Crossover Into Chaos

by dabestgamer

Turn 42: Breaking Down

“What’s wrong?” Drystan asked. “Can’t continue without your ace monster?”

Leo remained on his knees, staring at the rubble where his Power Tool Dragon used to be. “Can I even… save that pony without Power Tool?” he wondered.

His mind grew more frantic. The ace monster he had planned to use to save the captured pony was destroyed while his opponent had yet to summon the monster the pony was trapped inside of.

Leo then looked at his Signer mark. “I thought I could—”

“If you’re not going to continue the Duel, then surrender,” Drystan interrupted.

Leo groaned.

“Leo!” a female voice called out to him.

“Luna…?” Leo looked around until he saw his sister’s head poking above the rubble behind him. The ponies on both sides of her quickly distanced themselves.

“Oh good,” Drystan said. “This saves me some trouble.”

“You can’t give up yet!” Luna shouted.

“But…” Leo responded. “My Power Tool is gone. What can I do?”

“You’ll find a way! I know you can! You want to be a Turbo Duelist like Yusei, right?”

Leo was silent, as though something clicked in his mind. “That’s right…”

“You remember what he always says?” asked Luna.

“To always believe in my Deck until the very end… and it will answer!” Leo stood straight up to face his opponent.

“So you intend to continue without your ace,” stated Drystan.

LP: 4000

LP: 2500

“You won’t last long. Only despair awaits.”

“Despair, huh? I stopped having that a long time ago! It’s my turn!” Leo declared. He looked at the three cards now in his hand. “Still… what can I do with this?”

Leo glanced up at the field.

Ape Lancer
LV: 5
ATK: 1900

Ape Fighter
LV: 4
ATK: 1900

“I don’t have my Power Tool Dragon… and he has two monsters. One of which is that Ape Lancer. That, in combination with his Continuous Spell Brutality of the Ape King, can just keep destroying my monsters on his turn! Which means I have to destroy it here and now!” Leo grabbed one of the cards in his hand. “I Summon Morphtronic Celfon!”

Morphtronic Celfon
LV: 1
ATK: 100

“I activate Celfon’s effect! Once per turn, it can dial a random number between 1 and 6! Then I excavate that many cards on the top of my Deck, and if there’s a Level 4 or lower “Morphtronic” monster among them, I can Special Summon it!”

Drystan stared silently.

“Go! Dial Up!” Leo continued. The number pad on his machine’s chest flickered until stopping on 4. He then looked at the top four cards of his Deck. His eyes widened upon seeing one of the cards. “That’s right! There is still something I can do!”

Drystan continued to remain silent, watching Leo make his move.

“I Special Summon the Tuner Monster Morphtronic Remoten!”

Morphtronic Remoten
LV: 3
ATK: 300

“A Tuner Monster in this situation?” Drystan mumbled.

“Next I activate the Spell Card Junk Box! This lets me Special Summon a Level 4 or below “Morphtronic” from my Graveyard, but it’s destroyed during the End Phase! I Special Summon Morphtronic Clocken!”

Morphtronic Clocken
LV: 2
DEF: 1100

“I tune Level 3 Remoten with Level 1 Celfon and Level 2 Clocken!”

3 + 1 + 2 = 6

“Resilient machine! Revitalize others with your boundless strength! Synchro Summon! Appear now, Morphtronic Computen!”

A large tower appeared and transformed into a more humanoid-shape.

Morphtronic Computen
LV: 6
ATK: 2000

“Go, Leo!” Luna cheered.

“A new Synchro Monster, huh?” Drystan commented. “But even with that, because of Brutality of the Ape King’s effect, it won’t be able to defeat either of my two monsters.”

“If I were to attack right now, sure,” Leo agreed.


“Once per turn, I can use one of Morphtronic Computen’s effects! If it’s in Attack Position, I can target a “Morphtronic” or Equip Spell Card in my Graveyard and add it to my hand! And I choose my Double Tool C&D!”

Drystan groaned.

“And now I’ll equip my Morphtronic Computen with my Double Tool C&D, so it gains 1000 ATK during my turn!”

A drill and buzz saw appeared on the machine’s arms.

