//------------------------------// // I have made my decision // Story: Our New Queen // by Miner //------------------------------// Twilight had just entered the room where her friends were staying and was greeted with warm hugs. She was surprised to see that Cadence was also present. "Hello, Twilight." "Cadence what are you doing here?" "I came here for the conference of course," Cadence said, hugging Twilight. "I know that," Twilight said laughing a little and broke the hug. "But what are you doing here with my friends?" "I just wanted to save you the trouble of telling your friends what is going on." "Oh," Twilight then looks at her friends. "So your girls already know." They all nodded, and Fluttershy was the first to speak up. "So what are you going to do Twilight?" "I am not sure." "I don't blame you," Rarity said, "I mean, that’s quite a request they are asking of you." "Just so you know sugar cube," Applejack reassured Twilight gently, "We are with you with any decision you make." "Really?" "It’s your life, Twilight," Rainbow chimed in, "You should live it the way you want to. And nopony or creature can make you say otherwise." "Thanks, girls." "So let's find out what is making you have problems making a decision." Pinkie said, "Well, I am not sure if I can handle saying no to the changelings. And I am not sure if I can become the Queen that they need." "Alright then Twilight, let's get that sorted out right now," Rarity said, "We already know that they will respect whatever your decision will be. So chin up and stop feeling sad about it." "Okay." "Next off, we know for a fact that you can handle being a queen," Rainbow told Twilight like she was stating the obvious. "What?" Everypony blurted together. "Oh come on, girls. We all know that she’s already doing something like a queen's duty at the school. We just don't call her that." "You think I already act like a Queen?" Twilight asked, blushing a little at the statement. "More or less," Rainbow said, "The only difference is the number of lives you are in charge of." "That’s not helping." "Hey, I’m only stating what you’ve already been doing." "Also let's not forget that we can help them find another mare if Twilight says no," Fluttershy added. "Yeah, and who do you think they’re going to ask next?" Rainbow flew up into the air, "Us, that's who!" "I can see your point there," Rarity said. "Well then let's ask every mare here what they would say if given a chance to become Queen," Twilight said. "I already said no," Starlight pointed out. "No way," Rainbow all but shouted. "Sorry, dear." Rarity said while failing to suppress a cringe. "Enope," Applejack stated bluntly. "I am married," Cadence supplied unhelpfully. "I don't think so," Fluttershy whispered. "Well..." Pinkie began to say. "Yes, Pinkie?" Twilight asked her friend. "Hum? Oh, I was thinking about what I should eat for dinner tonight. I don't think I would like to be a changeling. But then again, If I was, then I could always hide in plain sight and throw surprise parties for everypony! Whenever I wanted!" "And that’s a big NO for Pinkie Pie," Rainbow Dash said. "Agreed!" Everypony else said together, not wanting to imagine what life would be like if Pinkie became a changeling, let alone the Queen. "Aw." "But that means we are right back where we started!" Twilight whined in frustration. "I think you girls are avoiding the biggest problem here," Cadence said as she waved out a hoof, getting the attention of everypony in the room. "And what might that be Cadence?" Rarity asked. "Can we find a mare that can love Thorax?" "Oh, right." "In case you girls have forgotten, the mare that we find must be willing. So for the most part what is going to happen is that mares are going to date Thorax first to see if they can love him. They will only become Queen if they do." "That makes more sense." Applejack said. "So this just means Twilight was the first mare they wanted Thorax to date?" Pinkie asked. "In a nutshell, yes." "So what’s the problem then?" Rainbow blurted, "Twilight’s just going to have to go on a date with him." "What!?" Twilight asked, alarmed. "It’s just a date Twilight. If you don't feel a connection on the date, then you don't love him, and that solves your whole problem." "I will have to agree with Rainbow on this one dear," Rarity said, "If the two of you don't feel any love between each other then there is nothing in Equestria that can change that." "You know what, you’re both right." "So then what are you waiting for?" Cadence said, "Go give them your answer on what you want to do." "I will, and thank you, girls." Twilight then left the room as the others looked among each other. "Who wants to bet that this won't work out?" Rainbow asked her friends. "I’ll bet 40 bits that they kiss on the first date," Cadence said slyly. "You’re on!" Rainbow shook Cadence’s hoof. After shaking on it, a thought just occurred to her on who she just made a bet with. "Wait." "Too late." "Dang it!" The rulers of the Equestria were just about to leave for the day when Twilight re-entered the council room. "I have come to a decision." "Already?" Celestia said, "But Twilight you haven't used up your whole day yet. Are you sure you have made your final decision?" "Yes. But I want to make one thing perfectly clear. First off I want to go on a date with Thorax, and If I don't feel anything between us, then I will not become his queen." "That is a fair condition," Luna spoke up, "Thorax, what is your say on this?" "I don't have any problem with it," Thorax said, "In fact, I would prefer it. This way, I can at least get the chance to fall in love with my future queen before we make it official." "Then, it is settled. Twilight and Thorax will date for one week, and on the final day she will make her decision." Celestia then looked at Twilight. "Is this alright with you, Twilight?" "That will be more than enough time. We will start with the first date at 10 am at Ponyville. Thorax, meet me at my castle to start the date then." "I will see you then Twilight," Thorax said as everyone in the room started to leave for the day. "Why was I here again?" Ember asked.