//------------------------------// // The dream arc I: nightmares and resolutions of the immortal past // Story: The love of chaos and harmony or the romantic adventures of the O&O gang // by Shadowlight Wanderer //------------------------------// Chapter 9 When we learn the origin of chaos... A repetitive scratch of the lizard claws and a thumping of a cloven hoof echoed through the soundless forest as Discord walked ahead on the field, gently bathed in the moonlight. He noticed Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy dancing nearby the fire. "Discord ?" a voice from behind asked He turned around to see Celestia "Oh, hi Tia..." he muttered. "Why don't you join them ?" the sun princess questioned. "Maybe I shall, but for now I just watch them" Discord sit on the bench. "It's remarkable how strong their bond is...they achieved so much in such a short time...we were like this once too. We use to spend all days together, you me and Luna." "But that was before..." Discord sighed and then tensed, when he felt a cold breath on his neck "Before you blown everything away." a deep, quite voice whispered. Discord quickly jumped away. His eyes widened in horror. Right behind him, standing and staring beyond him, at the fire, was his exact duplicate. The only distinguishing feature was the toothy grin and much darker and malicious eyes, burning with red light "You know, maybe this is even for the best. How can say that those ponies aren't weak. All they can do is simply run away from their fears and roll over. They certainly good natural resource." The clone looked at Discord, his teeth shining in the light of the fire " Why don't we use some of that ?" The fire that mane 6 was dancing around grew larger and got out of control. The ponies screamed and run away. Discord quickly dashed towards them. They looked at him and... He froze They were looking at him in utter panic and horror "G-go away. Before we make you " Twilight whispered, backing off. "Yeah, one step more and ya will never stand straight again" Applejack muttered "How many times can you promise to change ? You can't fool us !!!" Rainbow Dash yelled "You meanie ! Because of you, we are all going to die ! Not to mention all those delicious marshmallows, roasted to death" Pinkie squeaked. "Don't come close to us, you hideous freak !" Rarity snarled. Discord couldn't believe that. He raised his eagle claw. "No, it's not like that ! I will SAVE YOU !!!" SNAP !!! The flames grew even stronger and closed each pony in the ring of fire. The mares screamed , unable to escape from blazing heat. Discord looked at his claw and paw in disbelief and terror. His powers...didn't work ? WHAT WAS GOING ON ??!!! He heard a familiar squeal and noticed Fluttershy, backing away from the flames. He reacted immediately and rushed through the flames, ignoring the pain of the burnt skin and catching yellow pegasus. They rolled on the ground, Discord shielding Fluttershy from any damage. He held element of kindness, laying motionlessly on his hands. "Please, Fluttershy, say something !!!! I don't know what's going on !!!! Please hold on for a moment, I will get help. Just...don't leave me... I will do anything !!!" Suddenly, the pegasus opened her eyes and Discord gasped. Fluttershy's lips stretched to a wide smile, completely not fitting for her face. Her irises were bright red. "You act like you have a conscience but you are just being sentimental, aren't you Discord ?" A stream of red smoke flew from Fluttershy's mouth, wrapping around Discord and turning into the dark clone of himself he saw earlier. "You thought that one simple change of opinion will bring you peace ? Look at your own face !!! Nothing can erase your errors. "his counterpart laughed, facing him " You are THE CHAOS, your only purpose is to strike down the order of their peaceful existence. No matter what you do, ultimately you will be the destroyer of their lives. They will never understand you and they never shall. You are born to divide, you can never belong. And if that wasn't enough..." Evil Discord looked at Fluttershy. Discord followed his gaze and noticed with despair that ponies' body was turning into ash "...they will all die, no matter what you do. And you will be left alone and cold, in the darkness !!!" The evil laughter roared throughout the field. Discord let out a scream of sorrow and agony and the world was consumed by fire. ***************** "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Discord jumped off his floating bed, a spheres of sparkling energy appearing around his palms. He looked around the chaotic room with a furious gaze, before reality caught up with him. The energy slowly faded into nothingness as he covered his face with his hands. A nightmare...a full blown nightmare... That was awful. He didn't have any bad dreams since...well, since Fluttershy reformed him. He sighed...his body was shaking. Not even the omnipotent god of chaos was totally fearless against his biggest fears. He took a few deep breaths. He needed to go outside and breath some fresh air. He pressed his claws together and then hesitated. The visions from the dream was still fresh...what if something will... He gritted his teeth and snapped his claws. The flash of bright light enveloped him as he teleported in front of his house...just as he wanted. 