The Unknown King

by Chaos Nightmare

Summer sun celebration remake

Three days have passed since I arrived in this world. On the first full day, I went back to the mayor’s office to pay for the house.

Entering inside the town's hall and pass the door leading to the man from before. The man was stacking up papers to one side of the clerk countertable when he heard me walking in, fixing his tie and cleared his throat. Placing my munny pouch on the table resulting him to count the required amount of money which was (luckily) the right amount.

“Alright, we should have your house built in a week.” Time Turner said.

“A week?” I asked in surprise.

“Well it is a holiday in a few days so we can’t build as fast as normal.” He clarify.

“No, I was actually surprised! It was going to be built that fast?” I questioned.

“Oh well Ponyville is home to some of the fastest home builders in Equestria so we would normally have it done in 3 to 5 days but since the Summer Sun Celebration is in two days our people are on vacation to spend time with their families.” He explained.

I paused for a minute to think before saying. “Yeah, alright, makes sense.”

“Take care now.” Time Turner said as I walked out of the office. I just wander around town for a bit before returning to the library. Deciding to stay in today.

On the second day, I met Pinkie Pie. “Hia I’m Pinkie Pie! I haven’t seen you around here before?!” She excitedly asked, jumping from the sudden voice just in front of me and taken a few steps back.

This girl looks a bit shorter than the first and second, peach skin and dark pink hair that looked puffy as it hang down to her waist. Wearing a pink shirt that's tied up from lower to her chest lower cleavage with white folded collar across the inner rims and a baby blue shorts and pink sneakers. Her light blue eyes gleam at me in full blown joy as she does weak bounce.

“I just moved here! Well~ I’m having a house built so technically, I don’t live here yet.” She seems nice. I thought.

“Well, all the same! Welcome!” She said as she pulled a cannon out of nowhere with me taking a step back from both the cannons purpose and how it came out of nowhere!

“Whoa, what's with the cannon?” I asked; startled.

“It's my party cannon! We’re going to have a ‘Welcome to Ponyville Party’!” She shout excitedly.

I was not a party person, didn’t like crowds. So I had to think fast. “Hey, why not delay the party till the Summer Sun Celebration! Then you can have a double party.” I said in reason.

She gasped before saying; “I like you!” before bounce/skipping off. I sighed in relief, continued my track to Carousel boutique. I needed a spare set of clothing.

Building, in general, was large cylinder thats big enough for two floors, white walls and the home name stated carousel around the outside with model of horses on poles though the architecture didn’t spin around the house, lavender pointed roof to top it all off.

Pushing through the front door with a jingle of a doorbell rings throughout the house as he enters in, closing door behind him which gave a similar ring. The room looked to be filled with space for a stand for posing or just to look through the mirrors in one corner, few mannequins of peoples wearing all sorts of clothes in a few places, especially the view window. A small area where a cash register near a spot just next to a door leading to another part of this floor. Observed door opened for a women to walk in.

Healthy peach skin and cared purple hairbrush to one side with a few exceptions and all curled near the ends in spirals. Light blue eyes with matching colored make up for her eyelids. Wearing light pink dress that ends to her shoulders which is a bit baggy and hips with that was held in a belt designed with pure diamonds with bigger one in the bickle, giving off a frill like end of her shirt. Light pink thin necklace that seems plain around her neck, black arm band with metal diamond pattern, black gloss shorts and white average-heel dress shoes.

“Hello! Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment and accessories is chic, unique, and Magnifique.” The woman said as I walked in.

“Hello I heard this was a clothing store... but maybe I’m-” I was cut off by the woman.

“Why most certainly IS a clothing shop, sir. What can I do for you?” She asked as she stood behind the counter while eyeing me and my appearance.

“Well I need some spare clothing and-” I was cut off again by the lady.

“Say no more! Let me just get your measurements.” She asked, pulling out a measurement tap from her counter as she walks up to the stand as she unrolls her measure tool in hand.

“Thank you.” I said.

