//------------------------------// // Day 1: Zero Hour // Story: Seven Days // by Vertigo22 //------------------------------// Knock knock Princess Celestia walked over to the front door of the castle. She knew what time it was and she knew what was coming. The daily visitation that reminded her of all the troubles that were going on around Equestria—and the bills. With a sense of dread, she opened the door and was greeted to a blast of the cold, winter air and the sunshine-smile of Derpy, who landed on the ground “Package for the royal sisters!” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t order anything.” Derpy pulled out a rectangular package that was wrapped in seasonal gift wrap. “Well, somepony named…” Derpy narrowed her eyes. “Sa… mara sent this to you guys!” She handed the package to Celestia and saluted her. “Was… that it?” Celestia asked with a look of shock. Derpy shook her head. “There was a fire at the Ponyville post office and we didn’t have time to re-sort the mail. So, the letters that were to be sent today will arrive tomorrow, along with whatever else we get!” “Uh-huh…” Celestia cleared her throat. “And… how did this survive the fire?” “It came to me personally from a scary-looking mare with a really long mane.” Derpy said. “She told me to bring it to you right away.” “I see…” Celestia looked down at the package, then back up at Derpy. “Well, thank-you.” Derpy saluted Celestia again before flying off. Celestia closed the palace door and walked to her room with the package. Once she arrived, she placed it on her bed. From Samara. To the royal sisters. Watch me. Celestia tapped her chin. “Now there’s a name that doesn’t ring a bell…” She walked to her bedroom door and opened it. “Go to the archives and see if there’s anypony by the name of Samara.” she said to one of the nearby guards. The guard saluted Celestia before he ran off down the hallway towards the archives. Celestia closed her bedroom door and looked back at the package. “Hmm… better safe than sorry...” From a distance, she unwrapped it. Thankfully, it didn’t explode. Celestia wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and walked over to the now-opened gift. To her surprise, it was an unlabeled VHS tape, in remarkably good condition despite the fact that the last VHS tape was produced many moons ago. “Well, well, well. A movie? How kind of Samara.” Celestia said with a smile. She turned and looked at the clock. “I’ve been ahead of my usual schedule today… maybe Luna will—” Knock knock “—want to watch it with me…” Celestia walked over to the door and opened it. Outside was the guard who had went off the archives. “What did you find?” Celestia asked. “Well, your majesty,” the guard began, “There is a pony by the name of Samara.” Celestia smiled. “Oh, well, I must send her a card thanking her for her gift.” “That’s the thing,” the guard said. “She hasn’t been seen for ten years, and was legally declared dead a year ago. The only other pony named Samara lives out in Neighbraska and was born six months ago.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Well, then I’ll just have to send her parents a thank-you card.” “Would you like me to get you one?” the guard asked. “Later.” Celestia said. “For now, I have to surprise Luna with this!” “Oh, I’m so excited!” Luna said. Although she had bags under her eyes, the immense amount of joy on her face overshadowed it tenfold. She levitated a large amount of popcorn out of a bucket that could cover her entire head. “I can’t remember the last time we watched something together!” “If memory serves me well, it was that Batmare movie where she fought the other superhero.” Celestia walked over to her dust-covered VHS player. “And if memory continues to serve me well, you got really upset at me when I said I hated it.” She blew off the dust, which in turn caused her to cough. After she stopped, she put the tape into the player and walked back to her bed, sitting on it with her sister, who continued to devour her popcorn. Luna swallowed the popcorn and shot her sister a glare. “Yes, well, you just didn’t get it.” she said indignantly. “Sure I didn’t.” Celestia said with a smirk. “So, what’cha think is on the video?” Luna asked. “Something action-packed?” “Maybe,” Celestia said. “I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” She hit the play button and, with that, the movie began. “Where is this, sister?” Luna asked as the video started. From what she could tell, it was dark. Very dark. “I don’t know.” Celestia replied with a perplexed look on her face. She narrowed her eyes and attempted to figure out just where the heck the movie took place. Eventually though, it became clear. Sort of. “Oh, it’s… a well,” Celestia said. “I think.” Before either of them could figure out for sure, the tape cut to a scene of a young girl brushing her hair in a mirror. “Oh, she has nice hair.” Luna said cheerfully. She turned to her sister, whose eyes were glued to the screen. “Who is she? The heroine?” Celestia shrugged. Though a thought that greatly unnerved her floated around her head. She looks like she’s from the world that Sunset Shimmer lives in now… A few seconds