The Hand Of Fate

by The saiyan brony


Edited by Lolrainbowcat

It's been 3 months since you came to CHS, and life has been amazing. People have stopped looking at you like you’re a sideshow, and are genuinely trying to befriend you. Even your classes are great, P.E has been a challenge, but despite her name Ms.Harshwhinny has been very kind to you. Turns out she is well known throughout the sports world and has even coached handicapped athletes, and has been a great motivator to you. Another thing that seemed to develop is that you and Sunset Shimmer have become good friends. And at some point she managed to trade seats with a student so she could sit next to you in math class. And it seems good things come in three, as you and the members of the water polo club have become attuned and are able to compete against rival schools. You managed to score the winning points in 3 out of 5 games. Another thing that happened was that you found out that Flash was dating Spitfire, which you did not see coming. And with Christmas only another month away, things at CHS only seemed to become chippier.


You decided to get to first period early to catch up on some light reading before class started. Opening your book, you started to read where you had left off before you felt a tap on your right shoulder. Turning to your right, you saw nobody was there, but you soon felt another tap, this time on your left shoulder. Grinning, you knew exactly who it was. “Alright Sunset, I know it’s you.”

You watched as Sunset moved into view while pouting “You’re no fun.” You gave her a poke to her side, causing her to crack a grin. “So, you’re early. What's up?”

You shrugged, pulling up your book. “Thought I'd do some reading before class starts.” You hand her your book so she could read the title.

“Daring Do huh? I'm guessing Dash got you into it?” You nod as she hands you back the book.

“Never thought I'd find myself reading a book that wasn't a comic, let alone me enjoying it so much.” You smile as Sunset sits at her desk next to you.

“So, any plans for Christmas break yet?”

“Hmm….not really. Haven't really thought of anything yet.”

For a second you notice a small blush on Sunset’s face as she reached into her bag. A second later you see her pull out a small letter, which she holds out for you. “Here”

You took the letter and started to open it. POP! Confetti shot out, covering up your face with bits of glitter and streamers. Sunset burst out laughing as you dusted the glitter and streamers off your face while you read the card.

‘Dear Sam, you're invited to Pinkie Pie’s Christmas Eve Party!!! Be sure to be on time at the school gym. Party starts at 4 and ends when the last partier drops!!!!’

“Well, it seems I know where I'll be this Christmas Eve.” you say as you see Sunset taking her seat. Soon Miss. Cheerilee entered the room and the rest of the students were seated, waiting for the class to start.

“Alright class, today you’re all in for a treat. Instead of regular classes we’ll be watching a nature documentary.” The class let out a sigh of relief. Miss Cheerilee often surprised the class with these kinds of things, but only when the class as a whole performs well on their tests. “Today's episode is called Blue Planet.” Soon the lights were turned off and the overhead projector started to display the movie.

Most of the film was quite interesting at first, yet also relaxing. So much so that a few students in the back fell asleep while resting on their hands. You and Sunset however, were enjoying the movie. Whenever any sort of baby animal was shown, Sunset would let out a little "Aww", where as you enjoyed the beautiful setting of the clear blue ocean and the coral reef at the bottom of the sea. But the tone of the movie soon changed as the documentary soon shifted its its attention to one sea creature you all to well knew. From its rough skin, to its powerful jaws that could rip a seal to pieces, but for you it was those black soulless eyes that made your body shake in fear; Sharks.

The very same beast that had taken your arm on that summer day. You could remember the pain, the scream of terror, but most of all those soulless eyes staring at you. You started to clench your left shoulders, you could hear your heart beating loudly in your ears and thinking loudly in your chest. Without warning you bolted out of you seat and booked it to the door and out of the room. You quickly ran to the nearest restroom and started to soak your face with cold water as you tried to clear your mind. But the images of that day continued to flash through your mind as you breathed while heavily clenching the left side of your chest. You began to take slow, deep breaths as you tried to calm your nerves before you gave yourself a heart attack.

After 3 minutes you managed to calm down and you took a moment to try to breath normally. Once you felt that you could maintain your composure you started to make your way back to class. Once you entered, you saw that Miss.Cheerilee and the students were now fixated on you. “Are you alright Mr.Evans?” Cheerilee asked with a tone of concern in her voice.

The rest of the class all leaned in with bated breath as they awaited your answer. “Yeah, sorry Miss. Cheerilee, I must've had something bad for breakfast this morning, eh he he...” You watched as everyone let out a sigh of relief. You made your way to your desk and sat down, feeling as though you've managed to dodge a bullet there. But you noticed that Sunset was still staring at you. ‘Did she notice my reaction to the shark scene?


