The Secret of the Everfree forest

by DerpTape

Fifth Instar

Chapter one – Fifth Instar

The wedding was beautiful. The real wedding that is. Fluttershy shivered, not from any night chill, but from the vision of Queen Chrysalis as she showed her natural form at the wedding altar that was still fresh in her mind. A vision she hoped with all her might that she would never again witness. Settling herself, she looked across the party. All these ponies celebrating the royal union, none of them seemed the worse for wear from the Canterlot Invasion, as it was already being called, but she knew more than most how some damage never showed on the outside.

Finally she spotted Princess Celestia for once without anypony crowding around her. Fluttershy reminded herself who she needed to do this for, and approached the Princess. Speaking loudly to be heard over the party, “Um . . . Princess Celestia . . .” Not even an ear twitch. She thought she was talking loudly? Trying again, trying to remember Rainbow Dashes cheering lessons, “Um, Princess Celestia? Could I talk to you?”

“Oh, Fluttershy. You and your songbirds were lovely earlier. I thank you again for providing such lovely music on such short notice.” The Solar Diarch responded with a genuine smile.

“Well, it was such an honor to even be asked in the first place, we did try our best. The ceremony you performed was lovely too . . . Um, I did actually have a favor to ask of your Highness. Well, if it is OK with you that is.”, Oh my, she could hardly believe that she was really doing this.

Princess Celestia chuckled, “My little pony, you, both by yourself and with your friends, have served, and saved, Equestria and Crowns several times over. Ask me for anything, and if it is within my power, it is yours but for the asking.”

Fluttershy looked up at the kind smile and took a quick breath. This was it, after this there would be no turning back, not for anypony, “Could I please have a private audience with you, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence? Tonight? I promise I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t super important!”

Princess Celestia blinked. This was not a request she had anticipated, “Could you tell me what this is about?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “I really need to talk to you all at the same time.” She looked out through her long, soft bangs, “Please Princess?”

The tallest mare in the land smiled again, “Of course, Fluttershy. It really is a modest request, considering all you have done, you just took me off guard is all. Allow me a bit to talk to the other Princesses, shall we meet in the throne room is thirty minutes? There will be no issue with privacy there tonight, everypony is out here.” Seeing Flutter shy’s tiny nod at this, she walked off into the party.

‘Well,’ Fluttershy thought as she watched Princess Celestia be absorbed by the crowd, ‘The Throne Room is appropriate, that is where sentences and pardons are both given out, after all.’ With that glass containing 50% water by volume thought, she began to slowly walk towards the palace.

She passed the luxuriant architecture without a glance. Works of art that had brought critics to tears of joy went by unnoticed. She had eyes only for the floor beneath her hooves, watching the mirror polished marble tiles pass as she moved her heavy limbs to the meeting that she had asked for, and dreaded. Come what may, she had chosen this. In her heart she knew that choosing to have this conversation was the most important, and the most right, decision she could ever make.

All too quickly the tiles led her to the open doors of the Throne Room. As she hesitated at the threshold, she knew that she didn’t need more time to prepare, she just wanted more time to delay. Her time was up, however, for as soon as she passed the elaborate entryway, she saw Princess Cadence and the new Prince Shining Armor come in from the side to join Princess Celestia and Princess Luna whom were already standing together at the hoof of the dais before the thrones. As the five gathered, a blue glow pushed the doors closed, then flashed. Princess Luna explaining that it was a simple anti-eavesdropping spell.

“I hope that it’s OK Shinny is here too, anything you want to say to me, you can say to him. I know he can keep your confidence, if you want.” Princess Cadence looked bashful, and a slight blush darkened her cheeks, “It’s just that after everything today, we really don’t want to separate right now.”

Fluttershy winced, “No, it’s fine. Really.” Again she took a bracing breath, “I’m sorry, I really should have thought about that.” She looked at the newly minted Prince, “And this involves you too Prince Shining Armor, so it is good you are here anyway.” All eyes were on her now, and under their kind, understanding gaze, she felt the words that she had rehearsed in her head dozens of times over the past few hours, simplify evaporate from her tongue. Reflexively from the sudden awkwardness, she closed her eyes and withdrew under her mane.

“Dearest Fluttershy, whatever is the matter? Please, talk to us. Why have you asked for us all?” Luna softly implored, doing her best to put into practice the lessons taught to her by the very pony before her.

“Well your Royaltiesness, um . . . Magistrates? . . . Highnessessesss?” She puttered out, staring at her hooves. How was she going to tell them when she couldn’t even address them? Why did this have to be so hard?

She saw a pink hoof shod in gold lift her chin, “How about friends? I know that I feel that I think of you as a friend, and from what Aunties have talked about you, they feel the same way.” The Princess of Love smiled and looked at her new husband, who, being well trained, took the hint, smiling “Of course I consider you a friend too, Fluttershy. We may not have had a chance to hang out yet, but from everything Twilly has written about you in her letters, I think I would like to some time.”

