//------------------------------// // You Smell Like One Too // Story: The Stupid Bet // by Hillbe //------------------------------// You Smell Like One Too As the mansion floated higher into the sky Rarity and Spike thought of their situation and quick as a flash Spike snapped his fingers with an idea. She watched him race into the kitchen heard a little rummaging through the fridge and it's door slam shut, Spike returned and looked at Tank still smirking up at the two. She watched as he launched two balls of lettuce at the still snickering turtle. Spike saw her rolling her eyes as if to say "What a feeble act of revenge" Spike just shrugged and replied "Rainbow wanted me to feed Tank, I didn't want to let her down" as they saw the lettuce orbs splat below well off target. Looked like Tank was going to get a little exercise too. Rarity and Spike resumed their tasks her sewing and his cleaning, the high noon sun beat down through the sky lights. The temperature continued to climb and areas of the roof evaporated exposing more enchanted floor to the rays of the sun."Spikey dear can you please turn down the thermostat it's positively sweltering, the humidity is almost like Aloe's Spa". He stopped and searched the walls for anything that looked like a knob and reached the conclusion as his claws went in through a wall "Must be a Pegasus thing" his search cut short he looked at the lovely mare and gasped "Your mane!" Spike saw her distress and began to fan her with his wings, a little at first as the wind blew tuffs of wall and little clouds by her muzzle. She eyed his efforts and noticed one wing drooping as it worked "Precious Scales what's wrong with your wing are you in pain?" His obvious expression was all the answer she needed "Oh my Spikey!" She rushed to him using her horn to stop his fanning and cradle her little Spikey Wikey and pampered his injury as he floated over next to her his expressions a mixture of annoyance, surprise and glee. Her magical field tickled his scales just like Twilights teasing and pillow fights when he was younger but with the smell of Jasmin and vanilla with a hint of avocado where Twilights was of coffee, horse sweat and musty paper. He stopped struggling as her eyes met his, the long pause as the two eyed each other blushing quietly then a sniff broke the standoff with the offensive odors of wet pony hair and dragon sweat that would beat Rainbows B O plenty. "Oh Spikey pardon me for what I'm about to say but you smell like old oats, used gym clothes, stale pizza and musty tortoise droppings please forgive me". Spike raised his arms high and sniffed his pits and said "I'll have to agree with you on that". She stifled a little giggle and promptly marched to the bathroom "Time for some needed sanitary actions Spikey Boo". Spike was along for the ride but right now a little attention was welcomed even if he had no idea to what was coming next. The shower was refreshing and Rarity was quickly in and out where Spike though smaller required a more hoofs on approach with his new wings preventing his reaching his back. To his surprise she was back behind him scrubbing away and if he was the thinking drake who was the assistant to the Princess if Friendship his assumption was she was enjoying it more then his own blissful scrub down by the most fabulous mare in Equestria who now had a hoofful of his dragon booty. Spikes heart stopped as he turned to see her staring at him. He was snoot to snoot and this time the long pause was ended with mashing lips his toes and her hooves on their tippy ends each embraced in a hug. She whispered "You had me when you waddled away in anger Spikey boo". Spike shyly whispered back "You've always had me". As much as they both adored those three hour bubble baths this too came to an end the last of their chores yet to be finished. After a clean home and a cleaner twosome, the small dragon and lady unicorn waited for the answer to Spikes request for rescue from the floating mansion. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Son, I have contacted Twilight and informed her of your request for transport, her response was to stay the night as everypony was out on a friendship emergency. Stay put stay tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. Help will arrive in the morning. P.S. Rainbow Dash said you may feast on anything in her abode, but do leave her Ice Cream alone. God Ruler of Equestria XOXOXO Mom, . _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rarity gasped with surprise "Mom?" Spike just rolled his eyes "Just like her to do nothing when trouble shows its ugly head, Don't you ever notice..." He talked to nopony in particular as he rummaged through the kitchen making a meal out of leftovers, setting a quick table for two, talking away about Ponyville the crisis capitol of Equestria, his mom and definitely emptying the forbidden ice cream containers. After all a 'romantic' evenings always finish well with big bowls of your favorite ice cream. The stars shown through the cloud ceiling full of holes as the two laid back on the guest couch watching Lunas handy work. Rarity snuggled her dragon the side his face mushed into her fluff below her chin as he ran his claws through her curly main. She quietly mused "Spikey If I ever lose a bet with Rainbow Dash again I would happily lose all over just to have a little quality time with my favorite dragon" She felt him wiggle deeper into the embrace as he extended his wings covering her like a squat little purple blanket, She noticed the silky texture of his scales and the finer softness of the wing membranes. For being a lava swimming, flying flame thrower with a snarky attitude, He was quite the devoted gentledrake any mare could fall for. Her dream was all Lunas fault it had to be! A lovely dream of grace, grandeur, great fashions and grungy fire breathing foals. A time for fantasy, a time to wish and now was the time to be rudely awoken by the flashes of a camera and the riotous laughter of one Rainbow Dash! "Wake up sleepy heads it's ten in the morning!" Rainbow yelled at both of the couch dwellers as she inspected their finished tasks "Aw come on!" Dash whined "Who ate all my favorite ice cream! I told you guys not to mess with my stash!" Spike rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as Rarity stood up "You don't expect to let your guests starve after a days labor do you?" Rainbow spun around "No biggie I'll have enough bits for more after I show AJ this" her hooves full of photos of Spike and Rarity both wrapped up together on the couch "A bets a bet for a big bag full of bits, See ya!" Spike and Rarity took chase after the cackling Wonderbolt through the foyer stopping short of the open front door to see her gaining altitude through the sky."Rainbow Dash how dare you leave us here! Rainbow Dash you will rue the day!" "Ah Rarity we're back down from where we started yesterday, look" Spike pointed at the path and the same old anchors with new ropes freshly tied with Tank still chomping on yesterdays squashed ball of lettuce. "Come along Spikey we have some plans to formulate, dreadfully fabulous plans after all a bet is a bet". Spike followed along for what ever plans she had for the future Rainbow Dash he knew without a doubt they would be fabulous.