//------------------------------// // 11. Luna's Adventure // Story: Kirby: Equus Defender // by QuartzScale //------------------------------// Luna gasped as the first inkling of a fragment finally set her magic ablaze. She pointed her hoof down to a lush valley that seemed to catch both her and Kirby’s attention. She didn't want to open her mouth due to how fast the Warp Star was carrying them. “Poyo!” Kirby yelled out as the star shot out for their first destination. Vegetable Valley The two landed in the boughs of a grand tree overlooking a large valley. Vegetables of veritable sizes grew throughout. For some reason Kirby had a sword in his little nub of a limb. “How did thou get that?” Luna questioned only to see Kirby tilt his head at the sight. “Poyo?” Kirby looked as the sword and was about to throw it away when the sound of metal hitting armor rang out behind them. A sword knight had found the two. The roving knave held his sword out threateningly. Luna stomped her hoof to show she was not to be trifled with… only for the knight to blithely shrug off the shockwave as of it were nothing. Luna, reluctantly, admitted that he had been better trained than the guards in Canterlot Palace. Kirby held the sword aloft as the two prepared to duel. Seeing as she was to knight Kirby as one of her subjects she watched what was sure to be an epic duel for the pink puff that stopped the mad king. The two inched closer and closer as the air became thick and the tension rose to unbearable temperatures. The two attack… only for Kirby to lose his sword. It flew out into the forest and Luna didn't catch it in time. The Sword Knight edged closer and Luna was certain that it was cruelly smiling at them. Kirby was unphased, he did have a brief panic attack, but remained undeterred in his endeavor. He started sucking in air as the enemy before them was eaten. Kirby swallowed and in a flash of light was now wearing a green cap with yellow puff on the tip. He also wielded a new sword to go along with his look. Luna was certain he could pass for a hero of legend at this point… though his attack methods were far too different than what she thought they would be. Kirby led the way forward as the two came across a vast plains. “Verily young knight. This is the first place our magic has led us to. We… I mean I shall lead the way while you act as our stalwart companion as we travel forth.” Luna announced as she posed like the badass princess she thought she was and usually is. “Poyo!” Kirby yelled as he charged forth Sword fully drawn. “Sir Kirby! Wait! You shall listen to thine Princess of the Night!” Luna cried out as she galloped after the pink puffball with all her might keeping her regalia affixed to her body with magic. Applejack was a bit perturbed. All these fine apple trees and nopony was around to tend to them. They grew wild and unruly though a part of her wished she could get Bloomberg to grow this big and strong. She was still utterly confused about the king’s friend being somewhere in the forest and the waddle dee that had escorted her pointed straight ahead. She hadn't deviated from her path but it was getting a mite tiring not seeing whom she was going to work with. Ever since she had become an Element of Harmony more and more of her time was spent far away from the farm. Big Mac still needed help and none of her family could come to fill in. Apple Bloom was still too young to buck a tree bare and Granny Smith was getting up there in age. She nearly ran into a tree the last time Granny cornered her on siring a new bushel of apples already and give her some great grandchildren so they could learn the apple way. It really busted her bushel whenever that conversation came up. It annoyed her so much that she didn't realize the moment when she ran into an apple tree which seemed grander and more majestic to all the others. At the very least it was to her senses. “Who are you!?” A voice called out from nowhere and seemingly everywhere all at once. “Pardon? Sorry there partner, but Princess Celestia asked me to come help guard the Star Rod fragment from any varmint who thinks they can take it for their dastardly plottin’.” Applejack drawled on as she kept her eyes peeled for whoever was talking. “Oh… you're the one he sent. Well… someone who likes apples can't be all bad.” The voice called out and while Applejack felt a bit slighted she bit her tongue. The last thing she wanted to do was argue about apples. Granny Smith already lectured and tanned her hide once for getting into a scuffle for that. She wasn't going to disgrace the apple family name. A face formed on the largest apple tree and Applejack nearly lost it. “Holy Buck!” Applejack screamed falling on her back and soon flailed around like a turtle. “You seem to be stuck… wait a moment.” Whispy uttered out before moving one of his roots up and pushing Applejack back on her hooves. “Uh… sorry bout that. I reckon I overreacted.” Applejack quickly apologized… to the talking tree. She talked to Bloomberg after all so this was completely normal. Now the tree just spoke back… that was all. “Indeed… what were you here for?” Whispy called out as he shifted his weight around and looked upon the pony. “Oh right. Here, this letter explains it.” Applejack pulled a letter from under her stetson and opened it up holding the letter for him to read. “Ahem… I see. So Dedede wants us to work together. Joint Equestria-Dream Land operation. Protect Star Rod fragment yadda yadda ya… got it. Thanks for holding it up for me. My branches get too stiff to hold thing up sometimes.” Whispy answered in a completely jovial tone. “What happened to your big booming voice?” Applejack quirked her head to the side. “What booming voice?” Whispy looked confused as the two rolled their eyes at the confusion and got to business protecting the fragment from whatever could happen. Kirby hopped over another Bronto Burt that had tried to ram into him. He had accidentally tripped and lost his Sword ability to a particularly nasty fall. Luna, for her part, merely bobbed and weaved through danger. In hindsight, she had forgotten that she didn't have access to all her powers just yet. She also didn't want to wait around for it. That left her in the bind of waiting until after Nightmare Night or compensating with physical might. She bucked one of the Sir Kibbles away making him lose his cutter blade as Kirby hopped around like a child. “Sir Kirby… I may be new to these adventures but don't you think we're taking things too easy?” Luna questioned the diminutive pink puffball who merely shrugged to her worries and