//------------------------------// // Ch. 2 - School // Story: A Trail Leading Home // by Hades Shadow 92 //------------------------------// Chapter 2 -- School -- Comet was bursting with energy, racing back towards Ponyville with a bounce in her step. Trail was doing his best to keep up with the filly, but she wouldn’t slow down. He couldn’t blame her though, she was going to meet her new Headmare, also known as Princess Twilight Sparkle. Trail had never met the Princess of Friendship, but he respected her as much as the other three princesses. He had only met Princess Celestia once in his life, and it was a true honor to have met her. Trail wondered what Princess Twilight would be like. From what he had heard, she was around his age, and had reached her title through her studies. Comet had been so excited to meet her that she almost left the house without helping him with the wagon, but Trail was used to catching her in his magic. Trail knew that this meeting was so important to Comet, and he hoped that everything would go smoothly. “Daddy, hurry up!” Comet said, looking back to see her father lagging behind. Trail quickly caught up to his daughter and chuckled at her enthusiasm. She wasn’t even out of breath, most likely running on adrenaline. “No need to rush, sweetheart, the princess isn’t going anywhere.” Trail said walking alongside his daughter as they reached Ponyville proper. “But what if she’s busy? What if I’m too late to join classes, and I have to wait till next semester? What if I’m not good enough for her school?” Comet asked question after question, panicking over several scenarios. “Comet, everything is going to be fine. Princess Twilight will be delighted to have such a bright and talented young filly like yourself at her school,” Trail said, nuzzling his daughter to calm her down. Comet leaned into her father’s nuzzle, and it did help her calm down a bit. She was just so nervous about meeting royalty. She had no idea what to expect the Princess, but she was determined. She had come all this way to Ponyville, and she would get into the School of Friendship. The two continued down the path towards the school standing next to the castle. Trail was still surprised that the castle was made out of crystal. He had heard about the Crystal Empire up north, but never got around to going there, even when he was exploring the Frozen North. Finally, after a long journey, Comet had reached her goal, the School of Friendship. She stood at the front door to the school with a look of awe. Her nerves came back as she reached to open the door, but luckily her dad was there to help her confidence return. Both ponies pushed open the doors, earning a surprise in return. A flash of color raced passed them, knocking Trail onto his side while Comet landed on him. The flash seemed to return as they both looked up to see a rainbow maned pegasus looking down at them. She chuckled nervously as she offered to help Trail up with a hoof, Comet having already jumped to her hooves. “Sorry about that, I didn’t know anypony was on the other side and I kinda got carried away. You ok?” The mare said, pulling Trail to his hooves. “It’s alright, no harm done. I must say, that was some nice flying, Miss, all I could see was a blur,” Trail said, dusting himself off and readjusting his hat. “Well yeah, you’re looking at the best flyer in all of Equestria, name’s Rainbow Dash,” She said, offering a hoof to Trail. Comet gasped at her statement, “Rainbow Dash! As in the Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow puffed out her chest and smirked, “the one and only. Guessing you’ve seen me in a show?” Comet nodded vigorously, “Yeah, Daddy took me to a show in Fillydelphia about a year ago. It was so awesome, how you and Spitfire just zoomed across the sky, then Fleetfoot came in with that awesome triple flip. It was amazing!” Rainbow Dash smiled even wider at the praise, “yeah we are pretty awesome. So what brings you to Ponyville? I’ve never seen you before.” Trail tipped his hat to the Wonderbolt, “We just arrived earlier today. Name’s Trail Blazer, and this little fan filly is my daughter Comet Trail.” Comet waved her hoof at Rainbow with a bright smile. She had never forgotten that Wonderbolt show, and Trail would have liked to get her another chance to see them, but those tickets were just out of his budget. “Nice to meet you. Always cool to see new faces here in Ponyville,” Rainbow said, before lifting into the air again. “I gotta get going, but I’m sure I’ll see you around, later.” Then she flew off at such a speed that Trail nearly lost his hat again. After watching the rainbow blur fly off, Trail and Comet made their way inside the school, with Trail closing the door behind them. The school was just as magnificent on the inside as it was on the outside. The hallways were bright and colorful, with a shine that only crystal could give off. Comet walked through the main hallway with gleaming eyes, taking in every detail. Trail was right behind her, thoroughly impressed with the architecture. Clearly the castle was created with a combination of modern architecture and magic, given the smooth structure of the building. And considering it belonged to the Element of Magic herself, it wasn’t too hard to believe she could pull off this amazing design. A loud crash came from around the first corner of the main hall, making Trail and Comet jump a bit. They immediately made their way around the corner to find a white unicorn mare with a lovely purple mane standing over a pile of scattered fabrics and sewing machines. “Pardon us Miss, but are you alright?” Trail said, approaching the mare, who did not look happy. “Oh I’m alright, thank you for asking darling, but I appear to have made quite the mess. I must have bumped my horn by accident, and now look at this,” The mare said, agitation clear in her voice. Comet made her way to the mare, “Would you like some help? Daddy and I can