The Eevee Pack of Ponyville

by Masters-of-the-Elements

The First Chase

The Eevee Pack of Ponyville:

The First chase

“I’m not a shiny, black eevee, no no no on, I’m just dreaming. Yeah, just a dream, one where I can feel pain.” I muttered franicly, as I desperately tried to convince myself that this was just a lucid dream.

Though as I spoke those words, I knew how much of lie they were; the pain in my shoulder told me so, still...I didn’t want to openly admit I have been turned into a shiny version of one the more pupalor creature in the Poke-franchise.

I think I was close to a full panic when a piece of the roof came loose, and landed right on my tail. With a loud cry, I jumped up, only to be pushed down due the weight behind me. I fell onto my back and hit my head on the debris, knocking me for a loop.

“Yes, Miss Doctor Seuss, I will like some pink egg and ham on my tuna roll,” I moaned as my head bobbled about.

I was starting to come to my senses when something tiny hit me in the head just right and I blacked out.

I don’t know how long I was out, but when I came to for the second time, I noticed something odd floating in front of me. I shake the cobwebs from my head, and focused on what was in front of me.

“Loser, dork, dick-head…” I read outloud the floating, pink words in front of me.

I gave my head another shake and to my slight surprise the words disappeared. Oh, that can’t be a good sign, I thought to myself. I hoped, prayed, that seeing those words were just because I hit my head and not something serious. I don’t want to have some sort of head injury with all I’m dealing with at the moment.

Speaking of problems, I slowly pushed myself to my feet and tried pull my tail free. I let out a small yup when I felt the nerves in my new limb suddenly flare up, and I stopped pulling. After letting the pain subside, I tried pulling out again, only much, much slower. It wasn’t long before I gave up, feeling the pins and needles going through my tail.

“Great,” I sighed as twisted my body to get a better at my trapped tail. “Not only do I have a sprain shoulder, but now I have a flattened tail? Can this get any worse.”

“I know I heard something from in here. I think we should check it out.”

Oh no, I know that’s Scootaloo, and just like that I felt like kicking myself for tempting fate. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the group she and her friends were in, but I don’t think I could handle the kind of trouble those three tend to attract.

Now, I was more determined than ever to get out of here. I didn’t want the three fillies to find me and turn me into one their cutie marks ventures. But, the real question was how do I get my tail free. It’s not like I use could use a move to blast the piece of debris into rumble...I face, well, paw-planted so hard I think it could heard all the way to the Apple’s farm.

I am an Eevee, so of course I should have some moves I could use. But, what kind of moves do I have, and what would be powerful enough to get my tail free. I know the basic moveset an Eevee is commonly given include move like Bite, Scratch, Tackles, and a few others.

“I don’t know about this Scootaloo,” the voice of Sweetie Belle rang out, and she sounded really close. “The mayor said no pony is suppose to go in there until the place is fixed.”

C’mon, think, how could I figure what moves I have, and which would be the best to get me free? Suddenly, I felt something click in the back of my head, and I soon felt energy building in the back of my throat. The energy quickly built, and I found myself opening my mouth to try and relieve some pressure. Suddenly, I let loose the built up energy, and watched as the shadow ball hit the piece of roof and exploded a second later.

I looked at my freed tail, both in shock and awe at the shadow ball I could used. Wait...I just used shadow ball; I just used one of my favorite move from the entire franchise! That so-

“What the hay is that?” the voice of Apple-bloom suddenly shriek, causing me to snap my head to my right.

“And what kind of magic did it just use?” Sweetie asked in a much softer tone, as her eyes studied me.

Me, I could only stare at the three like they were pack of wild animals waiting to tear into me. Scootaloo, being the daring filly, took a step towards me. I, in turn, took a cautious step back, and that cause the suppose disable pegasus to stop. The three exchange looks between each other, like they didn’t know what to do with me.

But I wasn’t one to talk; I had quickly entered into a debut with myself; should I bite the bullet and just try to make friends with them. After all, these fillies were all about friendship just as their older counterparts. So, it would stand to reason that I would have nothing to fear, except the odd bruising here and there.