later, the scene changed. This time, to various letters from a foreign language. They slowly shifted as if they were submerged in water. “What… does it say?” Luna asked. She had once made it a priority to learn various languages when she had been reformed. Alas, she had forgotten some. “I don’t know.” Celestia stared blankly at the screen. The randomness of the images had started to give her a headache. Which was quite amazing, as it was only now that she realized there was very little sound coming from the television. Before she could comment on the oddity, the scene changed. And it was to a scene that made her eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. No thanks to the sudden surge in volume. A handful of bipeds were in the ground, crawling and chanting. In the background were a few who shambled around like zombies. “Uhh…” Luna stared at the screen with a mixture of fear and confusion. She found it remarkably difficult to decide which she felt was the most appropriate. “I have no idea what in Tartarus is on the screen.” Celestia said. She knew what her sister was going to ask. Mainly because she herself wanted to know what was going on. The movie, on the other reel, had other plans, and none of them involved answering the royal sisters’ questions. The scene changed to one of a girl with what looked like a lampshade over her head. She stood near a cliffside, motionless. Neither sister uttered a word. In fact, neither of them moved. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were alone, one may have gone to check for a pulse as they looked more dead than alive, which was odd, since the phone hadn’t even rung yet. After a few more seconds of incoherent nonsense that only makes sense if you live in a well, the scene changed to that of a close-up shot of an eye. Luna, naturally, took this as a challenge and stared back intensely. Naturally, she lost, no thanks to Celestia, who yanked her back. Before Luna could chastise her sister for causing her loss to the mysterious entity who stared at them, the scene changed for the final time. This time, to that of a well. “Oh, thank you!” Celestia said. “Something that makes sense!” “This makes no sense.” Luna retorted, with a scowl on her face. “Listen, Luna, I’ll take anything that isn’t just some random shot of something that has no context to it!” Celestia said fervently. “Is that why you like those movies by Malicolt?” Luna asked with a giggle. Before Celestia could give a long-winded response that, ironically, could rival the length of one of Malicolt’s films, the television screen turned to static. Both sisters turned their attention to it. Then, without warning, the telephone rang. Celestia levitated the phone over and answered it. “Hello, castle of the royal—” “You’re going to die in seven days.” a young female voice said from the other end. Then, the caller hung up. Celestia’s mouth hung open. The phone fell out of the magical grasp she had on it. “Uh, ‘tia?” Luna shook her hooves in front her sister’s face. “You there?” Celestia remained dead silent. And dead still. It was as though she were dead. “’Tia, you’re scaring me.” Luna took a hoof and hesitantly poked her sister, which proved to her that her sister was, in fact, not dead. Armed with that newfound knowledge, Luna got to work on getting her sister out from her catatonic state. So, she did what any sibling would do. She tossed pillows at Celestia. And dumped her bucket of popcorn onto Celestia’s head. And cast a spell that turned Celestia’s dresser into a sabertooth tiger—which ran out of the room after it came to be. None of which worked. “Well then…” Luna turned her head to her sister’s personal desk, which had a gold cover book on it. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” With a smirk, she walked over to Celestia’s personal diary, at which point the princess of the day snapped out of her stupor. Without hesitation, Celestia teleported over to her sister and tackled her to the ground. “Oh, so now you decide to do something!” Luna said with a grin. “Here I figured I’d have to tell Twilight about your crushes.” Celestia got off of her sister and narrowed her eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.” Luna giggled and sat up. “So, pray tell, what did our caller want?” Celestia sat up. She had an uneasy look on her face, which didn’t go unnoticed by her sister. “Was it something bad? Did a dragon attack an outpost?” Celestia shook her head. “No, nothing like that,” she said. “It was a… filly—at least I think it was. She said I was going to die in seven days.” Luna’s eyes widened and unbridled wrath filled her heart. “Who would dare threaten my sister like that!?” “Luna, calm down,” Celestia said. “For all you know, it was some prankster. Don’t get worked up just yet…” She sighed and looked at the floor. “Though it is rather unnerving. The filly had no emotion. I’ve never met a child who sounded so… dead.” Luna tapped her chin. “Do you think the tape has anything to do with it?” she asked. “It does feel a little odd to me that you got it the second it ended.” “Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid there, Luna?” Celestia