//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 - The Mentors Notes - Travels and Training // Story: Assassin's Creed: Dawns Rising // by Arceaion //------------------------------// Entry 4 - 06 - 13 - 2745 Today was entertaining to say the least. It's been a little one year since training began and I have to say that they have come a long way from when they first started. So the time has come to start there real training. Shame I will not be apart of it but I have some work to do abroad and I must travel. I need to work on locating a good place to start construction of Masyaf. While the original was abandoned by Altaïr because it became a symbol to others I feel it would be safer for the Creed to go back to it's roots and revive old traditions and a place for the Assassins such as the old fortress of Masyaf fits well with this world. Another advantage is that Masyaf was not only home to the assassins but also surrounded by a village, a village that for us would be home to our blacksmiths, families, and those who wished to live with us. I plan to make Masyaf our home and power base while we would have small hidden outposts in cities that would act as our bases. Nightlight and Twilight Velvet have already agreed that that there home would serve as the Canterlot base of operations, while Master Damascus has made ready plans too move to Masyaf when we are ready to receive him. Within this world lies many places that would suit Masyaf well but with the aid of Nightlight, Prince Blueblood and Lord Fancy Pants I've narrowed the location to build it to three locations. The first will be in the Macintosh Hills to the south of Canterlot, the downside of this it would be close to Appleloosa when it is created in thirty some years and it is near the train tracks and near the Badlands meaning that Chrysalis's Changeling Hive will be close as well and I don't want to interact with any hives yet unless necessary. I will still be looking into it but I feel it will be to risky while I am there I will be looking into a rumors of an evil wizard living on the edge of the badlands. I don't believe them to be evil lest Celestia be up in arms over it. In fact I think it's the ponies of the area being xenophobic. The next location is to the west in the Smoky Mountains, it is near White Tail Woods and the small city of Yanhoover. However I feel that the area is unsuited for what I seek as there is just something about it that I distrust. The final location and one I am fond of is a rumor place deep in the Crystal Mountains of the Frozen North. Rumors tell that long ago there was a mythical valley that was an unfrozen paradise, this sounds like the city of Shangri-La from my world. Myths tell of a mystical, harmonious valley enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains called Shangri-La and if it exists here as a legend I'm inclined to believe it exists. As such I intend to find this valley so that Masyaf may be built here. There is also rumor of a master martial-artist living on a nearby mountain with two children. If I can find this martial-artist and convince him to train the Creed then we will be even more prepared to protect this world. I will be leaving tomorrow and I plan to take two trainees with me. I feel it will be an excellent training for them. Though who to take? Bloodmoon is a given as he is the most well trained and prepared so who will be my second? Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis and Prince Blueblood are out as they are either political figures or nobles with large influence. So that leaves Octavia Melody, Vinyl Scratch, Twilight Velvet and Nightlight. I can't take Vinyl she's not ready quite yet to be doing this sort of thing, Twilight Velvet and Nightlight are out as thy have things during this time that can't be postponed. This is sadly unfortunate as they would be my next choice. I suppose as a matter of elimination that leaves Miss. Melody as the final choice. Odd as aside from Nightlight, Twilight Velvet and Fleur de Lis she is among my best pupils, not to mention her talents are... unique. Anyway, That will be the group. So tomorrow we will be taking the train to Dodge City and them setting out for the Macintosh Hills. Things I need to do: Stop by Master Damascus's forge and repair my equipment as it is getting worn. Gather rations and other necessities. Get more arrows and lead balls for crossbow and wrist gun. I stood before my trainees looking them over. There robes were pristine and there blades shined in the evening light. "Congratulations, to day it has been exactly one year since we started your training and I'm proud to say that you are ready to begin advanced training. To do this I will be bringing in a new instructor and I want you all to give him the same respect as you give me." As I spoke Captain Shield and Iron Shield entered and stood behind me. "Captain Iron Shield will be training you in more advanced weapon techniques while the Mercenary Iron Shield will be training in more advanced close quarters combat. Now I will turn this