Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I

by One of Nine

10. Well That Smarts

OUCH!!!” I shouted in agony, dropping my sword, clutching my aching foot, and hopping on my other leg. With my pained foot held tight in my hands, I uttered a few words to my assailant. “If you hit me with that freaking hammer one more time, I’ll—”
“Oh quit whining, poor puppy.” Scoffed Luna as she hefted her Warhammer over her shoulder, a smug grin on her sweating face. “Where’s the unstoppable and unwavering Obsidian I fought four days ago? Has he gone off somewhere?”
“I think he’s having a tea party with the abominable snowman.” I grumbled, finally standing correctly on both feet. I kept off my injured foot, hoping that the pain would subside, and I could walk without trouble for the time being. “Dang, that hurt.”
The Princess of the Night smiled slyly. “Well, it would defiantly help if you moved it out of the way, so it can’t get hit again. What is this? The fifth time?”
“Shut up.” I growled out in annoyance.
Luna gave me a cross look, the kind that could kill a thousand soldiers on the spot. Not good in my case.
I sighed regretfully, slumping my shoulders and picking up my fallen sword. “Sorry I snapped. I hate it when I keep getting hit in the exact same spot over and over again.” I rubbed my sore foot for emphasis. “And it’s the eighth.”
The she-wolf just smiled, her evil grin following. Seriously, that always happened. And when it did, something dastardly always found me, courtesy of Luna. “I suppose a short break is needed.”
I nodded in thanks and limped over to a nearby bench, rubbing my foot to try and relax the muscles. Luna’s smile never wavered as she sat on the bench and looked at my foot.
“Need me to kiss it and make it all better?” The Princess teased as she gave a playful pout, to which I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her. She returned my assault with a childish giggle and copying my motions.
I chuckled and shook my head in response. After my foot’s aching died down, I was ready for our training to continue. However, the Maker had other plans.
“Your Majesty!” Shouted a Solar Guard as he walked down the castle steps into the training yard. A cyan sash hung over his left shoulder.
“Yes Corporal?” Asked Luna as she spun around, her armor flashing in the sun’s light.
The guard stopped before reaching us, his accusing gaze shifting toward me every few seconds. “Your sister would like you to join her in her study, she told me that the Gryphon Lords are arriving this evening. She’d like to go over details with you, she said.”
The young Princess raised her brow. “This evening?”
He nodded.
Luna gave a light huff and turned back to me, an apologetic look on her face. “My thanks, Obsidian. You fought well today, and I look forward to another session.”
I nodded in return. “You mean you look forward to beating me with that hammer of yours again?” I let out a hearty chuckle. “I’ll get a target set up and see how many times you can hit my foot.”
She gave me a cheeky smile. “Or your face.” She poked her cheek where she’d originally hit me. Said cheek still felt bruised.
I deadpanned. “Hardy har har, Nebula.”
Celestia had done the curtesy of giving me a few of Luna’s other tittles; Mistress of the Night, Lady of the Stars, Nebula in the Sky, Dream Weaver, The Oncoming Eclipse, The Nightmare Stalker, Void Caster, and many more falling into darker categories. The one I liked the most, as you could tell, was Nebula. It made her sound all mysterious and graceful. It gave me something else to call her than just Luna or her Highness. Plus, she didn’t seem to mind. It always brought a smile to her face. Like the one she was giving me right then.
“Good day to you, Obsidian.” The Princess gave a short bow before departing, her smile becoming a wonderous sight.
I decided to further her entertainment and bowed as well. “And farewell, Lady of the Glorious Stars. May they sing through the night without cease, like a sweet chorus of violins echoing in the void.”
Her smile brightened as she turned to leave, and I could’ve sworn I caught her trying to hide a blush. After she vanished into the palace’s folds, I smiled to myself, curious as to where all that charm suddenly came from. I usually wasn’t one to play the prince charming roll, but for that moment it just felt right. I was usually the short, scrawny kid huddled in the back of the room reading a book. Not one to make many connections, I more than not kept to myself sadly.
