//------------------------------// // My New Face // Story: A Two Pony Trick // by BubblesOnMyButt //------------------------------// The first weekend passed and he reveled in the solace of its empty days. Finally there was no school, no teasing, and no Goody Good. Unfortunately, there were no new friends either. Monday morning brought a new dread that weekend, as Dusk remembered his first day there and the excitement that once had coursed his veins. Entering the classroom the next morning he found the change of opinions ironic. At this point the only thing coursing his veins was a hope that Goody Good was at home, sick. His quiet stride carried him to his desk where he waited a bit for the others to show up, his teacher was still writing on the board as she always did when he first arrived. She turned around and was slightly shocked to see Dusk there early again, then again most of the shock had died a couple of days ago when she noticed it was just routine. "You scared me Dusk, ha ha. Are you alright? You seem much more quiet than I thought you would be the first time I met you." Her question pried deeper than he was comfortable with, even if she didn't mean it. "I'm OK, I'm always this quiet." His lie stung his conscience; he secretly hated himself for turning into the liar he despised. Students arrived shortly after and his week began once again. Days passed and the torment had slowed down compared to what it had used to be (young fillies weren't smart enough to come up with new methods of torment on a consistent basis apparently). The relief was short lived as the next week one of Goody Good's friends noticed that he always came early. "Hey everybody! Look! Dusk must have a crush on Ms. Green! That must be why he comes in early every morning!" This angered him even more than normal (perhaps to stay in scale with the absurd accusation) and he felt an upwelling deep inside of him until it finally erupted. Forcing his hooves downward he raised himself from his desk and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Leave me alone!". Or he at least tried to as the sudden movement broke his balance and he fell face down on the floor and his words came out muffled. Suddenly laughter erupted around him; colts and fillies alike broke out laughing all around him. For a moment he even caught the Ms. Green stifling a giggle as she strode over with a half sincere face. The nightmares flooded his memory once again, there he lay on the ground breaking out in tears and the wretched cackles of the others wrapped around him. That day he refused to accept anymore of it. "WHY DON'T ANY OF YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!", and with tears streaming down his face he broke into a dead gallop before anypony could respond. By the time he made it past the door the only one still laughing was Goody Good. A couple of hours had passed since he had originally left and he had spent the whole time crying. There was an abandoned house that was on the opposite side of town and he sat in the heart of it crying. His tears pooled after a while and he looked into his reflection. "You look pitiful! You're such an idiot! Why in the hay didn't you just tough it out!", he screamed at the reflection. This was nothing new, he often arrived at home and headed for the bathroom to stare at the mirror and wonder why he was hated. Often he would begin to talk to it after a while as long as his mother was still at work but he had recently learned to fear the act. Lately he had begun to notice things that made his skin crawl, things like the pony in the mirror winking, nodding, or occasionally speaking. When he had first heard the reflection say, "Everything will be alright," his heart had nearly stopped and that was the last he had done it for a couple of days now. At this point, however, anypony's presence would seem comforting, even somepony with his own face. "Why do they hate me! What was it I ever did to them?" He stared at the dark face in the pool and waited. "Will you be my friend?", he asked. Nothing, he stared at his own face for a bit before he had noticed something even more mortifying than a reflection speaking. It was gone, his reflection was nowhere to be seen in the pool. "What?!?! What is going on!?!?!" He threw his hoof down into the puddle of tears and tossed it around until there was nothing left. Fear gripped him and his world began to spin. "No! Everything is fine, nothing is wrong, I'll be fine!", the delusional words rattled in his head as he got up and began to explore the condemned home. Floorboards were ripped up in some areas and hoofprints were left in the layer of dust that blanketed the empty home. Finally he found what he was looking for. A mirror hung against the wall and the cracks in it produced at least five more doppelgangers as he approached. Peering deep into their faces he strained to find a single difference, but found none. Dusk sat down and bowed his head in relief, he was beginning to feel tired and hungry now. Guilt burned a hole in his heart as he realized the magnitude of what he had done earlier that day, everypony must be worried sick trying to find him. Dusk raised his head to the mirror and, with all the bravery he could muster, opened his eyes. In the mirror was a face just like his but now there was only one, the cracks did nothing to separate his image. Curiosity overwhelmed his fear, he stared into the mirror and began investigating once again. The pony staring back at him seemed off, he knew something was not right, something was out of place. Then he remembered that his were red like his mother's while the one staring back had orange eyes. He mustered his courage for a moment then finally spoke. "Hello?" ... "Hello Dusk..."