blasted the two of them, and Twilight shuddered. "Are you sure about this?" Rainbow asked quietly. Twilight nodded and pressed herself into Rainbow more. "I... need to," she drawled. Rainbow nodded, then helped Twilight out onto the balcony. As they approached the railing, Twilight stopped, then sat down on her haunches. Rainbow could feel Twilight's muscles slowly tense up as she sat down beside her. "Whenever you're ready, Twi," Rainbow whispered. Twilight nodded and swallowed as her throat tightened up. "I... I just... well... I had a dream and... then... I talked to Luna..." she trailed off, her eyes dashing back and forth across the surface of the crystal in front of her. "I... don't know where to start..." "Wherever you want, Twilight... I'll listen, even if it takes all night, alright?" Rainbow comforted. She slowly stroked Twilight's wing with hers. A soft smile pulled at Twilight's lips, but a few tears fell down from her eyes. "There's... a lot I need to say..." she stated. "And... I just..." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "If I don't say it now then I don't think I'm ever going to..." she muttered. Rainbow leaned her head against Twilight's and slowly rubbed her muzzle up and down across Twilight's After several seconds of tenderly brushing their coats together, Rainbow drew her head back and watched Twilight. The alicorn's expression wavered and shifted, fear, unease, anxiety, and then almost a coldness as if she was preparing to give a lecture. Twilight slowly opened her eyes, and instead of looking at the balcony, she looked up at the sky. "Chrysalis... almost killed me twice," she started. Her head fell a little, and her eyes fell back to the balcony. "The reactor, and then..." she trailed off. Her mouth closed, and her jaw clenched. Her muscles were visibly strained, and her body remained tensed up. After a few seconds, the tension faded, and she fell forward a few inches. "When I went into that room, Rainbow, I expected to die," Twilight stated, "And... honestly I didn't care if I did..." she trailed off and pressed her eyes closed. Rainbow's wing slowly caressed her side, sliding down in a gentle, reassuring stroke, then sliding back up. "But... then..." she stopped suddenly and exhaled. "Chrysalis tortured me, Rainbow," she stated bluntly. Twilight tried to breathe in, but her whole body shuddered from her attempt. Despite her best attempts to muster her strength, her entire body trembled as the memories replayed through her mind. "I-I t-thought that I w-was going t-to die... a-and th-that I w-wouldn't s-see... again..." Her body convulsed in a sob. Rainbow's wing gripped Twilight, forcing her close against her side. She swallowed. "H-hey, Twilight... it's okay, alright? You're safe now." "I-I was... s-scared. I w-was t-t-terrif-f-fied. A-and I w-was scared sh-she'd... h-hurt you..." Twilight whimpered. She turned to face Rainbow, then pressed her head into Rainbow's neck. "I-I can't..." she whimpered. Rainbow leaned over to Twilight. She tried to smile reassuringly, but her lips refused, twitching to remain in a strained grimace. She leaned down and pressed her lips against Twilight's forehead, then simply stayed like that, keeping her lips held firmly in place against Twilight's forehead. "...L-lose y-you," Twilight whimpered. Rainbow closed her eyes and broke the kiss. She slowly used her wing and her forehoof to reposition Twilight and she slowly turned so that she faced Twilight, and Twilight faced her. She pulled Twilight into her chest and enveloped her with her wings, holding her close and refusing to let anything come between them. Twilight pressed her forehead against Rainbow's chest as her body shuddered with each sob. Sharp, broken whimpers pierced the air, and Rainbow's ears pinned back. Twilight's tears soaked into her coat, and Rainbow's tears fell into Twilight's mane. "H-hey, it-it's okay..." she comforted, her voice cracking. Twilight didn't reply as she continued to whimper and shake in Rainbow's embrace. Rainbow laid her head don on Twilight and held her close as minutes passed. Twilight's cries and shaking seemed to refuse to let up, but eventually, it calmed. "I-I can't l-lose you, Rainbow," Twilight stated. "I... I can't." Rainbow slowly lifted her head back up and smiled softly. Twilight reluctantly pulled away from Rainbow's chest and looked up at her. Twilight's eyes were reddened and glossy from her tears, and her coat was matted. She looked so fragile and delicate as if a single feather falling on her would be all it took to break her. Rainbow swallowed and slowly swept her wings down Twilight's side. "Hey... you won't, okay? I already promised that..." Rainbow replied. Twilight closed her eyes. More tears rolled down