//------------------------------// // And an In of Body Experience // Story: An Out of Body Experience // by TheWraithWriter //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie woke up. This in of itself wasn’t strange, she woke up most every day, but it wasn’t very often that when she woke up and looked down, she saw herself. Not herself as in her chest and hooves, which she could see now, but herself as in a whole ‘nother Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie tilted her head, staring at her doppleganger’s sleeping form. The sleeping Pinkie (Sleepy Pie!) was big. Pinkie was standing on the side of her head, no larger than Sleepy’s eye. Pinkie tilted her own head, wondering how she hadn’t heard about such a large pony before, let alone one that looked exactly like her. Twilight is gonna go nuts when she hears about this! Pinkie thought to herself, walking forward and hopping off Sleepy. She landed with a soft ‘oof’, her fall cushioned by the fluffy blanket Sleepy was sleeping on. Pinkie trotted forward, taking in her surroundings. She was in some sort of cave, the largest she had ever seen! And Pinkie had seen some pretty big caves in her day. Although, as she gazed at the ceiling miles and miles above her head, something occurred to her. There was a big, root-like thing coming down from the ceiling of the cave. In fact, Pinkie was sure it was roots. And as she looked at the walls and the floor, she could swear they appeared to be crystalline in nature. And the large plateau and steep rock formations not too far away looked an awful lot like a table with chairs arranged around it... Pinkie Pie frowned and looked back at Sleepy. She was laying in what appeared to be a furry sleeping bag, right next to a big sleeping pony that looked near identical to Twilight Sparkle. And then Pinkie remembered the sleeping party Twilight had thrown, just for the six of them. They had chatted and snacked on chips and sweets most of the night before finally succumbing to sleep. And it occurred to Pinkie that, maybe Sleepy wasn’t very big, but rather Pinkie was very small. But then, how did that explain there being a very small Pinkie Pie? Pinkie flicked her tail, feeling something on her back hoof. She scrapped it against the floor and looked behind her. It was ear wax. Oh, I must have been dreaming about being small and then climbed out of my head! Pinkie thought to herself. Weird. Pinkie sat on her haunches, regarding the regular-sized but perceptively large forms of herself and her friends. She supposed that it might be best to climb back into Sleepy’s ear, returning from whence she came. But on the other hoof, she might just get stuck in her own head and Pinkie tried to avoid getting stuck in her own head whenever possible. And then on the other other hoof, she could investigate that sweet scent wafting through the air. Pinkie could have thought of more options, but she was already balancing herself on one hoof and didn’t want to stand on her nose again so soon after thursday. Pinkie collapsed back onto four hooves and started following the scent of sugar and natural flavoring. She skirted around Sleepy, moving deeper into the pack of slumbering equines. She passed Twilight and Fluttershy, and carefully tiptoed past Rarity and Applejack. The two were cuddling, which wasn’t anything new to Pinkie, but Applejack was usually the big spoon. Finally, after a journey of a few feet that felt more like a mile, Pinke found the source of the sweet aroma. It was a certain Pegasus with a multihued mane and a penchant for napping. Rainbow Dash was sleeping on her belly, her head propped up on a pillow so that it was more or less level. Her mouth haug open, tongue coming dangerously close to lolling out onto her pillow. As Pinkie watched, Rainbow exhaled, the normally soft puff of air amplified to a stiff breeze. And carried on that breeze was the sugary scent that Pinkie had been following. Pinkie did what seemed most logical at that moment and followed her nose, walking right up to the gaping maw. She sniffed a few more times, picking out cherry and vanilla among the mirrade of scents. Seeing as the only thing Pinkie loved more than cherry and vanilla were the two combined, she continued to allow her nose to lead the way. Right into Rainbow’s mouth. Pinkie noted how Rainbow’s tongue tickled her hooves as she walked onto it. Normally, she might have been worried about waking a pony up by stepping on their tongue. But Rainbow Dash was almost as famous a flyer as she was a heavy sleeper. Nothing short of a world ending event could pull her from her precious sleep. And even then… Pinkie ventured deeper into Rainbow’s cavernous maw, her poofy pink mane buffeted by the rhythmic breathing of her slumbering friend. Each gust of breath bore that same enticing scent that had lured Pinkie in at the start. But, as Pinkie looked around, she couldn’t find even the smallest scrap of candy. It was, admittedly, a rather strange notion that she would be able to find any candy in Rainbow’s mouth. Leaving candy in your mouth while you were sleeping was dangerous! Pinkie sat down on her haunches, a little disappointed that her trek through the Valley of Sleeping Ponies had been for naught. But, just as she was puzzling out what to do next, she felt the ground beneath her tremble. Wait, that’s not the ground. That’s Rainbow’s tongue. Pinkie smirked. There was nothing to be worried about. The earth itself wasn’t shaking like some kind of gargantuan cow trying to rid itself of flies. It was just Rainbow’s tongue responding to being sat on by a little pony. Pinkie held a hoof to her chin. Of course, there was still something to consider about how she was a little pony sitting on the tongue of a regular sized pony that was proportionally far larger than her. In fact, Rainbow was so large- no, Pinkie was so small - that the