Sash Lilac and Rainbow Dash: Family across Time

by knigsonic

Rise to Power

Three days later
Lilac ran through Ponyville at high speed as Rainbow Dash flew after her. “What's the matter Great Great Grandma, cant keep up?” she taunted leaping over a few trash bins.

“You were saying?” she heard next to her as Rainbow Dash flew beside her lazily. “Kids these days never respecting their elders” she added with a smirk.

“I'd go faster, but I don't want to risk running into anything like what you told me Great Great Grandpa did his first time zooming through Ponyville.”

“Sounds like he's a clutz!” Rainbow Dash laughed up as they shot over the town bridge near the Everfree Forest. “We should probably turn back” Dash said as she slowed down. Lilac chuckled and picked up speed.

"Oh please, I live in these woods! Nothing here can get in my way!” she said as she blasted right in, leaping from tree to tree as Rainbow skidded to a halt.

“Shes gonna get herself killed in there!” she groaned before flying in after her.


Spike was busy cleaning up the kitchen after lunch when his body began to glow all over. “Huh? What the?” He asked curiously as Twilight walked in.

“Spike, whats wrong?” she asked as he hopped down from the sink.

“Im not sure. Maybe we should go see the Princesses or Zecora on this?” he suggested taking his apron off.


Lilac leaped from tree to tree, using them to keep her momentum going as Rainbow Dash flew after her, hoping they would leave soon. Sure she liked adventure, but nopony dared to enter it. Which is why she was shocked Lilac went in of her own free will.

“Come on Dash, try to keep up!” Lilac shouted as she leaped towards a tree branch, spinning around it before launching towards two trees grown together to form a loop. She ran around the loop a few times before blasting away at high speeds.

“Well gotta admit, shes got my speed for sure!” Rainbow grinned before flying after her before seeing Lilac jump over a gorge only to run down the opposite side only to leap off the side she was on only to land perfectly on the other side.

“Tada!” Lilac said with joy as Rainbow Dash landed next to her. “Oh man, that.. was… INCREDIBLE!!!” She exclaimed with glee as Lilac grinned bashfully.

“I learned alot about my speed from Great Great Grandpa.” She said as Rainbow offered a hoofbump. “I can see that! I clearly can't do tricks like that.” She said as Lilac made a fist and they bumped together. Suddenly Lilac started to glow.

“Huh? Since when can you glow?” Rainbow asked as Lilac stared at herself.

“I cant… unless it has to do with dragons of your time?” She suggested looking at Rainbow Dash.

“Lets head back to Twilights!” Rainbow exclaimed and flew off out of the forest with Lilac chasing after her.


Spike opened the door for him and Twilight only to hear what sounded like two speedsters on their way to the Library.

“Now what?” Twilight asked walking to the door only to teleport out of the way as Lilac and Rainbow Dash blasted into the tree only to skid to a halt before crashing into the furniture.

“Why the hay are you two running back here? I thought you two were gonna have some family bonding time!” Twilight asked clearing the dust they left in their wake.

“Well we WERE racing, but Lilac begun to glow for some reason.” Rainbow said plopping her flank on the couch. Twilight looked at Lilac in suspicion.

“Your glowing as well?” She asked as Lilac dusted her boots off.

“Y-ya. Not sure why, Ive never glowed before, so we figured might be something dragons did in this time.” Spike walked over and shook his head.

“I dont think this is normal. Ive never glowed either until now.” He said as Lilac noticed Spike was glowing as well.

“We were about to head to Zecora's to see if she understood whats going on. If not, then to the Princesses.” Twilight said floating Spike onto her back. Rainbow Dash groaned at that.

“Are you kidding? We just came from the Everfree!”




Ember looked down from the volcano as she emerged a new dragon. Now covered in armor merged to her own body, she grinned as she spotted her father down below, barking orders at his subjects with the jeweled scepter.

“Taking control away from him should be an easy test of my new power.” She said calmly. Ember than got into a running start before leaping into a river of lava below. She then blasted ice cold water at the river, freezing it as she landed on it.

“Impressive.” She muttered before shooting more water out in front of her soon skating down the river of lava. Suddenly she heard rumbling as the volcano begun firing magma bombs down. Frowning, she leaped into the air firing more water out cooling them off before kicking them down at the dragons below her.

“WHO DARES ATTACK US?” The Dragon Lord yelled turning his massive body around only to spot his daughter return to skating down the river before leaping above, firing artic cold water at the dragons below. She then landed, punching into the ground while landing on one knee.

“Hello… Father…” she said coldly as her left hand shot water out of it until it froze into a staff and she slammed it into the ground. “Im here to take command from you.”

The Dragon Lord looked down at her before laughing. “Oh Daughter, you sure know how to make your old man laugh! Hehe… Now drop your weapon and remove your armor at once.” he growled aiming The Jeweled Scepter at her to force her. Ember grinned and threw her staff at the Scepter, knocking it out of his hand.

“I no longer listen to you. I take orders from my new master, and her will is to destroy this world!” She said before leaping at her fathers throat, her claws now covered in ice as she slashed right through his skin, before spewing water hotter than magma onto his organs, causing them to crumble.

“AGGGH!!!” The Dragon Lord screamed as he fell on his back, Ember standing over him as another ice staff formed. “Why are you doing this?” he struggled to say as his insides bled.

“Your standing in my way of ruling. You were gonna let one of these chumps rule the dragonlands, never even tell them I was the true heir. Guess what Im saying is, Thanks for being a terrible dad!” she said before stabbing her spear into his heart, killing him. She then leaped off his body, walking calmly towards the Scepter before turning to the other dragons.

“Will anyone else attempted to fill his shoes?” she said meanicinly as they took a few steps back in fear. She grinned as she grabbed the Scepter and raised it above her head. “THEN THE RULE OF THE FIRST WATER DRAGON BEGINS!!!” She then slammed the Scepter into the ground. “ALL DRAGONS WILL COME TO ME! WE WILL BUILD AN ARMY TO CONQUER EQUESTRIA FOR MY LORD AND MASTER, INFINITE!!! MAY HER REGIN NEVER END!!!”


“What do you mean you dont know why their glowing?” Twilight asked as Celestia and Luna went through every book in their library.

“There is just so little we actually know about Dragons Twilight. Weve never had good relationships with them in the past, so gathering info never was a good idea.” Celestia said putting the books away.

"Hmm, maybe theres something happening at the Dragonlands?” Spike suggested to which Lilac raised her eyebrow.

"Theres a Dragonland?” she questioned as Spike nodded. “Ya, but its full of nofhing but jerks. But either way, it might be the only place to get answers.” he said.

“Spike, you are NOT going back there!” Twilight said as Lilac walked over to them.

"Twilight, Zecora didnt have any answers, and neither did the princesses. This is probably our last option. And besides, Ill be there to protect him. I mean, whats the worst that could happen?”

Rainbow Dash facehoofed as she finished that sentince. “Did you really just ask that?”