Over the past few days, the Princesses had brought somethings to light. The Blueblood I’d first met wasn’t the real deal. Apparently, he was a Changeling general from Carapace’s hive, charged with watching me and making sure I stayed alive. Before he left, General Mandible had suggested we keep in contact. We took the liberty of writing to one another over the past few days, and thanks to a magic candle from Luna, we could send the letters back and forth in seconds. Another thing I mentioned to the sisters and Mandible was that the fake Luna had known of my world. I’d asked about that and they told me that the Changeling had used a kind of mindreading spell, one that allowed the viewer to see into another’s mind while they slept. Luna had said that it was similar to the dream realm she controlled, which she explained that after the earlier explanation. Celestia had also said that they maaayy have taken a peak into my backpack, curious as to the two CD books I had stuffed with movies. Luna seemed to enjoy Captain America and the Madagascar trilogy, while Tia liked the more fairy tale styled movies from Disney. And no, I didn’t own any of the MLP seasons. Thankfully.
I was soon brought out of my musings by none other than the brat of royalty himself, Blueblood. The Prince wore a glistening green silk shirt with gold buttons and an orange sash-like belt, no doubt trying to show his superiority to everyone around. But unless he gained my respect, I’ll only see someone who’s full of hot air.
“Oh, look.” The Prince sneered. Was that his natural face or just what he does best? “The criminal who escaped justice.”
I rolled my eyes, already annoyed with this guy. “And what is it exactly that I did wrong? If we want to make a scene, I’ll just give you a wedgey, goldilocks.”
Blueblood growled, his sneer deepening. “You’ll never lay hands on me, beast! I’m protected by the law, state, and the crown. You can’t touch me without Auntie’s consent.”
“Oh really?” I proceeded to poke the Prince in the shoulder. “Poke.”
“Ah?!” Blueblood squeaked, quickly brushing his sleeve as if it held some deadly disease. “YOU DARE POKE THE PRINCE OF EQUESTRIA?!?!”
I smirked at the little prince. “Oh, I dare. I dare say that you’re a disgrace to all who hold the title of royalty. You act like nothing but a fool.”
The prince huffed, lifting his nose up at me, snapping himself away from me. “And you are but a sickening beast that deserves to be set in a cage. Your body is covered in scars, your smell makes me gag, your mouth is infested with a hideous array of white rocks, and your eyes look like something from a filly’s monster book. Pathetic.” He delivered his own smirk, glaring at me with superior smugness. “Shall I go on, thing?”
Instead of punching the guy into oblivion like I wanted to and folding his body into a hat (*), I decided to take a long breath to calm myself. After a long moment, I gave my reply. (*I don’t know why, just off the top of my head)
“No, the Thing’s the other guy. That, and I’m not made of orange rock,” I chuckled at my own joke. “Plus, I happen to like my scars. Was born with a few, never bothered me before.” I pointed to my facial scar. “I happen to like this one a lot… regardless of how I got it.”
The prince ground his teeth together, seeing his assault of insults fall on heft ears. But, he soon regained his composure and straightened himself. “And how did you come by these scars? One can never be born with them.” He probably hoped I missed it, but I caught his eye twitch as he spoke.
I rubbed an itch along my snout, taking a moment to gather my memories. “Born prematurely, weighed about a pound, doctors had to do numerous surgeries till I could live and was given an impressive array of scars. Never really cared if I got a lot of bruises or wounds, they never really faze me.”
The unicorn huffed again, rolling his eyes. “I asked about the scars, not your droll life’s story! Too bad your weak mother couldn’t hold you longer, otherwise you’d turn out much prettier.” He scoffed as my rage suddenly boiled overboard. Shadow was practically begging for this sick brat’s blood. I gritted my teeth as I held him back, the pain starting to build.
I did my best to suppress a snarl, which utterly failed as I grabbed him by the neck and pushed him into the wall he stood beside. It took all my will to hold back from ripping his guts out and hauling his cold corps into the throne room and disposing it before Celestia. “SHUT YOUR INFESTED MOUTH, NOW!!! OR I’LL RIP OUT YOUR SPINE WITH YOUR HEAD STILL ATTACHED!!!” Red flames spewed from my throat, grey smoke drifting into the wind. “YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME!! AS I SAID, I WAS BORN PREMATURE, I BEARLY MADE IT INTO THE WORLD. BUT THANKS TO GOD, I’M HERE. AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE THE WAYS HE’S SET IT, REGARDLESS OF YOUR WORDS.”
“Then I was right, your whore of a mother was weak, pathetic even.” The brat muttered after I released him, yet thanks to my enhanced ears, I heard it clear as day.
I whirled back around with a backhand, snapping my jaws in front of his face and snarling, glowing cinders following his retreating form. If you couldn’t tell, I was more than pissed. “SHUT UP!!!”
The coward scrambled away, franticly calling any guards to his aid. Yet, whether it was for their own safety or amusement, they just stood there doing the more boring part of their jobs; standing like statues.
