//------------------------------// // A New Dawn // Story: The Dance of the Sun // by Georg //------------------------------// The Dance of the Sun - A New Dawn Princess Luna emerged from the fog that surrounded the realm of the handsome stallion, trying to keep her smile from breaking out into a dance of her own. Instead, she glided forward with her wings tucked to her sides and gave Mortis a polite nod, which he returned from where he stood next to his telescope and star charts. He had made a terrible mess of his stars again, which only bothered Luna in the slightest as she stopped at the edge of the picnic cloth he had spread out across the moonlit grass and the open wicker basket placed upon it. The most delightful scent of watercress and curried egg salad sandwiches made her nose twitch, and while she was trying to work up the willpower to say the words she had been rehearsing for the last few hours, Mortis stepped forward instead. “My beautiful Dark Lady,” he said in that rich, deep voice that made Luna’s mind wander into thoughts of chocolate. “It has been far too long since my realm has been blessed by your presence and my sky by your talent. You seem troubled this fine evening, and we have much to discuss under the stars, but I would know what secret you hold that causes you such distress first. Please.” “M’Lord Mortis,” started Luna as her smile overwhelmed her self-control, “I am now an aunt, and you are a father. Her name is Dawn.”