“Oh, no need to thank me. Now can you come up here on the stand so we can get your measurement.” Her hand gesture to the center to said stand which I comply, walking up where she want me to stand. “Stretch out your arms out.” She said as I did, standing in a T-stance as she starts doing measurement of my arms. “I’ve never seen you in town before, are you new here?” She asked, now doing my torso, then waist, and hips.

“Yeah I moved into the treehouse library two days ago and I’m having a house built in town next week.”

“Oh, that's marvelous Mr.?” She asked as she continued on my legs starting with my right.

“Huxley.” I said, introducing myself. She hmm to herself, standing back up as she wrote down the measurements on a clipboard.

“Ah nice to meet you, Mr. Huxley, I’m Rarity or Ms. Rarity.” She said introduced herself even doing a short bow while gripping her shirt frill and lifts it slightly.

“Well, miss Rarity it's nice to meet you.”

“Alright, I should have your measurements your clothing will be ready after Sun Summer Celebration.” Rarity said with a smile on her face.

“Thank you,” I said as I stretched a bit before leaving. Just like before I stayed back home.

On the third day, things got interesting as it was the night of the Summer sun celebration.

As I went out for my morning walk I saw a white and gold carriage landed in the center of town. There stood a girl with a small light purple and green dragon.

A girl was a peach skin and short but tall for a teen. Straight long navy blue hair and bangs with hot pink and purple stripes down to one side. Wearing white shirt and an emblem of a hot pink star with five small white ones around them place on her shoulder with a lavender sleeveless cotton shirt over it. Lavender thigh long skirt and purple shoes.

Her nervous purple eyes looked over at the happy Pinkie Pie (if my memory is correct) as this new arrival body language of uncomfort.

She seems to say one word before Pinkie Pie gasp while jumping and staying in the air before dashing away so fast she left a puff of dust cloud shape of herself behind as it dissipated, heading towards the bakery as I rolled my eyes and walked to the bakery to pick up breakfast.

“Hey, Ms.Cake,” I said walking inside.

Adult women turn to me with dark pink eyes. Peach skin and a two-tone pink that swirl upwards like cream. Wearing yellow dress and white apron with an image of two pink frosting cherry cupcakes stitching pink sphere earrings.

“Oh hello, Huxley! What will it be?” She asked as I stood at the counter.

“I’ll take a chocolate muffin,” I said as she reached down and retrieved a chocolate muffin.

“Here you go sweetie,” Ms.Cake said as I paid up and took a bite out of it when Pinkie zoomed out of the bakery and see shortly through the window that she head towards the library. “Umm was that Pinkie?”

“I think so...and she headed to the library,” I answered I walked out to head to the library, to learn about Nightmare Moon. Had seen the show and knew about four of its antagonists but other than that I didn’t know a thing. When I got to the library I saw Pinkie pie hanging a banner, streamers, balloons, and snacks, even drinks with a punch bowl around the Library. “Pinkie, what are you doing here?” I asked as I step inside.

“Setting up a triple party,” She said happily bouncing everywhere.

“Alright, but why the-” Shook my head. “you know what, never mind.” I picked a book and walked upstairs to the room that I was staying in.

Few hours passed as I read the book, ignoring all the ruckus downstairs. As I finish reading my ears heard the door open and closed in a swift manner. “Pinkie is the party r-” I stopped when I saw the girl from earlier that came from the carriage. Her expression shows unease as she stares at me cautiously.

“What are you doing in my room?” She asked cautiously staying just near the door.

I paused for a second in confusion before saying. “Your room? I’ve been staying here for a few days now. I was given the keys by the mayor’s secretary.”

“That can’t be right, the Princess booked this house months ago...” She muttered.

“Maybe the guy forgot, either way, I can’t leave,” I said as she looked at me confused.

“Why can’t you leave exactly?”

“Well, I have nowhere to go. I’ve been living here since I came to town.” I said.

“Okay well, I want some sleep before the Summer Sun Celebration so get out.” She said lifting me up with her magic and placing me out the door with my butt hitting the floor with door slam closed.

“Rude.” Grumbled as I got up from the ground and walked down the stairs. Night was long I only had sugar to keep me up and even then I was barely taking any of it.