Morphtronic Computen
LV: 6
ATK: 2000 + 1000 = 3000

“Battle! Go, Computen! Attack Ape Lancer!”

“Brutality of the Ape King’s effect!” Drystan declared. “When an “Ape” monster battles one of your monsters with higher ATK, for this battle, your monster loses 500 ATK while mine gains 200 ATK!”

Morphtronic Computen
LV: 6
ATK: 3000 – 500 = 2500

Ape Lancer
LV: 4
ATK: 1900 + 200 = 2100

Leo’s machine pierced the ape with its drill, destroying it.

2500 – 2100 = 400

LP: 4000 – 400 = 3600

“I end my turn!” Leo stated.

Morphtronic Computen
LV: 6
ATK: 2500 + 500 – 1000 = 2000

“It’s my turn,” Drystan said, drawing a card. He chuckled upon seeing the card he drew.

“What’s he laughing about?” Leo wondered.

“I have a bad feeling about this…” Luna thought.

“I Summon the Tuner Monster Disharmony Ape!” continued Drystan.

Disharmony Ape
LV: 2
ATK: 300

“Here it comes,” Leo thought.

“Next I activate the Spell Level Equalizer!” Drystan’s newly summoned ape began to glow. “This card lets one of my monster’s Level become the same as another on my field. I’ll have my Disharmony Ape become the same Level as Ape Fighter!”

Ape Fighter
LV: 4
ATK: 1900

Disharmony Ape
LV: 2 + 2 = 4
ATK: 300

“I tune my Level 4 Disharmony Ape with Level 4 Ape Fighter!”

The Disharmony Ape transformed into four black rings and the Ape Fighter into four black stars. The Signers’ arms pulsed as the rings lined up surrounding the stars.

4 + 4 = 8

“When life's light grows dim, your delighted self fades into the chaos! Synchro Summon! Rise and despair, Disharmony – Gloomy Ape!”

A dark pillar engulfed the rings and stars. The pillar then vanished, leaving behind a large ape behind Drystan.

Disharmony – Gloomy Ape
LV: 8
ATK: 2600

“A monster that uses Disharmony Ape as Synchro Material gains 500 ATK,” Drystan stated.

Disharmony – Gloomy Ape
LV: 8
ATK: 2600 + 500 = 3100

“Battle! Gloomy Ape, attack Morphtronic Computen!” The ape launched its fist at Leo’s machine. “Hardened Fist!” The explosion knocked Leo over.

3100 – 2000 = 1100

LP: 2500 – 1100 = 1400

“Leo!” Luna shouted.

“I’m fine, Luna…” Leo replied as he rose to his feet again.

“Still going?” Drystan said. “Fine. I end my turn.”

“My turn!” Leo declared, drawing a card. “Alright! I Summon Morphtronic Copien!”

Morphtronic Copien
LV: 2
ATK: 500

“Once per turn, I can use one of Copien’s effects! If it’s in Attack Position, I can draw one card. Then if that card is a “Morphtronic” or an Equip Spell Card, I can reveal it and draw another!” Leo picked up the top card of his Deck. “The card I drew was the Equip Spell Morphtronic Repair Unit, so I draw one more card! Next I activate the Spell Pot of Avarice! I shuffle five monsters from my Graveyard into my Deck to draw two more!” Leo glanced at the four cards now in his hand, smiling.

“Now what?” Drystan mumbled.

“I activate the Equip Spell Morphtronic Repair Unit! I send a "Morphtronic" monster from my hand to the Graveyard, then I Special Summon a “Morphtronic” from my Graveyard and equip Repair Unit to that monster, but it can’t change its Battle Position! Return to the field, Morphtronic Computen!”

Morphtronic Computen
LV: 6
DEF: 2200

“Computen again? But in Defense Position?” Drystan wondered aloud.

“Computen’s monster effect!” Leo continued. “If it’s in Defense Position, I can Tribute it to Special Summon a “Morphtronic” or “Power Tool” monster in my Graveyard!”

“Then that means…”

“Revive, Power Tool Dragon!”

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 2300

Leo closed his eyes.

The ground shook as a part of the mountainside broke open. As his Signer mark burned brightly, Leo held his sister close as they moved slowly through the rugged terrain on their Duel Boards.

