//------------------------------// // Ch. 1- Ponyville // Story: A Trail Leading Home // by Hades Shadow 92 //------------------------------// -Chapter 1 -- Ponyville -- The town was bustling with ponies moving in every direction, shops and other businesses lined the streets, surprising for such a small town. Ponyville was certainly exceeding Trail’s expectations, and Comet wasn’t able to stay in the cart due to her excitement. She was walking next to her father, regarding all the shops and ponies walking through the streets with a look of innocent curiosity. Trail loved seeing his daughter like this, so full of life and enthusiasm for their new home. “Comet, don’t go too far ahead,” Trail said, trying to keep his daughter in his sight as they made their way through town. “Yes Daddy,” Comet said, slowing her pace to let her father catch up. The town was so bright and full of life, Comet couldn’t help being a little impatient. Finally, a place that she could truly call her home. She loved her daddy without question, more than anypony in the world, but the constant travel had been hard on her. She loved seeing all the places her father had taken her, it was the inspiration for her art, after all. She knew that art had to be her special talent, but her cutie mark hadn’t appeared yet. Her grandmother said that it would come in time, but why not today? She would probably be the only one in her class that wouldn’t have one. Would the other students laugh at her because of it? She quickly discarded that idea, no way the school she was going to had bullies. Right? Due to her racing thoughts, Comet wasn’t paying attention to where she was going, and promptly bumped into somepony. Comet was surprised and looked up almost immediately after recovering, “Oh I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” The mare she had bumped into just chuckled, “no harm done sugarcube, just make sure ya keep yer eyes to the road rather than yer hooves.” Trail had caught up at this point and had seen what had happened, “sorry about my daughter Miss, she has a habit of getting lost in thought.” Comet blushed and glared at her father, but he just chuckled and nuzzled her, which she returned. Trail then turned back to the mare, she was an orange earth pony, with freckles adorning her face. Her cutie mark was three bright red apples, giving Trail an impression that she was from that orchard on the edge of town. She wore a tan cowpony hat similar to his own, and judging by the cart beside her, she was selling apples from her orchard. “As I said, ain’t no worries partner. Name’s Applejack, I don’t think I’ve seen you lot around here before,” she said with an obvious southern accent. “Nice to meet you Miss Applejack, my name’s Trail Blazer, and this adorable little filly is my daughter Comet Trail,” Trail said, offering to shake the mare’s hoof in greeting. “Mighty nice to meet you too Trail, and please call me Applejack,” she said, shaking his hoof vigorously. “What brings y’all to Ponyville, judging by that cart, I’d say you were travelers,” Applejack said, looking to the cart that Trail was hauling. Comet pitched in this time, “We just moved here, this will be our new home.” Comet was practically bouncing in excitement in saying those words for the first time. “Well shoot, then let me be the first to welcome y’all to Ponyville,” Applejack said, gesturing her hoof to the town. “Thank you kindly Applejack, I don’t mean to be rude, but I would like to get to the mayor’s office before it closes,” Trail said, smiling at the kind mare. “Oh right, I bet you’re eager to get your new home finalized. Mayor Mare’s office is in the center of town, just head down this road, you can’t miss it,” Applejack said, pointing down the street behind them. “Thank you Miss Applejack,” Comet said, smiling to the nice mare. She was afraid she had made a bad first impression with that collision earlier, but it seems that ponies in this town were nicer than she ever imagined. “Shucks, you’re welcome sugarcube. In fact, here,” Applejack pulled two apples out of the cart, along with a caramel apple, passing the former to Trail and the latter to Comet. “Take those as a welcome to Ponyville gift from the Apple Family, come on down to Sweet Apple Acres if you ever need anything,” Applejack said, tipping her hat in respect to them. Comet squeed and took a bite out of the apple. Trail laughed at her display of cuteness and levitated the apples into his saddlebags in the cart. “Much obliged Applejack, I’d love to get a closer look at that orchard of yours, it was pretty impressive on the way into town,” Trail said, tipping his own hat to the mare. Trail and Comet said their last goodbyes to the apple farmer, making their way to the office of Mayor Mare, a fitting name for a pony in charge of a town. Ponies kept moving left and right, but made room for Trail as he walked down the street, pulling the cart alongside him. Comet had calmed down a bit, and had taken her seat in the cart again, enjoying the caramel apple she had gotten. Normally he would have said something about spoiling her dinner, but he could make an exception this time. Suddenly, a pink blur ran out in front of him, making Trail stop in his tracks. In front of him was a pink earth pony mare with a very poufy pink mane. Trail had never seen a pony so pink in all his travels, and that was saying something. The mare looked to both of them, gasping as she jumped into the air, before disappearing in another blur of pink. Trail and Comet just stood there, confusion written on their faces. “Daddy, what was that about?” Comet asked, having forgotten about her caramel apple in her confusion. “I… honestly don’t know, Sweetheart,” Trail said, his brain still trying to process what had