help you carry all this so it isn’t too much strain on your magic. I remember when I tried to carry too much, it hurt a lot.” Trail nodded, telling the mare that he was willing to lend her a helping hoof. The mare looked at Comet with a bright smile, “Oh darling that would be lovely of you.” She then gasped and got closer to Comet. “And darling I love your mane, these braids show off your dual colors so well.” Comet blushed, “Oh thank you, my auntie showed me how to braid my mane when I was little. I’ve been wearing it like this ever since.” Trail chuckled at the two mares and began to lift the heavier sewing machines, while they had taken up the fabrics. The mare led the way to a room that was at the other end of the hallway. She opened the door and told Trail to put the sewing machines out on the tables, while she and Comet put the fabric away neatly on racks. “Thank you so much darling for helping me. You are truly a gentlecolt,” she said, giving Trail a bright smile. “It was no trouble Miss, always happy to help,” Trail said, tipping his hat to her in respect. “Oh where have my manners gone, my name is Rarity. And what are your names?” Rarity asked, gesturing to the two ponies to introduce themselves. “Nice to meet you Rarity, my name is Trail Blazer, and this is my daughter Comet Trail,” he said, smiling towards his filly who giggled. “Likewise darling, now I hate to be rude, but I simply must get started on arranging this room. Thank you again for your help, tata!” Rarity said before turning to organize the machines and other supplies in the room. Trail and Comet left the room and began down the hall once more. It was then that they realized that they probably should have asked Rarity where they could find Princess Twilight. There was no map at the entrance and no markers to help find the Headmare’s office. They walked down a few more hallways and saw no pony, perhaps the students had all gone home for the day? Trail moved a bit ahead and with a quicker pace as Comet began to slow down, showing some exhaustion from all her excitement. As he rounded another corner, he bumped into somepony, both of them tumbling to the ground. The impact hit him right in the horn, Luna did that hurt. As he recovered, he saw who he had run into. She was a unicorn mare with a bright purple coat, her mare was a much darker purple with a blue streak running through it. She had blue eyes that were staring directly into his own, both ponies still slightly stunned from the tumble. Trail recovered first and immediately got up to offer his assistance in getting her back on her hooves. “I’m very sorry Miss, I should have been more careful coming around that corner.” Trail then offered a hoof to the mare, who gladly accepted it with a smile. “It’s alright sir, no harm done. I wasn’t really paying attention either,” the mare said, rubbing the back of her head nervously. She then offered him a hoof in greeting, “Hi, I’m Starlight Glimmer.” Trail took the hoof and shook it, “Trail Blazer, nice to meet you Starlight.” Trail then heard giggling behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Comet was holding a hoof to her face, trying to hold back her giggles, which she was failing at. “And what is so funny young filly?” Trail asked, smirking at his daughter.. Comet quickly regained her composure and walked up to her father, a faint smirk still on her lips. Starlight saw the filly and smiled, “Well hello there, what’s your name?” Comet looked up at the mare, “Comet Trail, nice to meet you Miss Glimmer.” Starlight chuckled, “Just Starlight is fine sweetie. So what brings you to our school? I don’t think I’ve seen you two around before.” Comet chimed in this time, “We just moved here to Ponyville. I want to go to this school. Can you tell us where Princess Twilight’s office is?” Starlight smiled even brighter at the filly’s words, “Oh, a new student, wonderful. Twilight is always happy to accept new students. Follow me, I’ll take you to her.” Starlight turned around and escorted the two newcomers through the winding hallways, and eventually they came to a door with a star cutie mark on it. Starlight opened the door enough to poke her head in, “Twilight, we got ponies here who want to speak with you.” “Oh, Starlight, I thought you were going home for the day. Send them in please,” Princess Twilight said from inside the office. Starlight then opened the door for Trail and Comet, gesturing for them to head on inside. Upon entry, they were met with the sight of several bookcases, books filling every space. And sitting at the desk on the opposite side of the room was the Princess of Friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle. Trail immediately got onto one knee in a bow, taking his hat off with his magic. “Princess Twilight, it is an honor.” Comet say this and immediately bowed with him, almost forgetting she was more than Headmare, but royalty. “Please, there’s no need for that. And just Twilight is fine,” Twilight said, walking around her desk to stand in front of them. “Oh, sorry Princes- I mean Twilight,” Trail said, getting up on all fours and putting his hat back on his head. “It’s ok. I’m not one for the whole bowing thing. Here at my school, I want students to feel like they can approach and talk to me without the whole royal protocol,” Twilight said, gesturing for the two to have a seat on the chairs in front of her desk. Trail and Comet made themselves comfortable while Twilight walked back around her desk to take her seat. “So, what can I do for you two?” Trail looked to Comet, giving her an encouraging nudge on the shoulder. Comet looked up at Twilight and drew on her courage, “Iwanttobeastudenthere!” Comet said, her nerves making her words sound like gibberish. “There’s no need to be nervous sweetie, take a deep breath,” Twilight said, showing patience that would be expected from a Headmare. Comet took her advice and breathed deeply to calm her nerves, “I.. want