“Luna… we made it out…” Leo said, wearily. Falling to his knees, he looked back to see his Power Tool Dragon shaking off the last of the rubble on its body only to collapse immediately after. As it vanished, he noticed the glow on his arm fade away. “Thanks, Power Tool…”

“It has to work!” Leo thought, opening his eyes. “Power Tool Dragon’s effect! Power Search!”

Three cards briefly appeared in front of Drystan before vanishing and reappearing face-down. Drystan grumbled as he chose the card on his right. After Leo’s Deck was shuffled by his Duel Disk, a single card on top of his Deck was slightly pushed out. Leo then added that card to his hand.

“I now equip my Power Tool Dragon with the Equip Spell Copy Arms! Once per turn, I can banish an Equip Spell from my Graveyard, and Copy Arms gains that card’s effects until the End Phase!” Leo said. “Of course, I choose to banish my Double Tool C&D!”

A drill and buzz saw appeared on Power Tool Dragon’s arms.

“The monster equipped with Double Tool C&D gains 1000 ATK during my turn!”

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 2300 + 1000 = 3300

“Next, I’ll activate the effect of my Continuous Trap Morphtronics, Unite! I discard a monster from my hand to equip Morphtronic Staplen from my Deck to my Power Tool Dragon!” The large stapler reappeared next to Leo. “With that, Power Tool gains ATK equal to Staplen’s!”

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 3300 + 1400 = 4700

Leo clenched his fists. “Please!”

“Wait, is Leo actually attacking?! Even with that pony inside?” Luna thought, shocked.

“Power Tool Dragon, attack Gloomy Ape! Crafty Break!” Leo’s machine charged towards the beast. “Even with your Brutality of the Ape King’s effect, my Power Tool is still strong enough!”

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 4700 – 500 = 4200

Disharmony – Gloomy Ape
LV: 8
ATK: 3100 + 200 = 3300

“Did you forget about my prisoner?” Drystan asked. “The pony that remains trapped inside my beast?”

The spectators aside from Luna began mumbling worriedly.

“There’s a pony inside that creature?” asked a stallion.

“That beast ate a pony?!” shrieked a mare.

“I didn’t forget,” Leo said.

“Oh?” Drystan responded.

“Leo…” Luna mumbled.

Leo held his right fist to his chest. “Whoever’s trapped inside… I will save them!” The Signer marks on his and Luna’s arms began to glow.

Power Tool Dragon pierced the surface of the beast’s chest with its drill.

“For all that talk, you don’t seem to have any regards for pony lif—what?!” Drystan exclaimed. Leo’s machine was slowly prying the ape’s chest open with its arms. “But how?!”

“Yes! Go, Power Tool Dragon!” Leo commanded.

“I’ll stop you right there! Gloomy Ape's monster effect! I discard the Ape Scavenger from my hand to prevent it from being destroyed!” Drystan’s calm expression vanished as his scarred beast shoved Power Tool Dragon away. The glow on the Signers’ arms faded.

“Man! I was so close!”

4200 – 3300 = 900

LP: 3600 – 900 = 2700

“I don’t know how, but he shouldn’t be able to command his monster like that! Only Psychic Duelists should be capable of doing that, and there’s only one among the Signers!” Drystan thought. “Ape Scavenger’s effect activates! Since it was sent to the Graveyard while I have an “Ape” monster on my field, I draw two cards! At the end of the battle, the effect of Brutality of the Ape King disappears.”

Disharmony – Gloomy Ape
LV: 8
ATK: 3300 – 200 = 3100

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 4200 + 500 = 4700

“I equip my Power Tool Dragon with the Equip Spell Central Shield!” Leo stated. “With this card, I don’t take any Battle Damage involving monsters I control except for the monster it’s equipped to! I end my turn!”

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 4700 – 1000 = 3700

“It’s my turn!” Drystan declared. “With no cards in your hand, you can’t use the effect of Morphtronics, Unite! Furthermore, Copy Arms is no longer copying the effect of Double Tool C&D. You won’t be destroying my monsters this turn.”

Leo scoffed.

“I Summon the Tuner Monster Disharmony Catalyst!”