I then gabbed Blueblood by the heir and guided us down the hall, my prisoner shrieking all the way. I asked for directions before we made it to Celestia’s study. I didn’t bother to knock, instead using the unicorn in my grasp as a battering ram and pounded to doors open. (I considered using his head, but I doubt the sister’s would be happy with a dead nephew. Not without first chewing him out. So, instead, I reluctantly used his now broken hooves.) Celestia sat in her chair, Luna on the other side, now both staring at me and the squirming mule.
Celestia was the first to stand and speak, her face plastered with fear and outrage. “Fang, put my nephew down!”
I complied with flat out dropping him on his face, an ‘eep’ and audible THUD sounding. Next to speak was Luna, her face containing a slight amount of amusement and annoyance. “Now, please explain why you’ve plopped our relative on our doorstep and that terrifying scowl on your face?”
I took a deep, long breath to try and let my rage slide. It only worked an eighth of the way. “That so-called filth of a nephew of yours insulted my mother twice… to my face.” I proceeded to pace in a stomping fashion, my steps sending tremors through the floor. “…and I lost it.”
Both sisters mulled it over before Celestia spoke up. “And what exactly did he say, if I may ask?”
I huffed out a breath, trying to calm my anger as it continued to erupt. “He said that my mother was a whore.”
The sisters gasped, both threatening to glare the prince to death. A snarl left Luna’s throat, echoing off the walls.
“And that she was weak and pathetic.” I released my own snarl, rivaling the Princess’ in volume and malice. My fists popped as they clenched around themselves.
The room fell into an earie silence, the only sounds being our breathing and Blueblood’s whimpering as he cradled his broken nose.
“Morning Mist?” Celestia’s voice edged it’s way through the stillness.
“Yes my Lady?” Answered a lime green pegasus with a cream mane, dressed in a fine suit, a blue tie hanging from her collar. The mare held a clipboard close to her chest, a curious look plastered on her face.
“Clear my schedule for the next two hours, I need to discuss some things with my nephew.” Her voice grew cold, harsh, and unforgiving in a matter of seconds. The Princess soon drew up a scowl that rivaled my own, one that could turn the tide of war if she stepped on the battlefield.
“Yes, your Eminence.” Mist complied with a bow and got to work with her clipboard.
I chose to lean against the wall as the Sun Princess made her way around the desk and magickly yanked her relative up to his hooves. She then looked Blueblood dead in the eye, her frown deepening. “You and I are going to have a long talk, my young nephew.” Her last word came out as a soft growl. The prince gulped and nodded rapidly as he was dragged out the door. Mist followed close behind.
Luna and I stood alone in the room, both deep in our own thoughts. Minutes later, I took the time to look the regal Princess of the Night over. Granted, I’d done this before, but not when I knew her more than I did before. The she-wolf was strong, both physically and mentally. Being royalty, she would spend much of her time sitting and dealing with matters of state, yet Luna still kept herself in good shape. Her muscles were firm, but not so much that she was hard as stone. Her frame was like that of an hourglass, yet she wasn’t so much that her waist was as thin as a toothpick. Instead, her body was finely firm and (cough) padded. In a non-sexual way of saying it, she was nicely curved with a good strength about her. A woman I was honored to learn combat training from.
Now, Celestia on the other hand, didn’t look like she worked herself too much. While she wasn’t plump like many royals in the old days, she still seemed… uh, pleasant to any passing stallion.
My eyes shifted to her face, gazing into the distant eyes of the she-wolf. The silver fur encasing those orbs glittered and shined in the light, adding to her astounding beauty. The midnight fur shimmered with the waves of navy blue, her swimming runes danced over her face. Speaking of her runes, they seemed to expand over her entire face. Numerous streams of silver and white glided over her fur, taking on a very Celtic style of runes. Finely curved and elegant.
“Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”
My eyes turned purely toward Luna’s eyes, the glistening silver and teal blue threatening to hypnotize me in their beauty.
“I must ask, why did you bring him to us if you wished to dispose of him yourself?” At my questioning look, she clarified. “The face you wore is like the one I’ve felt festering inside mine own self, an erupting force threatening to boil over. An anger toward my nephew.”
I took a moment before answering. “The way I see it, I had two options. Take him to you guys and have you deal with him or pitch him out the window and hope he lands on a rock. Though, if this was like Loony Toons, he’d probably just shake it off.”