from them, and her head fell so that her muzzle pointed at the balcony beneath their hooves. Rainbow slowly lifted her right forehoof up and brought it to Twilight's muzzle. She gently lifted her head back up. Twilight opened her eyes, but looked to the side, refusing to meet Rainbow's gaze as she continued to cry. "I love you..." Rainbow whispered. "You know that, don't you?" she asked softly. Twilight closed her eyes and nodded wholeheartedly. "Then why don't you believe that...?" Rainbow asked. A slight frown pulled her lips downward. "W-why can't y-you accept that?" she asked. Twilight's muzzle slid away from Rainbow's hoof. For a moment, her hoof stayed in place, then it slowly fell back to the floor. "I-I just... I-I can't. I k-know that, b-but... th-there's so much th... you want to do that y-you c-can't because of me..." she croaked. Rainbow lifted her left forehoof and gently coaxed Twilight's muzzle back towards her. "Twi... you know I love you... I love you more than that other stuff... I don't care if I can't be a Wonderbolt... if I have to choose between being a Wonderbolt or being with you, then I'll choose you without any hesitation!" she retorted. A moment passed in silence. "Please, Twilight... I hate seeing you like this... I love you and I can't stand you being so sad..." "I-I love you t-too, Rainbow," Twilight replied. She slowly opened her eyes and gradually looked up to meet Rainbow's crestfallen gaze. "You're not standing in my way, Twi..." Rainbow stated. "I wouldn't have promised to help you if I didn't mean it." Twilight took another shuddering breath. Her eyes dropped down to Rainbow's chest, but she nodded slowly. "I-I still feel like... I am..." she trailed off. Rainbow used her forehoof and pushed Twilight's muzzle back up. She smiled down at her, then leaned in, slowly brushing her nose against Twilight's nose. Twilight's eyelids fluttered closed and her jaw slacked, parting. Rainbow slowly placed her lips on Twilight's lips, kissing her. She could feel Twilight's heart stammering, and the alicorn's tense muscles relaxed. A feeling of calmness welled up inside of her, and she felt at peace from feeling Twilight's soft, warm lips on hers. It was a comforting feeling. As their kiss continued, she could feel Twilight's heartbeat stabalize. Eventually, she broke the kiss. Twilight opened her eyes and stared up at her. After a few seconds, Twilight's eyes focused on her lips. Twilight looked down at Rainbow's chest. "C... can... I..?" she asked, hesitantly lifting her right forehoof up. She wobbled as she did so, but Rainbow nodded and held her still. Twilight swallowed, then cautiously lifted her forehoof up. She wrapped it around Rainbow's neck and slid her hoof into Rainbow's mane, then brushed her hoof down. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt Rainbow's mane pass by her hoof. She swallowed and opened her eyes, then lifted her left forehoof up and wrapped it around the back of Rainbow's neck. She slowly lifted her head back up, then leaned in and met Rainbow's lips with her own. Rainbow accepted the kiss and slowly wrapped her forelegs around Twilight's body. She spread her hind legs a bit and pulled Twilight close so that their bodies were touching and their coats were pressed together as they shared in each others warmth. Eventually, Twilight pulled back. Instead of shying back, Twilight stayed at eye level with Rainbow. Twilight waited for a moment, then leaned in and tenderly nuzzled Rainbow. Her body shuddered just barely noticeably as she inhaled. She brushed her cheek against Rainbow, then laid her head down on Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow brought her forehoof up and started to slowly brush Twilight's mane in long, comforting strokes. The repetitive brushes caused Twilight's heartbeat and breathing to slow further as she relaxed. "Feeling any better..?" she asked softly. Twilight leaned her muzzle against Rainbow's neck and nodded, purposefully nuzzling her. "Thank you... I... I can't... thank you enough..." she said softly. Rainbow chuckled softly. "Twi... I don't need you to thank me. Just being with you is enough... I'm grateful that you love me and that you're here." She nuzzled into Twilight's mane, then inhaled deeply, letting Twilight's scent fill her nostrils and lungs. She sighed contently as she exhaled. "I..." Twilight started, only for her voice to stop. "I love you, Rainbow... I... love you more than anything," she stated. She swallowed and licked her lips. She sucked in another deep breath; her body's shudder was more noticeable. "But... I... I still need to... say more..." she spoke at length. "I'm not going anywhere," Rainbow gently affirmed. Twilight's lips lifted up into a small smile, then