“Hiya! Are you having fun?! I’m having fun!” Pinkie said as I rolled my eyes.

“Pinkie, I’m tired. I was kicked out of my room by somebody who claims to have had this place rented for months,” I said as her hair droops a bit.

“Are you saying, you’re not enjoying the party?” She said in a sad tone.

“No the party is fine, its just, I was hoping to get a few z’s in before the Celebration.” I said as she just looked away sad. Now I felt bad.

As the hours passed it was time to head to the town hall to see the sun rising. As I entered the town hall with the rest of the people. As everybody had entered, the mayor gave a small speech “Ladies and Gentlemen, as mayor of Ponyville, it is with great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” She started as everybody cheered “In a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very person who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...” She started as a curtain slide open. “Princess Celestia!” She said as everybody gasped at the empty balcony which caught her attention and gap. “R-remain calm, everybody, there must be a reasonable explanation!” The mayor said calmly but her expression was shown nervousness.

As everybody talked amongst themselves why the princess not up at the balcony, Rarity came out from behind the stage and said “She’s gone!” Everyone began concern and worried muttered amongst themselves wondering what had happened to the princess.

At this moment from someone gasp loudly, a purple mist started to fill the stage. Catching everyone's attention.

It swoop up like an upside down twister before beginning on taking a human shape, I knew it could only mean one thing, Nightmare Moon. It turn solid to reveal a pale women wearing a black jumpsuit and black cape attached to a fabric collar, besides that was a pale blue armor protecting her shins, arm guard, inner breast plate, pauldrons on her shoulders, and waist armor cape. Her dark blue hair is long and wavy, like an unexisting breeze pass through them. Her eyes pupil are slit like a reptile or more like a cat or dragon and surrounded by turquoise with white replace with a faint matching color for her iris, just looking at them would give a twinge of fear or more if they know who she is.

“Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces.” Nightmare Moon said.

One of the winged people flew up in the air and demanded. “What have you done with the Princess?!” Another grabbed her leg, preventing her from flying any further.

Nightmare Moon chuckled before speaking though sounded like she was offended. “Why am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?”

Pinkie was shouting random names as I walk through the crowd and pull my keyblade out and shout. “You’re the woman in the moon, Nightmare Moon.”

She smiled. “Ah somebody remembers me. Then you know why I’m here.” She said.

Gave a small smile as I jumped on the flying girl’s head and jump onto the balcony. “You're here to die.” I said as I turned around and swing her with my keyblade. She pulled her sword and blocked the blade.

“Oh I’m here to die am I?” She taunt as she blocked each swings from my keyblade. “You should have prepared for this fight if that's all you got, pathetic fool.” She grabbed me by the throat and stabbed my chest. Pain rush through me, agony blasted me in cold antarctica and bathed in frozen, eternal slumber. Huffing in disappointment, she threw me onto the ground and everything went black.
[3rd Point Of View]

Hours passed as the Sun returned, eight figures entered the Town Hall and looked at the body of the fallen person. Stabbing wound still present with blood dried up, staining his clothes.

“I can’t believe I did this.” Luna said, guilt evidence in her voice. She could barely look at the body as she move her sight away.

“It's not your fault Luna.” Celestia said as her magenta eyes loom over the body. Her aurora borealis hair flows in a soft breeze and health peach skin. Wearing a chest held white dress down to her ankle, golden tiara on her head, gold belt regalia around her waist, gold arm wrapping, and white marble high heels.  “Did anybody know his name?” Celestia asked softly.

“Huxley, his name was Huxley.” Pinkie said her hair drop straight.

As Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle were about to lift the body in their levitation spell to take the body to the hospital his body twitched, starting to move! “What?” Celestia asked.
[Huxley POV]

I started to cough up left over blood in his breath piping organs. “Ouch,” I said sitting upright, wincing in pain.

“ZOMBIE!” Pinkie screamed as she and Fluttershy hid behind Celestia.

“Everyone get behind me.” Celestia said as she erected a barrier around the ‘zombie’.