They were all confused by her wincing at these kind words. Her form shrinking like one of Pinkies balloons with a leak. Before anypony could speak their concern, Fluttershy seemed to shake it off, and stood herself straight before the powerful ponies before her, “No.” This single word was spoken with a confident strength she could never gather on her own, but this was not about her by herself, and she *could* be strong for the sake of others, “I need to talk to you all as rulers of this land, not as friends.” She softened her voice for a moment, “Although, if you still want to be friends later, I would like to be able to be a friend to you all.”

Now the assembled royalty was thoroughly confused, but Princess Celestia fell back on good old reliable protocol to mask this. After all, a Princess should never appear befuddled, “Very well Lady Fluttershy. Please, share with us just what is it that requires the attendance of three Princesses and a Prince?”

As her preparation (all four hours of it) had evaporated, she had no fancy words to use, not that they would make any difference. So all that was left, was the truth. The truth, and whatever they decide to do after. She reminded herself again who she was doing this for, and again spoke with a confidence she really did not feel, “While I will always be grateful for the title you bestowed upon me, after today I do not think I can use it,” she finally raised her eyes from the floor, and stood to her full height, “For I am truly a Queen. Queen Fluttershy of the Everfree Hive.”

Their reactions did not disappoint, and for a moment she wished that Pinkie, or Dashie were here. For she doubted either of them had ever had a prank get responses half as impressive. Shock was on every muzzle, with confusion following on all save Prince Shining Armor. He had ignited his horn to a triple corona in preparation of a defensive spell . . . she hoped it was for a defensive spell. Only Princess Luna lacked any fear, and she stepped forward, just as the others stepped back, her curiosity battling the befuddlement in her eyes.

Queen Fluttershy, (for she could no longer run from the title, not even in her own mind) forcing herself not to cower before them again, continued with a sigh, “To get the obvious out of the way; No this is not a joke or prank, yes I am a changeling, and the Queen of my own Hive, yes I am the same pony who is the Element of Kindness, No I did not know about the invasion until Moth-Queen Chrysalis revealed herself, the four of you are the only ponies who know what I am. I mean no ill-will towards anypony, and never have. I really am nothing like Mo-Queen Chrysalis at all!” She relapsed a little now that it was all out and squeaked, “Please don’t hate me.”

The last request shook the four royals, and Princess Celestia broke free first, “This is something I believe nopony expected, and because it is such an incredible revelation, I fear I must ask you for some kind of proof.” She looked at the self-declared Queen with trepidation, hoping that, despite her words, this was a poorly conceived prank.

Queen Fluttershy sighed, she had known all along that her desire to avoid this step was always going to go unfulfilled, “Very well. Prince Shining Armor,” the stallion jerked at the sound of his name, “Please try to stay calm, I am going to transform into my . . . ‘natural’ form.”

At this, the Princesses made note of the prince’s readied magic, but despite the faux-pax of Unicorn etiquette, the said nothing, and quickly returned their gazes to the Pegasus a few paces before them. Her face tightened in concentration for several heartbeats before a soft pink fire ringed her hooves. Slowly the flames worked their way over her body. The movement of the magic more akin to the rolling of a cloud front, than a roaring blaze.

The span of a half-minute later and the deed was accomplished, laying her bare before them. No longer the soft, butterscotch yellow Pegasus, her body was now a glossy black chitin. Reminiscent of a beetle one might find crawling through the forest leaf litter. With each of her limbs, including the stiff iridescent wings that had replaced her soft feathers, now sported several holes. The soft mane and tail that had brought her celebrity as a fashion model were gone. In their place were a sort of frill, looking like nothing so much as the flowing fins of a fancy fish. The color, too, was changed. Though they were still pink, they had taken a hue closer to a fuchsia, than the bubblegum pink that they had been. With the exception of the new horn atop her head, and what appeared to be a modest black crown behind it, she remained the same height as before, if much thinner. In fact, compared to her sleight Pegasus form, she now looked emaciated. Noticeably thinner than even the one who had tried to replace Princess Cadence.

Throughout the transformation she had kept her eyelids shut, in seeming concentration. Only now that she had finished, did she force herself to open them. Her eye color had remained the same turquoise it had been, but her whites now had a subtle green tint to them as well. Her pupils had also changed, not in color, but shape. The black of her eyes now narrow and pointed, counterpoint to the two sharp fangs protruding hesitantly from under her upper lip.

The room was quiet, save for the sound of breathing ponies. After a full minute of pregnant silence, the Captain of the Royal Guard, his horn still aglow with his magical field, harshly shattered the false calm, “Where is the real Fluttershy!”