'See, nothing to worry about. Stupid dream' he thought. "You know, every dream lies in the reality" said a calm voice and Discord noticed two alicorns landing near him. "Kay-kay ? Lulu? What are you two doing here ?" asked lord of chaos, genuinely surprised. "I was on my night duty, you know, patrolling dreams, when I felt a strong signal coming from some dreamscape nearby. But the dream ended before I managed to enter it." Luna explained. "And I couldn't sleep when I suddenly heard a scream, that I recognized as yours, Discord. So when Luna flew by, looking for the source of the dream, we talked to each other, added two to two and I decided to check if everything was okay if with you". Celestia added Discord raised an eyebrow "Really ? You bothered to check on me ?" Luna smiled lightly "Yes, why wouldn't we ?" Discord massaged his head "Well, this is reassuring, especially after tonight..." Celestia looked Discord in the eyes "Why don't you tell us that nightmare of yours ? We want to help" Emm, I think I will pass " Discord bit his lip " I will manage, it was not that bad". "Oh, it certainly was worse than bad. I mastered control over the dream realm through centuries and that dream's presence...it was so toxic and evil... I was kind of surprised that it was yours. I didn't realize that you still sleep" the moon princess shivered. Discord snickered "I am a spirit. I am not alive in the same sense as all of you. My body does not require food, sleep, oxygen or light. But I still find natural urges somehow enjoyable. In my dreams, I can be as chaotic as I want and no one is annoyed or is annoying me because of that". Discord hesitated, but finally gave up and tell them everything ********************* "You really love her, don't you Discord ?" Celestia muttered, when two alicorns and draconequus lied on the grass, head's to the centre, watching Luna's night sky. "I care about her more than about anything in this realm. But I am afraid that I am too unpredictable and dangerous for her...for any of you for that matter. I love my chaos, it is just who I am. But in the same time, I have my friends here...and hmm, apparently love as well. I cannot be controlled. What if I do something wrong ?" Discord said, his gazed fixed upon the moon. "You know, I can see that your trying " Celestia replied, trying to comfort him "When we were younger, a thousand years ago, you wouldn't even consider that the possibility of you, all powerful master of chaos, doing something wrong exists." "Well, I can't say that I am doing something wrong. Maybe not doing good enough " Discord answered with a snort. "Still, I don't know how to help you with the second problem." Luna added " Your immortality..." A grim silence hovered over them. "Discord..." Celestia slowly framed a sentence "...I am afraid that Luna may be right. And maybe you should reconsider..." "No" Discord said quietly, his raspy voice cutting through the silence like a knife. " It will only bring the pain to both of you. You should..." "No!!!!" master of chaos got up and clenched his fists. Royal sisters quickly followed him "Don't even say this !!!! You know that this cannot be the answer !!!! Not always !" "You think only you have to struggle with this ? Why do you think me and Tia never f-found..."Luna's voice broke, before she continued " So for once in your life listen to us ! We mean no harm !" "This isn't a solution ! I had to do something ! I can't just sit and watch" Discord looked Celestia in the eyes. The older princess stood firmly. "You have only two options " she explained slowly " You can make Fluttershy immortal, but if you really love her... we all know what eternal life can do to the conscience. I honestly doubt you would like this to do this to the such an innocent mare." Discord's jaw twitched as he slowly shook his head. "And secondly, you can become mortal yourself. But I don't know if this is even possible" Luna gazed at the stars, twinkling over their heads. "And besides, you are immortal because you are connected to one of the basic elements of this universe, just as we are. If you die..." "...The universe will die with me cause of the lack of entropy ! I know !" Discord shook his head once more. The group remained silent for a few moments "Discord...I wanted to ask you something connected with this matter for some time now..." Celestia touched spirit's arm. "And that would be ?" he replied "If you wanted someone by your side...why not your own kind ? The draconequui ?" Discord stood without a movement and then he started to giggle, a sound that startled both princesses. He looked up his irises emanating a crimson glow, his teeth bared. He slowly unclenched his claws "My