//------------------------------// // Harmonizing Together // Story: Bronze, Thunder, and Rain // by epicdonus1123 BOT //------------------------------// Chapter 4 After that little incident, I started trotting towards my brother and sister. They looked at me in humiliation; I didn't really care. We started trotting together away from Sweet Apple Acres, but I looked back at Rainbow Dash. She was bucking an apple tree, however. It is really saddening that my favorite character became my first real enemy. I loved the way she'd dash from left to right; clearing out clouds. It was fascinating how she could perform Sonic Rainbooms in a matter of seconds. I loved the way she'd do things, though now I don't even like her. She must've felt the same way to. Knowing that one pony in town doesn't like must kill her on the inside. At least I got my brother and sister to keep me company, especially Rain Dancer. She loves to see ponies and people smile, just like Pinkie Pie. I turned back; I started focusing on my little sister some more. She noticed that I was staring at her, and so she spoke up. "Why 're you looking at me like that?" "No reason, just glad to see you happy." I lied. "I'm more embarrassed then happy." she stated. "Yeah okay, whatever you say." I sarcastically said. She faced forwards; she kept trotting. Thunder is getting awfully quiet. I wonder why that is? I started to think to myself. He had always been awfully quiet when things were getting awkward; he was also quiet when he was annoyed. It was his thing, ya know? "So Brandon," Out of the blue, Thunder was calling me Brandon again. " I wanted to know, do you like Rainbow Dash?" "No." I irritably stated. "I think you do." "Well, I don't." "Yeah, whatever." He sarcastically said. Short conversations usually in indicate that Thunder gave up, but when he leaves on a facetious note, he'll bring it up later. We kept on trotting down Ponyville, only to be visited by Berry Punch again. "Hi you three; how's it going?" "Not so bad." I spoke for all of us. "'Not so bad'? What's wrong?" "Nothing, Berry Punch." I replied. The other two looked angry, causing Berry to start looking at them. "Are you su-" "YES! YES, WE'RE FINE!" I yelled at her; I stormed off. Rain and Thunder started to trail behind me. I didn't look to make sure they were following me, for I could hear their hooves a mile away. Irritated and bossy as ever, I stared to scream at my siblings out of frustration. "Quit stomping s' loud! Quit breathing s' annoyingly! Stop starin' at me!" I just kept rambling on about the two being the most bratty kids ever. Thunder finally stooped to my level. "Oh yeah!? Why do ya have t' be s' bossy!? Why 're ya leading th' way!? Why this, why that!" Thunder and I would always bicker, causing little Rain to start crying. She'd always start crying if me and Thunder were producing 'negative aura' to other people or ponies. It was the one thing that would get her to start fighting back. "BOTH OF YOU ARE IDIOTS, FACE IT!!!!!" She started rain on us with tears of anguish and fear. She sat on the curb, crying loudly, watching us dispute our thoughts to each others' face. Our arguing started to attract unwanted attention; one of us had to stop quickly. "YOUR AN ANNOYING-" "Okay, I get it. Let's just stop fighting, please." "Yeah, whatever ya say, booger-flicker." "I am a booger-flicker, and I'm proud of it!" I awkwardly stated. He snickered, and started to walk with Rain. I followed behind; I was thinking about how we're going to survive in this town. We can't even go five minutes without arguing with each other. Rain doesn't want to go to school, Thunder doesn't want to see me, and I don't want to start finding my talent. This is going to be one heck of a while. "Hey guys, look!" She pointed her hoof towards a house up for rent. The sign of the house said that you only needed to pay fifty bits a month. Quite a reasonable price, considering that some houses on Earth cost up to five thousand dollars a month, I think. "A house for rent? I don't know about that." Thunder started to quietly rebuff the house. "We need a house to live in, and I have to 'go to school.'" Rain stated. "She's right, but we got to get jobs first. Do we look like we have fifty bits on our ha-hooves?" I noted. "Yeah, we need to get jobs first. For the first couple of days, we might have t' live on the streets." Thunder agreed. Rain gave a depressing sigh, and started to walk with us. I always thought about working for Pinkie Pie, and Thunder always wanted to work with Rainbow Dash. Now don't get me wrong, I thought about working for Pinkie, and Thunder wanted to work with Dash. While walking, we found a decent place to sleep in. It was a corner of a building, nothing special. "Okay, this'll be where we'll sleep for now." I announced. "Okay." Rain said. "Fine." Obviously, Thunder didn't want to live there, but I can't blame him. It was pretty dark outside, so I went to bed. The others did the same. While resting my head, the memories of watching "Rags" filled my head. "Rags" is a movie about a kid with a talent being discovered, it follows the Cinderella plot though. When my favorite part came on, I'd always sing along to it. It was such a catchy tune; the moment with Thunder and I going to bed was the best part, however. When we are going to bed, the song would always come on. It is probably the best part of our relationship, knowing that we can go to sleep, singing in harmony. I love my little brother more than I thought. I was whistling the tune; Thunder caught on pretty quick. He started to sing the lyrics, and started to make up the beat. We kept smiling at each other while harmonizing. Shortly after, Rain started to sing along with Thunder. She had seen the movie plenty enough to memorize the song. We kept whistling, beating, and singing together until we fell asleep.