asked. “No, I think I’m being reasonable,” Luna retorted. “It doesn’t sit right with me that we would receive a gift and the moment that our gifted video is over, you receive a death threat! Perhaps… perhaps Twilight will know something.” Celestia sighed. “You won’t take no for an answer, will you?” Luna shook her head. “Alright, let me send her a letter.” Celestia levitated over some ink and a piece of parchment. After writing a quick letter about their gift and the call, she sent it off to her former student. And mere seconds letter, she received a response. “What’s it say?” Luna asked, unnerved at how wide her sister’s eyes had become. “Why don’t you look for yourself?” Celestia levitated the letter to her sister. COME. NOW! “Oh…” Luna looked at Celestia, who looked equally as worried as herself. “Well, let’s go.” “Okay, this is bad!” Twilight said once she found it within herself to stop hyperventilating. She threw a brown paper bag behind herself, which joined the handful of bags that had been discarded across her bedroom floor over the past ten minutes. “Like, really bad!” “And for the tenth time, Twilight, why is it?” Luna huffed. Twilight blushed slightly. “Hehe… sorry,” she said. “It’s bad because that tape that you got is cursed by a spirit named Sadako. She kills anyone who watches it!” “Wait, what!?” Luna shrieked in her Royal Canterlot Voice; which caused Twilight’s mane to look as though it had been the victim of a wind tunnel. Twilight crudely fixed her mane and went over to a bookshelf. “I know it may seem crazy, but there are a few curses that I know for a fact are true.” She brought down a book and brought it over to the princesses after she had opened it to a page that showed a sketch of a biped with unkempt black hair that stretched down to her knees. “The curse can be avoided if you copy and share the tape with someone, but I have a better idea.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “What would be better than just making it so we both don’t die?” “We destroy Sadako!” Twilight said. She cast the book aside, which crashed into a lamp and shattered it into dozens of pieces. “Kind of like that!” “Wouldn’t it just be easier to pass it along?” Luna asked. “What guarantee is there that your idea will work?” Twilight chuckled nervously. “Well, there isn’t a guarantee it’ll work…” She rubbed the back of her neck and looked up at the princesses. “B-but there is a very good chance that it will! I’ve studied how to break curses like this in my spare time because Spike always gets paranoid about them.” “And how would we break this curse?” Celestia asked. “Well, once Sadako enters our world, you and Luna would cast a spell to make her vulnerable to your magic, then restrain her and I would banish her to Tartarus,” Twilight said. “And in the off chance that she breaks free of the bonds that you two attach…” Twilight went silent and looked at the ground. “I take it you don’t have a backup plan?” Celestia said. “Nope…” Twilight looked back up at the princesses. “Nopony has ever gotten enough information on the spirit, and the origin of the tape is a mystery to me. No book or historian had ever documented it.” As Twilight finished her sentence, her face lit up, and her eyes glistened as a realization hit her. “Though the fact that you’re in possession of it is exciting! If it’s possible, I’d love to try and find out where this all began. Perhaps we can find something out along the way!” “And if we don’t?” Luna asked nervously. Throughout her silence, her facial expression had grown to one of extreme worry—and her legs were shaking ever-so slightly. “Then at least we’ve documented it for history?” Twilight said sheepishly. Celestia turned to her sister and immediately noticed her worry. She wrapped a leg around her and smiled. “Don’t worry, Lulu,” she said reassuringly. “Everything’s going to be okay.” Twilight went to say something, but Celestia shot her a glare, which caused Twilight to shut her mouth for a moment. That is, until she had something important to say. “Well, I guess I should go inform Starlight and Spike that I’ll be away for a bit.” Celestia nodded. “We’ll be back at the castle. Your room will be next to the archives. It’s where the vast majority of the information that you seek should be. I’ll send a carriage to pick you up when we get back.” Twilight nodded and ran off. With that, Celestia and Luna left Twilight’s castle and got onto the carriage that they’d arrived in. “What’s wrong, Luna?” Celestia asked shortly after they’d take off. Deep down, she knew what was eating away at her sister, but she knew better than to come out and say it. “Nothing,” Luna replied after a few seconds as she stared out the window. “Just tired.” Celestia leaned forward and rested a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “Look, I know you’re scared,” she said in a motherly tone, “but I promise you that everything will work out.” Luna sighed and turned to face her sister. “Why can’t we just copy the tape? Why can’t we just get the curse off of our backs and move on with our lives?” Celestia sat back. “Luna, I understand that you’d rather not have to deal with this, but we