//------------------------------// // The Prologue // Story: P.S We Love You // by deadpansnarker //------------------------------// The tragic day had finally arrived. The day Princess Twilight Sparkle had been dreading for eons. The day that nopony ever wants to experience, but someday they must. The day when a whole chapter of her life was basically... over. The last of her best pony friends in the whole wide world, the ones who'd stayed with her thick and thin, the six equines for whom she owed so much to she couldn't even begin to describe their value, had at last passed on. In the end, it wasn't any of the numerous dangers they'd faced throughout the years that bested them, but the powers of nature. Only an almighty alicorn's inborn ability to withstand the ageing process could possibly help cheat the faceless entity known as Death, a 'gift' that Twilight bitterly regretted with each slow wrenching of those she loved from the plains of Equestria. Her ascension into the ranks of royalty had given her many blessings that most others could only dream of, but this prestige also came bundled with a major curse: the inexorable disintegration of everything she cared about eventually. First, her parents left her behind. This was unbearably sad, and devastated the alicorn for some time afterwards, but their repose was nothing too out of the ordinary. There comes a moment when the children of the old must say goodbye to those who raised them, it's a basic part of life. No, it really starts to sink in that you're different from everypony else when your best friends, who were more-or-less the same age as you when you met them, start changing before your eyes. A grey hair in the mane here... a persistently wheezing cough there... it all comes at you so fast, so quickly, that before you know it you're the only one not covered in wrinkles, or having to 'take things easy' most days when you used to run off on adventures. You can try to deny it as much as you like, but the fact remains that the youthful mares you once knew back in those carefree days in Ponyville are no more. Time and tide has put paid to that, and while you're away fulfilling your 'duties' like the obedient princess you are, walking frames and false teeth are a regular reality for your once indefatigable former comrades-in-hooves. Then, slowly but inevitably, they start fading from your sight. First Rarity 'closed up shop' permanently, her many fashion stores scattered across Equestria a fitting testament to her lifetime success. Sweetie Belle's burgeoning singing career made her reluctantly turn down the chance to take over the business, so Sassy Saddles ended up in the hot seat instead. So far, things have been running smoothly enough, although even the ageing Sassy must step down eventually to pick an as yet unnamed successor. With the endless march of time, there always arrives a 'changing of the guard'... except if you're a mourning princess, of course. Next Applejack finally bucked her last apple tree, and went out to retire to that big ol' farmyard in the sky. They'd be plenty of wide open plains there for her to roam, and she could do it all day long with her beloved parents, Big Mac and Granny Smith as her constant companions (not forgetting loyal Winona yapping by their side, too). Having made countless contributions to the local economy on account of her agriculture work and been a reliable source of delicious cider every year when Zap Apple season arrived, nopony would begrudge her hanging up her fedora to enjoy a well deserved rest. Enduring a lifetime of preparation for this most important of tasks, the newly installed Apple Bloom would surely keep Sweet Apple Acres prosperous and fruitful in her late sister's name, pun not intended. Rainbow Dash's funeral was so well attended, during the lavish ceremony most of the guests ended up having to take to the skies to avoid the overwhelming crush. Her list of honours uttered by the keynote speaker Commander Scootaloo rolled off the tongue with ease... Wonderbolt Captain... Adoptive Big Sister...Hero... Friend. The potentially sombre occasion actually ended up as more of an inspiring triumph, as one after another citizens came forward to share tales of how the fearless pegasus had saved their sorry hides or accomplished some other amazing feat, which would be beyond the scope of anypony else who wasn't Daring-Do (secretly there in the front row, now living her elderly author alias full time). The evening concluded with a huge firework display and all branches of the Equestrian winged forces joining together for a strictly one-off diving display spectacular which nopony would ever forget. Dash couldn't have asked for a better send-off, and the new medal of honour named after her would ensure the legend of the multicoloured record-breaker would persevere long after she'd gone. Fluttershy went out just as she'd requested... in bed at her ramshackle cottage surrounded by all the pets she loved and cared for. Throughout her long tenure of rescuing critters in distress and nursing them back to health, she'd never even thought of moving once. The Everfree Forest was part of her soul, and no matter how many animal sanctuaries she opened all over Equestria, it would remain her special place of refuge from the hurly-burly of city life. She could finally join the literally thousands of furry friends she'd nurtured and protected over the years, and give them as many hugs and belly-rubs as she liked, with a special embrace reserved for a certain long-eared rascal who she'd missed terribly. Angel by name, angel by nature. How pithy... and given the behaviour of his physical form, somewhat unexpected. Also, nothing would stop Discord from popping in from time to time with the latest inter-dimensional gossip, sometimes it truly pays to be an irrepressible draconequus with no apparent power cap. Not always, but sometimes. Pinkie Pie was the last of the original Elements of Harmony to depart this plain of existence, but naturally she had to go out on the biggest joke of all. Thousands of pink balloons released by her best friends the Cake Twins and veteran party organiser Cheese Sandwich had messages attached to their strings which read as follows: Rumours of my death haven't been greatly exaggerated. Come down to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate my life with as much free cake and ice cream as you can eat! Don't be depressed everypony, I want you all to turn those frowns upside down and not be sad that I can't be there with you, but happy I was able to live and bring so much joy into the world! Remember, a smile is the best gift you can give anypony, so do something for me during my final ever party, will ya? Turn to your neighbour and give them the biggest grin you can possibly manage without turning your face inside out (gross!). Who knows, you might make a new friend that day, and that alone will be worth more to my legacy than any dumb old statue you could have commissioned. Of course, if you wanted to make me one of those too, I wouldn't