concerns. “Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo.” Kirby explained to an utterly baffled Luna. She blinked trying her best to figure out what was being said. It took her a bit but not because she didn't understand. It was because he spoke far too fast. Kirby was very eloquent with his words if a little too fast for his own good. “You mean we should always rush head first into danger? But we don't know what might fight us. ''Tis a foolhardy endeavor.” Luna balked at the notion. “Poyo?” Kirby tilted his head. “True we don't know how long we have.” Luna reluctantly agreed. “Poyo. Poyo poyo.” Kirby kept his streak rolling. “Fine. We shall rush into danger with nary a care in the world.” Luna sighed though a soft smile did edge out on her muzzle. It felt good to be around someone who didn't judge her for the Nightmare Moon fiasco and affect her self esteem in such a way. The two raced along the plains either sucking in enemies, ala Kirby, or bucking them in the face like Luna. It was a little simple as random Sir Kibbles and Blade Knight kept striking at the duo with wanton abandon. Luna was a bit worried though because every being was being very hostile for no discernible reason. She idly wondered if there was a reason as the two came up a ladder leading up to the treetops. As the two took a short break to scan ahead Luna decided to finally voice her concern. “Sir Kirby, a moment of your time?” Luna commanded though in a more subdued tone than she was trying to portray. The Princess mode as Celestia had called it was slowly beginning to fade albeit only to one being. “Poyo?” Kirby sat down not quite tired but not in tip top shape. “Why are all these beings trying to harm us? They must have a reason for doing so but I cannot find reason behind their actions.” Luna admitted which caused Kirby to tap his chin, or what constituted the area that was the chin. “Poyo?” Kirby answered though a little stiltedly. “What do you mean they are territorial!? This is hardly mere territorialism! They are attempting us harm for no reason or no reason I can see for the moment!” Luna gasped as she had lost her cool if only for a moment. It was unbecoming for a princess but she didn't care much. “Poyo.” Kirby answered in resolute determination. Luna was dumbfounded by the simple logic and nodded mutely. She didn't like to admit it but she was worried what the adventure would show about herself. Unfortunately, she wasn't expecting the sharp shock that ran down her spine. “Yeow! Vile wretch!” Luna shouted as she telekinetically grabbed a small tear drop shaped being that was coursing with electricity. She tossed it off into the distance only for Kirby to grab it out of midair swallowing it. In a flash of light Kirby landed with an entirely new hat. It was sparking with blue electricity and seemed to crackle in a predictable pattern. It kept within a small area surrounded by a gold band and brilliant sapphire as its centerpiece. The electricity seemed to spark off of Kirby’s body and he seemed to giggle at the feeling. “What the buck…” Luna muttered under her breath. It was something she heard a few of the kids say in their dreams whenever something crazy happened. It was a vain attempt at connecting with the kids of this era… but the situation before her warranted those words all the more after what happened. “Poyo!” Kirby cried out as he rushed off. “Huh? Wait for me!” Luna raced after the pink puffball trampling over any that would get in her way. “Hm… they've arrived.” A heavy tone announced causing the small butter colored pegasus to seize up in surprise. “Oh dear…” She replied. She didn't know why she was there except that it was a royal decree. Her new ally was scary… and she didn't think that he was keen on being friends at the moment. His glowing yellow eyes seemed to brighten as her new friend Kirby ran alongside… Luna!? “Oh no, oh no…” “What is wrong?” The stalwart knight turned to the shy maiden. “That's Princess Celestia’s sister. What is she doing?” Fluttershy managed to mumbled out before shaking herself into a panic induced terror. “The mare of Night and Dreams?” Meta Knight questioned only to receive a nod and sharp whine of anxiety from Fluttershy. “Interesting… let us give them a chance then.” Fluttershy was confused until Meta Knight pulled out a glowing lollipop with stars on it. It glowed with an intense magic she could only feel rocking through her core. Meta Knight jumped up to one of the trees and with careful precision threw the candy up in front of their eventual path. “Our work is done. Come… we must prepare.” Meta Knight commanded and Fluttershy quietly fell into step. She took one glance up at what he threw confused by the gesture. She didn't know how this knight actually thought but she could tell he always seemed to have a plan at the ready. “Poyo! Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he saw the lollipop floating in front of him. Luna haggardly trotted up to him breathing heavily from trying to keep up. Kirby was a speed demon and she was uncertain if he actually was one or not. “A lollipop… an obvious trap if I've ever seen. Let us tarry not and find the frag- Sir Kirby!” Luna screeched as Kirby grabbed the candy and stuffed some of it in her mouth. Before she could force him to spit it up he grabbed Luna and force fed her some of it… Luna’s mind went blank and she was utterly mortified. Her coat figuratively went white and she couldn't figure out what just happened. Before an existential crisis could fully destroy her mind something happened. Her entire body began to shake with excitement as the candy made her feel powerful. It made her feel great. She felt invincible. She was the greatest! She could do this! Luna and Kirby dashed off ignoring the Como spiders tossing webs at them and bashing through the Sparkies and Bronto Burts that kept trying to tackle them to the ground. So powerful were they that they managed to break through every trap and ambush the creatures of Dream Land tried to throw at them. The two raced on even as the candy slowly came to a halt. Without warning Luna slapped Kirby. “You will warn a mare before thou does that again!” Luna blushed heavily. It was like a child had stolen her first kiss but made it more disgusting by shoving food down her gullet. It was mortifying. “Poyo? Poyo.” Kirby tilted his head confused. He was just sharing food. What was wrong with that? The two continued on in relative silence across Vegetable Valley. Both were unaware that alongside Dedede’s friends there was another threat to watch for. The Mane Six were now their enemies.