they fell again. "I... didn't think... I would get to see you again, and... I was terrified. I... I thought... that... if I did, then... it... would just be... right before she... she... would..." she trailed off, unable to say it. Rainbot sat there patiently, continuing to hold Twilight and stroke her mane. Twilight closed her eyes and did her best to steel her resolve. "D-do... you remember... what happeneed? In... the forest? When..." she trailed off. Rainbow silently nodded. Twilight opened her eyes and licked her lips. "I... couldn't... I just... I couldn't bear the thought of... her... hurting you..." she trailed off. "I... I would have... died before... I let that happen..." she said quietly. "But... I... I couldn't do anything. I didn't have my magic, and... I... was in shock and... without both of my wings and just..." she trailed off again. "I knew I was going to die, and that there wasn't anything I could do about that, Rainbow-" with every passing word, her grip on the pegasus tightened, "-and... I knew she was going to kill you too..." she whispered. "A-and... I c-couldn't do anything... I-I felt... helpless... I... I just..." Rainbow squeezed Twilight, silencing her as she made sure the distraught alicorn knew she was right there with her. "But it-it's okay, Twi... we're safe... Luna took care of it." "W-what if she hadn't?" Twilight whimpered. Rainbow gave Twilight a quick nuzzle. Twilight shuddered as she took another breath. "D-do... you remember... when... she... caught us?" she asked. Rainbow was silent but nodded. Twilight swallowed. "D-do you... remember what... I did?" The memory replayed itself in Rainbow's mind, Twilight crouched down in front of her with her wing flared as Chrysalis stood over them. Pain raced throughout her body, and the cold air and rain chilled her to the bone. She blinked the memory away as the unease cut at her entire being. "Y-yeah..." "I... I don't really... remember it..." Twilight replied quietly. "I... was in shock and... I just... acted... on instinct..." she whispered. "I... it's... like I wasn't there... I... just barely remember that... I... was prepared to..." she trailed off and clenched her eyes shut. "T-to... protect you." Rainbow shivered. The knot in her throat surged to life, aching, pulsating, throbbing, demanding acknowledgment. She swallowed and closed her eyes. Try as she did, she still cried, moistening Twilight's mane. Twilight shivered, despite Rainbow's sheltering wings and warm body. Between her and Rainbow, seconds passed in silence, gradually fading into minutes as they both silently comforted each other. The silence that lingered between them was heavy and thick, palpable, sapping any desire either of them had to talk, and as time wore on, it seemed to feed itself, as if its entire goal was simply to prevent either of them from saying anything, and neither of them did say anything for a while. "I love you," Rainbow's voice broke the silence, followed by a nuzzle and a peck on Twilight's cheek. Twilight stayed silent but slowly lifted her head up off of Rainbow's shoulder, avoiding her gaze. She found her mouth dry, the moisture seeming to have been replaced by unease. She closed her eyes and slowly laid her head back on Rainbow's chest. "She... when... I was... when she had captured me," she started, her voice unsure and vulnerable. Rainbow stayed still and silent, refusing to push Twilight into anything she wasn't going to talk of on her own. "I... she... I didn't have anything to eat, and... I barely had anything to drink. She... tortured me..." The memory of what she endured- the darkness, the gritty water, the hunger pangs, the mockery of the guards, Chrysalis's visits and her mocking, it all left a bitter taste in her mouth. While she knew it could have been far worse, it still terrified her. She clenched her jaw as her thoughts twisted inside her mind, threatening to poison her with anger directed at the Queen who tortured her. Rainbow nuzzled her. The bitterness and anger lingered deep inside of her, but it wasn't so poisoning. "Are you doing okay?" Rainbow asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Twilight was silent. Despite the turmoil raging inside of her, she could feel something else, something foreign, yet familiar. It was like the feeling Rainbow gave her, but different. It was comforting, almost reassuring- the feeling made her feel lighter like she wasn't carrying around as much emotional weight as she had been. The numbness was still there, but there was another feeling alongside it. She slowly nodded. "Yeah..." she relented. "I... guess..." she said. "I... I really... I'm surprised... that... I could do this..." She paused. "Talk about this..." "Twi, you shouldn't be... you've