The Princess looked at me questioningly before shaking her head a bit, dismissing my last remark no doubt. “Well, I thank you for letting us deal with him. Though I would’ve preferred to see the window spectacle.”
I huffed in agreement before we lapsed into silence again. It took Luna two minutes to break the cycle of hushed breathing. “Oh! While we wait for Tia to get back, would you like to take a walk in the gardens? The tree blossoms are quite lovely this time of year.”
I smiled at her proposal. “Sure.”
However, before we could depart, Luna suddenly cried out in pain. Clutching her head, she doubled over and collapsed on the floor, muttering something about a room full of blood. I crouched next to the whimpering Princess, gripping her shoulder and praying for her wellbeing. I tried to get her attention. Saying her name, snapping my fingers, and shaking her did nothing.
I then stood up and strode over to the doors. With a headbutt, I struck the doors open in a single swift motion to see to guards at my sides and two across the hall, all looking bewildered. How the heck didn’t these guys hear her screaming?!?! “What the hack are you doing just standing there?! Get the doctor and get Luna some help!!”
“Hey, you can’t tell us what to do. You’re not royalty.” A smug guard shot back, gripping his spear tighter.
“Well look in here and tell me I can’t order you around.” I stepped back to let them see the frightened Luna, still rolled into a ball on the floor. “Now shut up and GET HELP!! Do I make myself CLEAR?!”
All guards present nodded furiously before darting off down the hall.
I imediantly raced over to Luna, knelt, and held her head on my arms. Her body was draped over my legs as I tried to calm her and prayed for her safety. After several long minutes, with nothing changing the Princess’ behavior, a large group of ponies burst through the doors. This gathering included the other Princesses, the main six, the four guards, the castle doctor (I guess, lab coat and all), and five members of Luna’s guard. One of which was Shadow Path, his face distorted with concern.
“How is she? Is she alright?” Asked a very worried Solar Princess.
I chose to huff in mild annoyance. Would she be like this if she was ok? “No. All I know is that she’s got a headache and yammering on about a room full of bodies and blood-stained claws.” I paused, going over any thoughts on the matter. “Maybe she’s having a vision? Or some nightmare? But that happens when you’re asleep… so, yeah. A vision?”
Celestia took a breath, her usual mask of calm taking over. “Perhaps. Though I’d rather be sure.” She took a step toward the she-wolf.
I gritted my teeth in an attempt to hold back a growl, an urge to protect the one I held taking hold. I felt as if Shadow was saying “She’s under our care and we’ll handle her wellbeing!” … Huh, Shadow seemed too redundant, it’s been used too many times. Maybe I should’ve chosen something more unique? …Never mind!! Enough, I needed to focus.
She’s another of our kin, she’s our responsibility! Not Celestia’s!’ Countered Shadow.
‘Maybe… Whisper? And another thing, Celestia is her sister, we had no right to take that bond away.’
NO! That’s not fierce enough, I’d like something that shows purpose… and, I see your point… guh, fine, I yield.’
‘Good. Hey, wait! You can talk?!?!’
Yes, is that a problem?’ I could feel an eyebrow rise.
‘Uuuuuuhhhh, I was trying to think of a reason it wouldn’t be.’

‘Ok then, back to the matter at hand.’
Yes please.’
‘… Prowl?’
Hm, maybe.’
Anyway, Celestia was getting close, placing a hand on her sister’s forehead to check her temperature. The doctor, later known as Clear Sight, did her job and looked over the trembling Princess. After a quick analysis, she turned to Tia with a cheerful smile.
“The good news is that Princess Luna is fine and only needs a few hours of rest and lots of water.” Said the mare as she fiddled with her stethoscope nervously.
“And the bad?” Celestia’s voice seemed close to cracking.
Clear sighed in defeat. “The bad news is that she is receiving some kind of… vision. That’s not my area of expertise, but I do advise she be put under watch. Somepony she trusts and will imediantly want to comfort her in the moment. When she wakes up I doubt she’ll be calm. Possibly traumatized.”
The Princess breathed a sigh. “Very good, however, I’ll be busy with other matters.”
“U-um, Princess?” Came Fluttershy’s soft voice as she stepped out from behind Rarity. “If you’d like, me and the girls could watch her. It wouldn’t be too much trouble would it?”
She seemed to be falling into old habits, especially if I was around. Was she scared of me?
“What a wonderful idea, Fluttershy!” She then turned to me as I was leaning against the wall, watching the whole scene and listening. My ears were perked toward all present. “And Fang, would you mind helping to keep an eye on her?”