With my mind on the matter settled, I took a step forward ready to extend my paw to the fillies in friendship. I sudden came to a stop, my right paw hovering half-a-inch from the ground, and I only stared at the group with slightly wide eyes. Every single instinct I had, old and new ones I got from turning into a fictional creature, was livid, screaming at me that this was a dangerous move, and that I should run.

I tried to override this sudden and powerful urge to run, but it was pointless and before I knew what happened, I found myself running out of the town hall and down several blocks. I must have been halfway to the market place before I came to my senses and put the brakes on, a little to hard. I fell forward and I went tumbling for a while before I stopped myself and narrowly avoided a nasty meeting with a stall.

I quickly righted myself and gulp a little when I realized how close I was to the stand, there was just hairline between the stall and my nose, and that little piece of information made a me little relieved. I really didn’t want to deal with another injury on top of my sprain shoulder and my now bruised tail.

I blinked and slowly looked at my injured shoulder. I I ran for-who-knows-how-long and who-know-how-far, and I didn’t feel a twitch of pain. I gave my shoulder a quick twist and felt nothing, and then looked at my tail. Say for some debris stuck in it, my tail looked fine, and a quick swing confirms that it was also healed.

Now, I was really confused, I know the species I know belong to have incredible healing abilities, but they don’t work at the speed I had experienced, especially if you count the fact that my shoulder was hurting just a few short while ago. These unearthed facts left me wondering just what was going on with me.

“There it is!!” I heard Scootaloo scream, and felt my stomach drop.

I looked behind me and saw the CMC in their Crusader-mobile, as my fellow closest bronies called it, racing towards me at breakneck pace. Part of me knew those three don’t give up so easily. But I was kinda hoping they wouldn’t give chase, just so I wouldn’t feel the gut-turning feeling from before.

Speaking of said feeling, it was back and I didn’t fight it this time. I took off in mad dash, running as fast as my short legs would carry me. I dart and weaver around the legs of different ponies, as I quickly figured out how to use my ears to tone into the sound Scoot’s wings made.

I found it slightly disturbing how easily I had been adjusting to my new body, but I filed this feeling into the back of my head and focused on the flipping wings coming up fast behind me. I had to hand, er, paw it to Scoots, she knows how to move; I think she was nearly on top me, if I was hearing things right.

Still, I had one edge over Scoots, and it if i used it right I could possibly lose the CMC. And the right opportunity is coming right up; an alley, to narrow from Scoots to fit the wagon she was pulling through, and I pushed my new body just a little harder.

The alley was dead ahead, and with only final push, i kicked off my back left paw, and was sent into the air. I used my built momentum to twist my body into the mouth of the alley. Ha, whoever told me that physics wouldn’t be useful in real life could go and suck a Ditto egg, I thought as I landed on my feet and took off running.

I must have been half way down the alley before I stopped to catch my breath. I looked at mouth of the alley and despite everything that has been happening to me, I let out laugh. It started out small, coming in bursts as I tried to control myself, but it wasn’t long before I was on the ground laughing my head off.

I wouldn’t deny that some part of me, probably the instincts that came with this new body, found that little chase somewhat fun. And it also made me a little bum out that the fun had to end so soon, but I had other pressing matters. So, with that mind, I reined in my instincts and my laughing fit, and got to my feet.

I slowly made my way down the two-way alley, and cautiously poked my head out. I looked around quickly and was pleased that there way no other ponies within range. This was good, it would make it a lot easy for me to hide. All I need to do if I see another pony would to hide-

“I knew it would come out Here!”

I think I nearly dropped an egg when I heard that familiar voice, and snapped head to the right. The CMC was coming down the road at breakneck pace. Oh, c’mon, how did that chicken find me so fast, I asked myself as I bolted to my left.

Bad Eevee, bad. You don’t make fun of the handicap, I heard the scolding voice of my uncle say in the back of my head.

Oh, now I was really worried, if I was hearing my uncle in my head that couldn’t a good sign, for my state of mind. But I didn’t have time to think about that, I was busy running for my life!

I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me, but I could hear Scootaloo’s wingflips getting closer. I saw another alley coming up, and took a sharp turn into it. I overturned and would have probably slammed into the wall, if my new instincts didn’t kick in, and I twisted my body around. I bounced off the wall and let out a howl of excitement when I did a triple flip and landed right on my paws. I took off from the other end of the alley, only to stop when I realized it was a dead end.