complain. My measurements are on the reverse... Needless to say, everypony had a good old nosh-up at the jamboree, forged plenty of long-lasting relationships, and petrified Pinkie was definitely a-go. Reverse psychology can be unbelievably effective when applied properly. And then, there was one... until yesterday, that is. Starlight Glimmer, Twilight's former adversary who'd completely turned her life around due to the alicorn's dedicated tutelage, and her best and brightest student ever despite the many luminaries who'd passed through the doors of the School Of Friendship, was no more. In the end, even the unicorn's great sorcery wasn't enough to stave off a visit by the Grim Reaper, but at least Twilight was with her 'til the bitter end. The princess wiped her brow down with a damp cloth, whilst reassuring her that whatever wrongs she may have perpetuated in the past, these were more than outweighed by all the countless good deeds she'd done since. Starlight died that day with a tear in her eye, happy in the knowledge that her life had amounted to something, and as per her final request she was buried next to her dearest childhood friend Sunburst, from whom she was so cruelly separated as a filly. They could never be driven apart again now, Twilight had seen to that by reserving them the very best plot in the royal Canterlotian garden so they could both begin their eternal slumber in peace. It was by their graveside here that Twilight stood the day after Starlight's death, tending to the flowers and sitting in contemplation, that she got a surprise visitor from her niece. A now all grown-up Flurry Heart swooped down from on high to silently perch next to the older alicorn, and regarded her with a melancholy eye. "Hi, Auntie Twilight..." Flurry greeted her fellow alicorn uncertainly, not quite sure of what to say at such a difficult time. "How did the burial ceremony go?" "There weren't many there in the end, just me and a few kids of students that Starlight has helped guide over the years. It's okay though, she wouldn't have wanted a big fuss made anyway..." Twilight sadly, referencing the unicorn's long stint as a counsellor at the School Of Friendship. "Trixie's daughter was a live one, though! She actually wanted to put on a magic show in front of everypony here just before the coffin was lowered, but I had to remind her politely that there's a time and place for everything. I think she got the message, and she's now doing something a bit more low key today in town in honour of Star's memory. Something called the 'Starlight Extravaganza', I believe. If you wanted to attend, I think they've finished the part with a pony chained in an 'inescapable' water tank, and they're just getting to the Moonshot Manticore Mouthdive now..." "No that's alright, the pony I came here to see is you..." Flurry Heart insisted, before hesitantly adding with a blush... "A-And Starlight too, of course. Her and Sunburst taught me so much together over the years, and helped make me into the mare I am today. I shall miss them both terribly, along with my father, and I just wanted to pay my respects. They made such a good couple too... why they didn't end up together, I'll never understand." "Probably because both of them were 'married' to their jobs already, they wouldn't have enough time for each other..." Twilight observed ruefully, as she put down the trowel she'd been using on the soil to answer. "One devoted herself to stopping young students from making the same mistakes she did as a filly, the other spent all his spare time mastering arcane enchantments against potential threats that never arrived. Life's funny like that, you think you're destined to spend the rest of your time here with somepony close, but things keep getting in the way. Of course, this principal just applies to those who have finite existence, not eternal beings who have to see their loved ones wither away with every passing year..." Flurry Heart could see that Twilight was getting upset, and besides she was referring to a subject the younger alicorn didn't really want to focus on for now, so she changed the subject quickly. And what she securely held in her hoof offered her the perfect chance to do just that. "E-Erm... got a letter for you! My mum asked me to give it personally since she's busy, er, ruling the Crystal Empire, s-so... here you go. I think she's had possession of it for quite a while, so don't ask me what's inside. W-Well anyway, it was nice seeing you again. I'll be off to say hello to Auntie Celestia and Luna too while I'm here. Bye for now!" And with those final words and a quick wave, Flurry Heart flew off in the distance of the direction of the castle. Twilight watched her niece depart with a slight look of pity... she was still young after all (by alicorn standards) and not quite fully aware of the complexities and tribulations and being an everlasting life form. But one day soon Flurry Heart would have no choice but to accept who she was, and the job of guiding her down that perilous path would no doubt fall to a certain Princess Of Friendship at some point... Oh Shining Armour, Big Brother, what should I do? Her ailing mind focused on Flurry Heart's and her own mortality (or lack thereof) Twilight almost forgot about the parchment left behind by her niece. Glancing down at the seemingly insignificant paper gripped in her hoof, she wondered what could've been so special about it for Cadance to have kept it for 'quite a while', in Flurry's own words. Pondering whether to wait until she got back home to Ponyville to open it up or if she'd read it now, her natural librarian's curiosity eventually got the better of her. Casually scanning through the first few words, Twilight's eyes became the size of dinner plates and her hooves began sweating profusely when she realised who it was from, so much so that she had to lay it down on the ground so the ink wouldn't be smudged. She read it at first in a brazen hurry, unable to quite believe what what she was seeing, then she studied the text in far greater detail, with each sentence taking on a whole new meaning each time, each precious word engraved in the back of her head like a tattoo. It wasn't until the dark of early evening become closing in around the distracted alicorn that she realised just how long she'd been standing there, transfixed by this singular piece of paper for an indeterminate amount of hours. And no wonder, considering the strong emotional attachment she had with the content. Whatever she'd expected to find written in there, it was certainly nothing like that, to say nothing of the authors. Her world had been shaken to it's very core, and she wasn't quite sure what to do next. Still, she couldn't remain there all night freezing her tail off, so it was with great reluctance she picked herself off the ground, dusted herself down, and carefully folded the letter complete with envelope into the side pocket of her saddle bag in preparation for the long flight home. Right now, she needed clarity, space, a place to think... She needed Spike.