been through a lot, but you're strong," Rainbow replied. Twilight smiled a little. "It... doesn't feel like it," she admitted. "Maybe..." Rainbow replied downcast. "But you still... you talked to me about this. You... hadn't before. You are getting better, Twi... That first night when we got you back... You just..." she trailed off and squeezed Twilight again. Twilight slowly nodded. Her eyelids drooped and she yawned as her adrenaline faded. Rainbow snickered a little and shook her head. "Seriously? After all that..?" she asked. Twilight looked up at her with a sheepish expression, at least until her eyelids drooped further, leaving her with a goofy expression Rainbow couldn't take seriously. Twilight's head limply rolled around a bit until she laid her head back on Rainbow's shoulder, threatening to fall asleep again. Rainbow's lips slowly tensed into a grimace as concern replaced the hope holding her together. "Twi?" she asked. Twilight groaned softly in exhaustion. "Bed..." she muttered. Rainbow nodded. "Want me to carry you?" she asked. "...'re gonna have to..." Twilight mumbled. "Right..." Rainbow slowly pulled back from Twilight and shifted her around, then laid her down on the floor. She stepped over her and wrapped her legs around her, then beat her wings. She grunted as she lifted Twilight up off of the floor. Twilight weakly wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow and held onto her. Rainbow carried her exhausted alicorn into their room and over to the bed. After she laid Twilight down on the bed, Twilight let go of her and rolled over onto her left side. Rainbow smiled at her, then zoomed over to the door and shut it. She returned to Twilight and pulled the covers back over her. The alicorn shifted a bit, but she had already fallen asleep. Without Rainbow being in bed beside her. Rainbow smiled at Twilight and slid into the blankets beside her, then pulled her close and cuddled up with her so their warmth would banish the night's chill. She placed a quick kiss on Twilight's forehead before she closed her eyes. After a few seconds, her eyes slowly drifted back open. Her smile wavered and she licked her lips. She held Twilight close, giving her a gentle squeeze as what Twilight said replayed in her mind. Her throat dully ached, and the throbbing grew with each passing second. She pulled Twilight against her, then pressed her muzzle into her mane and clenched her eyes shut, hoping Twilight's scent would keep her from crying. Rainbow smiled as she looked ahead at Twilight. Her mare, her perfect alicorn princess, sat calmly on her haunches, looking back at her with an almost goofy grin on her face; her smile was lopsided, displaying her giddy excitement with how the right side of her mouth was parted to show her teeth while the left side was still pressed together and pulled up into a smile. "I love you, Rainbow," Twilight said in a quiet, soft voice that reminded her of Fluttershy. Despite Twilight's outward eagerness, she still held a certain shyness about her feelings towards Rainbow, and it was evident in her voice. After a few seconds, it drifted into her expression, and her lips slowly closed into a gentle smile as she tilted her muzzle off to the right to avoided looking at Rainbow. A slight blush crept onto her cheeks and she looked back at Rainbow with a shy, innocent look, one more befitting a young filly than the alicorn princess sitting there. Rainbow leaned forward and gave Twilight a quick kiss on her cheek before pulling back and grinning. Twilight's lips lifted up further, but her head lowered slightly in embarrassment. "I love you too, Twilight... Never forget that, cause that's something that'll never change!" Twilight lifted her muzzle up and looked at Rainbow in such a way that made her look like a starstruck filly, perhaps like one who had just seen something incredible or impossible, it reminded Rainbow ever so slightly of Scootaloo back in Ponyville. Her eyes seemed to sparkle and glisten in awe and wonder. Rainbow leaned back over to Twilight and laid her head on Twilight's shoulder, then brushed her cheek up and down the length of Twilight's neck. The alicorn cooed softly and leaned into Rainbow's affection, wholeheartedly accepting the tender display of her love. Rainbow eventually broke the action, then stood up and turned around. "Come on, let's go for a flight!" She took a few steps away, then blinked several times. A frown crossed her lips. It was dark. She could barely see to make out the rough stone walls surrounding her. She slowly looked around in confusion, searching for the way out. Eventually, she found a passageway through the stone with a slight incline. After only a few feet, however, the entire passage way was pitch