kind...my kind !!!" he shook his head " My my Celestia, I didn't know that you of all the ponies would pull of such a prank on me !!!" Celestia was taken aback "This is no laughing matter ! How can you even suggest that I would tease you-" "Then why are you saying this ?" Discord interrupted " You must know how all this works !!!" His face was covered in shadows. Celestia raise her head only to notice that the sky was now completely overcast by the dark clouds. Dark pink clouds, to be precise. "Emm, Discord, if you mean your species, you never ever told us ANYTHING when we were younger " Luna threw her hoof in the air " You always said that "it is not important" or "that is boring" or " I don't want to talk about it " or-" "Because it is all true !!!" Discord yelled and then added, in a calmer tone " Oh...all right ! How long we know each other ? 11 centuries ? I guess that you have right to know as, you know, fellow immortals and my honorary sisters". He sit on the ground "What DO you know about my kind ?" Luna twisted her head "Well, draconequui are a nearly omnipotent, multidimensional race of amalgamated creatures with a powers based on chaos and disorder. And that's it" Discord shook his head once again. "No, not quite. You don't know how my race reproduces" Celestia blushed deeply "Discord, this is really personal, no wonder we didn't..." Discord ignored her babbling and snapped his claws. A few colourful orbs appeared over their heads "As you said, draconequui are living in more than one universe. In fact, each and every one is connected with the life force of one certain universe. Draconequus lives as long as does the realm. When the universe is created, there is a huge release of chaos and energy, basic elements are evolving into something random and complex. But every universe has its limits when it comes to amount of chaos. If there is too much, the entropy would cause it to collapse" Two colourful spheres started to move towards each other "...ad as it collapses, it is pulled by another dying realm. Finally they merge. And as they do so..." Two spheres crashed and with a small flash a sphere of third colour appeared in their place "...the draconequui bonded to those universes merge as well and give a life to a one new draconequus, along with new universe. Always one. The parents die along with their realms, leaving a newborn in the void of new world, with only the knowledge how this whole "colliding" works. Don't you see ? I am the only one in this universe and I am destined to live till the end of it. I never known my parents and I won't know my child either. Even if wanted to be with my kind, we can never reach each other !!!!" The thunder roared and then, droplets of chocolate rain pouring faster and faster on Discord, who lowered his head and assumed almost fatal like position. And then... SLAP! Discord found his cheek red as he noticed Celestia above him, massaging her hoof "Why...wha-" "YOU IDIOT!!!" screamed white alicorn " Why...why didn't you tell us ? We...we would... you should..." And then she just broke into tears and embraced him, her angelic wings spreading open, partially blocking the rain. Discord was speechless. Then he felt another warm body pressed against him from behind as Luna shielded him with her wings as well. Trio was just sitting there, sobbing in the streams of chocolate rain, till Discord finally spoke up "But why are you doing this ? " "Because... " Celestia sniffed " Although our history may not completely say so, we want you by our side. We...really do care about you Discord." "Indeed. We never known you are exposed to such a cruel fate and despite our past...disagreements, we want to help you now. We are immortal too. That means we can never grow older and die with our friends, never can grow to attached to anyone, never have a proper family. And...I miss that days, when I was a filly and Tia met you... we were almost like a family. I always wanted an older brother. I mean, I love Tia very much but back in those days, she couldn't fail the manners in the slightest. And she was keep blaming our father for the disappearance of all the pastries since he and Tia shared that appetite-" "And remember !!!" Celestia almost shouted, clearly wanting to change the subject. This caused Discord to chuckle " That meteor shower, when you were telling us stories that happened long before our birth." "Yeah, it was the first celestial shower I ever created" Luna sighed dreamily " Remember when you two helped me name all the constellations that I created ? You ended up with Starswirl's Underwear, Jelly Snake and Chocolate parfait." All three burst in laughter. "And I wrote that later on Starswirl's test by mistake " Celestia giggled "the look on his face was priceless !" "Or that day when we went on the hike on the mountains." Discord sighed as well. "Yeah, we almost fell to our death because you turned snow into soap " Luna huffed " I was still learning how to fly you know " "But sledging was fun !" Discord grinned