just happened. Trail then decided to just continue onward to the mayor’s office. The mayor’s office was right in the center of town, just like Applejack had said. The area surrounding the building was left open, with less grass and a river running along one side of the building leading out into town. A fountain with a pony figure was also on the grounds, water filling the base of the statue, which was reared up on its hind legs. The entrance was easy enough to find, and after unhitching himself from the cart, Trail made his way to the door, Comet right behind him. Inside was a nicely decorated office, colors of all kinds were all over the place, giving it a peaceful atmosphere, better by far than those gray and dull office buildings he had seen in Manehatten. The two unicorns made their way to the receptionist’s desk, the mare behind the desk noticing their approach, giving them a warm and inviting smile. “Welcome to Ponyville town hall, how can I help you two?” The mare asked, looking to Trail. “Greetings Miss, My name is Trail Blazer, and I have an appointment with the mayor today about our new home,” Trail said, tipping his hat to the mare. “Oh yes, Mr. Blazer, we have been expecting you. Follow me, and I’ll take you to Mayor Mare’s office,” the mare said, picking up some files in her magic before getting out of her chair and leading the two ponies down the hallway. She led them to a door at the far end of the hall with a cutie mark on the front, a scroll tied in blue ribbon. The mare knocked twice on the door, “Mayor Mare, Mr. Blazer has arrived.” “Excellent, please send him in,” a mare said, from the other side of the door. The receptionist opened the door and moved aside to allow us entrance. The office was modest, file cabinets taking up most of the room. Some pictures and diplomas were hung on the walls, and posters of upcoming events were clear as day. A desk sat in the middle of the room, with Mayor Mare behind it. “Welcome Mr. Blazer, I’m glad to see you have found your way here. I hope Ponyville has been to your liking so far,” Mayor Mare said, adjusting her glasses, and filing some paperwork on her desk. “Yeah, everypony has been super nice to us,” Comet said, making her presence known. The mayor looked down to see the filly and smiled. “Well hello there little one, you must be Comet Trail,” Mayor Mare said, making Comet blush at the sudden attention, but she quickly composed herself. “Yep, my little bundle of joy,” Trail said nuzzling his daughter, making her giggle and return the gesture. “Now then, I believe we have some paperwork to finalize. I have the deed for your new home ready for you, it just needs your signature,” the mayor said, handling Trail a piece of paper, and a pen. Trail looked over the document, everything seemed to be in order. He signed it, and with that action, they were officially citizens of Ponyville. He took the paper and put it in his saddlebags that he had gotten from the cart. “Thank you kindly, Mayor Mare, is there anything else we need to discuss?” Trail asked, looking to the mayor with a smile. “All the paperwork has been filed, and everything is in order. Here is the key to your new home, as well as a map of Ponyville to help you find it,” Mayor Mare said, passing a key and a map over to Trail, who again put them in his saddlebags. “Well then, I believe we will take our leave. Thank you again Mayor Mare, and have a wonderful evening,” Trail said, turning to leave with Comet right behind him. “You as well Mr. Blazer, and welcome to Ponyville,” Mayor Mare said, waving at the two. Trail and Comet thanked the receptionist on the way out the door, and made it back to the cart. Trail hitched himself again, and with that, they were en route to their new home. It was a bit out of the way, and on the outskirts of Ponyville, but close enough so that Comet could attend school without much issue. Trail wanted to be close to the Everfree Forest, so that he could begin his work for his new book. The path to the house was pretty straightforward, and with the new map of the area, it was easy to plot a course to their new home. After about ten minutes of walking, the houses started to dwindle in numbers, and the scenery turned to plains and hills. It was a beautiful sight, and Comet couldn’t wait to get started on her sketches. But as they moved up a hill, Trail spotted something on the road. Another cart looked like it had lost a wheel and was tipped over due to the weight of the cargo. A yellow pegasus mare with a long pink mane was fussing over the broken wheel, looking very worried and stressed. The cart had several groceries, weighing it down heavily against the broken wheel. She wouldn’t be able to lift it on her own. Trail couldn’t just walk away from a pony in need, so he and Comet made their way to the broken cart. Trail unhitched himself for the cart and walked up to the mare, “Excuse me, Miss, are you alright?” “Eep!” The mare squeaked as she jumped and hid behind the cart. ‘Smooth Trail, real smooth.’ “I’m sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just saw your cart and wanted to offer my help,” Trail said, staying put as not to frighten the poor mare again. The mare poked her head out, and hide her face behind her mane, “Oh really? That is very kind of you sir, but I think I can fly my groceries home from here, I wouldn’t want to be a burden.” Comet then walked up to her with a smile, “You don’t need to worry Miss, my daddy is the nicest pony in existence. We can help you.” The mare brightened a bit at seeing Comet and came out from behind the cart fully. “Thank you very much, Sir, I’m sorry for being a bother, but my wheel broke, and I’m not very strong,” she said, scuffing the ground with her hoof, and trying not to make eye contact. “There’s no need for apologies Miss…” Trail said, leaving his statement for her to fill. “Oh how rude of me, I’m Fluttershy,” she said, gaining a bit of confidence. “Nice to meet you, Miss Fluttershy. Name’s Trail Blazer, and this here is my daughter, Comet Trail. Here, let me take a look at your wagon,” Trail said, trotting over to the broken wheel. After some inspection, he could tell the wheel was unsalvageable. But Trail had a backup plan in mind. “Comet, be a dear and get the spare wheel in the cart please,” Trail said, gesturing his filly to the cart. “Yes daddy,” Comet said, running over to the cart and digging through the contents. After a minute or so, she returned with a new wheel in her magic. Thankfully Fluttershy’s cart was the same size as his, so the wheel fit right in. With a shove, Trail put the cart upright and tested the wheel. It rolled without issue, a job well done. Fluttershy saw this and immediately went up to Trail, “Oh my goodness, thank you so much.” “My pleasure Miss Fluttershy,” Trail tipped his hat to her. Fluttershy smiled and hitched herself to the cart, Trail offered to help, but the mare insisted that she was fine. So Trail hitched himself to his cart and walked alongside Fluttershy as they made their way down the road. “So do you live around here, Miss Fluttershy,” Trail asked, curious as to why she was out this far from town. “Oh please, just Fluttershy is fine. And yes, I have a cottage not far from here,” she said, smiling to me, before looking back to Comet, who was sitting in the cart again. “So what brings you two out here? I don’t recognize you, are you new to Ponyville?” Fluttershy said, looking back to Trail. “Oh, we just moved here today. I bought a cottage close to the Everfree Forest,” Trail said, looking to the map he had pulled out. Fluttershy gasped and looked to his map, “It wouldn’t be the one on the hill overlooking the forest would it?” Trail paused and looked at her, “Yes, I believe so.” Fluttershy smiled, “My cottage is close to it, I heard from Mayor Mare that somepony had bought it.” Trail smiled back, “Well I guess that makes us neighbors then, huh Fluttershy?” Comet chimed in at this point, “Wow! We get to meet our new neighbor, and we haven’t even made it home yet. This is our lucky day, huh Daddy?” Fluttershy smiled at the filly, she seemed to like Comet, but he guessed that she had a love for foals. “I suppose it is, Sweetheart. I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other Fluttershy. Mind showing us the way?” Trail said, putting the map back in his saddlebags. Fluttershy nodded, and they made their way over the hills, and down the road to their homes. They came across Fluttershy’s cottage after about ten minutes of walking. It was a lovely sight, animals of all kinds could be seen roaming around the grounds. A small stream went through the property, and a garden was visible from the bridge as they crossed it. Fluttershy unhitched herself from the wagon, parking it to the left of her front door. She turned back to her new neighbors with a warm smile on her face, “It was so nice to meet you both. I hope we can be good friends.” “I hope the same thing Fluttershy,” Trail said, tipping his hat to her again. Comet beamed at the house and the land around it, “Wow! Your home is beautiful Miss Fluttershy.” Fluttershy blushed and smiled at the filly, “Oh thank you Comet. That’s very kind of you to say.” Suddenly the door of the cottage opened, and all three ponies turned to see a white rabbit hopping over to Fluttershy, looking rather annoyed about something. Fluttershy knelt down and seemed to speak to him, but all Trail heard from the rabbit was squeaks. He never understood how some ponies could understand animals, especially those who weren’t unicorns. Fluttershy turned back to her new neighbors, “Sorry, but Angel is hungry. He gets grumpy when he doesn’t get his meal on time. Your cottage is just down the road a ways. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to come over.” “Thank you Fluttershy, you are very kind. We’ll see you around,” Trail said, before turning back towards the road. Comet waved Fluttershy goodbye from her seat in the cart. The cottage was indeed just down the road. It was a nice two-story house, with a nice patch of land on the outside. There wasn’t much in the way of decoration on the outside, but Comet would fix that in the next few weeks. Moving towards the front door, Trail unhitched the cart just outside so he could unlock the door. After he opened it, Comet ran around him, giggling as she entered their home for the first time. There was no furniture, but Trail would have that fixed soon. The living room was large, enough space for both of them to enjoy themselves. Across the room from the door was the kitchen, with nice wooden countertops cabinets along the wall. Comet immediately went for the stairs, eager to see the upstairs part of the house. She made it to the top in seconds, looking down the hallway that had several doors lining the sides. She opened the first one to find a bathroom, with a built-in shower. She was so excited to have her own working shower. She would never have to worry about bathing in a lake, or in a motel ever again. She soon left the bathroom and went across the hallway, entering what she believed would be a bedroom if it had any furniture. She had her own room, and she was ecstatic. She finally had a home that she could call her own. No more temporary lodgings, tents, and motels. “Comet, honey, come on. We got to unload this cart. Or do you want to be late for the meeting with your new Headmare?” Trail yelled from downstairs. Comet immediately jumped into action. Being late for a meeting with Princess Twilight herself? That is unacceptable.