Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall

by LucidReverie

Chapter 32: The second


Spring Mist awoke to the sweet smell of daisies pervading the air around him. He blinked his eyes, adjusting them to the inpouring of light though an open window. He became aware of a warmth pressed up close beside him. It was a familiar warmth, a warmth that he had awoken next to for nearly a month. As Mist lay in the bed, he could scarcely believe his life in the past few weeks. In that time, he had gone from city guard, to astronomy scholar, to liaison to the Princesses, to – most unexpectedly – Princess Luna’s… partner. He had spent almost every night in Luna’s chambers, studying until sunrise and falling asleep until late afternoon. Nights spent looking at the stars, reading though old books, delivering reports to and from the astronomy tower. Life certainly was interesting.

Mist looked at the ceiling, still reflecting. He was glad that he still had opportunities to spend time with both his new and old friends - Brilliant Bloom, Caramel Tart, even Honey Sweetroll. Rainy Shores missed him, but was glad he was happy, and old Garlic Clove always welcomed Mist’s company. It was a source of comfort to Mist to know that even though his life had changed, his friends had not. Most of them had figured out where he stood with Luna, and still they regarded him as a friend, an equal.

Mist turned to look at the sleeping beauty beside him. A soft blue face lay calmly against a pillow. No furrowing of the brow, no tensing of the muscles. Her hair flowed gently, still wafted on a magical wind, peaceful, like a spring breeze. That is was this was - peace. No torment, no anguish, no anger. Just peace, calm. Mist gazed at Luna, basking in her presence. He shifted slightly, and she hugged tighter. Mist smiled at the squeezing, releasing a small chuckle.

With a slight intake of breath, Luna opened her eyes, startled from her slumber. Mist looked at her, smiling. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Good afternoon.”

Luna smiled, “There is no better thing to wake to than the face of another pony. Especially yours.”

Mist chuckled, “Judging by the smell of what I am assuming is daisy tea, which I then assume comes with food, I could easily say that there is no better thing to wake to than some wonderfully prepared breakfast. Even compared to seeing your face every morning.”

Luna pushed against Mist with a disgusted and mock-offended expression. “How dare you?”

Mist grinned, “Just smell it, and you will likely agree.”

Luna sniffed the air, and a grin appeared on her face. She jumped out of the bed suddenly. “You are correct, Mist! This smells wonderful. Definitely better to wake up to than your face.”

Mist shook his head and rolled off to the side, falling gently on the floor. Luna ignored him as he struggled to his hooves. “I hope you are enjoying it.”

“Did you ask for this?” Luna queried, looking between Mist and a small pile of strawberry croissants.

“I did. I asked Orange Sparkle to prepare some of your favorite.”

Luna moved swiftly and wrapped her forelegs around Mist’s neck. Mist struggled under the larger pony, but tried to hug her in return. “You know how much I love strawberry croissants!” she squealed.

“Yes, I thought you might. But do thank dear Orange for obliging.”

“Of course. Now come and enjoy some of this wonderful food.”

Mist’s cheeks were growing tired from the smiling, but he continued regardless, actually happy. He picked up the tray of food with his magic and moved it over to the bed, climbing in after it. He got himself comfortable and watched as Luna followed the floating breakfast like a filly on Hearth’s Warming Eve. Finally settled, she dug into the meal voraciously.

Mist enjoyed watching Luna in less formal situations. He had had the opportunity to see her in action at formal meetings and in front of the nobility. She commanded respect and did her duty, but Mist disliked the mask her donned for the occasions. A mask cold calculation, impersonality, stoicism. He preferred her informal self. She was fun, sincere, caring. She wanted nothing more than to love and be loved. Mist had grown closer to the Royal Pony Sisters, and he slowly saw them truly as ponies and not just unapproachable royalty.

