//------------------------------// // Friendships and Enmities // Story: Bronze, Thunder, and Rain // by epicdonus1123 BOT //------------------------------// Chapter 3 When I awoke, the gleaming light of the sun shined on my face. It was a very good feeling, considering that I wasn't even in Georgia anymore. I missed my mom, but she probably misses me more. I lifted my head off the pillow, and tried to shake to stay up. To my surprise, my legs and arms were also shaking. Just yesterday, I couldn't even feel them at all. Then Rain and Thunder came into the room. "Hey Bronze!" Rain ran towards me with an welcoming hug. "Hi Rain, hey Thunder." "Hey Bronze. How are ya doing?" Thunder said with questionable expression. I couldn't tell if he was really asking, or just acting. "Good. Hey, what did you guys to when you left?" "Oh that's easy. I'll tell ya." Thunder announced. FLASHBACK "Ugh...where are we?" Thunder pondered as he looked around. "You are in the hospital, young one." the Doctor answered him. The Doctor was a blue pony with green eyes, and light blue hair. "Why do we have these white things strapped around us?" Rain queried the Doctor. "Because you have been hurt, but not us much as him." The Doctor pointed his hoof towards my unconscious body. "Bronze! Will he be okay!?" Rain screamed at the Doctor for his approval. "Yes, yes. He'll be fine, just give him time." "Can we meet other ponies? Are we allowed to leave?" Rain whispered with teary eyes. "Your allowed to leave, but not go outside the hospital. You can only meet ponies within the hospital." "Okay, goodbye Bronze." Thunder grabbed Rain, and walked out the door. There, they saw a pony barking at them like a dog. "Screw! Screw, stop it!" Nurse Redheart shouted at Screw Loose, while she kept on barking. Screw Loose eventually tired herself out, and fell asleep. Redheart noticed Rain and Thunder staring at her. "Um, hi." Thunder quietly said. "Hiya, dearies. Sorry for that, Screw Loose didn't mean to bark at you." "It's okay. I'm Rain Dancer, and this is my brother Thundershock." She cocked her head at them, but ignored the fact that they were different. "Hi Rain Dancer! Hi Thundershock!" "Hi miss?" "Redheart, Nurse Redheart." Thundershock and Rain remembered Redheart from brony quizzes and stories. She was as humble as bronies said she was. They, then, heard a cannon set off in the next room. Out the door, came little Rain Dancer's hero....Pinkie Pie. Rain loved throwing parties as much as Pinkie did, so meeting her in real life was a real "doozy". Pinkie ran up to the filly and stallion, yes Thunder is technically a stallion. "Hi! Hi! Hi! You must be the new ponies in town! I'm Pinkie Pie!" "Hi Pinkie! I'm Thundershock, and this is my sister Rain Dancer." "It's always nice to meet new ponies! I love making ponies smile!" Rain smiled as wide as the sun, for that always made her happy. "It was good meeting you Pinkie Pie!" Rain excitingly shrieked. "You too Rain!" "Goodbye Pinkie!" "Goodbye Thunder!" She trotted down the hall, towards the next room. Rain and Thunder walked down the hall, towards the front of the building. They didn't talk to anyone, for anyone stopped to say hello. Twilight Sparkle and Spike, suddenly, dashed down the hall. They accidentally crashed into the two siblings. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, ponies I haven't met yet!" "We just got to Ponyville, we're kinda new." Thunder responded. "Oh, well I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is-" "Spike!" Rain interrupted. "Yes, he's Spike. Who are you two?" "Actually, we have an older brother, but he's unconscious. Anyways, I'm Thunder and she's Rain." "Nice to meet you both. Say, did you happen to see Pinkie around here?" "Yes ma'am, we saw her a couple of minutes ago." Rain replied. "Thank you. I need to go and get her, goodbye!" "Bye Twilight!" they both yelled in unison. They then ran back up to my door, and started waiting for me. FLASHBACK OVER "Seems like you've done a lot while I was sleeping." I said in bewilderment. "Eeyup." Rain proudly agreed, causing all of us to laugh together. We laughed, hugged, laughed, and hugged. Over and over again, we kept laughing and hugging at each other, and with each other. The Doctor came in during the middle of it. "Rain Dancer and Thundershock! How have you two been doing, and what are you doing?" "We have been good, Doctor." He gave a nod to show his understanding. "Rain and Thunder, will you introduce me to your brother?" "I can speak for myself, Doctor. I am Bronze." I happily, yet rudely, responded. "Well Bronze, we are checking you out of the hospital! Congratulations!" "When, later?" "No, right now!" I should've seen this coming, for they did this to Rainbow Dash in an episode. He helped lifting my arm onto his shoulder, and carried me to a wheelchair. The other nurse, the one that me, Rain, nor Thunder have met, strolled me to the front of the building. She opened the door, and let me free. "Take care!" "Goodbye, dearie!" Nurse Redheart cried out. "Now Bronze, make sure that you stay on that for a few minutes! When you are ready to walk, come give it back to us!" The Doctor proclaimed. "Will do!" I shouted back. Thunder grabbed the bars of the wheelchair, and pushed me into Ponyville. