//------------------------------// // Arrogance // Story: Broken Rainbows // by AstonMartinLover //------------------------------// Chapter 12: Arrogance The new palace in Canterlot was quite modern. It involved the highest technological advancements, unknown to the rest of Equestria. Even computer systems existed within the great structure. Celestia led the six ponies into the deepest section of the palace substructure. After identifying herself to a monitor, a great metal door began to slide open. The six ponies hesitated, wondering what sort of mysterious danger might lay beyond the great door. "Do not be frightened my little ponies. It is safe to enter." The six trudged forward. The room they entered was very dark. The rest of the substructure wasn't exactly bright and cheerful either, but this was a new level of darkness. Celestia's horn powered up. A few sparks shot out. Then a single, powerful light came to life in the room's center. And it revealed something that made the six gasp in wonder. Before them stood the mannequin of a pegasus pony. On it, was a mighty looking blue armor. On the head of the pegasus, a blue helmet, complete with what appeared to be a horn. A hoof guard on all four hooves, and a powerful looking chest piece. "What is that?" Twilight Sparkle asked curiously. Celestia trotted in front of the armor. She seemed to be admiring it. But her expression gave way to grave seriousness. "This was once the armor of Nightmare Moon. Luna created it after losing her mind over a thousand years ago. With it's power, she very nearly defeated me." Scootaloo trotted right up to it. Something about the armor seemed to be alive. She pulled back, frightened by it. "Nightmare Moon? Are you sure it was safe to hold on to?" Applejack asked. "Certainly not worth holding on to as a fashion statement." Rarity pointed out, wrinkling her nose at the thing. "We do not wish to use it to make a fashion statement, Miss Rarity. We have converted it into a weapon." At hearing the word weapon, Fluttershy backed away from it as well. "I-Is it safe?" "For now. This is the only existing suit so far. We had hoped never to use it, but, with war on the horizon, we fear we may soon have to mass produce this armor." Twilight felt the horn. "Is this real?" "Oh yes. It is an artificial horn. I've injected small doses of my own magic into it. We wish to use it against the changeling encroachers. This prototype is designed only for pegasi. However, we have plans to build earth pony and unicorn variations." Twilight examined it closely. "This is too much power for one pony." "I'm designing six of them." Celestia replied. Applejack's eyes widened. "For us?" Celestia nodded. "The elements of harmony must be fully protected should we face any invasion in the very near future." Scootaloo hopped up to Celestia. "Does that mean I get one?" She asked a little too enthusiastically. Celestia sighed. "I was hoping that Rainbow Dash would return from her rehab before then. I'm sorry, but like Twilight said, this is a LOT of power. It...would be difficult for you to control." Scootaloo's ears went back. "What? Are you serious? I got this element because Rainbow Dash said I was ready!" "I know...Rainbow Dash did not exactly consult with me on that decision." The princess said as gently as possible. She lay a hoof on the young pegasi's shoulder. "You are thirteen. You are still so young. Our nation cannot rely on somepony as young as you. I promise, once you're older, there will be a place waiting for you, but not yet." Scootaloo pouted. She looked to the others for support. But they all looked dead serious. "She's right sugarcube. You just ain't ready for that kind of power yet." Applejack said, smiling painfully. Scootaloo sighed. She trotted off, completely dejected. The five each felt the cold sensation of guilt in their hearts. Celestia watched her go and turned to Twilight. "I apologize. I did not mean to hurt her." Twilight shook her head. "Don't worry Princess. She just needs some time to clear her head." The mane six were escorted to their rooms. The new royal palace was truly fantastic. A perfect housing place for the six heroes. Well five anyway. Scootaloo went into her room and slumped down on the bed. She was still unproven. The others still seemed to talk down to her. And this made her angry. The only reason she hadn't proven herself was because she had been held back every step of the way. Everypony calling her a kid. Even Celestia had called her out on it. And the others had just watched. They had not tried protecting their 'friend' from the cruel