//------------------------------// // A Lie? // Story: Spare Some Change? // by Nadir //------------------------------// A week passed in a flash. Between work, Vinyl, and simply taking care of the house, the time seemed to fly by. Vinyl kept to herself for the most part, taking extra care to clean up after herself. For Octavia, it was a simple joy to come back to somepony waiting for her. Sure, they were a homeless pony that Octavia took pity on, but they were still a pony and one that she’d started to grow fond of at that. The two of them had talked a great deal during their time together. The topics nearly always stayed light, and when they didn’t, Vinyl steered the conversation back to another topic. It seemed no matter how Octavia approached it, Vinyl didn’t want to talk about why she was homeless, or who stalked and hurt her. At the least, Octavia could respect wanting to stay silent. Trust definitely seemed hard to come by. However, that didn’t mean the two of them weren’t bonding. Octavia learned quite a few things about Vinyl. She’d wanted to be a musician growing up and could even play the piano. Her favorite food was hayburgers, something that Octavia couldn’t help but giggle about - it was just so simple! Not only that, but she had five siblings, and still talked with all but one of them. The only child in Octavia couldn’t even think of sharing the house with another pony, much less five! Regardless, Octavia found the conversations pleasant distractions from the daily tedium. Naturally, she’d re-asserted herself in the symphony, playing with the flawless grace that she believed only she could pull off. Octavia was happy, Miss Note was happy, High Society was not. In Octavia’s opinion, things were about as perfect as they could be. She finally had a friend, and that made all the difference in the world. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t last. A bustling tuesday found Octavia returning home with a smile on her face. She traveled light today, leaving her instrument behind in the symphony’s storage room, always locked save for when they practiced. She’d already been thinking that perhaps her and Vinyl could go out tonight. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Perhaps Octavia could call in a favor, get them in at one of those restaurants one needed a reservation for. Maybe Octavia could shake that silly notion of hayburgers being Vinyl’s favorite food, a well-made Prench dinner would surely take the top spot. Octavia stopped at the front of the walkway leading up to her house. At her door, two ponies stood, one unicorn mare, one earth pony stallion. The stallion wore nothing, showing his light beige coat and silver- streaked black mane. The mare wore a long, silver dress that accentuated her darker coat quite well. Her mane stood out from the rest of it, a light blue either dyed for effect or a natural color that offset everything else. Normally, Octavia wouldn’t blink twice about seeing a couple like the two. Them being in front of her house changed things. She cleared her throat as she stepped close, the two of them turning to face her direction. “Can I help you?” Octavia asked. She kept her voice light, probing. The mare turned first, her face an impassive mask. She looked towards her partner and gave him a small nod as she stepped forward. “Good evening. Miss Philharmonic, I presume?” she asked. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Virtue, and this is my associate Rook,” she introduced, nodding her head a little more obviously towards the stallion. Virtue’s muzzle had split into a small smile, but Octavia couldn’t help but notice that it didn’t reach her eyes. Her hoof reached out for a greeting shake, one that was immaculately clean with perfectly trimmed fetlocks. “You’re correct. Charmed, I’m sure,” Octavia answered, giving the hoof a dainty, small shake. “I’m sorry to be direct, but is there any particular reason you’re waiting at my house, Miss Virtue?” She looked behind the two of them, looking for any sorts of damage or pamphlet. Her door seemed unscathed and unsolicited, so she couldn’t imagine why the two of them would bother her. “Especially this late. Isn’t six the cut-off for door to door salesponies usually?” she asked. Her tone was a little biting, but she was annoyed. She had plans and didn’t want to bother with any of this! But Virtue kept that easy, small smile the entire time. “Oh, we aren’t selling anything, I assure you of that.” She had a suave voice, the sort you’d hear for a radio host. It was almost soothing in a strange way. “We’re simply doing community service. A convict has escaped recently from our holding, a certain Vinyl Scratch. Last we’d heard, she’d been spotted in this neighborhood and my partner and I have been going door to door to see if anypony has spotted her. She has a white coat, red eyes, and a cutie mark of a musical note. Her mane is a bright, striped electric blue, can’t miss her. Any information regarding her whereabouts would be greatly appreciated. I don’t suppose you’ve spotted her, have you?” Virtue asked. She arched one of her eyebrows up, looking inquisitive, probing. Octavia’s heart skipped a beat. She managed to keep her face from reflecting the internal struggle that raged inside of her. Vinyl? A criminal? No. That couldn’t be, could it? Everything she’d learned of Vinyl implied nothing of the sort. She inspected the two across from her carefully, sizing them up. “I see,” she finally answered. She wouldn’t throw her newest friend under the bus yet. Octavia needed to know the truth. “I’m sorry, I haven’t seen her. May I inquire as to what she’s done?” she asked. She needed to know, had to know. Vinyl wouldn’t get to hide anymore, Octavia had to have answers. Virtue nodded, though her smile contorted into a frown instead, tail clinging tight to herself. Nervous? Octavia couldn’t tell. “I’m