Disharmony Catalyst
LV: 2
ATK: 0

“That monster…” Leo said. “Wait… it looks different now…”

“With things as they are, I can no longer take risks. I don’t know how this child can control his monsters like he did, but the fact remains that having a prisoner no longer holds him back!” Drystan realized. “I tune Level 2 Disharmony Catalyst with Level 8 Disharmony – Gloomy Ape!”

The Disharmony Catalyst transformed into two black rings. The giant ape became eight black stars, revealing the pony inside.

The spectators gasped.

“That’s… Pinkie Pie!” Sassy Saddles exclaimed.

“You know who that is?” Luna replied. “And… when did you get here?”

“I only just arrived… and yes, I know that mare. She’s a friend of my boss, Rarity, both of which and their friends live in Ponyville! But… what happened to her…?”

Luna looked up at the wound on the pony’s body. “That’s…” she began. She was interrupted as she and Leo felt a sharp pain in their right arms, their marks beginning to glow again.

2 + 8 = 10

“Chaos begins, laughter becoming cries of agony! Let loose the shadows within your heart and shatter harmony! Synchro Summon! Descend, Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair!”

A pillar of darkness engulfed the stars and rings, as well as the pink pony they saw. A much larger ape emerged from the pillar as it disappeared.

Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair
LV: 10
ATK: 3400

“They can trap ponies inside those things…?” Sassy asked. “But does that mean you, too…?”

“No! We don’t!” Luna replied, grasping her right arm. “We would never!”

“Simian of Despair! Attack Power Tool Dragon!” Drystan commanded. “Simian of Despair is always treated as an “Ape” monster.”

“Which means…!” Leo said.

“At this moment, the effect of Brutality of the Ape King activates!”

Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair
LV: 10
ATK: 3400 + 200 = 3600

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 3700 – 500 = 3200

The Hand of Despair!” The giant ape slammed its fist into Power Tool Dragon.

“Power Tool Dragon’s effect! By sending an Equip Card equipped to it to the Graveyard, it won’t be destroyed! I send Copy Arms to the Graveyard!”

3600 – 3200 = 400

LP: 1400 – 400 = 1000

Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair
LV: 10
ATK: 3600 – 200 = 3400

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 3200 + 500 = 3700

“Simian of Despair’s effect!” Drystan continued. “I banish the Ape Scout in my Graveyard to allow it to attack a second time in a row! One more time, attack Power Tool Dragon! Once again, the effect of Brutality of the Ape King activates!”

Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair
LV: 10
ATK: 3400 + 200 = 3600

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 3700 – 500 = 3200

The Hand of Despair!”

“I send Central Shield to my Graveyard to keep Power Tool Dragon from being destroyed!” Leo stated. The ape’s fist smashed into his machine one more.

3600 – 3200 = 400

LP: 1000 – 400 = 600

Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair
LV: 10
ATK: 3600 – 200 = 3400

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 3200 + 500 = 3700

“Just a little more,” Drystan said. “I activate the Spell Minus Recast! I banish two “Ape” monsters from my Graveyard to add an “Ape” Spell or Trap Card from my Graveyard to my hand. I’ll bring back my Seal of the Ape King! Then I’ll Set two cards face-down and end my turn!”

“It’s my turn!” Leo declared, placing his hand on his Deck. “No cards in his hand… that Seal of the Ape King is definitely Set on his field. That card can negate one of my monster’s effects! It’ll also stop me from targeting it with my own effects, which means it’ll lose all its Equip Cards and keep me from using new ones on it!”

“What’s wrong, Signer?”

“No matter what, I can’t stop!” Leo thought. “I draw! I activate Power Tool Dragon’s effect! Power S—”

“I activate the Continuous Trap Seal of the Ape King! It’ll negate your Power Tool Dragon’s effects and prevent you from targeting it with card effects as well! That means it loses Morphtronic Staplen as well.”

Leo scoffed as his Morphtronic Staplen shattered.

Power Tool Dragon
LV: 7
ATK: 3700 – 1400 = 2300

“That’s too bad,” Drystan said.

“Is it now?” Leo replied.


“First, I switch Copien into Defense Position!”

Morphtronic Copien
LV: 2
DEF: 100

“Then I activate its effect! If it’s in Defense Position, I can add any Equip Spell from my Deck to my hand! I’ll add Megamorph!”

