Puerto Caballo

by BrilliantCreativity

Getting Settled

Fluttershy flung her bags as gently as she could onto the couch in the right corner of the living room. It was a very nice living space but the fact that there was, apparently, only one bed still made her feel funny. Did Discord know yet?
She looked over at the Lord of Chaos who was currently inspecting the apartment and realized the look on his face. Fluttershy realized that the answer to her previous question had just been answered. Yes.

"Fluttershy?" he asked, with his paw and claw being held behind his back. "It seems as though there is only one bed present," he acknowledged. Fluttershy nodded her head, "Yes, it looks that way, but can't you materialize another bed or enlarge the couch or-or something?" she quivered. Discord took notice of Fluttershy's nerves and felt an opportunity arise as he grinned maliciously with her knowledge.

"You see my dear Fluttershy, if I were to create another bed there would have to be room for me to put it but as you can see..." he gestured around the room, "The area is quite cramped. Then again I could probably move some stuff around but that wouldn't be very kind to do to this establishment. Enlarging the couch is another option, yes, but then where would we sit? It tis quite the pickle we are in. However, there is one option that I am quite fond of..." he trailed off. Fluttershy stared at the draconequus with a lump in her throat, what was he talking about? Was he suggesting that they share? Or he could just split the bed in half? Only time would tell.

Discord could see the unease in Fluttershy's eyes and wanted to laugh but that would give it away. He walked closer to her. "You see my dear, the only true option that I see is...that I will sleep on the bed..." he got as close as comfortable to his friend's face, "While you sleep on the floor!" he yelled as he pulled his face away, rushed over to the bed and catapulted himself onto it and relishing in the feel of the sheets.

"Discord! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" she yelped feeling flustered and somewhat foolish. Discord could see her red cheeks and burst out laughing. Fluttershy tried to hide her grin but seemed to fail in doing so. Soon enough both of them were laughing as Discord flew over and grabbed Fluttershy by the waist to threw her on the bed. "Rawwr!" he yelled playfully.

She felt like she was being massacred by tickles. She was laughing so hard that she could feel her eyes begin to water. "D-d-d-disc-cord! St-stop i-it!" she cried in between giggles.

Soon enough the both of them ran out of breath as the two collapsed on top of each other, with Fluttershy being entrapped by Discord's lion arm and part of his chest.

"Hey, Fluttershy?" Discord whispered. "Hmm?" she answered. She could feel Discord smile before he, so bluntly, stated, "Has anyone ever told you that your laugh is adorable?"

Fluttershy blushed and let out a small laugh. "No, actually. Has anyone ever told you that you're impossible?" she asked gleefully.

"Hmm...actually yes, though usually, ponies say that in anger but," he positioned himself differently to look at Fluttershy. "I like the way you say it better."

She felt like this situation should've felt uncomfortable but it didn't. It felt normal as if they had always done this. Fluttershy looked towards the Lord of Chaos and smiled at his closed eyes. He looked so peaceful when he was tired and she wished they could stay like this for a bit longer, feeling tired herself, but she also didn't want to waste the day away.

"Discord?" she asked.

"Mhh hmm?" he mumbled.

"We should probably get up," she suggested. Fluttershy watched as his body rose off the bed but not entirely. He gave a small yawn.

"As you insist my dear," he replied. Fluttershy sat up on the bed as she watched Discord walk over to his, unnecessary, suitcase.