over to your new instructors." As I finished speaking I turned and walked off to the side as the two shields stepped forward. "Most of you have seen me around the manor but we haven't spoken so I will introduce my self. I am Captain Iron Shield, I served in the Royal guard for over twenty and when I retired I took the position of Captain for the Sparkle Noble House. I will be training you in everything from swords to spears. If you are to be an assassin you must learn how to not only defend yourself against these weapons then you will also have to learn how to wield them and that's my job. You all have the basics down but that's just the start, you still have a ways to go and I be there to teach you." As He finished he stepped back and the mercenary Iron Shield cleared his throat. "So I've only been around for a few months but I'm sure you all know who I am but for those who don't know I'll introduce myself. Greetings, names Iron Shield, I'm a mercenary that Orion's hired on as your marshal arts combat instructor. Now to prevent the confusion that will happen in the future call me Iron Ore and call Mr. serious over there Iron Shield. Now an assassin with a blade is all well and good but what happens when you are in a confrontation with no weapon? Well that's where my lessons will be coming in. I'll be teaching you everything from how to disarm your opponents to killing with your bare hands. Don't expect this to be easy because it wont. There will be bruises and maybe the occasional broken bone, but you'll be better for it." As they finished I approached and cleared my throat. "Now Originally the plan was to have me continue training you in assassination and stealth but at a much harder pace and with more advanced techniques but as some of you know this will not me happening. I as well as two of you will be leaving on a important mission. Where I come from and where the Brotherhood was started there was a place that was viewed as sacred ground, this place was Known as Masyaf. It was the ancestral home of the Brotherhood of Assassins however like many of the Creeds traditions and practices it was abandoned and left to ruin. I plan to rebuild Masyaf here in this world, it will serve as the home of the Brotherhood of Assassins and it will be here that those who wish may live with their families and be free from those who would fear us if we showed who we are." As I finished speaking everyone began talking at once and asking questions. I sighed and raised my hand to my lips letting out high pitch whistle. "Please, one at a time." I said as everyone looked at me. Prince Blueblood cleared his throat. "How long will you be gone?" He asked. "I'm not sure. It may be a month but I expect this will take as long as a year." I replied. "Who will be training us in assassination?" Fleur asked. "I wrote down everything you need in a book that Lord Nightlight has. After you complete you practice you are to study from that book and practice what you have learned for the same amount of time as we practice now for one week, after that week is over slowly extend your time till you have doubled it." Fleur and the rest nodded as I finished. "Next?" "Who will you be taking with you?" Vinyl asked. "After careful consideration and thought I have decided to bring Bloodmoon and Octavia. My decision was made by evaluating your skill as well as your role and if you were available during this time." "Why bring Octavia though?" Iron Shield asked confused. "Aside from her skills she was the only available trainee as all others are political players or have something." I replied. "Also, as a musician she can travel without suspicion to the areas we will be going." "I see, so I was simply the last resort master?" Octavia asked. I sighed. "Funny how me explaining that I thought it out made it seem I was looking to avoid you but no. I was simply being fair and you don't have to go if you don't want. Bloodmoon will be training under me during this time and if you come then you shall as well. The way I see it this is a perfect time for two trainees to get some real experience in what we of the Brotherhood do and you two were the lucky chosen." "My apologizes master, I will prepare to leave immediately." Octavia said calmly as she turned and left. As she left Bloodmoon walked over with a sad look. "Girls been more dedicated to training than any of us, she could learn to lighten up a bit." he said sadly. "Don't mind her Bloodmoon. it's not my place to tell, the story is hers but she's had a hard life. Perhaps if you earn her trust she will tell you." I said as I watched her go before turning to him. "We leave within the hour so go get ready." Bloodmoon nodded as he turned to the mansion and walked in. An hour later we stood watching the train pull into the station and passengers disembark, as we boarded a stallion dresses in a blood red long coat and broad-rim hat appeared in the corner of my eye but as I turned he disappeared. My eyes narrowed as I turned back and boarded the train thousands of warnings signs going through my mind.