for the first time, the playful spark igniting in his eyes. Luna rolled her eyes "Yeah, Tia screamed so loudly that we came home chased by an avalanche." "At least Aurora didn't ask us to wash ourselves, since we were covered in soap" Discord muttered. He dove into memories. During his endless wanderings throughout Equestria, he encountered a carriage that couldn't move because of the tree blocking its way. When he removed it with his magic, a stallion exit the carriage. Discord quickly changed himself into his adolescent version. This proved to be pretty handy when it came to dealing with strangers. He didn't seem to be any danger like that. But that assumption was a big mistake... Stallion walked closer and Discord felt a chill in his stomach. The stallion's body was pitch black and quite...insubstantial, with black smoke evaporating from his entire silhouette. He had a large horn that looked like back crystal and a short mane in a grey hue, moving on its own. His purple eyes scanned the draconequus, who suddenly felt uneasy. "Umbrum" Discord thought, gulping He was the oldest creature in this universe and yet...he felt intimidated. He met Lords of Darkness once before, when the planet was merely starting to cool down. The meeting wasn't very pleasant experience. The shadow pony grinned, a sharp white fangs flashing in his mouth, and moved even closer "And what we have here ?" he said in a deep melodic voice " A stranger kid walking alone in the night ? What are you ?" The stallion narrowed his eyes. Discord prepared to snap his claws when... BAM !!! He was hit by the stallion on the back with a force that would break his spine, if he actually had one. Stallion laughed cheerfully "I don't know who you are, little one, but I am sure grateful that you removed that blasted log. I want to get my daughter home safely and we are already running bit late, my wife is worried. You know, it is long past Tia's bedtime" "Dad !!!" a voice came from inside of the carriage " I am 9 years old. I can stay up longer than few years ago !" A dark stallion rolled his eyes and extended a hoof to Discord "My name is Dusk Noctis, I am a ruler of this part of the land. And you..." Discord hesitated but then reached out and shook the hoof with his paw "Discord " he replied "Well then Discord, it's not a good time for kid like you to wander through the forest. As my gratitude for your assistance in our journey, you may spent a night in our castle. Hop in !" Before spirit could protest, he was pulled up and shoved into the carriage. Dusk entered as well and after his command, the carriage moved on. Discord looked up and encounter the gaze of another passenger. Right in front of him sat a small white filly, with both wings and horn, and a rosy mane flowing on the non-existing breeze. "Tia, why don't you introduce yourself to this...ymm...gentlefellow." A young filly bowed and then reached out with her hoof. "I am lady Celestia Aurora Astralis. Nice to meet you." she said, looking Discord in the eyes and blushing slightly. "Likewise...I am Discord...just Discord" the spirit muttered after a moment. ***************** "Mommy !!!" Celestia galloped to be greeted by the tall figure in the doorway of the enormous castle on the hill. The tall mare's coat was pure white and emanating a bright white glow as well. Her mane was in the colour of amber, it shone in the orange hue as her blue eyes penetrated Discord, who stood in the stairs with Dusk. "Dusk, who is this ? Why did you brought here" her voice would be very nice to listen to, if not the lingering cold infused in the sentence. "Aurora, this kid helped us reach the castle and from what he says, he has no home or family. He wandered on our grounds, I think we shall provide him shelter by the ancient laws " Dusk answered firmly Aurora Astralis came down and looked at Discord closely "Whatever he is, he is certainly not a kid. I feel something coming from him..." then, she gasped and her eyes widened " Now I remember ! Back in my home, on the Edge of East, was a glyph that looked just like him. A creature of mayhem and confusion, causing destruction and despair whenever he goes ! A draconequus !" Discord bowed lightly. She was right, although that the mentioned glyph also mentioned his incredible looks "My lady, I mean no harm to you and your home. It was really nice from your husband to take me here." Aurora raised her eyebrow "And what does the Child of Chaos seek in our home ?" "I want to pee, eat and rest. In irrelevant order or all at once" That caused Aurora to chuckle lightly "You surely have a sharp tongue, don't you ?" "I promise I will behave myself " Discord thought for a moment till he found the strongest promise he could think of " I swear on the blood of my species !" Aurora sighed "Very well, if you make a promise like that, and my idiot of a husband will take a responsibility..." "Honey..." Dusk cringed, looking at the east, where the first rays of light started to penetrate the forest " I must go..." "Yes..."Aurora