The Princess is a Filly

by Art Inspired

Chapter Two: As Innocent As Can Be

Without a doubt, to lose somepony like Celestia was one of the worst things that could've ever really happened to Twilight.

To have her replaced with a filly version of herself, however, and to know that this filly couldn't even remember her left Twilight feeling more than just saddened. There's no easy way to describe it, but to put it simply, she was going through emotions that probably nopony should ever have the displeasure of going through. Confusion would be an understatement. Sadness just wouldn't describe it well enough.

"What is it that I'm feeling?" Twilight asked herself, lost within a bright, blinding light. She was asleep, of course, but the dream felt different. It didn't quite feel like a dream at all.

Suddenly, she'd feel the hooves of her former mentor wrap around her tenderly, and it was as if Celestia had never left Equestria.

"Oh, Twilight," she said kindly. "I think that's melancholy you're going through."

Twilight looked up to see the smiling princess above her. "I think it's deeper than that, though..."

Rolling her eyes, Celestia merely placed a hoof on Twilight's troubled head, and said, "No, it's not. You act as if I'm gone completely... I'm not. Do you know why?"

Twilight blinked a few times, and looked down before asking, "Is it because you're a filly now? You don't even remember me."

"Actually..." Celestia said, "It's because I'll always be with you. I'll always be in your heart, and in the hearts of everypony that knew me."

Twilight sighed, "How could you just... not tell me? Or anypony?"

"Because," Celestia said. "What do you think happened all the other times ponies knew what was coming? All everypony did was behave sadly for the remaining years of my life... As selfish as it is, I didn't want my final years to be filled with grief, and sorrow. For all that I do for this world, didn't I at least deserve that much?"

Twilight's eyes opened sharply, and she took in a large amount of air as she got up from her deep slumber. She just kept gasping for air before nervously saying, "That's why... Oh, of course that's why she didn't tell us! That's easy enough to figure out..."

She laid back down, and soon saw the younger Celestia standing by the window. "The colors it makes are just so... pretty looking to me."

Twilight got out of bed, and made her way to the door while saying to Celestia, "I'll be right back. Stay here while I'm gone, and when I get back, we'll all have breakfast. How's that sound?"

Celestia gave Twilight a cheeky smirk. "Okay, sounds good!"

Twilight left shortly thereafter, and made her way down the hall towards Luna's room, who by then was returning from her own balcony after lowering the moon, and raising the sun.

Entering, Twilight questioned her, "Did you know that she didn't tell anypony about this... because she knew how sad they'd all be?"

Luna looked stunned, but nevertheless, she shook her head painfully. "Makes sense, though, doesn't it? I just wish that I had that opportunity for myself, too. I have three thousand years to work with, while she has seven. For her, she has plenty of time for ponies to forget. She... Well, according to the ledger, I didn't find anything that said Celestia's ever actually tried this before, but it definitely is recorded about how sad everypony is nearing the end of our days."

Twilight seemed upset again, but grumbling to herself, she soon managed to voice her opinion. "I suppose... in a way, she deserved that last luxury."

Luna agreed, "I believe so. Now, as hard as this might be, we must inform everyone of the tragic news. Are you ready?"

Twilight shrugged at that question. "About as ready as I'll ever be, I suppose. After that, we'll have breakfast with Celestia, and then I think I'm going to head on out. No hard feelings to just up and leave all of the sudden, but if it's alright with you, I feel as if the faster I get her friendship lessons started, the faster I can stop feeling so depressed about this whole experience."

Together, Luna and Twilight announced to Equestria what had happened. Needless to say, the nation was hurt by the sudden loss of their former ruler. However, in time, they would come to accept her new form, and all the possibilities that came with this development. Now, Twilight rode along with her Highness directly across from her. They were within a golden, royal chariot which was painted red.

She glanced yet again at the young filly curiously, and then at the driver just barely visible behind her, and wondered, "You won't let everything that's happened today upset you, will you, Celestia?"

The filly just gave Twilight an equally curious face, and said, "Everypony's really depressed about... whoever I was. She must've been a really great pony."

Twilight sighed, and agreed, "She was..." She blinked while lowing her head, and said, "We should, uh... find something to take our minds off of that, though."

The young Celestia nodded, and asked, "Like what?"

"Well," Twilight pondered while looking out the window to her right. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw that they were passing by what looked to be an ice cream parlor. Twilight then asked, "How about some ice cream?"

Celestia giggled coyly. "You'd think I wouldn't be into frozen treats one bit seeing as how I'm the princess of the sun, but that's actually sounding absolutely irresistible!"

Twilight immediately reached for the driver, and asked for them to be pulled over. "But, we have a tight schedule, Princess Twilight."

At that, Twilight responded with, "This is more important. Now, pull over."

He did as he was told. Afterwards, he was ordered to stayed with the royal chariot and wait for them just outside the shop. "Of course, you can come inside and order something if you want," Twilight offered just before going inside herself.

"I'm fine, your Highness," he said shrewdly.