And Luna looked to be improving, as Mist believed. She still had her explosions – one wrong word, and ill-timed thought, even a speck of dust in the wrong place could set her off. She always felt guilty afterward; she hated being angry and destructive, and she was terrified of what else she might do in her moment of weakness. But Mist stood by her, with Celestia prodding him along, encouraging him. The two seemed to have worked out a way to truly help Luna rise from her depression.

But there was still a nagging feeling in the back of Mist’s mind. A slight chill that could not be warmed. Shadows in the corner of his vision. For the most part, Mist was unconcerned, but there were times when he felt paranoid, as if somepony was always watching.

Mist allowed his mind to wander back to the present, and he found himself staring into Luna’s large blue eyes. He should have been startled, but he found himself calmed, at peace, home, in those eyes.

“You disappeared for a while there. What is on your mind?” Luna asked as she continued to stare.

“Nothing much. Just thinking about everything in the last few weeks. So much has changed. And mostly for the better.”

“Indeed. You seem to have adjusted very well.”

“True enough, I suppose. Not difficult when I have wonderful ponies to help me along the way, though.”

“True. And I am glad to help you in any way you need,” Luna said sincerely.

Mist cocked a brow. “You? You are the main source of my problems, deary. You have me constantly walking on eggshells, wondering what you think of me, worrying constantly about everything – opinions, appearances, reputation. But… I do enjoy most of it. And I would trade nothing to have it differently.” He leaned forward to kiss the Princess.

She reciprocated with a giggle. “Well I am so sorry to be the source of your problems.”

“No, you are not.”

“Of course. I regret nothing.”

“Indeed.” Mist paused for a moment, changing the subject, “What shall we do today?”

“Why don’t you pick? I always pick something.”

“Very well.” Mist rubbed his chin, thinking of the possibilities. An idea struck him. “You know, I’ve been here for about a month now, and I have never seen the throne room. I would have thought that you would have used it by this point. In any case, could we see it?”

Luna looked slightly guilty, “Yes… it’s not so much an actual throne room. More of a storage room, I suppose. We never use it. Formal meetings are held in side rooms as you know.”

Mist wore a confused look, “What do you mean? It’s a' storage room'?”

“Yes. Now ask no more questions, and I will explain everything soon enough.”

“Very well, I’ll trust you.”

“Good. Now finish your breakfast. I must see to my sister.”

Mist chewed on a bit of his pastry as he watched Luna remove herself from the room. She needed no preparation, no dressing, no tidying. She was always perfect. Mist looked around the room, the place that had become yet another home to him. Another place to rest his head. He rose from the bed and stretched out his muscles, preparing for the day. He trotted into the small wash area and looked himself over in a bronze mirror. His tired, but not too disheveled, reflection looked back. Mist was thankful that he required little maintenance in the mornings; a quick shake of the mane and he was ready to face the day.

He waited in the room for Luna to return, looking over the bookshelves and at the paintings that filled out the space. Old tomes, new publications, small gems, paintings of landscapes. All familiar to Mist, but still a welcome sight.

Luna trotted through the door with an indiscernible look on her face. Mist turned to her. “So? How is Celestia?”

“She is well. She and I had a discussion, and we have decided to let you see what we have hidden away in the ‘throne room’.”


“Indeed. Now come.” Luna ushered him out of the door.

The two walked down the hallways, out towards the entrance hall of the castle. The walk was silent, until Mist piped up with a question, “So, what exactly is in there?”

“You will see.”

“Then why does nopony go in?”

“You will see.”

“Fine. I suppose ‘I’ll see’…”


The rest of the walk was silent, but it ended soon enough, and the pair was standing in front of the doors to what Mist had always assumed was the throne room of the castle. The great double-doors stood before them, almost ominous. Mist looked long and hard at them. “So…”

Luna rounded on him quickly, staring him right in the eye. “What you are about to see, nopony other than my sister, a hoof-full of guards and two of the highest scholars have seen. Few ponies know, few understand. You must swear to me that you will tell nopony of what you will see here. Swear it.”

“I swear it, Luna.”