The rest of the day went on per usual, though you still felt that sense of fear in your heart, causing you to seem distant from everyone around you. During PE you requested to sit this time out. Though she didn't like the idea of you not participating, Ms.Harshwhinny allowed it. Most likely she could tell you weren't feeling well or had something on your mind. The rest of your classes were a blur as you didn’t pay them much attention. During lunch, you opted to sit alone in the back of the cafeteria. From across the room however you saw Dash and Sunset talking, occasionally taking a glance in your direction.

Soon the day was over and you wanted to do nothing more then go home and sleep away this bad day, knowing that would mean skipping water polo. But before you could make your way to the exit, Dash stepped in front of you. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked while folding her arms.

“Oh I was just heading home is all, it's been a busy day and I could really use a nap.” you lied while faking a yawn.

However Dash wasn't easily fooled. “Yeah sorry, but no.” Without warning, she hooked your arm with her own and started dragging you to the indoor pool. “You know, as well as I do that I won't let any of my members skip a day of practice.” Defeated, you let out a sigh. Dash knew that you kept your swimming gear in your backpack at all times ever since after the first day so you wouldn't be late ever again.

Soon after you changed you your clothes, you opened the door and walked into the indoor pool room only to see Flash and Soarin flexing their muscles, most likely to impress their girlfriends. You rolled your eyes at how some guys can act so macho for the dumbest reasons. After setting your pack down on the bench, you noticed that Sunset was eyeing you once again. You didn't really want to talk about what happened in first period and hoped she wouldn't mention during today's practice. As you and Sunset stared at each other, you felt someone patting your back. “Hey Sam, why don't you show us what you got man.” Flash said from behind gaining your attention.

“Yeah, come on man, you're always wearing that water shirt, let's see which of the three of us guys is more built. The girls will judge” Soarin said while sitting on a bench next to Dash.

“No thanks guys I'm good, I'm not really all that interested in competing like that." There was a reason you always wore that shirt and you weren't sure if you'd be willing to take it off.

“Oh come on Sam, we won't pic on you if your body isn't that built, besides I'm sure your more toned than these two” Spitfire added while pointing to Flash and Soarin who both crossed their arms.

‘This is getting bad, if they keep asking they’re gonna start to suspect something’. You tried to think of a way to change the subject, anything to get them to stop asking.

Before you knew it, Sunset was standing next to you looking you in the eyes. You both stood there for a few moments, staring into each other eyes. Soon Sunset placed a hand where your missing arm was. “Does this have to do with what happened earlier today in first period." This caused your eyes to widen, letting Sunset know she was correct.

Dash stood up from the bench and made her way over to you, placing a hand on your other shoulder. “Come on Sam, you know we only care about you, if you don't tell us what's wrong then we can't help you.” You figured that Sunset must have told Dash what happened earlier today.

You looked around to see the rest of your teammates all staring at you with looks of concern. Feeling defeated, you knew that this day would come, you only wished it could have come later. Nodding to your friends, you took a step back and reached down to grip the hem of your shirt, starting to pull it up. As your shirt rises over your midsection, it revealed an impressive four pack, causing Spitfire to whistle with appreciation, and causing Flash and Soarin to let out a defeated groan. You finally raised the shirt over your chest and off your whole body. You looked to your friends to see that their eyes had widened as they now saw the real reason you never took off your shirt during practice. There on your left shoulder were multiple scars, each one making a pattern that was unmistakable. The pattern of bite marks, bite marks left by a shark. Sunset cupped her hands over her mouth.

“I'm guessing you all want to know how I lost my arm and received these scars right?” You watched as they all slowly nodded their heads.
“Alright, I guess I've kept this from you guys long enough.” You walk over to the bench and slowly sat down before telling your story.
“It started as an ordinary day, I decided I wanted to do some road work and jogged to the local beach to run on the sand, helping to build my endurance and footwork.” You looked to make sure they were listening, each of them were eyeing you closely, waiting for you to continue. “When I got the beach, I decided to do a warm up by running up and down the pier to get started. Apparently there was a surfing contest, but I didn't think much of it at the time. I had just finished going up and down the pier two times and was about ready to hit the sand. But as I was jogging back down the pier, I heard people yelling and screaming. I noticed that a lot of people were close to the edge, looking down at the water. When I finally managed to get to the ground, I heard someone yelling, ‘SHARK!!’.”