“Equip Spells do your Power Tool Dragon no good as long as I have Seal of the Ape King!” Drystan stated.

“I know that! I Summon the Tuner Monster Morphtronic Lantron!”

Morphtronic Lantron
LV: 1
ATK: 200

“A Tuner now?” Drystan mumbled.

“I tune Level 1 Morphtronic Lantron with Level 7 Power Tool Dragon!” His machine rose, its armor shattering and revealing the dragon beneath.

1 + 7 = 8

“The courage and power to protect the future of the planet is a revolution! Synchro Summon! Evolve, Life Stream Dragon!”

Life Stream Dragon
LV: 8
ATK: 2900

“Life Stream Dragon’s effect activates! When it’s Synchro Summoned, I can make my Life Points become 4000!”

“What?!” Drystan exclaimed.

LP: 600 + 3400 = 4000

“Even if your Life Points have returned to the start, your dragon can’t challenge my Simian of Despair!”

“It can with this! The Equip Spell Megamorph!” Leo continued. “If my Life Points are lower, the equipped monster’s original ATK is doubled! However, if my Life Points are higher, the equipped monster’s original ATK is halved instead! And I’ll equip Megamorph to your Simian of Despair!”

Drystan watched in shock as his monster fell to its knees.

Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair
LV: 10
ATK: 3400 / 2 = 1700

“Battle! Life Stream Dragon, attack Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair!” Leo commanded as his Signer mark glowed. “This time, I will save the pony inside!”

Ultimate Disharmony – Simian of Despair
LV: 10
ATK: 1700 + 200 = 1900

Life Stream Dragon
LV: 8
ATK: 2900 – 500 = 2400

The dragon pierced the beast’s body with the blade on its arm and began prying open its chest.

“No! I activate the Trap Sakuretsu Armor! When your attack monster attacks, this card destroys it!” Drystan declared. Armor appeared on the giant ape before exploding. “So much for—huh?!”

“Life Stream Dragon’s effect! By banishing an Equip Spell from my Graveyard, it isn’t destroyed!” Leo stated.

“This can’t be…”

“Go, Life Stream Dragon!” The dragon pulled away from the beast, the pink pony in its arms. “Yes!” Leo’s Life Stream Dragon retreated to where Luna was and gently laid the pony beside her and Sassy.

“Oh dear… is she… alright?” Sassy asked.

“I hope so,” Luna answered.

Leo silently cheered to himself as his dragon returned to his side. “Thank you, Life Stream,” he said.

“This Duel is not over yet!” Drystan shouted.

“It will be! Life Stream Dragon, destroy Simian of Despair!” Leo commanded. His dragon rose once more. “Life’s Beauty Howl!” Energy burst from the dragon’s mouth, vanquishing Drystan’s beast.

2400 – 1900 = 500

LP: 2700 – 500 = 2200

Life Stream Dragon
LV: 8
ATK: 2400 + 500 = 2900

“If you think my Simian of Despair is gone, you’re mistaken,” Drystan said, as the smoke from the explosion cleared.


“I activate my Trap Card! Chaos of the Dead!”

“What is that card?” Luna wondered aloud.

“I pay half of my Life Points so that I can Synchro Summon a “Disharmony” Synchro Monster from my Graveyard!”

LP: 2200 / 2 = 1100

“Synchro Summon from the Graveyard? But you don’t have any monsters on the field!” Leo said.

“True, but Chaos of the Dead’s effect allows me to banish Synchro Materials from my Graveyard instead!” explained Drystan. “I banish—”

“Wait, Drystan!” a loud female voice echoed in the area.

“Who is that?” Leo asked. Everyone in the area was quickly scanning the area to see who the voice belonged to. The owner of the voice was nowhere in sight.

“That voice… I think I heard it before,” Luna commented.

“I brought you two things,” the voice said.

“Two?” A light flickered in the sky as it fell. Drystan caught the small object. “But this is…” he mumbled. Everyone then turned to see a pony climbing over the rubble and slowly trotting towards Drystan.

“B…Blue Melody?!” exclaimed Leo.

The shock and confusion from the ponies echoed throughout Canterlot.

