In Between

by LateToTheParty

Duality (Sunset/Twilight)

Does she think of beginnings? Does she think of endings? Does she think of the bad? Does she think of the good? Does she ever wonder where she lies? Does she know where she stands?

Does it hurt to be in between? Does that razors edge ever cut? Does she ever fall on that narrow ledge?

How does she navigate through the endless mysteries that surround her? How is she always content with the mundane?

Is it a passion? Is it a pattern? Is it science? Is it art?

Is she a hero?

Is she a villain?

How does she see herself?

“Hey, Twilight. What are you doing over here?”

Her voice pierces through the veil of thoughts like an arrow. Her voice seeps through the veil of thoughts like a droplet.

She’s looking at me with those eyes between green and blue. They’re deep with secrets and hurts, but they’re honest and happy.

“Sunset.” The name escapes and it makes sense.

Duality encapsulated, she stands between the dark and the light, and she reaches out a hand.

Twilight reaches forward and she’s tugged up gently with a fierce pull.

“I was just thinking.”

Sunset nods and she shakes her head, subtly indicating a direction. Twilight follows, cutting off her pondering.

From behind, she observes the in-between.