The Unknown King

by Chaos Nightmare

Trade Talk

After explaining what we were here for to Minnie we got the Briefcase off the Gummi ship and brought it to the Library. “This might take a while guys why don’t you two go to Hollow Bastion and see what Leon wanted with Huxley” Moondancer said as she opened the door and saw Minnie going through the documents.

“Alright we’ll come back for you in a few hours the earliest and tomorrow the latest hopefully.” I told her before heading to the Excaliburn.

“Are you sure it's a good idea to leave Moondancer here?” Gleaming asked.

“Is there a problem?” I asked.

“No, I’m just worried.” She said.

“Then you can stay here, I’ll handle Hollow Bastion,” I said.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“It's your call, to be honest, I can handle myself,” I said.

“Thanks, I’ll keep an eye on here, don’t forget to come back.” She said before she ran off to be with Moondancer.

As I got off the Gummi ship in Hollow Bastion I headed straight to Merlin's place. As I got to the door I was about to knock before Leon opened the door. “Hello, Huxley.” Leon said.

“Hi.” I said cautiously before saying “May I come inside I hear you wanted to talk to me.”

He then moved and let me in and as I got in Cid asked “What's with the briefcase son?”

“Oh I’m supposed to give this to Leon, it's supposed to be trade negotiations from another world.” I answered as Leon gave me a look.

“Could I get an explanation what's going on?” I asked.

“Cid show him the footage” Leon said as I saw myself on the screen opening a Dark Corridor and walking through it with the moogle. “So you want to explain yourself.”

I sighed and said “This isn’t exactly something you want to bring up in a conversation.”

“Why have a gummi ship if you can do that anyway?” Yuffie asked as I noticed she was in the corner.

“Because I don’t want to be treated a villain just for wanting to see other worlds.” I answered.

“FIne, we’ll leave it for now but if you develop any other dark powers you inform us.” Leon said “If you want to keep coming here that is.”

“Alright.” I said.

“Now lets see that trade negotiation.” He said as I handed him the briefcase.

As a few hours passed as I wandered the available parts of Hollow Bastion waiting for Yuffie to come and bring me back to Leon. “Hey Huxley Leon wants to see you.” Yuffie shouted from the nearby rooftop.

‘Thanks Yuffie.’ I thought mentally as I started to walk back.

‘Hey could be worse he could have assumed you were a spy for the organization, I mean you do have an X in your name.’ Xion said

‘Yeah’ I thought back.

‘Speaking of the Organization I think we should fight Data Demyx next’ Xion said.

‘Why?’ I asked.

‘Why not?’ She replied.

Before we could continue the conversation I found myself at Merlins Place and as I opened the door I saw Leon standing there reading the last of the documents. “So there you are.” Leon said before starting to go through the details of the trade agreement. “We need to talk about these clauses…”

“Okay, what do we need to talk about?” I asked confused.

“Did you read this… it's like it's asking us to buy your people by the bushel. It's like whoever wrote this is asking us to buy slaves or something.” Leon wondered aloud.

“...I'll admit I didn’t read it but I know Celestia enough that she wouldn’t be into slavery.” I said as Leon was a little more confused “Look I’m just the messenger but I think I remember Celestia saying something about wanting to discuss the details in person.”

“Right… let's meet then. Get her here so she can explain what she means.” Leon commented.

“There's a slight problem with that... She sorta bound to the world she lives on via the Sun.” I responded “She also said I have to bring you there after the basics are done.” I told him.

“I can leave this place. I run this place and usually keep heartless at bay everyday. Look… get someone who knows what they're talking about and actually reads these papers then we’ll see what can be worked out.” Leon mentioned.

“We could always use the mirror she left in the Briefcase to communicate” Merlin said walking in.

“The what?” Both me and Leon asked.

“You didn’t think the Mirror was a strange addition Leon?” Merlin asked.

“Bring it out then.” Leon ordered as he waited for the mirror to be brought out.

“Alright, Alright you don’t have to order it a simple please would have been nice.” Merlin said.

“Umm care to explain the mirror, Merlin?” I asked.