can’t just do that,” she said. “Do you realize the nightmare that’d cause if we passed on that tape and potentially put the curse on somepony else? What if they didn’t pass it on? What if we became responsible for one of our citizen’s deaths?” “Then we tell them how to pass it on and survive!” Luna protested. “And we have the opportunity to stop it forever!” Celestia retorted. “If you wish to copy the tape and pass it on to somepony else, then so be it. Just know you’ll have left me without somepony to help restrain Sadako.” Luna lowered her head. “I understand, sister,” she said. “I just don’t want this to fail. If there’s no guarantee it will work, why do we take the chance? This isn’t something the Elements of Harmony can take care of! We’re in mortal danger!” “Luna, please, calm down,” Celestia pleaded. “We have seven days, and Twilight will be here to assist us.” She looked into her sister’s eyes. “I cannot stress it enough: you should not worry. Things can and will work out. I promise you. Sadako will not hurt you.” Luna smiled and gave her sister a hug. For the rest of the ride home, she remained silent. Upon their arrival back at the castle however, she spoke up. “I’m… going to my room,” she said softly. Celestia nodded. “I’ll see you at sundown then.” Luna nodded back and trotted off to her room. Celestia, meanwhile, penned a letter to somepony, before she sent it off. A half-hour later, her former student arrived and rushed over. “Princess!” Twilight said. She gave her former mentor a hug, which she broke when she heard the thud of her luggage. She thanked the guard who’d brought it over and then looked up at Celestia. “So, I brought whatever might be useful to finding out where this all began—and a few books on the curse itself and other curses!” “That’s wonderful, Twilight,” Celestia said. “Come, your room is just down the hall. Once you’re prepared, we can begin our research.” “But… don’t you have royal duties to attend to?” “I’m having Prince Blueblood fill in for me for the week,” Celestia said. “I told him I had a severe medical emergency, and that he had to fill in for me or else I’d appoint Philomena as my successor.” Twilight giggled. “Does he actually think that you’ll do such a thing?” “No, but he doesn’t like the prospect of being one-upped by anypony who isn’t his reflection.” The two mares shared a laugh. A few moments later, they arrived at Twilight’s bedroom. “Get yourself situated. I’ll be in the archives,” Celestia said. She left her former student alone and walked into the archive room, where she waited. A few minutes later, Twilight walked in with the book she had thrown at her lamp in her magic. Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she took in the sheer size of the room. “Okay…” Twilight placed her book on a nearby table and fell to her haunches. “I knew this room was big, but I wasn’t prepared for it to be this big.” Celestia chuckled. “Well, this room does have every documented citizen of Equestria in it,” she said. “It goes as far back as to when my parents created it for historical purposes, so future generations could learn about their ancestors.” “So, Sadako’s family lineage is here… guess it’s time to get to work.” Twilight sat up and took a deep breath. She walked over to the aisle that was marked with a Y and trotted down it. Celestia walked over to Twilight’s book and flipped it open to the page with the sketch of Sadako. She read through the pages herself as she listened to her former student struggle to find Sadako’s file. That is, until she read over something that made her raise an eyebrow. “Twilight, come here,” she said. Twilight ran over with a large box full of files in her magic. “What is it?” she asked placed it onto the table. She looked at the page the book was open and immediately knew what her former mentor wanted. “Oh, you read about the legend being just that, didn’t you?” Celestia nodded in response. “Nopony has ever been able to trace the tape because the original has never been found,” Twilight said. “Every copy is usually destroyed or lost. They’re always passed along in secrecy.” “Then why does a pony such as yourself believe it to be real?” Celestia asked. “You never seemed like the one to believe in such a tale.” “I remember Shining Armor telling me about it years back,” Twilight said. “He said that a guard had watched it and was found dead seven days later. His face was… unrecognizable. On his bed was a videotape that had ‘watch me’ on it.” “Where’s the tape now?” “They threw it in a quarantined room just to ward off any guard who may be stupid enough to watch it.” As Twilight finished her sentence, a realization dawned on her. “Wait, where’s your copy?” “My bedroom,” Celestia responded. “Why?” Without a word, Twilight raced out of the room, leaving Celestia to herself. A few minutes later, Twilight ran back into the room with the videotape. “Who sent this to you?” Twilight asked as she gasped for air. “Samara,” Celestia answered. “But a guard said that the only living pony with that name was six months old and lives in Neighbraska. So I guess her parents sent it.” Twilight looked up at her former mentor, perplexed and