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face Ponyville yet, even though they are normally very nice. They tend to be rude at times, even jealousy happens to them. What if everypony doesn't like me? We finally make it to Ponyville, and the first pony, or ponies, to run into us were the CMC. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, I think, were test-driving Scootaloo's scooter. "Out of th' way!" Applebloom screamed. "Yeah, what she said!" Sweetiebelle warned, but it was to late, they already crashed into us. Through the pile of clutter, Scootaloo was the first to pop out. "My scooter!" "Oh, don't get yer hooves in a knot." Applebloom stated. "But, my scooter is destroyed!" By this time, Sweetiebelle, Rain, Thunder, and me all got out of the huge mess. "Well look on the bright side!" Sweetiebelle tried to calm Scootaloo down. Me, Rain, and Thunder were all just watching the three fillies battle it out. "What bright side!?" "Actually, there isn't a bright side. None of us got our cutie marks, your scooter is broken, and these ponies got hurt." "Exactly! Say, who are you three?" She immediately looked at Thunder and bowed down. The other two noticed Thunder's horn and wings, and bowed down too. "What are ya doing?" Thunder was just as weirded out as I was. "Ya 're royalty, aren't ya?" Applebloom pondered. "Actually, yes I am. For my first command-" "No, he's not royalty. He's just an average pegacorn." I retorted. Now that I think about it, pegacorns and unisuses aren't your average/ everyday thing. "Okay? Anyways, I'm Sweetiebelle. These are my friends, Scootaloo and Applebloom." she said with a mixture of guilt and innocence, I think. "Nice t' meet ya! What's ya names?" Applebloom asked. "I'm Rain Dancer! This is Thundershock and Bronze, they're my brothers!" little Rain was always so hyper about ponies. I'm glad to have her as my sister. "Okay, nice to meet you three. Well, we need to go and do some more crusading, right girls?" was Scootaloo always this eager to crusade? "Right!" "Right! Let's go!" They stood up, and shook themselves off. "Goodbye you three! I can't wait to see you, Rain, in class!" Sweetiebelle yelled as the CMC walked away together. "Class? It was summer back in Georgia." Rain stated. "Ya 're right. I guess that you have to go to school, and me and A-err Thunder need to find our special talents Got it?" I declared. Thunder then looked at me and his flanks. Wow, I can now say that he looked at my flank for my special talent. Anyways, when he noticed that we didn't have our cutie marks, he nodded. "Right. Me and Bronze are stallions and yer just a little filly. We need to get our cutie marks, and ya need to go to school." "But, that's not fair! I'm only four years younger than ya'll!" she barked at us. "Yes, in human years. As ponies, we're like twice as tall as ya! Who knows, pony years and human years are different." I replied calmly. "Fine! I'll go to school, but ya two need to fine your special talents, and our house!" Rain shrieked. "We can do that! If I learned anything from My Little Pony, it's that the ponies are appropriately named according to their cutie marks." Thunder calmly responded, the way I did. "Just because yer Thunder and he's Bronze, doesn't mean that yer good with weather, and he is good with metal!" Rain was in full anger, throwing fits and tackling us. "Calm down! First, we need to meet the rest of the town. Then, we go and find our talents, m'kay?" Rain gave a little growl. "Ugh! Just find yer stupid talents, and leave me alone!" she hollered as she stomped away. Thunder and I looked into each other eyes for a couple of seconds. "Wow, talk about anger-management." Admittedly, I did laugh along. "Yeah, ya should talk about anger-management. Ya always fail my tests." "No I don't, not always!" "See, failed!" "Oh shut up! I don't even care about yer tests." He stopped talking to me, and ran after Rain. I followed those two knuckle-heads, for they sure can get themselves in trouble. While running after them, I realized something. I almost forgot to give the wheelchair back. The two weren't to far ahead, so I grabbed the wheelchair and ran to the hospital. I opened the door, and threw the wheelchair in, probably not the smartest move. I ran out, and chased the two down. They noticed me chasing them, and sprinted away as fast as gazelles. I finally caught up to them, and stopped them. We all laughed in harmony. We then started running down Ponyville some more. We finally reached the middle of town, and noticed some ponies around us that we could name by heart. We played a game to see who can name the ponies the fastest. Eventually, obviously, I won the game, for I am the biggest brony of us all. Then, Berry Punch came up towards us. "Hiya newcomers! I'm Be-" "Berry Punch. Your Berry Punch!" Rain interrupted her. "Yes I am! How did you know that?" "Oh, we just are smart." Thunder covered up for her. "Anyways, welcome to Ponyville! Here, we have the freshest apples in Equestria!" "That's great! Say, do ya know when school hours start?" I asked with curiosity." "Oh, that's easy! School for your little filly here starts at eight and ends at four. By the way, what's you're names?" "Bronze, Thundershock, and Rain Dancer." Thunder said impatiently. I don't know what his deal is, but he's had that grumpy attitude all day. "Those are great names! It sounds like you're going to be good at blacksmith stuff," she pointed to me. " and you're going to be good with the weather team!" "That's what