As Merlin brought out the mirror he explained it “Its an old Keyblade master trick, though how this Celestia knows of it is beyond me, Anyway it uses old magic to be able to talk across worlds.”

“Oh... okay then” I said still confused.

As Merlin set up the Mirror it flashed white and two figures appeared “Hello?” The voice of Queen Minnie said.

“Queen Minnie?” I asked.

“Hello Huxley.” Celestia said, “As I was explaining to Queen Minnie I had a feeling that the leaders couldn’t come to me and I can’t come to them I decided to use an old trick and use mirrors to communicate.” She explained.

“Let's begin then. Huxley… would you like to go handle a few things while the meeting is underway? I need some eyes to scope the city for a bit then leave the report with Yuffie.” Leon asked me.

“Alright.” I said knowing this would not end well.

A few hours later everything went well there. There were no major Heartless attack, no Organization 13, nothing. Yuffie was actually suspicious when my report was blank. “Really nothing happened?” Yuffie asked.

“Yeah, I’m a little surprised too knowing my luck recently.” I said.

“Alright but Leon's going to be suspicious something always happens around here.” Yuffie said as I returned to the Excaliburn.

As we left to pick up Moondancer and Gleaming shield from Disney Castle we stayed around the world for the night and left for Equestria in the morning, “Huxley the warp drives are acting funny we can’t use them till we fix them.” Red Green said.

“Great, I’ll be in the training room,” I said as I went to train in the data chambers.

First fight

As I stepped into the Data world I was back in Hollow Bastion. Before I could say anything Data Demyx appeared and said “Dance Water Dance” as thirteen water clones were summoned. The damned clones where too fast/wiggly to hit directly, and those I did manage to hit where tanking the damage. I cast Thunder and Minefields, it drained my magic fast but it dealt with them and gave me the opening I needed to land hits on him. I even threw in a Fire spell for a little extra damage.

His next phase of water clones were smaller than the first, but they were more spread out. Acting quickly, I managed to deal with two, letting my magic build up enough so I could cast Thunder again, the spell taking the rest out when they gathered around him. I acted faster this time, shotgunning Thunder right as his next wave was coming out. It worked, though it was draining. I dealt three combos on him before he backed up, and a massive wall of water. For the most part, this was all easy to dodge, even his ‘charge’ attack. I got a few more hits in before he summoned more clones. There were so many. As I began casting Thunder three or maybe more of them all at once turned to those music note forms and whipped me.

I swore, and before I could retaliate I was hit again by more. The horde of them attacking me. I woke up outside the Data Fight after blacking out. Shit...

Fifth fight

This guy isn’t hard, I know that, but his clones are the issue. He’s easily dodged, and in small numbers his water clones are easy, but when he calls forth them almost by the hundreds that’s when shit gets hard. Thunder and Fire work best on him and them. I’m getting better at casting them both because of this too. The battle began. I cast thunder quick, dealing with most of them as they came out then fire to take out stranglers. After they were all done I kept bashing Demyx. He got a few hits but I countered, dealing a few more hits to him before casting Lightning right when he began summoning his clones. I was out of mana right on the last wave of them, taking the last of them out and immediately began thrashing him.

I wasn’t ready for magic yet but he began using his water in the way that makes walls and weird attacks. I dodged them easy and when the moment came, my mana was full and began attacking him fast. I got a bunch of good hits on him, now for the hard part. He summoned up the massive water clone horde and I spammed Thunder til they were gone. I was drained, but I pushed myself, driving my Keyblade into Demyx’s punk rock looking hairdo as I whacked him upside the head. I then dealt one more physical attack then hit it off with Thunder. He went back to his initial pose, then left in that data warp thing. Finally, I won!

As we landed in the castle's courtyard we were greeted by Celestia. “Hello everyone,” she said.

“Celestia,” I said nodding while Gleaming and Moondancer bowed before Celestia motioned us to follow.

In the Throne room, she explained what would be happening next “Grounded?!?” I asked.

“Yes for the next month and a half you three are to remain on Equestria while we find people to send to Hollow Bastion and gather the gems to trade to Disney.” Celestia explained.