black, almost to the point of being solid darkness. "R-Rainbow?" The soft whimper pierced her ears, and her chest tightened, constricting as the atmosphere started to press down on her, slowly constricting her and making it impossible for her to breathe. A shiver raced down her spine as she stood there, facing the dark passageway, frozen in place. Another sharp whimper came from behind her. Her legs shook as she lifted them to turn around. When she turned around, rather than seeing a peaceful meadow, there was a stone wall, broken only by a small section that had been cut out and walled off with metal bars that formed a dungeon cell's door. The entire room was dark and poorly lit. The air was cold and stagnant. A soft echo seemed to permeate the air, as if the slightest sound echoed on forever, turning into a low, distant rumble that signified being deep underground. Rainbow trembled as her chest tightened up. Her heart thumped in her chest, and she could feel her entire body standing on edge. Her legs trembled in fear. She bit her lip, then chewed on her tender skin until it hurt. Her eyes glanced left, then right, then back left, making sure that there wasn't anything else present. She bolted towards the metal bars in a panic. In an instant, her forehooves slammed into the cell doors. "T-Twilight?!" she called out. She frantically beat her hooves against the metal, causing it to rattle and clang about with each hectic impact. Her eyes went into overdrive, darting back and forth across the cold, empty rock cell. "R-Rainbow? H... h-help..." Twilight choked out. Rainbow's ears pinned back and her chest siezed up, forcing her to exhale and preventing her from inhaling. She stood up and searched the door for some way to force it open. She battered the bars with her hooves, then tried pulling on it. When that didn't work, she turned around, then crouched forward and jumped back into the door, kicking her hind legs out as hard as she could. The sound of snapping metal filled the air, followed by the high-pitched ringing of a metal bit bounding off of something. The door groaned as it opened. Rainbow wasted no time in turning around and stepping into the stone prison. In an instant, the room seemed a little less dark. She could make out the rough, worn features of the walls, and the harsh, uneven floor. Lying in the center of the room was a lavender mass that writhed slightly in pain. Her mane was a mess and strewn about, and she shook uncontrollably as she cried. Rainbow jumped towards the sobbing alicorn and grabbed her in her forelegs, then lifted her up and clutched her to her chest. Twilight whimpered weakly, trembling in her embrace. Her forelegs gradually twitched into place to hold onto Rainbow. Rainbow nuzzled Twilight as quickly as she could in an attempt to comfort her, then looked her over to make sure she was okay. She completely froze as her eyes came to an abrupt stop, focusing on her right side. A few steps away, she could see Twilight's torn off wing discarded like it were a piece of trash. A few of her beautiful lavender feathers littered the floor. Rainbow's vision blurred from her tears. She held Twilight tighter. "It-it's gonna b-be alright, T-Twi," she stuttered. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a faint green glow burst to life, followed by a deep, reverberating, sadistic laugh that chilled her veins to ice. A deep-seated, relentless coldness took over her entire body. Twilight froze and went completely silent. A bolt of magenta magic shot past them and smacked right into the center of Queen Chrysalis's chest. The changeling jolted back and let out a primal, seething growl. "Get Twilight out of here now!" Shining Armor ordered as he strode in, horn aglow as he faced down Chrysalis. "Twi, you're gonna be okay, alright? I'm here and I'll keep you safe, I promise. Okay?" Rainbow whispered as she tried to pull away from Twilight to lift her up. Twilight clung to her relentlessly, refusing to let go. A moment later, a light blue aura enveloped Twilight and pried her off. Twilight whimpered and shook in fear as she was levitated in the impersonal magic field. Rainbow glanced back behind her as Princess Luna calmly strode in through the cell door. Her face was one of implacable determination. Behind the determination, righteous anger. Rainbow swallowed, then blinked as she felt Twilight's weight come to rest on her back. The defenseless alicorn's legs wrapped around her and clung to her like a newborn clung to her mother. Twilight buried her head in Rainbow's mane. Rainbow glanced back at Twilight, then gallopped off towards the exit. Her hooves clacked against the rough, hard stone as she raced up the dark incline. Seconds seemed to fade into eternity as