“I don’t get it, zombies aren’t real.” Twilight said in suspicious but scarce evidence in her tone as I stood up.

“What happened?” I asked as I looked around, but stop when they are all looking scared. “What?” I asked before seeing a faint blur of colors of- “Nightmare Moon!” I said as I pulled my keyblade out and started to smack the barrier.

“Don’t worry it can’t break through-” She started to say only for her words to falter when I broke through the barrier. “...the barrier.” Without a word I rushed towards Nightmare Moon.

Before I could reach her I was suspended in the air. “What?” As I said that I was thrown into a wall with yalp. “GAH!” I shouted and again as I was slammed to the ground next. I got up and held my Keyblade tightly in my hand before charging at Nightmare Moon once more.

As I was about to strike just three feet from her, Pinkie got inbetween us with arms spread out on both side. “Huxley, stop!”

“Pinkie get away from it!” The voice of that navy-blue hair young girl shouted.

“Pinkie why are you stopping me?! Nightmare Moon is right behind you!” I said, getting others looks of surprised, probably by me speaking.

“What are you?” Rainbow asked.

“Whats going on?” I asked.

“You were dead how did you come back?” Twilight asked.

“Okay one thing at a time. Where’s Nightmare Moon?” I asked in confusion, my eyes looked over the ‘Nightmare Moon’ who hide behind the taller women. Realizing something, different.

She is like a size of a child, pale peach skin (probably from not being out in the sun much) with light blue small wings. Shoulder long light blue hair and those turquoise eyes that looked away in fear. Wearing a light blue dress with only the skirt and sleeves being blue.

“I mean, now that I have a good look, that clearly isn’t her. So where is she?” I asked, everyone looked at me funny. First one who spoke would be the scholar girl.

“We defeated Nightmare moon half an hour ago,” Twilight simply stated with her friends nodding in confirmation.

“... Ooookay. So could you show me ‘where’ she was defeated?” I asked.

“Why do you wish to see?” Celestia asked.

“I just want to make sure of something.” I said. They looked at each other for a moment before looking at their princess in wonder what she would decide.

“Hmm... I don’t see the harm in showing you.” Celestia said.

At first there was nothing, suddenly, a golden light illuminated my vision. My stomach feels queasy as a feeling of distortion around me before my vision return. If I can guess my face could be green slightly though I persuade it back down my throat as I slowly look around.

We appear to be in the ruined castle ‘few’ tower, few missing stone bricks gone, moss in some places in showing how long the exterior has been unattended. Only thing to see is just a unkept throne that could have seen better days and broken pieces of alloy cyan shards that slightly twinkle.

I picked one piece up, fiddling it in my hand in examination. During this time black smog falls off the very bottom of the piece. Remaining parts of accessory leaked similar clouds, all moving in one spot of the room, where the old throne seat. Once it reached its destination and got to the size of a puddle it rose from the ground like a black ghost.

“You can show your yourself now.” I said.

“Who’s he talking too?” Rainbow asked as herself, her group, Luna and Celestia followed as soon as they saw the odd miasma in front of them. Second later a woomp was heard and a; “Hey!” got me to turn my head around and see a barrier was formed around  half the room with them on one side and me on the other.

“So you survived being stabbed, impressive. Maybe you’ll make for a better host then night princess.” The shadow said as it formed into a familiar form of Nightmare Moon.

“I was right about you surviving.” I said before the face was revealed “Nightmare Moon.”

“Please just call me Nightmare,” She said. Summoning my keyblade, receiving a sigh from her, or it. Entity of nightmare pulled out her sword from her sheath as she rhetorically asked boredly. “Haven't we done this little dance before? And how did it end?”

“Me getting stabbed, but that won’t happen again!” I said.

“Your right,” She said sweetly before becoming stern. “Next time it will end with me holding your head.” She said.