but true words of Celestia. She needed a chance to prove herself. Meanwhile, in the next room over, Twilight Sparkle was sleeping peacefully. Rainbow Dash was finally getting rehabilitated. The changelings were at bay for now. No reason to lose sleep. There was a knock at the door. Twilight yawned and stretched. "Who is it?" "It's Applejack." The voice replied. Twilight got up out of bed and opened the door. "C'mon Twilight. The princess needs us." "For what?" Twilight asked. "Pardon?" "For what? Why does she need us?" "Um...well...she didn't tell me." Applejack said. Twilight noticed a certain unusual twitch in Applejack's green eyes. "You're lying." Applejack arched an eyebrow. "What now?" "You're lying." Twilight repeated. Applejack frowned. "I ain't lyin." Twilight frowned back. "You feeling okay Applejack?" Applejack smiled uncomfortably. Then her eyes became blue. The orange of her coat melted away. Underneath were black scales. "You're coming with me purple one." The changeling hissed. She grabbed Twilight Sparkle and flexed his wings, then blasted down the hallway. "Get off me!" Twilight shouted. The creature reared back his hoof and plunked her on the head. She slumped over in his arms. He shattered the window and flew off into the night. "Well come on then. Eat your breakfast." Rainbow Dash blinked her eyes. She stretched in the morning sun. "What's going on?" "Breakfast. Berries. Not much else here. Dig in." He turned away to eat his own small share. Rainbow Dash saw the scars on his back. They seemed to be etched in some kind of cruel pattern. "Shadow?" Shadow turned. "What?" "What happened to your back?" Shadow sighed. "It's not important." "Sure it is. It must be." Rainbow said. "What happened?" Shadow looked back at her. His eyes held a strange, unnerving anger. He suddenly seemed quite threatening. Rainbow backed off. She smiled awkwardly back at him. "Okay. Maybe we should just get moving." She wolfed down the berries and continued the climb up the mountainside. They continued on in silence. Rainbow Dash still ached from the night before. But her front leg felt good as new. "So what is so special about this mountain anyway?" She asked. The changeling did not look at her. "It is said that on the top of the mountain, there is a fountain. It is said that bathing in it return's ones essence. We must find that fountain." "Wait. Hold on. It is said? I thought you'd been up here!" The changeling sighed. "I have. But I have never reached the top." Rainbow Dash couldn't believe this. Here she was expecting that she was following an experienced climber who knew this mountain like the back of his hoof. But her guide apparently had only slightly more experience than she herself did. "Why did you come? I mean other than the whole debt thing? Why should I have brought you?" The changeling turned to her angrily. "Because I have been broken before." Rainbow was silenced by this sudden angry outburst. She shook a little. "What? You got some fancy tattoo?" She said, gesturing to the etchings on his back. She scoffed. "That's not being broken. That's just a poor place to slice yourself up. I'm the one who can't fly over here..." The changeling reached forward and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. "Don't you dare compare something as trivial as not being able to fly, with this!" He shouted, frightening the pegasus. "You are a selfish, impulsive fool! You couldn't even imagine what these marks cost me!" He looked ready to strangle her, his eyes burning with unbridled fury. Rainbow Dash desperately tried to breath, as his grip tightened. "I'm sorry..." Shadow's eyes suddenly softened. He looked down at her, then at his hooves. He let her down and immediately reached for the oxygen tank. "I am so sorry. I did not wish to lose my temper. I am so very sorry..." He trailed off, fixing the mask to Rainbow's face. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear. Shadow slumped down, looking defeated, against the grass. "Please. Do not look at me like that. I know I nearly did a monstrous thing just now but..." Rainbow pulled the oxygen mask off and shook her head. "No, it's alright. I have a tendency to say stupid things sometimes." Now THAT was an understatement. But she knew she had ticked a nerve. And she was certain to steer clear of it now. However, she did not. "Tell me what happened." "No. I am sorry. This is your journey. I cannot make it about me." He turned and continued trekking forth. Rainbow closed her eyes. "Wait." The changeling stopped and turned around. "Please. I need to know. How were you broken?" The