Great, just great, I really did it this time; not only was it a dead end but the alley was big enough that CMC could get in easily. I looked around and saw that the walls were spaced to far apart, so using the reflectives this body gave me to try and parkour my way out was out of the question.

My ears twitched as that sound I had quickly come to know reach them and I spun around. Just like I thought, the trio of fillies were coming right at me. I did notice that they were moving slower than before, probably because the alley was just wide enough for the wagon to fill in, and that gave me an idea.

I study the alley and determine there was just enough room from what I had in mind. Still, I had to be very careful, if this move I was planning on was even a hair off I could rick hurting the crusaders, and I didn’t want that; together, the three were my fourth favorite character.

So, I tensed my body and lean forward slightly, eyes set firmly on the Crusaders. When they were roughly five feet in front of me, I took off running at full speed. When I had closed the gap between them and me by two feet, I pushed off my back legs and into the air, angling my body so I flew towards the wall. I pushed off the wall just as the crusader-mobile passed over me, just as I had planned.

I took off running the second my paws touched the ground and didn’t look back, didn’t have to, as I heard Scoots put on the brakes, and knew the trio was going to be okay. Best of all, it should take the trio a few minutes to get out of there and that should allow me to put some distance between us and find a place to hide.


“Great, how did I get turned around?” I asked as I looked around the area I found myself in.

Somehow I had found myself back at Town Hall. Funny, I didn’t remember running in the direction leading to the ruin building. Hold on a second...I don’t remember much after leaving the CMC behind. I found that odd, I normally had a decent memory, and I closed my eyes and tried to focus, to remember what happened after I ran from the alley.

I frown as a memory surfaced only to be taken away in a small, painful jolt. Strangely, the memory itself wasn’t even any recent ones, but ones that dealt with an old frat member. Why would I be thinking about something like that when I had other pressing matters at paw?

I gave my head a quick shake and tried to push these thoughts out. No go, anytime I tried to remember anything recent, another memory would pop and disappear just as quickly as it came, and it would be about a frat member from a few years ago. I gave up after the fourth try and sighed in defeat. I looked around and saw the stream close to town hall, and suddenly realized my throat was dried.

I walked up to it, cautious in case some pony wondered in, and once I was sure I was in the clear, hop down and took a long drink from it. Once I had my full, I looked up and let the ray of the sun wash over my black fur. At least I can take closure that the CMC wouldn’t think of looking for me here.

“I told you I saw it come in this direction!” I heard unmistakable squeezy voice Sweetie and groaned out loud.

“OH C’MON! I CAN’T HANDLE THIS MUCH BAD FANFICTION IN ONE DAY!!” I screamed as I bolted across the stream.

I heard some pony say something but largely ignore it and focused on Scoot’s wings. This wasn’t good, I realized now that Scootaloo knew this place better than me, so there was no way I could hope to out-maneuver her when she had the edge here.

If only I could go a little faster, then I might be able to put some distance between us and gave myself breathing room to actually think about a plan.

I felt something click in the back of my head and anything was suddenly things were blurring by me as I felt a boost to my legs. I could also feel a sort of energy coming off from behind me, and i realized what I was doing.

So, not only did I know shadow ball, but I also learn quick attack in a short period? That was so...COOL! I couldn’t stop, nor did I want to, the energetic laugh/howl that escaped me as I raced across Ponyville. Needless to say, I had given into the playful nature of the species I had become, leading the CMC all across town as I used boxes to gain some air, jumped off of walls and soared over ponies head.

While I was busy showing off, the rational, human part of my mind was trying to break through my Eevee instincts and regain control, but it was a hopeless fight, the instincts were currently stronger. So, I gave up the fight and instead focused on a piece of wood leaning against something.

I smiled excitedly as I pushed my Quick Attack just a little further and ran up the wood. I rocketed towards the sky with a plan to do a fancy aerial stunt that would make Scoots proud...only to have that plan derailed when I took a green hoof right between the eyes.

I was seeing stars as I felt my body go spinning counterclockwise. One, two, three times I went until it stopped. I blinked twice and looked down at the black hole I was hovering over.

“...Is that a well?” I asked myself, almost causal, as gravity choose that time to find me and pull down into said well.