the omnipresent darkness held to her almost as tight as Twilight did, until finally, in the distance, she could see something more than just the thick, inky darkness. It grew with each passing step until she could make out the dark grays of heavy thunderclouds in the sky. Rain hammered the ground beyond the cave, and if anything, the temperature was even colder. She came to a stop and stared out into the rain, her hooves aching and her heart still pounding. After a few seconds, she darted forward and flared her wings out. As she stepped out into the icy rain, she almost staggered, but her need to protect her invaluable cargo drove her on. As she beat her wings and lifted off the ground, she spared a glance back at Twilight. She bit her lip as she took in Twilight's trembling form. She reluctantly forced herself to look away from Twilight so she could see where she was going. Queen Chrysalis, wearing a visage of unrivaled glee filled her vision, followed by a sickening green. A tsunami of anxiety and adrenaline overtook her body. "Rainbow?" Rainbow Dash blinked several times. She felt her body shaking, and her vision was blurry. Her cheeks felt drenched and icy, despite the warm air. Her head twitched to the right slowly, and her eyes slithered around, taking in the wide open, grassy meadow before her. She looked down at her blurry forehooves, then lifted her right foreleg up. Her brow creased as her foreleg shivered as she held it up, trying to hold it still. After a few seconds, she relented, then brought her forehoof up to her eyes and wiped away her tears before setting her hoof back down in the grass. She gradually lifted her head up and took in the vast, starry night sky above her. The moon hovered in the air off to the right and behind her, leaving the stars to twinkle unphased. "Rainbow Dash," the calm, soft voice called again. Rainbow blinked a few times. "L-Luna?" she asked. She turned her head to the left, then looked back behind herself. The Princess of the Night stood a few steps away from her. Her expression was soft and concerned as she looked at Rainbow, almost with an expression of sorrow. "W-what... what happened?" Rainbow asked. Luna calmly approached her, then sat down beside Rainbow. She lifted her left wing, then testingly laid it over Rainbow. The pegasus didn't object, so Luna relaxed ever so slightly. "You... had a nightmare about what Chrysalis did to Twilight... I was able to stop it, but... it got further than I would have allowed... I am sorry, but... I was preoccupied, or I would have stopped it sooner." Rainbow turned her head away from Luna and stared down at the grass, nodding. "It's... alright," she replied. Luna pulled Rainbow close against her for a few seconds, then relaxed her wing. "I... Twilight said that she talked to you," she stated. Rainbow nodded again. "She did," she admitted calmly. "And..." she trailed off, closing her eyes as her head fell so that her muzzle pointed straight down. She sniffled, and her body shook as she inhaled. "I-I'm glad s-she did." Luna stayed silent for a few seconds, nodding slowly as she waited for Rainbow to recover. Eventually, the chromatic-maned pegasus lifted her head back up, then lifted her right forehoof up. She tilted her head to the left and rubbed her eye dry with the back of her forehoof, then she tilted her head to the right and dried her other eye. "I..." Rainbow started. "How do..." she trailed off. "I... don't know w-what to say to her..." she relented. Her ears pinned back against her head. Fear and uncertainty plagued her eyes. "Just being there for her is enough to help her, Rainbow," Luna comforted. "I know it may not sound like much, but that is important." Rainbow nodded, almost absently; she barely put any effort into the nod, her mind too consumed by her best friend and everything she had been through. Her own fears fed into what Twilight had been through, and they twisted together in her mind, ending up with Twilight being in worse and worse situations as the viscuous cycle fed on itself. "Rainbow, it was hard for me when I returned from... being Nightmare Moon," Luna said softly, breaking Rainbow from her thoughts. Rainbow licked her lips, then glanced at her. Over the course of a few seconds, Rainbow nudged her head around so that she faced Luna. "And... I would not have recovered were it not for my sister... I owe her a great deal, although I still feel like I owe Twilight and the rest of you far more for saving me..." she trailed off and glanced down at the grass. "I... did horrible things." A few seconds passed in silence before Luna looked back up. She took a deep breath. "But... it... I did not recover overnight. The Elements purified me, but I was still..." she trailed off, then