galloped to him and gave him a long passionate kiss. "See you in the evening" Dusk whispered before disappearing in the black mist. Aurora reverted his gaze back to Discord "Welcome to the Castle of Equinox Discord. Now let's go, you will help me in the kitchen. Household has a free day, so we have to see if you can cook Discord. Tia, clean your hooves before eating" "Mom !!! Don't embarrass me !!!" the young princess squeaked. "I can do more than just cooking " Discord rubbed his hands " Prepare to be amazed !" ********************** And so it started. Discord worked hard to make Dusk and Aurora believe that he is no threat. He did many jobs around the castle and after a while he became a part of a small family. Dusk adored spirit's sense of humour and although Aurora still couldn't make herself to fully trust him, she turned out to be a prankster and shared Discord's jokes. As for little Celestia, she instantly claimed Discord her playmate and spent hours chasing after each other and playing in the castle. It was from Celestia that Discord heard the tale about the love of Dusk and Aurora. They both manifested darkness and daylight, as respectively Umbrum and Light Guardian. In the beginning of existence, those two races were engaged in a war, that cost many, many lives. (Discord remembered it because he was the one who (accidentally !) started it. Maybe his reputation as a dangerous creature was justified in some ways). But one day, a mediator propose a union of the youngest son of the Umbrum king and the only daughter of Empress of Dawn. They were forced to spent a few months in a cell with each other. But even in those weird circumstances, they fell in love and felt united by one desire. To run away. So they broke free. And because of this ceasefire was granted. The only problem was that Dusk could maintain his physical form only during night time and Aurora in the day hours. The only time that the lovers spent with each other were one hour before dusk and one before dawn. They wanted a child so with life risking effort they managed to conceive Celestia who, as half-umbrum, half-light guardian, could live both in the night time and daylight. A few years after that, a queen successfully gave birth to a second daughter, Princess Luna Nyxia Astralis. Discord and Celestia both hugged the little alicorn to themselves and play gently with her, as Queen Aurora hummed her lullaby and Dusk made silly faces. That was good life Aurora made Discord teach Luna to control her emerging magic which meant that he needed to fly after her with fire extinguisher all the time. Dusk was burdened with dealing with the products of metabolism of the younger alicorn and Discord always laughed when he saw an umbrum with clips on his nose and a full, stinky bag. Celestia and Aurora learned Luna to walk, fly and later speak and write. Discord was grateful that Celestia played with her sister cause now he was spared of making dollhouses and dressing in skirts (terrible traumas). Years past on, lot has changed. Luna and Celestia became the students of Starswirl the Bearded and discovered their talents with raising sun and moon. Discord didn't want to tell them that back in the old times, the celestial bodies moved on their own. But he made a spell to move them and it got stuck like that. And everything was fine till that night... ********************** "Abomination ! Monster ! Freak !" a rotten tomato hit Discord in the eye. "Discord !" Luna caught draconequus before he fell to the ground. She turned back to the angry mob of villagers "Leave my brother alone, or thy shall perish !!!" She began to charge at the ponies, but firm grip on her shoulder stopped her "Luna, no !!!" Celestia's horn glowed and they teleported back to the castle. "What do you mean "No" ? This is a third time this week !!! They keep storming the castle !!! We can't even go out and they are going after us..." "Not "us" Discord corrected, a tomato sauce and eggs dripping from his fur " They want me..." "Discord !!!" A voice Aurora boomed through the hallway " Come here please!!!" Discord looked at his sisters. Celestia gently nudged him "Go, it sounds urgent !" "Don't let her eat you" Luna giggled Discord teleported upstairs, having a bad feelings about the summon ********************* "You really want to do this ?" Discord asked, wanting to just run away. But he stood still. "Yes, Discord. We believe that we finally found a method to remain together the entire 24 hours. But we need your powers to perform the ritual " Dusk put his hoof on Discord's shoulder. "You will be a transfer stabilisator, when we will infuse each other with our magic. This way we should be able to be able to remain in physical forms day and night, just us our daughters." Aurora explained, pointing at the circle with a symbol of sun and moon written within the hexagram. "But my magic can be unstable " Discord felt his throat " If something goes wrong..." "Discord, we have a trust in you. You became almost as a son to us. We