Rainbow's Lonesome Road

by Centurion Pike-Wall


Fear for ones life is a hell of a motivator.

Void found this little tidbit out first hand. She had no weapon, nothing that even resembled one. So, her instincts took over. In this situation, fighting wasn't an option, so that left one option: Flight. And that's just what she did.

She ran as fast as she could. It was like her her with AJ at the running of the leaves, but she had no fallback this time. She couldn't fly, otherwise she would already be in the air. Hell, if she could fly, she likely wouldn't be in this mess. So, she ran. Her legs beat on the hard packed earth, propelling her along. She ran faster then at the Running of the leaves, faster then she had ever run in her life.

It wasn't enough. The snake, pony, thing, was gaining on her; fast. He slithered along, his fore legs only adding to his speed by them pushing him along. Soon, her head start meant nothing as he was only a short distance behind her. The feeling of him breathing down her neck only made her pick up the pace. However, she was getting tired. Fast.

Her muscles ached, pushed to the breaking point under the stress of the situation. She felt herself begin to slow, which allowed the Snake-pony even more ability to make up for lost time. Void, desperate to put some more distance between the two of them, ripped up a clump of dirt, and tried again to throw it at him. However, he was ready this time. Her only stopped to cover his eyes, then immediately picked up speed. Void, on the other hoof, stumbled turning around, losing even more ground to it.

Fortunately, she was not very far from the tree line. If she made it, then she may have a chance. She knew reptiles were coldblooded, so the shady trees could slow it down. Plus, she may be able to find a sturdy enough stick, or better yet, a rock, with which she could beat him over the head. So, her current top priority is to make it to the trees.

Unfortunately, before she could make it, the stallion caught up. Slithering along side her, he swiped at her with a foreleg, trying to knock her over. When that failed, he just pulled up ahead of her a little further, then laid down in front of her. Despite the fact she was going slower than when she had started running, she was still running quite fast. So, with no way to stop, she fell flat on her face. Dust flew up into her face, some finding its way through the hole in her cheek, staining her teeth and gums.

Before she even had time to spit the dirt from her mouth, the Snake-pony was upon her. He rewrapped up her lower body, the coils tying her up. They soon made it all the way up to her neck, and then once more began to constrict. Air was once more forced from her, and her tounge once more lulled from her mouth. She now has no way to escape the coils, as he had positioned himself in such a way as to have his thickest part near her head.

She strained with all her effort, but to no avail. Her forelegs couldn't press hard enough, and her wing was so weak with lack of use she feared it might snap if she pressed too hard. In desperation, she swung around her rear legs wildly, hoping to connect with something. Her luck was used when she hit a section of his underscales. Normally, this probably wouldn't hurt, as his scales were quite sturdy. However, in this spot, a few wounds were in the process of healing, and She just happened to hit the bandage. It caved in, blood and pus leaking out of the reopened wound. He hissed, and let his grip loosen once again. She then swung out the wider end of the coils, and stumbled away from him.

This time, she didn't run. She was too tired, and feared what the strain on her would do. She was still weak from limited activity, hunger, and the fact she had been strangled twice now in less then five minutes, and any more excessive use of her muscles may tear a ligament. Plus, the stallion made it abundantly clear that he could catch her if she ran. So, while he recovered, she looked for a weapon.

Her search yielded fruit in the form of a small log. It looked sturdy enough, and would be just fine for bashing in his head. Speaking of which, he had recovered, and immediately sprang at her like a coiled spring. She barely had time to dodge, leaping to the side, which gave her the perfect shot at his head. She took it, bringing the log down on the side of his head.

The log, almost as soon as it hit the Stallions head, broke to pieces. It practically crumbled in her hoof, loose splinters and chunks of wood rained down along his head, her hooves, and the mud. The log was rotten! All of the rain had turned it into a pile of mush and soggy splinters. The good news was it forced him to the ground, groaning and spitting up a little blood.

Void looked for a new weapon. One that hopefully wouldn't break on her. She tried a decent sized stick, but that one also broke when she broke it on a tree. Then, she found a new one, and when she hit it on the tree, it stayed strong. It had the additional benefit of having a pick-like protrusion on one side. It would be the perfect weapon. Well, not really; she would have preferred to have her sword. But, it would be fine for now.

But when she turned around, she was greeted with an odd sight. The stallion, who had been trying to kill her, was crying. Light sniffling and a few tears entered her confused ears. His face was in his forelegs, and he practically forgot about her. He even seemed to ignore the bleeding injury on his coil, still leaking out his bodily fluid. Her confusion was made apparent by her words: "What the?"

Threw his tears, he snivled out, "G-g-go ahead. Ki-k-kill me. Then I can then be with *sniff* them."