//------------------------------// // Chapter 18: Enter, Joseph Joestar and Ceaser Zeppelli // Story: Lightning's Bizarre Adventure // by Lightningflash101 //------------------------------// After a long restless night, the only thing on my mind this morning was going back to sleep. But I knew that would be impossible. Moments after the morning sun has gone through the window, the door has opened up. "Get up.” Lisa Lisa demanded, "Ceaser will be here any minute." Before I even had the chance to sit up, the door had already closed as Lisa Lisa left the room. Is she always like this? I might have a harder time here then I thought. As I walked to the meeting place Lisa Lisa described yesterday, I see that it's completely empty. I began stretching when I noticed that a rowboat was floating adrift I'm the water surrounding the area. Someone was aboard the boat as they sat there. As if waiting for someone. I simply shrugged it off and leaned agents the wall behind me. Something didn't feel right. Like an aura of bloodlust was staring down at me. You sense a hostile presence close by... My stand confirmed my suspicions as I looked to my left. As if on cue, someone had just walked behind the wall out of my sight. Someone was watching me, and they're planning some sort of attack. I can feel it. Meanwhile in 1990 "I promise, master." a voice, similar to Lightning's, said, "My impersonator will not get close to you." The room is darkened. The only light comes from dim candles, which seem to do nothing against the dark void that surrounds them. The person that spoke knew that this room is filled with many books as if it was a study. He was kneeling in front of a chair, where his master would read to himself in the darkness. He didn't dare to look at him, as it would show unloyalty to the man that gave him such power. But his power was nowhere close to his master's. "I'll even go after him upon your command." "No." his master demanded, his attention was elsewhere, "I need you here with Ice and Petshop. Let the others do the dirty work." There was silence for a moment as the two stood there. Seemingly frozen in time. Only the dancing flames of the candles seemed to be alive in the room. "Tell me, Lightning." the master said, breaking the silence, "what were your first thoughts when pierced with the arrow?" The servant looked up at his master, his face held no emotions on it. A carbon copy of Lightning Flash. "My thoughts were like any other mortal. Full of fear and denial," he stated "And how do you feel now?" "I have no need for such emotions now. With you to guide me." "I see..." the master closed his book, moving to get another one, "there have been some pests poking their noses where they shouldn't. Go with Ice take care of them for me." "As you wish, master" the servant got up and left without another word "Pepper?" Hover questioned, "on a sandwich?" "What?" I exclaimed, taking a bite out of my lunch, "I like it this way. Everyone has there own preferences." "I don't know. I feel like it doesn't sit right for other kinds of sandwiches." She stated We had taken a break from sparing for some food. Because of the boxing and self-defense lessons I had since I was 10, I've been able to defend myself from most attackers. Until recently that is. I'm just lucky enough that the mask gets taken off for meals. If it didn't, I would have starved at this point. "That's why I always make similar types of sandwiches." I explained, "Never Peanut butter and Jelly though. Got a small peanut allergy." "That so? Then I'll just have to give you some peanut brittle on Christmas." She teased "You wouldn't dare!" I gasped Hover just laughed it off and continued to eat her food. I smirked and did the same. She and I are getting along pretty well. Despite the fact that she knocked me down whenever she gets the chance. Deep down I know she only wants to teach me how to protect myself. But it's nice to have someone to talk to. After lunch, we went back to sparring. Level up! 'Hamon Breathing' lv19 --> lv20 Level up! 'physical fighting' lv34 -->lv35 As far as I can tell, Hover and Lisa Lisa are not stand users. They seem to be just as clueless about stands as I was before MirrorShield. But their hamon is something similar to a stand. It's like a primal form of stands but without special abilities. Its because of this that hamon can be used in more ways than just one. It's flexible just like the people that use it. If I can learn how to use hamon, I can use it as well as remastered when it's complete. "Inigo. Hover" Lisa Lisa called out, interrupting the sparring match, "They're here. Follow me" Hover and I looked at each other surprised before walking with Lisa Lisa to the tower called "Hell Climb Piller". Hover told me stories of those who survive the tower. Most of them became masters of hamon to teach others. Some used what they learned to become very successful as doctors. Using hamon to heal others. Others just disappeared and were never heard from again. She even said that Lisa Lisa survived the tower herself. I can only imagine what Lisa Lisa as planned when we get there. When we made it to the base of the tower, which just seemed to be a massive door made of iron, there were two surprisingly tall teens waiting for us. the one on the left was wearing a breathing mask just like me with a short sleeve shirt and some jeans. the one on the right was wearing some sort of an Italian jacket with an undershirt, pants and a bandanna. both of them were wearing some kind of boots. "This is the Prologue," Lisa Lisa declared, "We call it 'The Hell Climb Piller!'" "M-master!" Hover called out, "You can't be serious! Their starting with the Piller?!" "Not even I have attempted it Coach." the one on the right stated, "It claimed countless of trainees' lives." There was a sudden chill in the air. Just how many have died trying this? "if you three cant overcome this test, you have no right to be here." Lisa Lisa said coldly "Hey, don't keep the secret to yourselves!" the one on the left demanded, the door opening behind them, "what the hell is this thing anyway?" "Lisa Lisa?" I questioned, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Just what exactly are you planning on doing?" "Step through these doors and you'll see" she replied, grabbing my arm and throwing me over her shoulder. The amount of power she threw me with was enough force to knock the two in front of her down a gaping hole. with me alongside them. I could hear one of the two called out to Lisa Lisa as we fell further and further in. Suddenly, all three of us landed with a splash of some sort of liquid. as I surfaced, the three of us were coated with almost chest high fluid. well, about waist high for them "What the?" I gasped looking as my soaked gloves, "...Is this oil?" "wait a minute!" the one with the mask called out, "It's flowing down the pillar! What the hell?!" "This is a 42-meter climb to the top!" Lisa Lisa shouted down from the doors, "You must complete this climb with only your hands. there is no other way out. If you can't make the climb, then you will die in there" With that, she closed the giant doors. surely enough, there was no other opening beside the one overhead "We have to go up that?!" the one with the mask questioned TO BE CONTINUED