afraid it’s mostly confidential,” Virtue said, looking more apologetic now. “What I can tell you, however, is that she’s dangerous to the point where approaching her is a risky prospect. Please, if you see her, let us know,” she offered. From somewhere, Virtue produced a business card, white, stark and simple. Virtue and Rook Detective Agency 715 Hoofshod Way. Octavia frowned, accepting it and tucking it against her dress. “Very well. I’ll keep my eyes out. I’ll let you know as soon as I see anything,” she promised. Luckily for Vinyl, Octavia had practice with lying and putting faces on. She could say those words without even a flinch, them coming out as easily as the truth. And the two seemed to buy it. “Until then,” Virtue finished. Octavia stepped aside, letting them pass. She didn’t dare look back, though she could tell from the sound of receding hoofsteps that they retreated. In, Octavia went. The second she had a door between her and the two, she allowed her true emotions to show once more. Panic and suspicion dueled with each other inside of her. The two had to be lying, right? Vinyl wasn’t dangerous. She wasn’t, couldn’t be. The mare had been hurt, not hurt anyone else. Octavia could imagine it as nothing but a lie. She’d have to find out the truth herself. With determination flaring inside of her, she made her way to where she knew Vinyl would be waiting. She didn’t even bother knocking on Vinyl’s door this time, instead stepping right inside. She had a speech prepared, a scathing retort that would demand answers. She didn’t get the chance. A flying white blur slammed against her, toppling over Octavia. It actually took her a few moment’s time to realize that Vinyl had tackle-hugged her to the ground. The white mass of fur trembled against her, Vinyl’s face hiding against Octavia’s side. Octavia could only barely hear the sound of crying, though the jerking rise and fall of Vinyl’s side gave it away more than anything. “Vinyl?” Octavia asked, voice quiet, subdued. She reached a hoof out, awkwardly resting it on Vinyl’s side. She really didn’t know what to do. She’d never exactly been known for comforting over ponies. To be fair, she’d never been known for talking to other ponies either. This was all unbroken ground. “Are you okay, Vinyl?” she asked, nary a whisper. Vinyl shook her head, something that Octavia only knew because she could feel it against her side. “What...what’s wrong?” Octavia dared to ask. Is that what you were supposed to say? She didn’t know. How did you fix this? Vinyl peeked out, just enough for Octavia to see those big, watering eyes, ears pressed back so hard Octavia honestly thought they’d get stuck like that. “Those people. They won’t leave me alone. Why won’t they leave me alone?” she asked, in a small, scared sounding voice. “I didn’t do anything. They’re lying, Tavi. They’re lying, I promise. I’m not dangerous,” she rambled. Well, at the very least, it seemed like Octavia wouldn’t have to deliver her speech. Sympathy ate at her more than anything else, overpowering the emotions of fear, worry. Vinyl wouldn’t do anything to hurt her - nopony that collapsed this badly could really be dangerous, right? Right? Octavia let out a long sigh, patting Vinyl on the back. “It’s okay. Honestly, it’s okay. I didn’t believe them anyways.” Not quite a lie. She still hadn’t figured out the truth, but for now, she’d much prefer having the crying mare off of her body than on it. She wiggled a bit under Vinyl, pushing a bit. “Can we please stand up, Vinyl? It’s not a big deal, I promise. I won’t kick you out, and you can continue to stay inside for as long as you need,” she assured. Granted, that absolutely ruined her dinner plans and any plans that she made for the rest of… well, forever, but it was worth the price, wasn’t it? That was only confirmed as those sad eyes turned into something more hopeful, gradually unhiding her face from Octavia’s side. “You mean it?” she asked, small, vulnerable. Octavia thought that a single wrong word would break her right now. That was almost a scary feeling, having another’s entire fate in your hooves was… it was too much. Regardless, she nodded her head in a short, quick nod. “Of course. Of course I mean it, Vinyl. Those two definitely rubbed me the wrong way, and I’d hardly throw you to the metaphorical wolves when I don’t even know the full story,” she explained. It felt like handling glass and Octavia was the hammer. “And even then, I want to understand what’s happened. I’ve known you for a little bit now and I know you aren’t dangerous no matter what they say. Do you know who those two are anyways?” she asked, allowing a bit of curiosity into her voice. Vinyl shook her head, burying it once more against Octavia’s side. “No. They’re not real police though, right?” she asked, though the words came out muffled. Octavia supposed that speaking into somepony’s side would do that to your words. Octavia paused before patting Vinyl’s side again. “I don’t think so,” she lied, smooth as sick. Virtue and Rook looked like Canterlot PD to her. She could be wrong, she could always be wrong, but it felt like they were telling what they knew of the truth. Which… a sickening thought suddenly ate away at Octavia. That meant that the corruption went much higher than just the two investigators. “Hey Vinyl, why don’t I make us some dinner and relax a little bit? I’m sure we could both use it,” she offered, with a small smile. Vinyl ever so slowly nodded, sniffling as she extricated herself from Octavia. Oh thank Celestia, Octavia had to admit she was starting to get a tad uncomfortable.”Okay. That sounds good. That sounds really good. Thank you, Tavi. I mean… really. Y-you’re the best,” Vinyl sniffled, nearly hiccuping as she stood up. Warmth flooded Octavia’s heart at the compliment, but her mind still doubted. Just who was telling the truth and who lied?