Each of your friends were hanging on every word, no more so than Sunset and Dash who moved in closer. “When I looked down at the water, I could see the surfers all swimming back to the beach, but that was when I saw that the shark had something in its jaws. It was biting down on a surfboard, pulling it further out to sea, but attached to the board was a surfer. Apparently the surfer didn't take off his ankle brace and was being pulled farther out to sea. Anytime the surfer would try to take the brace off, the shark would start thrashing about, making it impossible to remove. And if that wasn't bad enough, the surfer was wearing an all black water suit and water cap making him look like a seal”.

You watched as everyone covered their mouths, and you could easily see the fear in their eyes. “Soon enough, the surfer was hit on the head by the surfboard, causing him to bleed which got the sharks attention as it circled back around. At that moment the people on the pier started to panic as they watched from above as the shark made its way to the unconscious surfer. That was about the moment when my body took over. I took a couple of steps back and sprinted until I reach the edge and pushed off and dove into the water. The moment I hit the water I had already landed onto the shark and wrapped my body against it.  I could feel its rough skin against my hands as it started to thrash around changing its attention from the surfer to me. Soon the shark started to dive deeper into the water as it continued to try and shake me off. My grip was slowly loosening and I needed air soon. So in a last ditch effort, I moved my body further up it and clamped my hand over its gills knowing it wouldn't be able to breath without them. I could barely reach its gills as its body was incredibly wide. Soon the shark's thrashing started to slow down, in less the a minute it had stopped moving. But I too was running out of air and could feel my lungs burning for oxygen.

Clenching your trunks, you now knew you had to remember the worst part of your tale. “When the shark had finally stopped moving, I decided I would push off its body and make a break for the surface.  I moved my feet so they were pressed against the body and beneath me and slowly moved my right hand off its right gill. But then in the next moment, the shark sprung back to life and turned its jaws open, shutting them down on my arm.

Everyone recoiled as they could only imagine what pain you were in. “The next thing I knew, I'm being  thrashed around the water with its jaws still shut on my left arm. All I felt was a sharp stinging pain like my whole arm was on fire. As I was thrashed around I started to lose my breath and could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. But I wasn't about ready to die yet. Mustering what little strength I had left, I tried to focus and aim my right arm at the shark's eyes and I started to claw away at its eye. I had finally managed to get it in the eye and felt it let me go and swim away, but not before it hit me with its tail, knocking the last bit of air out of my lungs. Wasting no time, I started to swim my way back up to the surface, but  my lungs where in so much pain and I could hear my own rapid heart beat in my ears. I was so close from the surfer, but soon everything went dark.

The room was silent aside from the water gently swaying in the pool. “The next thing I knew I was lying down in a hospital bed, every inch of my body was in pain, except for my left arm. But that was for a different reason. When I couldn't feel my arm, I turned my head to see that it was gone. When the doctors came in they told me when the paramedics found me my arm was already gone, they said that the shark must have ripped it off. And I spent my whole summer in the hospital recovering.” You started to clench your left shoulder as your body began to shake and tears flowed down your cheeks. “I guess you guys think I was an idiot for doing something as reckless as that huh? How I managed to ruin my chance at ever competing in boxing ever again or even going pro.”

Before you could say another word you were met with a warm embrace. Through your watery eyes, you could see Sunset holding you close as her arms wrapped around your body. Soon after, the rest of your friends joined in, embracing you in a warm caring hug. The tears began to flow even faster as you felt how much they all cared about you.

The group soon released you and they all looked at you with warm smiles. Soarin was the first to step forward.  “Okay I'm not gonna lie man, what you did that day was the most…”

Here it comes’ you thought, knowing that you would get some playful hazing.

“EPIC THING I EVER HEARD!!” This caught you off guard as your jaw dropped. “I mean I knew you were tough guy and all, but to willingly go against a shark to save someone. Well that's just badass.”

“If it had been anyone else they probably would have just turned away and not watch, but you”. Now it was Flash’s turn to praise you.  “You just jumped right in without a second thought, like a true hero.” If your jaw could drop any lower it would have fallen off by now. This wasn't what you had expected their reaction to be.

Finally Spitfire made her way. “Did you ever get a chance to meet the surfer you saved?”

You shook your head. “No I was unconscious at that point when the paramedics came and took me away I guess. And the doctor didn't say anyone aside from my family came to visit me in the hospital.” You saw that Dash and Sunset were looking at each as if in deep thought. Like they knew something that you didn't.

Flash started to pat your back, gaining your attention once more. “Well the most important thing is that your alive man, and I know this doesn't mean much, but I had to lose my arm I would say that your way would be the most epic way to do so.” You weren't sure if he was teasing you or being serious, but you could feel the care in his words.

The rest of that day went on to be better than you had imagined. Not only did you finally tell someone your story, but you also felt better for doing so and having great friends there for you.