“WHAT?!?” Dash exclaimed, staring at the Alicorn in shock.
“Yes, Luna had told me of what you did the other night. Thank you for that, she’s still having trouble adjusting to the new world.”
“In truth, she’s not having trouble adjusting.” I corrected as I pushed off the wall, standing straight with my arms crossed. Spike then stepped around the corner, still in his green and white plad pajamas. “I think she’s doing fine in that department.”
“Yes, but she’s still dealing with her darker past. One she’s either trying to forget or face and dominate. From what I could tell, she just needed someone to listen and let her spill.” I took a second to think before continuing. “This, and she needed conformation that what she did was in the past was forgiven. What is in the past, our former sins, can’t affect the future if God chooses. Free will is what we were given, so let’s use it.”
Celestia nodded, adorning a pleased smile before growing serious. “I see. And you believe that your God is above your control? Isn’t He one of your people’s creations?”
My face grew in determination. “No, the Lord wasn’t made by man, we were made by Him.” With that, I finished my speech.
The Princess nodded and turned toward Twilight and her friends. “Please keep an eye on Luna until she wakes.”
“And Obsidian?” Asked a worried Twilight, glancing over at me.
“Play nice.” She tuned toward Path and his buddies. “Keep them safe.” She then walked off to fulfill her duties and left us alone with the Night Guards.
Path and the other guards took their posts at the doors as I began to pick up Luna. I gently eased my hand under her legs and back, lifting her bridle style. I swiftly walked over to the couch next to the hearth, as we were still in Celestia’s office, and set her down. A soft and thick blanket soon found it’s way across her body thanks to Twilight. Said blanket was soon tucked beneath Luna, Fluttershy’s handywork. Two pillows fluffed themselves before being placed behind the Lunar Princess’ head curtesy of Rarity. I nodded in satisfaction before laying down on the opposite couch, a coffee table sat between our lounges. The rest of the girls took up the numerous chares in the room.
I soon grew tired, last night’s lack of sleep setting in as I closed my eyes. Apparently, Harmony liked to visit regularly. But alas, I was interrupted by an excitable alicorn.
“So, Fang, could I ask you a few more questions?” Asked the eager mare as she teleported a notepad and quill into reach.
My left eye opened to look at the pleading Princess of Friendship, her face twisted into a begging pout. My supposed resolve deflated in an instant, my tired mind not wanting to put up a fight.
I took in a deep breath and huffed out, “Fine.”
Twilight nearly squealed in her excitement. “Ok, they’re mostly about the fight you had with Luna the other day.”
I looked at her quizzingly. “And you waited this long to ask?”
Her cheeks grew a shade of red as she shrugged.
I breathed again before sitting up. “Ok, what do you want to know?”
She did her best to muffle another squeal. “Well, how about that ability to summon lightning? There’s only a few magic types that are capable of doing that, and most of them are the Arcane Arts.”
“Arcane Arts?”
“Yeah, a group of forbidden magical forces that were said to be too dangerous for any unicorn or alicorn.” Twilight crafted a crude drawing of five circles with another running through them. Each of the small circles had an element incased in it, ranging from earth, fire, ice, lightning, and a question mark.
I pointed to the unknown circle. “What’s with the question mark?”
She looked down at her drawing. “Oh, that’s the last art. Like the Element of Magic was, it’s unknown sadly. Lost to time. But from what I could see, you have the power over fire and lightning. And from what Celestia told me, both were very hard to master, even Star Swirl had trouble controlling them. The symptoms from such a task range from a deadly dose of pony pox to uncontrollable bursts of the elemental magic.”
“So… they couldn’t control the power and ended up with it trying to break out. From what you told me, it seemed as though their bodies were too small of containers to properly harness these powers. But with me it seems, the elements have no trouble and I can contain them easily enough.” I concluded with a nod.
I then lifted a hand in front of my face and took a breath, gathering the fire within my core. A thin, feathering jet of fire soon engulfed my hand. No pain came, no burning, no screams of agony. Just a warmth entangled its way across my hand along with the red flames. The fire slowly left my hand and gathered itself into my claws as I outstretched them. The claws each had a soft orange glow to them, the fire encasing itself within the sharp bone. I stole a glance at all the mares in the room, all staring at my glowing claws, Dash’s jaw hit the floor.
“N-no. Bucking. Way.” Muttered the Wonderbolt as she hovered by me, staring at my appendage.