Pegasus could easily swallow the Earth Pony whole! But Rainbow would never do something like that to a friend as near and dear a me. The tongue upon which Pinkie sat suddenly bucked and tossed her to the back of the Rainbow’s mouth. Pinkie belly flopped down, her head and forehooves handing over the edge of Rainbow’s throat. Pinkie barely had time to orient herself before the tongue moved again, the fleshy muscle sending her sliding into Rainbow’s esophagus. If Pinkie had the time to think about what was happening, she might have likened her friend’s throat to a very narrow and slimy tube slide. In fact, the only real complaint about such a slide she might have had was that she had gone down nose first when she vastly preferred to go down back hooves first just in case there was something unpleasant at the bottom. Like a Changeling or a goose-stepping conformist. Although, there was an improbable possibility that there might actually be something quite pleasant at the bottom of the theoretical slide. Like a cake or a no-longer-virgin sister. Something that you not want to slide hooves first into. But sliding mouth first into those might not be the best course either. Or maybe it was. Pinkie might have finished preallocating thinking time to these thoughts if she wasn’t suddenly deposited into Rainbow Dash’s stomach. Pinkie let out a squeak as she found herself in freefall, stopped less than a second later by a chunk of sponge cake. A big ‘woof’ escaped Pinkie’s lips as she impacted the spongy surface of the cake. She slowly got to her hooves and shook her head, knocking everything that had been knocked loose back into place. Well, I guess Rainbow would never do something like that to a friend as near and dear a me while she was awake. Pinkie took stock of her new surroundings. She was in a stomach, which was where one expected to end up after being swallowed. It appeared to be, much like most things had been appearing to be, a decently sized cave. It was lit rather well, the pink walls and various food items easily distinguishable. If Twilight has been there, she would have questioned the source of such light. But Twilight wasn’t there so Pinkie paid it no mind. Pinkie walked around her little sponge island, the smell of sugar and natural and magically artificial flavorings stronger that ever. Pinkie’s stomach growled at her, something she found to be quite amusing given her surroundings. Aw, poor belly. There’s no little pony for you to have. Pinkie stopped and thought about that. Hm, what if there was and I just didn’t notice because I was asleep! Oh my gosh! Did I swallow an even littler pony!? Another growl from her middle interrupted Pinkie’s train of thought. I can’t think about whether or not I accidentally swallowed a pony on an empty stomach! And thus, Pinkie stooped down and took a bite of the sponge cake, which was somehow miraculously untouched by acid or even saliva. If she wasn’t so hungry, she might have stopped to calculate the odds of such a thing occurring. While still being open to the possibility that it was actually impossible, which itself was impossible given how anything was possible. Pinkie swallowed her mouthful of springy, baked goodness, quite thankful she was too busy eating to think. She was about to go for another bite, when a familiar smell reached her nose. Pinkie bolted upright, head snapping to the source of the aroma: a cupcake. A vanilla cupcake with cherry frosting, blue sugar dusting, and lightning bolt shaped sprinkles. It floated a little ways away from Pinkie’s island, in immaculate condition and still in its foil wrapper. Why on Equestria Rainbow Dash had eaten a cupcake not only whole but also with the wrapper still on was a thought that never for a moment entered Pinkie’s mind. The only thing that did enter her mind was- Cupcake Pinkie leapt from her spongy island and landed with a solid smoosh on top of the cupcake. The pastry bobbed a little from the impact, but held steady. It looked even tastier up close and was easily three or four times Pinkie’s size. She wetly licked her chops and dove in, eating with wild abandon. A minute or two later, Pinkie had eaten her way down to the wrapper, having effectively cored the cupcake. She stopped and licked the frosting and bits of cake from her lips. Catching her breath, Pinkie noticed a shift in the pastry around her. Having taken out a significant portion of the cupcake, she had compromised its structural integrity. Pinkie gulped and tried to scramble back up the side if the little hole she had eaten, but doing so sealed her fate. The moment she shifted her weight, the hollow cupcake shifted around her, turning and sinking into the acid. The stomach gurgled quietly, bubbling a little as its contents shifted and settled once again. Morning sunlight streamed through the windows, lending the map room a warm, cosy glow. Twilight smiled as she trotted in from the hallway, a silver tray ladened with toast and butter levitating before her. She placed it on the map table, looking over her friends as they awoke from their slumber. Some obviously feeling better than others. “Ooh…” Rainbow Dash groaned, clutching her middle. “Are you okay, Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, trotting up to her fellow Pegasus. “Yeah, just, oof,” Rainbow let out a little belch. “My stomach hurts.” Pinkie Pie, her bed mane somehow poofier than normal, chose that moment to trot by. “That’s what you get for eating something as sweet as little old me, Dash!” She sang, not even breaking her stride as she went for the toast Twilight brought in. It took Rainbow a moment to process what Pinkie had said. But once the words properly hit her brain, she blushed a rosy hue. Fluttershy stifled a laugh, earning a sharp glare from Rainbow. “I didn’t- I don’t- shut up, Shy,” Rainbow grumbled, trying to hide herself in her sleeping bag.