“Blue Melody!” Leo called out to her.

The earth pony lifted her head and stared at Leo, her vacant expression startling him and his sister.

“Drystan! It’s time!” the voice said again. “You know what to do.”

Drystan glanced at the object in his hand once more. “I see. With Chaos of the Dead’s effect, I tune Level 2 Disharmony Ape with Level 2 Ape Scavenger and Level 4 Ape Fighter!” Astral images of his three monsters appeared as he pulled out his necklace with a crescent shape embedded in it from beneath his robe. Lightning struck as the Disharmony Ape transformed into two black rings that surrounded the other two monsters, which became six black stars. Drystan then held up the object in his hand.

“What is that?” Leo asked.

Luna squinted her eyes. “That shape… is a balloon? A… blue balloon?” she noted.

Luna and Sassy then heard choking coming from Pinkie Pie.

“Oh dear, what’s happening to her?” Sassy said.

Luna clasped the pink pony’s hooves before noticing the cutie mark. “Her cutie mark is… three balloons?”

Drystan’s necklace glowed brightly as a black aura began lifting Blue Melody.

“What’s going on?!” Leo exclaimed, as he and Luna felt another sharp pain in their right arms.

Blue Melody was levitated to the center of the rings and stars before being engulfed by a black pillar.

2 + 2 + 4 = 8

“When life's light grows dim, your delighted self fades into the chaos! Synchro Summon! Revive, Disharmony – Gloomy Ape!”

Disharmony – Gloomy Ape
LV: 8
ATK: 2600

The balloon-shaped gem in Drystan’s hand turned dull as his necklace's glow faded. Luna and Sassy watched as Pinkie Pie stopped twitching and making choking sounds.

“Is she gonna be okay?” Luna asked.

“I think she’s unconscious,” Sassy said.

A bright crescent appeared on the body of Drystan’s beast.

“That wasn’t there before,” Leo noticed.

“He’s gonna take us all!” shrieked a mare. The Signers and Sassy looked around in shock and watched many of the ponies scrambling in a panic.

“Not quite what I wanted to happen, but an important mission has been accomplished here,” Drystan said.

Leo scoffed.

“Let’s continue the Duel.”

Leo was then startled by large pieces of rubble landing near him. “What the?!” he exclaimed.

“Get out of here!” shouted a stallion unicorn. The unicorns began hurdling stones of various sizes at the two Duelists.

Leo screamed as a large chunk was thrown at him. He closed his eyes and braced himself but opened them when he felt nothing. “Life Stream?” His dragon had shielded him from the impact.

“It appears we’ll have to settle this another time, Signer,” Drystan said before being carried off by his monster.

Leo groaned as he picked up his Duel Board. “We should get out of here, too!” His dragon lifted and carried him to where Luna and Sassy stood next to an unconscious Pinkie. “Let’s go!”

The mob of ponies approached them. Luna jumped into the dragon’s arms.

“What about…?” Luna motioned towards Pinkie.

Sassy levitated Pinkie onto her back before trotting towards the twins.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” shouted a mare.

“You’re not taking any ponies with you, you creatures!” added a stallion.

Sassy backed away from the advancing mob threatening to hurl more rocks and rubble at them before suddenly getting lifted off the ground. She found herself and Pinkie in the arms of Leo’s dragon.

Leo’s dragon quickly turned away from the mob and flew away from the city.

“Sorry about that,” Leo apologized.

“It’s… it’s fine,” Sassy replied with a melancholic expression. “I recognize the faces of many of those ponies. Many of them were regulars to Canterlot Boutique. The way they are now, I’m sure they would have broken in.”

“Where do we go now?” asked Luna.

“Perhaps… we should go to Ponyville, it’s that town over there.” Sassy pointed her hoof towards a cluster of buildings in the distance.

“You said that ponies you knew come from there?”

“That’s correct,” Sassy nodded. “And Pinkie Pie here might need medical attention as well.”

“Then let’s go,” Leo agreed, as his dragon began its quick descent. The twins and Sassy then noticed Life Stream Dragon beginning to vanish as it approached the trees below.

“I think we have a problem,” Luna said.

Leo glanced at the mark on his arm, the glow beginning to flicker. “That’s not good.”