“Good enough. Come.” Luna’s horn glowed, a blue field of magic wrapping the doors and pulling them slightly open. Luna trotted forward, beckoning Mist to follow. Obliging, Mist walked slowly, preparing to see whatever it was that lay just beyond the door.

They stepped over the threshold and into a darkened room. The door closed behind them, cutting off the last vestibules of light. Mist saw Luna’s blue glow flash in front of him, bursts of magic flying outward. Torches on the wall lit themselves and the room was flooded with a bright light. Mist stepped forward, next to Luna.

Before them was a large stone pedestal. From a central column branched out several arms. At the end of each arm lay a colored gem. The gems emitted a soft glow, resonating with power. Mist stood in awe of what he was seeing. He looked to Luna, who stood motionless, expressionless.

“What is that?” Mist asked in wonder.

Those… are the Elements of Harmony.”

The Elements of Harmony?”

“Mystical artifacts, designed to keep balance in Equestria. Powerful beyond even my sister and I, though wielded by us.”

“You used these to defeat Discord, didn’t you?”

“Fine deduction. Yes, Celestia and I harnessed the power of the Elements to put down Discord and his reign of terror and chaos.”

“Impressive power.”

“Indeed. Which is why nopony enters here. Nopony knows of their existence, and even though nopony other than Celestia or myself could hope to use them, we would still wish that they be kept from the public eye.”

“I suppose I could understand that.”

“Good, now remember what you swore.”

“Of course. I would not betray your trust, Luna.”

She moved closer to him, lowering herself to nuzzle the underside of his jaw. “Thank you, Mist. I trust you.”

“Of course Luna.” He stood as Luna pressed herself against him. “Time to raise the moon, I think.”

“How did you know?”

“I learn a few things watching you.”

“And you watch me intently, do you?”

Mist laughed. “Yes, I suppose I do. Now shall we?”

“Very well.” Luna’s horn flashed, simultaneously opening the door and removing the light from the room. Once out in the entrance hall, Luna turned to Mist. “Where shall we go?”

“I don’t know… Shall we try the east tower, so we can watch in the entirety?”

“We both know you won’t be watching the moon, dear one.”

“Very true. But still.”

“Then let us go!”

The pair walked together to the east tower, reaching it just in time to raise the moon and set it on its path. Mist always enjoyed watching the raising of the moon. He saw it as a special moment that he and Luna could share together. The moon rose in its full glory, filling the sky with a soft white glow, spreading its gentle light on the world below it.

Mist watched as his beloved returned to the floor, having performed her duty for now. He rushed to her side. “As always, marvelous show,” he said encouragingly.

She smiled at him, “Thank you Mist.”

He nodded. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired. It has become more difficult to raise the moon lately. As if I am running out of energy, as those something is… draining it.”

“Interesting, though concerning… And how are you otherwise?”

“As well as I can be, I suppose… Though I find it difficult to keep my peace of mind… Thoughts of pain, fear, anguish still creep into my head, trying to snuff out the small bits of happiness that are left. As you know, some days are better than others… What I hate most is that there is almost no control. For no reason, I will just be flooded with a torrent of emotions, and I will be so… angry. I hate it. More than anything else, I hate it.”

Mist wrapped his forelegs around her. “Luna, I know how hard it must be for you, to not be able to completely control yourself. But you have ponies here for you – remember that. I am here for you.”

“I know, Mist. I know.” She leaned in, and the couple shared a kiss as the moon began its ascent into the heavens.

It is coming, Mist.

Author's Note:

Dear readers, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your marvelous dedication to reading this story past its first chapter. Really, it means the world to a writer. So again, thank you.
I will warn that the end is rapidly approaching, and I'm working out a way to get Part 2 on the way. There will probably be a brief hiatus between the Part 1 finale and the Part 2 premiere, so we'll see.
Thank you all again!
And as always,

May the stars bless you with their beauty, and the moon light your way in the dark.