Twilight tried not to allow this to deter her from trying to cheer up. After all, the nation did just lose somepony quite important to them, so in she went, and they were immediately bombarded with colorful lights, and streamers decorated everywhere within the establishment. The temperature also dropped significantly, making celestia's tiny teeth chatter.

"It's... c-c-cold in here," she mentioned while looking back at Twilight. "P-pick me up, and p-put me on one of t-the stools, please?"

Twilight smiled, but dared not speak herself. She was too scared of her lips not being able to open due to them being frozen solid, and shut together. Nevertheless, she proceeded with putting Celestia on one of the near by stools, and she was then promptly greeted by one of the ponies from behind the counter. "Can I get you anything?" he asked kindly, and Twilight noticed just then that there were also a few foals and colts working behind him as well, just beyond some of the counters.

Twilight nodded excitedly, and managed to said, "Yes! One s-sunset scone for her, and I'll have a stellar shake please."

"Comin' right up!"

They all got to work on the treats, and while they did, Twilight and Celestia was watched over by the one who had taken their orders. He leaned in, and questioned quietly, "So, that must be Princess Celestia, huh?"

Twilight blinked, and observed him a bit more. Although he wore a pleasant get up, and had approached them kindly at first, he now just seemed down right intruding towards Twilight. "Huh? Excuse me?" She asked.

He mostly looked at Twilight the whole time while saying, "Oh, no offense...! I just... noticed is all, and thought I'd ask about it. Since I'm pretty sure it is her, I'd also like to ask..." He leaned in while Celestia seemed to be perfectly distracted. "You haven't been, like, crying in front of her all that much, have you? Because... it's pretty obvious you've been crying, your Highness, by the darkness underneath your eyes..."

Twilight just backed away with a harsh sniffle, but it wasn't caused by the cold temperature. "I've... Tried not to cry in front of her, but... it's been hard."

He nodded, and pointed out, "It's always hard to hide our sorrows. Look, I just thought I'd ask, and I hope you get to feeling better after enjoying your ice cream."

Twilight nodded, and was soon served followed by Celestia. "Sorry for the wait," a young colt said after dropping it off. "This one took a bit longer to make because it's such a special order!"

Celestia just stared at it for a second, especially the yellow, hoof-baked cookie propped perfectly on top of all the delicious looking vanilla, sprinkles, and chocolate bits. The cookie was in the shape of her cutie mark. She started with that first, of course, and slowly worked her way towards everything else, savoring every sugary bite as she went along. Twilight managed to finish hers in a fair amount of time as well, but had it been a race, then Celestia would've still beaten Twilight long before she'd even gotten half way with her very own delectable dessert.

After they were done, Twilight would lead Celestia back to the royal chariot. Before getting there, though, Celestia would notice the swing set located close by to some of the trees surrounding the dirt roadway. "Say, that looks like fun!"

Twilight soon enough saw the swing set as well, and asked, "Do you... wanna go play? I could give you a push."

Celestia looked over to Twilight as soon as she said that, and asked, "Can I?"

"Of course!" was Twilight's answer, and off they went. The carriage driver just reached out a hoof in disbelief, and frowned. However, the more he watched the two having fun, the less glum he'd appear to be while standing still over there.

As for Twilight, she spent roughly fifteen to twenty good minutes with Celestia, pushing her and helping her go higher and higher. Eventually, this would bring the young filly to burst out laughing with glee. Then, she said, "This is fantastic!"

"Yeah?" Twilight asked in the middle a push. "I thought the same thing when I was your age. I wonder when you'll be able to fly, or raise the sun for that matter..."

Celestia just kept swinging, eventually reaching a certain height that began to frighten Twilight. "Only one way to find out," the young princess said after her final push. "Let's see if I can fly!"

Twilight gasped as Celestia leaped forth bravely, and off the swing set she went, right into the open air. There was little chance that Celestia would stay afloat like that for long, and Twilight knew this, so she acted quickly to teleport herself just in time. She managed to save Celestia from falling head first directly into a tree, and grunted from the sudden impact. They fell to the ground, and twilight seemed a bit scuffed up.

"Ouch..." Twilight winced, and she said, "Don't try that sort of thing, Celestia... That was very dangerous!"

Celestia merely nodded, and was slowly walked back to the carriage. The whole while, she just kept apologizing by saying, "Sorry for doing that, Twilight. I didn't mean to get you hurt in the process!" Although Twilight was disappointed in Celestia's brash moves, she was also impressed with how long she managed to control herself while she was caught so high up in the air.

Had a tree not been completely blocking her path, she might've even been able to keep gliding right ondown to the soft grass perfectly, and safely. Possibly even without hardly any effort, too. Still, she shouldn't have be trying these sort of stunts at such a young age in the first place. At least, that's what Twilight kept thinking to herself as they enjoyed the rest of the ride home together.

She also thought about how long it might take Celestia to learn how to raise her very own star in the sky. Also, of course, there was still the matter of introducing this new Celestia to everypony that head been previously familiar with her, such as Twilight's seven closest friends.