I said!" Rain announced. "You know what they say, great minds think alike!" Berry's attitude about life is so marvelous. It seems like nothing bothers her at all. "Well, thank ya so much Berry Punch for yer positive attitude. It'll be good to see ya 'round town!" "Why thank you! I can't wait to meet you so more! Goodbye!" "Bye!" we all screamed in unison. She bounced away with a smile on her face as big as a mile. It was very welcoming to see her walk away like that, knowing that she truly cares. We waved goodbye, and continued our search around town. My mind went blank, and I drifted off into my little world as we were walking. I didn't really think about anything this time, it was just total blankness. It went like that for several minutes, until Rain yelled my name. "Looky! We made it to Applejack's farm!" Wait what, did she just say Applejack's farm? Was I really gone that long? "We get to meet Applejack!" Thunder was finally excited about something, for once in his life. "Okay, so what? We get to meet other country ponies, big deal." I was actually disinterested in meeting Applejack, mainly because I don't really like her. "Don't be such a downer! It'll lots of fun!" Rain was literally bouncing on around me, begging us to go. "I didn't say that I didn't want to go, I just said that 'we get to meet other country ponies.'" She took as a yes, and dashed all the way to the barn. Thunder and I ran after her, when suddenly we noticed Applejack and Rainbow Dash knocking down some apples. "Oh look! There they are! HEY APPLEJACK!" she actually went and tackled Applejack into a tree, a bit stronger than I expected she was. Rainbow stood there, and looked at my sister like she was a maniac. Thunder and I ran, and I grabbed her off of Applejack. "Sorry 'bout that! Rain Dancer, why 're ya tacklin' ponies as important as Applejack!?" When I get angry, my country accent raises. When I get more satisfied, it lessens. "Hey now, don' fret. She's just a filly." Applejack calmly said. "Ya sure, because she slammed ya back into th' tree behind ya." "Yeah, I'm sure. Anyways, how do ya already know my name!?" she pondered on me. "No reason. Hi, I'm Bronze! This is Thundershock, and ya already met Rain Dancer." "Well, it's always nice t' meet other country ponies." She gave a warm smile, in which I smiled back. We then struck a conversation about the South and country. "Yeah, where I came from, th' weather would always change." I said. "I know, it gets perdy annoyin' after a while." Applejack replied. She wasn't as annoying as I thought she was. "Uh hem, nopony has even said hi to me yet." Rainbow Dash is right, nopony has even said hi to her yet. "Okay then, hi there!" Rain Dancer replied. "And who might you be?" "Rain Dancer! I'm Rain Dancer!" "That's a cool name, for a pegasus. Anyways, how about you?" She then directed her head towards Thunder. "Thundershock." "That's also a cool name. Finally, how about you, unicorn?" Rainbow Dash has the nerve to call me "unicorn". She got her self into a bad start. "Bronze. I'm Bronze." "That's it!? Bronze? That's such a funny name!" How on Celestia's grave was it that funny? "Chill Rainbow, that could hurt his feelings." She kept on laughing, and laughing. "Rainbow, knock it off with th' giggling!" "I can't! It's just a funny name!" That's it, I don't set a bad name for myself. How would Rainbow like a taste of her own medicine. "Oh yeah? What 'bout yer name, Rainbow Crash?" She instantly stopped laughing, and looked up at me. I turned, and saw Rain hide behind Applejack. Thunder stood there, ready to watch the fight that was about to ensue. "What did you say, punk?" Rainbow finally stooped down to my level. "I said 'Rainbow Crashhhh." I held the last word for emphasis on the insult. "You sure are smart, smart enough for me to drive my hoof to your face!" Rainbow Dash was really mad now. "Woah, woah. Rainbow, ya aren't really goin' t' fight him, 're ya?" Applejack said to her. "Yeah, if you weren't in my way!" Rainbow suddenly started hollering at Applejack. "Hey now, what's goin' on here!?" Big Mac yelled as he ran over here. I looked at the red stallion, about a foot taller than me. "This punk made me mad!" "Mmhmm, this "punk" made ya mad? Think 'bout how annoyin' it was when ya was laughin' at my name!" I shrieked at her. "Were ya really laughin' at him?" Big Mac asked. "Ugh...fine, yeah I was." Rainbow Dash finally admitted. "What d' ya say?" Big Mac questioned. "Sorry." Rainbow whispered. "What'd ya say? I can't hear ya?" I lied. "Sorry!" Rainbow retorted. We both then looked away from each other. I peeked back at her, just to see that she was also looking at me. We looked in each others' eyes for a few seconds, and turned away. "Anyways, it was good meeting ya, Applejack." Rain awkwardly said. "Yeah, ya too Rain. We should be headin' inside now, right Big Macintosh?" "Eeyup." Applejack and Big Mac then walked back to the barn. "We should get going, c'mon Bronze." Thunder said. He grabbed Rain by the ear, and dragged her away. I stayed for a few seconds, with Rainbow Dash. I walked up to her, though she backed away. "Get away from me." "I'm trying to say somethin'." "Leave me alone, punk!" "Fine, be like that!" I walked away from her, only to look back at her. "Just remember one thing: I may respect you, but I don't like you." She looked at me with disgust, and I turned my head back around.