terrified. “That… that can’t be right. This is the original!” “How do you know that?” Celestia asked. “No copy of it has ‘watch me’ on it,” Twilight said. She placed the videotape on the table and attempted to take the message that was taped onto it off, which failed to move an inch. “At least, none that have it magically sealed on.” With a heavy sigh, Twilight stared at the tape, a look of confusion on her face. “Still… how on Equus did it get out of that quarantined room? It was locked in a vault that could only be accessed by him and Cadance.” “Do they know that it’s missing?” Before Twilight could respond, a letter appeared in front of her. She grabbed it with her magic and opened it up to read. “Yep, they know it’s missing,” she deadpanned. “I’ll go inform them that we’re in possession of it,” Celestia said. “What do you suggest we do with the tape?” “Leave it with me. I want to inspect it.” Twilight looked at her former mentor, who gave her a disapproving look. Instantly, she knew what Celestia had on her mind. “I’m not going to watch it. I promise,” she said reassuringly. “I just want to see what the magical properties are, and see if I can figure out what powers the curse.” Celestia nodded and left the room, leaving her former student to herself. “Alright, let’s see what powers you,” Twilight said. She lowered her horn, which glowed brightly, and made contact with the tape. Instantly, her eyes widened. The colors of the world around vanished—leaving everything grey. Then the world started to collapse. “Ah!” Twilight leaped out of the way as the roof to the castle collapsed, as though an unimaginably powerful earthquake was taking place. As the castle continued to become undone, Twilight found herself running. Large chunks of the ceiling crashed to the ground around her, causing dust and debris to fill the hallways that Twilight found herself running down. Soon, she found herself at the front doors, which stood tall and mighty. She blasted them open and fell down onto the ground. “I… will never get used to that,” she said as she gasped for air. Once Twilight had caught her breath, she looked up. The world around had regained its color had returned, though the sky had a gloomy, grey overcast, and the rest of the world had turned into a frozen tundra. “Is this the outskirts of the Crystal Empire?” Twilight sat up and looked around. Although she could see her breath, she didn’t feel the least bit cold. “What sort of magic is this?” The doors to the palace slowly faded away, and were replaced with an endless sea of snow and a faint light at the end of it—one that belonged to what looked like a house. “Well, I guess it’s my only choice.” Twilight ran towards the light, the crunching of the snow filling the air. After a few minutes of running, she arrived at the source of the light: a cottage. Cautiously, Twilight walked up to the front door and pushed it open, which revealed a living room that looked like something that belonged in a mansion. A lavish, red carpet led into a living room with a velvet couch and a fireplace that looked to have just been started. Twilight stepped inside and shut the door behind her. “Okay, there has to be some magical source within this place,” she mused to herself as she walked towards the living room. As she entered it though, the world around felt as though it stopped. The air went deathly still. And the wrath of a thousand warlords tore its way through the back of Twilight’s skull. Do not look back, Twilight repeated endlessly in her head. She took a few steps forward, doing her best to ignore the footsteps that echoed her own hoofsteps, and eventually reached a door. Opening it revealed a large room filled with dozens of mirrors, patterned in a tight arch. A shadow darted past Twilight, leaving behind a frigid sensation in the air. One-by-one, each of Twilight’s reflections in the mirrors was replaced by that of a girl with long black hair. And one-by-one, they each started to walk towards her. Twilight’s horn lit up. An enormous shockwave of energy shot out of it, shattering each of the mirrors and causing thousands of small shards to litter the floor between Twilight and a large door that had been hidden behind the mirrors. As she took her first step though, a few of the shards merged together. Then a few more joined them, creating what looked like a small crescent moon. Twilight watched as the shards all converged onto the area where the crescent was, creating a variety of shapes that looked like they were taken straight out of a kaleidoscope, until every shard of glass was now a part of a circle no larger than a dinner plate. A dark energy caused the once-chipped pieces to be connected like a jigsaw puzzle. Twilight watched as the top of a dark figure emerged from the circle. She teleported past it and barged through the door, revealing a room with an absurd number of mirrors that hung on the walls adjacent to her. As she ran past each one, an arm as pale as the moon reached out to swipe at her. For every blow that was landed onto her, another narrowly missed or grazed her. As she reached the end of the hallway, the hand grabbed a firm grip on her