changeling paused, collecting his thoughts. "Mentally. Spiritually. Physically." Rainbow Dash shuddered through the pain and ran up to the changeling. "What happened to you Shadow?" Shadow looked at her, then looked up at the rising sun. "I haven't always been a soldier for the changeling guard. Once I was a champion flyer. Like you." Rainbow gasped, looking at his damaged fly wings. "Really?" "Yes. And I had a wife. A beautiful wife. And two beautiful little fillies." He took a deep breath. "Queen Chrysalis came to watch a performance of mine. I was so excited. So young and naive. I thought I could show off in front of the queen. Add some points to my ego." He paused and grimaced, recollecting a particularly painful memory. "But...I failed. I lost control during a stunt. Crashed into the queen's viewing barge. Chrysalis was nearly killed." He stopped, his eyes starting to water. "Her bodyguards construed it as an assassination attempt. They threw me into a dark hole. And then...after a few days...they threw my family in with me." Rainbow sat down, listening intently. "They...they broke my legs. My wings. Both during the course of my interrogation. I suppose you ponies would call it torture. After I did not admit to plotting an assassination, her captain of the guard had my spine broken. So I could not move. So I had to watch..." "Watch what?" Rainbow asked. He let out a sniffle. A full tear rolled down his muzzle. "Watch them murder my family. My beautiful wife...and my beautiful children...they died because of my arrogance. My recklessness." Rainbow's ears went back. "But of course, eventually they decided it was all an accident. And since they had broken my wings during the torture, I could no longer fly with the same...charisma. My legs and spine healed quickly. Changeling blood. And so I was pressed into army service. I have been a soldier ever since." Rainbow dash sat back. "I...I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." "It's okay. I've said too much." The changeling said, standing. "We must continue onwards." "What about those?" She asked, gesturing to the scars. He looked at them, then back at her. "They imprinted those upon me as I watched. So that even if they allowed me to live, I would never forget." Rainbow Dash realized now how ticked that nerve had been. To say that her loss meant anything up against that which the changeling lost, was absolutely ludicrous. Shadow turned, then continued up the mountainside. Twilight awakened. She was surrounded by changelings. "What? What's going on?" "Greetings Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis hissed. "You remember me don't you? Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?" Twilight growled. "You. Oh just you wait...Celestia and Luna will come for me soon..." Chrysalis picked Twilight up and threw her. She bumped her head on a wooden object. "Hold on to false hope if it makes you feel better. But tell me. Can you see what that is?" Chrysalis asked. Twilight turned. "What...what is it?" It was a large wooden log. It looked sick and twisted. It glowed green. "That is the weapon of your undoing. This weapon will level Equestria. Not even your beloved alicorns will survive." Twilight shook her head. "No. That's not possible. Nothing is that powerful..." "Oh yes. The core of it was mined out of the flame mountains in the badlands. Capable of incinerating miles and miles of earth. This device shall level Equestria. And you shall watch." Twilight's breathing became heavy. "Queen, please, if you must, punish me. Kill me, torture me, I don't care. But spare Equestria. Please." Chrysalis smiled. "Now wouldn't that just be peachy? No. Do not worry. I will not kill you Twilight Sparkle. I will let you live with the image of everypony you know dying at my hoof." "I'm gonna go get her!" Scootaloo shouted. "Scootaloo, calm down." Fluttershy reasoned. "Let's just all take a moment to calm down." Applejack nodded. "She's right. We gotta think strategically here. Where would she have been taken?" "The everfree forest!" Scootaloo snapped. "Where do you think they're all hiding?" "Scootaloo we have to stay composed. We're a group. We'll just wait for the go ahead from Princess Celestia..." "Go ahead? Go ahead? Why don't we just go?" Scootaloo demanded. Applejack shook her head. "You have to think Scootaloo. This is exactly what Chrysalis expects us to do." Scootaloo turned and headed towards her balcony. "Where do you think you're going young lady?" Applejack demanded. Scootaloo turned. "What Rainbow Dash would do." She spread her wings and blasted off.