She rushing at me with sword ready for a down strike, quicker than I expected. Not wanting to die twice, I raised my keyblade up and blocked in somewhat, though the impact did skid me across the ground a bit. I rushed her this time, she somehow was just using her sword to deflect it away. I jumped back before quickly throwing my keyblade into a Strike Raid. She turn into a misty cloud which (to my surprise) as the keyblade just flew through her gass form with no damage as the kingdom key reappeared in my hand with Nightmare solidified though she seem a bit twitchy as though actually have a bit minor effect but not enough to stun her.

Crap, how am I gonna damage her? I thought in wonderment.

“You are fighting the inevitable you impotent welp!” Her slightly agitated, shooting a electrical dark blue beam of negative magic out. Seeing this I roll out of the way, and good thing too. It made a sizzling hole in the wall behind me.

“Crap!” I yelped before getting back to the fight. I tried to get behind though she was quick to keep me upfront. Strange.

We circled each other for a bit before I looked over and saw that Rarity was holding a hand mirror towards me, showing Nightmare's back. At first was a bit hard to see but as a few sec later shows a heartless symbol. Her weak spot! I gotta somehow be faster than her… Got it!

I ran up to her then surprised her with a quickly jump over which she threw another short beam with it hitting the ceiling. With rubble and dust falling, I made a quick pace, landing behind her and by the time she noticed I turned 180 and struck her with a simple triple strike;(even though one was a thrust) in succession on her back.

“Sorry Nightmare, looks like I found your weak point.” I said as she started to disintegrate into vapors of darkness as she shouted, a heart came out of her as the rest of her form is gone and the barrier dissipated. Both princess and main 6 all rush in the cold chamber to see if he's alright and to get an answer.

“What was that?” Twilight ask.

“That was a Heartless.” I answered.

“Heartless?” Celestia said as everyone looked at her.

“Hmm, how do I explain this... Heartless are created when somebody falls into darkness.”

“Like when I fell into darkness,” Luna said.

“Yeah, but there is a slight problem, normally people don’t come back from being a Heartless.” I said as they all looked at me then to Luna. “Unless there heartless and Nobody-”

“What's a nobody?” Pinkie asked, interrupted me.

“Well. When a Heartless is born it contains the heart and the Nobody is, well, the body and mind.” I answered. “Anyway, when a specific Heartless and Nobody are defeated, the person that they were created from comes back. But in extremely Rare cases like this one only happened once before, though that someone did come back from being a Heartless however his Nobody was living for a year before it returned to ‘that’ individual.” I explained.

“So what happens if her nobody is destroyed before she can reunite with it?”

“Then there might be two Luna’s or the Nobody will vanish, it also depends on which type of Nobody it is.”

“What do you mean type of nobody?” Pinkie press on.

“There are ‘two’ major types of Nobodies: The first are the lesser nobody's which are hard to describe due to them coming in various forms, and the Organization having Nobodies that keep the forms they had when they were a whole.” I explain as best I could.

“And how do We know you aren't making this up?” Rainbow asked slight tone of accusation.

“Yeah, I’ve never heard of Heartless or Nobodies till I met you,” Twilight said quite suspicious of such thing.

“Well if you don’t believe me then explain the heart that came out of Nightmare.” I said as they looked at each other. Few have either unsure, taking my point or just shrugged. “Alright. Now, I have to head back to town to make sure my house isn’t being closed due to me getting stabbed.” I stated, trying to walk out.

“Wait, how old are you?” Celestia asked.

“17, why?” I ask in suspicion.

“What happened to your parents?”

I looked at her before looking to the ground. What did happen to them? I was so hasty to get answers that I never even asked what happened to my family. “I-I don’t know.” I answered as best I could but I wasn’t sure.

“Look, Huxley?” She gave me a look and I nod then continue. “I would like you to come to Canterlot with me and Luna.” Celestia said calmly though something about her twinkling eyes just a short second.

“Why?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” She said as we were teleported back to Ponyville.

[3rd POV]

As the moon rose over Canterlot, a figure in a black cloak could be seen observing the castle. Cool breeze made the chains for the hood to sway along, slow and calming breath as a women's voice spoke up in wonder. “A thousand years I have been gone. How many worlds have I seen?” The mysterious figure asked herself as she removed her hood revealing Princess Luna.