tilted her head to the side thoughtfully. "I hadn't truly recovered. And... you remember the Tantabus. I had not forgiven myself..." she trailed off, a grimace twisting her lips. After a few seconds, Luna took a deep breath, then tilted her head and turned to face Rainbow. "I... Twilight will not recover overnight," she stated. "But... we all know that." Rainbow's head drifted back away from Luna. A few tears rolled down her cheeks. "It-it's been months, Luna..." she whimpered. Luna nodded solemnly. "It took me years to completely recover, Rainbow. It may take her years too." "I... h-hate seeing her so... broken..." Rainbow's voice crackled with each word. Luna nodded in agreement. "She is getting better... I am honestly surprised she... told you so much. I did not think she was ready, but..." she trailed off, smiling a little. "There is still hope, Rainbow. She is getting better. The fact that she talked to you so much is a prime example of it. Weeks ago, she would not have left your side to speak to my sister..." she trailed off. Rainbow smiled a little. "Yeah... she is getting better, but... I don't think she believes she is." Luna sighed. "Indeed, I believe Twilight has a few more problems which she does not talk about, even with me I am afraid. But I am unsure of what they are," she stated. "Yeah..." Rainbow agreed. "I... wish she'd open up more, but... if she's not ready, then..." she trailed off. "I-I don't want to make it worse." "I... feel like it would do you two well to sit down and talk further. Perhaps even include Cadance..." Luna mused. "One thing that... Twilight has told me is that she feels like she's holding you back from achieving your dreams." Rainbow's head whipped around to stare at Luna. "She told me that too... I tried to tell her that..." she trailed off, her eyes jumping down to look at Luna's barrel. "It was fine, but..." She sighed and slumped forward. "Why can't she see that?" she asked. "It may still be because of her horn and wing," Luna answered. "In which case the only thing that will help is time," she stated. Rainbow begrudgingly nodded. "She..." she trailed off. "I never did tell anypony what I encountered when I talked to Twilight after her surgery," Luna stated slowly. "I... gave her my word that I would not, and... I will not break that, but... she was lost because of knowing that she lost her horn." A slight smile edged onto her lips. "A part of me cannot help but think that all of her problems would just disappear if her horn would grow back, but I know there is more to it than that. She could physically recover tomorrow, but I know there are still other issues present which are bothering her. Problems that won't simply be cured by her physical recovery... even if they may get masked by it, they would still be there." "Do... you have any idea when her horn and wing will grow back..?" Rainbow asked quietly. Luna's smile fell. "I... do not know. However, I have kept an eye on her and from what I have seen, and according to her medical examinations, her magic is pooling in her side and forehead. Additionally, I have a suspicion that when her horn grows back, she will have stronger magic than before, given the stress she has endured," she answered. "I suspect that her magic will aid in her healing, but I do not know what role it will play, nor the extent," she stated. She tilted her head slightly and frowned. "The... fact that she is constantly exhausted also has me wondering if it won't be soon," she stated. "Her body could be attempting to conserve energy and prepare for... healing itself. Perhaps all at once," she stated. Rainbow held onto every word that Luna said. "You think it could be soon?" she asked. A certain familiar eagerness had seeped into her voice. Luna bit her lip. "I can't say, Rainbow. She has been exhausted nearly every day since we brought her home, but it has been worse lately, according to what I have seen and you have said." "She could, though?" Rainbow asked, still clinging to the hope that Luna gave her. Luna nodded. "Yes, although it may still be weeks, months, or perhaps even years for her horn to regrow. I would suspect her wing will regrow first. However, I have no way of knowing how long it could take for her horn to regrow, considering no unicorn has ever regrown their horn..." she stated. "With the exception of King Sombra..." she said under her breath. A shiver went down Rainbow's spine. She looked away from Luna and looked up at the sky. "Any ideas on how I can help Twilight feel better?" she asked. Luna shook her head. "I am afraid not, Rainbow. As I have said... I am not one to ask when it comes to matters of the heart. Perhaps you could talk to Cadance," she suggested. Rainbow looked over at her. "Yeah... maybe."