//------------------------------// // Arc 3-4: Obligatory Chase Scene // Story: Error Code: FIO // by Ashfur //------------------------------// "Previously on the adventures of Live wire, a group of mystery civilians seem to have interrupted the vile plans of Destructo! Three teams race for the mysterious OOPART! In one corner, the valiant heroine Live Wire..." "And Infinite loop! Her biggest fan!" "...and a brave, yet potentially foolish unicorn ready to take on the world!" "Aw, come on! I have a name!" Loop ran as fast as she could to keep pace with Live Wire, nearly tripping on several occasions as she watched sparks and electricity leap from the Earth pony's hooves. Still, she couldn't wipe the big, dopey grin off her face as she ran with what she thought was only her comic book hero, now in the virtual flesh right before her eyes, up the fire escape of the building! "Attempting to take this brave duo down a peg is Destructo, bent on claiming the OOPART for his own nefarious desires! Should he succeed, all of Maretropolis will face unimaginable terror!" Destructo chuckled to himself, the chortle galloping into a roar of maniacal laughter. "Muahaha! Those fools think they can get away from ME with the OOPART? Think again! They may have gotten a head start on the stairs, but the elevator always wins! I've even insulated it against her infernal electrical powers! Nothing can stop me now, NOTHING!" "And then there's these two chumps. Ignore them, they aren't important." Glitch looked up from inside the main stairway. "Say WHAT?!" "Glitch! Quit arguing with voices and help me find the right cables to cut. If we can short out the elevator, we can beat that pony to Loop and get out of here!" Short circuit paused from causing her namesake in the elevator's control panel to think for a second. "Wait, can't you just make a door take us to the top, like how we got to this shard?" "Long story short, I need to know which door to open it to. But I did just have an idea on how to beat him to the top. Pull the plug on that elevator and follow me." Circuit tilted her head to one side. "Does this have anything to do with that long hallway we passed through to get here?" "As a matter of fact..." Destructo, shaken but furious all the same, blasted the doors off the fallen elevator to regain access to the first floor. He was NOT pleased. "It seems this chase isn't over yet, folks! That mad master of disaster refuses to stay down! But can this minor setback be enough to allow Live Wire to escape with the OOPART?" "Whoever pulled that nasty little stunt is going to suffer the wrath of the mighty Destructo when I find them!" He scanned the lobby, searching for the culprits. He spotted them pretty quickly. System Glitch and Short Circuit dashed down a hallway off to the side of the lobby, lined with doors to the first floor offices. Choosing one door each, they leapt into the offices to hide. "Catch us if you can, ya cheesy 50s villain! You couldnt catch us in a footrace of you tried!" Glitch mockingly shouted. That got Destructi mad, fast. He all but ran past the door Glitch had hidden behind. He flung it open to reveal... an empty broom closet. "What in the shadow's name...?" "Yeah, really annoying when the world just forgets how to door correctly, huh?" Whirling around, Destructo saw Glitch and Circuit smiling at him from a different doorway, before running into another door and disappearing again. In a fit of rage, Destructo gave chase through the same door, only to end up exiting a different door in the hall. He stopped, confused again, until Circuit dropped out of the ventilation, bounced off his head, and slammed another door shut behind her. When he opened that door, he was met with a face-to-rear-hoof impact as Glitch bucked him backwards, sending him flying through another door. The next door to open releases all three, Glitch and Circuit being pursued by Destructo. Then, Destructo was inexplicably chased by the pair on the next pass. A door opened to reveal all three doing a kick line, followed by Loop and Live wire, somehow. Glitch ran up to a door with Destructo hot on his hooves, only for both to flee as the door Glitch opened spewed flames at them, igniting their fur. Circuit rode atop the giant floating head of a foal as it flew down the hallway, and finally Glitch and Circuit kept out of two doors, hoof-bumped, and sped off down the hall while Destructo was left furiously opening the doors in search of his escaped quarry. The pair flew up the side of the building from the outside, deciding to forgo steps in favor of wings, even if Glitch really needed to learn just about everything flight related. "Think we lost him, Glitch?" Asked Circuit as they ascended the office building. "I hope so. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure that would even work. What if he had just blasted the doors down?" "Eh, it doesn't matter now, as long as-" "You guys are okay!" As the two landed on the roof, a very excited Infinite Loop dashed over to meet them, Live wire in tow. "Looks like I owe you two a thanks, for keeping that vile stallion off my tail long enough to get the OOPART to safety. Now we just need to find a place to dispose of it," Wire commented, making sure to emphasize the OOPART by holding it aloft... only to have it snatched by a dark purple magic grasp! "Did you really think it would be THAT easy?" "Oh, no! Destructo has escaped the devilish trap set upon him, and has claimed the OOPART in full view of our brave heroes! Can this impromptu team of do-gooders rise to the challenge of Maretropolis's greatest villain, or will they finally meet their match? Find out next time on-" "Wait, don't just cut it off at a cliffhanger like tha