tail, causing her to fall to the floor with a pained grunt. She managed to teleport out of Sadako’s grasp and ran out of the hallway, and into the only door she could see. To her astonishment, Twilight was met with what she had been looking for. The source of the tape’s power. A blue orb the size of at least a castle floated at the center of what was otherwise a bedroom. Electricity flickered and danced on its surface with a mixture of beauty and terrifying power. Despite the orb’s massive size, there was still enough room to fit in two more of it and that wasn’t even accounting for the fact that the ceiling opened into a void. Twilight’s breath fled her body as she gazed at the orb. The immense power that radiated from it sent a shiver down her spine. She faltered and took a few steps back, only to bump into the one whose very gaze was but a gateway to meeting death. It took her several seconds to find it within herself to speak, but once she did, she wasted no time in speaking for fear of Sadako taking her silence as a sign of weakness. “This power,” Twilight said under her breath. The radiant electricity from the orb filled her with a tingling sensation, which slowly increased in intensity. “I see… you bear something truly remarkable, Sadako.” Twilight felt a hand caress her mane in response. A smile crept onto her face as she continued to stare at the orb. “Tell me,” she began, “what is it that you seek to accomplish with your curse?” Twilight felt the caressing cease. Slowly, the orb moved away, stopping once a masterfully painted portrait had fully been revealed. It was of a unicorn stallion with a mane as black as the night sky. His coat was grey as the clouds outside. He wore a suit that, even when painted, looked to have cost a fortune. “Is he your father?” Twilight asked. In the back of her head, she felt she was done for. A spirit as vengeful as the one directly behind her would no doubt kill her for such an assumption. Luckily for her, death didn’t come. Rather, a soothing sensation filled her. One that she knew meant that Sadako had told her she was correct in her assumption. “What is it that you wish to do to him?” Twilight asked hesitantly. A pale arm extended out. After a few moments, the portrait burst into flames, along with the rest of the wall. Twilight could feel the air get considerably hotter. The entire room suddenly felt immensely hostile and angry. The flames spread from the wall to the floor, and rapidly gained ground until they surrounded her, drawing closer at a terrifying rate. Twilight closed her eyes as she braced for the end. But it never came. As quickly as it began, everything went back to the way it was. The flames vanished, and not a scar was left on the floor or the wall. Even the portrait was back to the way it had been mere seconds ago. Twilight sat still in the deafeningly silent room, until she mustered the courage to call out the spirit’s name. “Sadako…?” She looked around, only for her eyes to land on the orb. It was spinning. Fast. Before she could react, the massive orb pulsated once, sending a shock through Twilight’s body. She felt herself fall backwards onto the cold, hard floor. It took a bit, but Twilight managed to sit up. She focused her gaze on the orb, which had begun to spin at a speed that sent an insurmountable amount of terror through her body. Twilight attempted to rise to her hooves, only to feel a vastly stronger pulse of electricity, which swept across the cottage, causing the walls to be blown out into the frozen wasteland. Twilight let out a pain-filled scream. She could feet the electricity course through her body, and it made her feel like she was a living tesla coil. She watched helplessly as the orb continued to increase in speed, before it exploded with the fury of a small star. As the energy filled her though, she saw it. She saw it all. Twilight groggily opened her eyes. “W-where am I?” she asked as her eyes adjusted to the light around her. “Twilight!” Celestia ran over to her former student’s side. “Oh, thank goodness you’re awake. You’ve been out for nearly six hours! Luna’s raised the moon, and I was about to retire for the night.” “What!?” Twilight sat up and looked at Celestia with a maddened look in her eyes. “No, no, no! This cannot be! There’s so much that I must tell you! We have no time to wait until—” “Twilight,” Celestia interrupted, “I know that you’ve learned something.” “How?” “You were talking in your sleep about all sorts of things,” Celestia said. She levitated over a small notebook and placed it in front of Twilight. “So I started to take notes on everything. Though some things were a bit… odd. Like you turning into a cicada.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck and giggled. “Yeah, not everything made sense…” She looked up at Celestia before giving her a hug. “So… I guess I’ll see you in the morning?” Celestia nodded. “Get some rest if you can. Otherwise, write down whatever I may have missed. We can review it in the morning and plan from there. Twilight smiled and levitated over a pen as Celestia left the room. She flipped open the notebook and read over it. Alright, let’s see what she missed…