to be a student here at your school. If you’ll have me.” Twilight’s smile brightened at her words, “That’s wonderful. I’m always happy to welcome a new student here. What is your name sweetie?” Twilight asked, floating out some papers from her desk. “Comet Trail, Miss Twilight,” Comet said, nearly bouncing in her seat with excitement. Her dream was coming true. “Ok, and you sir?” Twilight said, turning to Trail. “Trail Blazer, thank you for this Twilight. Comet has been looking forward to this ever since we decided to move here,” Trail said, smiling at his filly, who had a smile so bright it could blind a pony. Twilight stopped writing for a minute and looked up at Trail, “Trail Blazer? As in the author of the Equestrian Survival Guide book series?” Twilight’s eyes lit up and looked to Trail for an answer. Trail has surprised that the Princess recognized his name, let alone knew about his books. Sure he had been all around Equestria and had written about seven or eight books in that time, but he didn’t think he’d catch the attention of the Princess of Friendship. Trail chuckled and rubbed the back of his head nervously, a slight blush on his cheeks, “Yep, that’s me. I didn’t think anyone would recognize my name.” Twilight rushed over to one of her bookshelves and after a bit of looking, she came back with a book and held it up for Trail to see. It was his guide on the Hayseed Swamps, his most recent release. It hadn’t been out for more than two weeks, and here it was in Twilight’s personal library. “While I’m not much of an explorer, I do enjoy learning all about Equestria. Your books give more than just safety tips and survival instructions, they give a detailed description of the land itself. The environment, wildlife, plants, and all kinds of amazing information. It’s almost like seeing the area without having to actually go there,” Twilight said, gushing over the book like a school filly. Trail felt pride build up in his chest at the praise, he never thought he’d have someone enjoy his work this much. “You’re too kind Twilight. I’m glad you enjoy them. I’ll be working on a new one while I’m here in Ponyville.” Twilight looked at Trail with a look he couldn’t quite describe, “Oh, and what’s the focus this time?” “The Everfree Forest,” he said nonchalantly. Twilight’s eyes grew at his words, “Are you sure? The Everfree is one of the oldest forests in Equestria, not many ponies like to venture in there.” Trail nodded, “I’m aware of the stories Twilight, but that is why I feel drawn to the forest. To help ponies understand it better, and make it safer, in case they ever want or need to go in there.” Twilight’s worried expression turned into a smile, “well, I wish you luck in your studies. But please be careful Trail, that forest has a lot of magic in it, and it can be unpredictable.” “I appreciate the concern Twilight, but I’ve been through some dangerous terrain both inside and outside Equestria. I’ll be alright,” Trail said, confidence in his voice. “Alright then, back to Comet. Here is all the paperwork you need to sign for her enrollment, and Comet, if you can come over here, I’ll need a picture for your file,” Twilight said, gesturing for Comet to follow her. Trail looked over the paperwork he had been given, nothing he didn’t expect. Just some general information, past education experience with Comet, where they could find him if an emergency came up, the usual stuff. He took a pen from his saddlebags and began to fill out the form. Comet stood in front of a camera with Twilight ready to snap a picture. She couldn’t believe this was happening, she was finally here at Princess Twilight’s School of Friendship. Her dream was coming true, and she couldn’t wait to start. “Comet, I understand you’re excited, but I need you to hold still please,” Twilight said, smiling at the filly’s enthusiasm. Comet blushed and held still, the flash of the camera blinding her a bit, but it was short lived. Twilight then walked her back to her father, who had just completed all the paperwork he had been given. He levitated the papers back to the Princess and she added them to a folder she had taken out of her desk. She then attached Comet’s picture to the file, completing it. “There we go. Everything is organized and ready,” Twilight said before levitating a few pieces of paper to Comet. “Here’s your class schedule and a map of the school. Since today is Friday, you’ll be starting classes on Monday, but I’d like you to come in tomorrow morning 9 AM sharp to meet your teachers. Sound good?” Comet squealed in excitement and took the papers in her magic, “Thank you Headmare Twilight, thank you thank you.” Trail couldn’t help but chuckle at his daughter’s excitement, it always warmed his heart to see his little filly so happy. “Alright then Comet, time to get you home and rested for tomorrow,” Then turned to the Princess once more, “thank you again for giving Comet this chance, it means so much to both of us.” Twilight smiled brightly at them, “You’re very welcome Trail. I’m always excited to have a new student. I can’t wait for tomorrow.” The two unicorns left the Princess to her work, and made their way outside the school. Comet had been showing signs of exhaustion, the adrenaline finally wearing off. Trail picked her up in his magic and deposited her on his back. She didn’t protest, and simply relaxed on her father’s back. Trail then made his way straight home, not stopping for anything. After reaching their new home, Trail had laid out their sleeping bags in the living room, not the best sleeping arrangement, but Trail would have the house furnished tomorrow while Comet was at the school. The two had a simple dinner and got ready for bed. Trail tucked Comet into her sleeping bag and she was out like a light. He gave her a tender kiss on the forehead before laying down in his own bag. The day was long, but well worth it. Tomorrow, their new lives would officially begin.