believe that if someone can do this, it's you ". Discord exhaled loudly "Okay, I will try " Dusk patted him on the shoulder. "That's the spirit. As a reward, we decided to give you and Tia our blessing" Aurora muttered. Discord reddened on the face "WHAT ???!!!" "Oh come on, I know how you two look at each other. But we will discuss this afterwards" Suddenly, a beams of magic wrapped around Discord who felt a stream of power flowing through him. And in the same time, the door opened. "King ! Queen !" asked the crowd, galloping inside " We want you to purify the castle from..." There was a loud gasp from the crowd as they saw Discord, wrapped in the streams of magic coming from the rulers "He is trying to kill them !!!! Kill him !!!! Kill the beast !!!!" the mob shouted. "No !!!! Stop it's not what you are thinking !!!!" Celestia and Luna shouted, trying to stop the villagers. Then one of them threw the spear at Discord. He saw as Celestia slowly notices the weapon and with silent scream runs in front of him, shielding him with her own body. He yanked forwards "Celestia!!!!!" he screamed and reached to his own magic. The spear disappeared in the last moment before piercing the princess through. But the magic within Discord started to charge and grow. The magical bonds became hot as lava "No !!! No!!! Nononononono..." he yelled, trying to break free. The hexagram cracked and the earth started to tremble. "Your majesties !!!! Please, listen to me !!!" Discord shouted to both royals. But with no response. Their bodies started to shine and were brighter each moment. "Luna !!!! Tia!!!! Run !!!!" Discord shouted and with one last effort teleported the princesses from the chamber. That last feat of magic was it. The hexagram exploded in flames and light, destroying everything on its way. The walls vanished consumed by blinding flash. ********************** Discord slowly raised from the broken marble. "Oww..." he shrieked as he felt his body hurt. He opened his eyes. And then he gasped. He was standing under the sky. The entire castle turned into ruins, with a flames lingering on top of fallen walls and columns. Discord started to desperately dig through the stone and marble. Dusk and Aurora. They had to be underneath. They had to ! "Your majesties !!!! Dusk !!! Aurora !!!! Mom...Dad..." his yelling broke. They vanished. Not a single trace. "Discord..." came a trembling whisper from above. He looked up to see Luna standing on the one of the fallen columns. She had tears in her eyes "What happened ? What...what did you do ?" she asked. Discord felt his throat to dry to answer. He clenched his head. It wasn't me... It wasn't...me... Itwasntmeitwasntmeitwasntme.... No... It was them... They interrupted the ritual THEY ARE THE ONES TO BLAME !!!! Discord stretched up, ignoring the pain. "No, please, wait !!!" Luna screamed but he was already gone. He appeared on the hill near the nearby village. "Ponies of this kingdom !!!!!" he shouted, the magic amplifying his voice "You speak of justice and purity, but you are the ones who can't see the light !!!! From now on, I am free from your rules, the way I always should be !!!! I am Discord, The Lord of Chaos, and from now on, your ruler !!!! I will destroy your happiness just as you destroyed mine !!!! You shall regret ever crossing my path !!! Let the chaos reign !!!!" The wave of red energy turned calm fields into a mad checkers board, the building levitating and rain streaming upside down. The laughter of the draconequus was heard in the entire kingdom Discord opened his eyes and saw Luna's and Celestia's horns glowing as they shared a memory. "Back then, we thought something possessed you and that after the incident, it wasn't you anymore. We thought that through encasing your body in stone, we will protect the good name of the former you. It took me a centuries to figure out that you actually went mad from grief." Celestia said. "But we never blamed you for their disappearance. From what we managed to discover, they were sent to a dimension of pure energy. They are alive, just unable to ever reach us. I feel presence of father every night." Luna spoke calmly. "But it is all behind us. And I want us to be as close as we once were. Like a family." Celestia hugged Discord. Spirit snorted "A little problematic family, where siblings encase each other in stone and send themselves to the moon" "We came through many hardships. But our immortality is giving us a chance to raise up over and over again. To be better" Celestia gestured with her hoof in the air. "So when we need each other, we will be here. Sometimes, it is okay to cry. With each droplet of rain, the clouds become smaller and the rays of light can shine through". Luna looked to the sky. The pink clouds disappeared. Rain stopped. Only the stars and a smooth, silver glow of moonlight. Discord sighed. He felt calm. At peace. All nightmare was gone. He was home "Thanks lady Astralis" he grinned at both sisters. "Likewise, "just Discord" they answered in unison.