“D-darling, does it hurt?” Asked a concerned Rarity as she stepped forward, kneeling down to look my hand over for burns. Which I was surprised Fluttershy hadn’t done. “No burns? How’s that possible?!”
I shrugged in response. “My guess is no better than yours. Magic?”
“Exactly!” Smiled Twilight, only to be shushed by all of us as Luna stirred. Nebula seemed to have calmed down, rolling over in a much more peaceful sleep. My claws had lost their glow by now.
The young Princess grinned sheepishly. “Eh, whoops.”
“Shush, she’s tired, let her rest.” I looked over to the opposite corner, a small table and four chairs sat there. I nodded toward said setting. “Let’s discuss this over there, so we don’t wake her.”
The girls nodded in agreement before we all scurried over and sat down.
“Ok, so…” Twilight looked over her notes. “I noticed how it was when you got mad that you could breath fire, as that demonstration at breakfast showed.”
Pinkie took this moment to giggle her appraisal. “Yeah, those hay browns never stood a chance. One minute they went sailing, then… KER-SPLAT, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle.”
Rarity smiled with a polite giggle. “And then Fang’s face turned so red I thought we’d need a Firepony to put out his temper.”
I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. “Yeah, yeah. I’m a big boiling pot of steam just waiting to go boom.”
“Well… it was more like… KAH-BLEWY--” I placed a hand over the pink mare’s muzzle before she could wake the Princess. Luna’s reply was a snort and mumbling about fluffy bunnies.
“Anyways, Ah think we should ge’ back on track.” Suggested Applejack as she straightened her warn suspenders.
“Right.” I turned back to the assembled group, releasing Pinkie in the process. “Uh… where were we again?”
“Thah Magic.”
“Oh yeah.” I straightened myself before continuing. “So, there are forbidden magics? Elemental magics?”
Twilight nodded.
“Any specifics?”
She hummed in thought. “Well, there’s only two I can think of off the top of my head. They both have to do with fire. Ward and Rage.”
“Ward and Rage?” I echoed in confusion.
The Princess of Friendship smiled widely, an excited look in her eye.
“Uh oh.” Grumbled Rainbow Dash. “Egghead train’s pulling into the station.”
Twilight ignored Dash’s remark. “I’m glad you asked, but because I there’s not much on them, this lesion will be short.”
“Toot, toot!” The blue pegasus mimicked the pulling of a train whistle. She received a number of glowers from all around.
“To start off, we’ll look at Rage.” Twilight began, teleporting a large tome from nowhere. “As you can guess, Rage is what it sounds like. When the user gets mad or frustrated the fire magic will generate and flow through the body until it reaches the mouth’s exit…”
“Or the rear.” Snorted Dash.
Twilight rolled her eyes and continued. “That being said, when you get upset, Rage will build up and urge you to release it. So, when that happens, just… yell at the... ceiling?”
I chuckled at the image. “I doubt Celestia will be happy if I give her castle a new sunroof.”
“I don’t think she would be apposed to it.” Came Luna’s giggling voice. “I think it’ll just give her an excuse to finally do it.”
I looked over to see the Princess of the Night sitting on the couch, a smile gracing her muzzle. I smiled back and walked over to sit next to her. She obliged and scooted over, resting against my side.
“Better?” I asked, concern flooding my words.
Nebula sighed as she blinked away the last of her sleep. “A little. There’s just too many images. A lot of gore, death, and… the smell of velvet.”
“Huh, velvet, hm?”
“Yes, I remember laying in a white crib with a red blanket, an imagery of the moon and golden stars above me, and the scent of freshly picked flowers. The sun’s light spilled into the room, the morning dew following… and then, I… or my dream self was picked up and brought into the hallway. A moment later, in a flash of gold light, I was set onto green grass. A butterfly landed on my nose,” She pointed to her wet snout. “This nose. After the butterfly flew off, I looked up to see a brown furred wolf with blue markings, dressed in silver and white armor. A green cape draped over his shoulder. He said that I was the last royal, that I was their last hope and I would be responsible for breathing them back to life. I then awoke to Twilight speaking about Rage fire magic.”
I hummed in thought, reviewing her dream. She saw herself or someone else’s memories? The last royal and hope for their people? Sounded a bit like Star Wars.
Maybe she saw something important, a suppressed memory?’
‘Maybe, but it’s better that we prod and wait some more before we press the issue. Better to know for sure than rush in blindly.’
Agreed. And what was with the rabbit?’
I chuckled at the thought. ‘I’ve got nothing.’
So, we wait then?’
‘Yep, we wait. However long it takes.’