That One Time Pinkie Pie Romanced Her Friends

by God_of_Awesome


"Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you are Cu-Te!"

Twilight snorted.

"How about 11 protons? Cause you're Sodium fine!"

Twilight made that little pre-laugh scream, "Ah!"

She tried to cover her mouth politely but Pinkie grabbed her by the hoof and pulled her in close.

"Wanna dance?" Pinkie asked. "I can really put your inertia in motion."

Twilight couldn't say yes, because she was so busy laughing. She didn't mind at all when Pinkie set her into a little spin.

Interior shot, Carousel Boutique. The header would read 'Meanwhile...', ellipsis and all. Four mares gathered around a table, two of them drinking tea. The other two technically had tea in front of them but the cups were untouched and the tea had grown cold, even as the conversation grew heated.

"Okay, this here is first meeting for the Preservation of Our Dignity 'Gainst That There Pink Menace Society."

Two of them, that would be the tea drinkers, gave her concerned looks at her uncharacteristic speech, and more so when she knocked back a small but strong-smelling jug. The other one just gave her an exasperated look as she nursed a steaming hot cup of black nectar.

"Now, there be only two of us left who haven't been seduced by that fluffy, curvy pink succubus," said Applejack, before knocking back another swig. "And one of them is here with us."

"I mean, it's pretty obvious she's gonna go for Twilight next and then me," Rainbow-Dash said.

Rarity looked up, "You seem awfully sure of that, champ. Some special insight into Pinkie's mind?"

"Nah, it's just common sense to save the best for last."

"Ah, of course."

"As completely useless as that is-" Applejack said with a tight grimace. "It is true that Rainbow is here with us and Twi is not. Twi is out there, alone, with that pink succubus. Innocent lil' librarian princess Twilight. Pinkie’s probably twistin' her into knots as we speak!"

"So you can see here, Pinkie, the strawberry thaumaton will be attracted to the blueberry thaumaton in a triangular fashion and repelled in a circular fashion."

"Ooh! That makes sense."

"And that's why your last pick up line simply didn't work."

"No, I understand. But hey, Twilight?"


"Why are thaumatons named after berries?"

"Oh, well-" Twilight put a hoof to her mouth thoughtfully. "That's a good question, Pinkie. I have a book here somewhere regarding the history of micro wizardry."

"I'd love to hear all about it!"


Exterior shot, we've moved forward. Three mares run down Ponyville Main at a breakneck speed, another flying above them. Applejack here is taking the lead but certainly not by dint of being the fastest. She leads by dint of having a purpose, and by dint of her friends wanting to be right behind her as she sways dangerously about.

"C'mon, gurls, we's gotta save Twilight!"

"Applejack, wait!"

"I ain't stoppin' fer nothin', Ranbow! Twi's in- inno- incense is at stake 'ere!"

"Okay, ya, whatever, but the giant gleaming crystal tree castle, that takes up the whole horizon, is the other way!"

Applejack slowed, began to turn her head as she took in what Rainbow said,and came to a dead stop as she ran the side of her face into a wall.

"Uh, hey girls, what's going on?" Starlight asked.

Hesitantly, Fluttershy slowed to a halt and faced the other two mares. She nervously looked at her receding friends, and than back to the former bad mares.

"Well, I suppose were going to Twilight's to stop Pinkie, um..."

Starlight cocked a brow. "Is this about the whole thing with Pinkie seducing all of you?"

Meekly, Fluttershy nodded.

Trixie grimaced. "Oh my gosh, you were telling the truth about that."

Starlight nodded. "Yeah, I told you, it's a whole thing now."

"It almost sounds like one of those awful Neighponese comics."

"Not all manga is like that," Fluttershy said softly, but nopony heard her. "And some of those can be really good."

"I think it's kinda sweet," Starlight said.

Trixie grunted. "It sounds like a poorly written romantic comedy. All it needs is for the writer or the director to pick one of the mares to be best pony and that's the one the lead will get in the end."

Noticing neither of the two were paying attention to her, Fluttershy started backing up and then turned to catch up with her friends.

"And who's that?"

"Depends on what the writer likes." Trixie looked off to the receding forms of Fluttershy. "Any one of them would do. Look at them, prime specimens, all of them. It isn't fair for average mares like us."

"Wouldn't they go for the Mare-Next-Door?"

"That's already what Twilight is, just close enough to average while still being prettier than the rest of us." Some amount of venom actually crawled out of Trixie's voice.

"She's a princess, ya know."

"She ain't exactly no Cadence!"

Starlight snorted. "Would you like me to put in a word with Pinkie?"

"No." Trixie kept looking off towards the tree, even though she couldn’t see any of the  four anymore. "I mean, it would be nice to find somepony who likes me. Who loves me."

Starlight smiled at her friend's back, raising up her front legs to give Trixie a big hug and to remind her she was loved.

"Who thinks I'm sexy."

And down those legs went. No way was she risking that can of worms.

The pair- the pink party planner pony and purple princess- padded playfully pending the proceeding portal of the pellucid palace. They trotted flank to flank, intimately close and smiling. Pinkie looked on with half-lidded eyes towards her companion while Twilight stuffed her face in a book. I mean, of course she did.

"Okay, despite acceptable unorthodoxies, this date has come along splendidly."

"To be honest with you, Twiggles, I didn't really have a date planned when I came over. I just thought I'd flirt 'till you turned magenta."

"Well, we had a candlelit dinner-"

"It was four o'clock in the afternoon," Pinkie reminded her. "And how am I being the voice of reason here?"

"-made by a master chef."

"Spike made pasta."

"It was good pasta."

"Al dente!"

"And now, at the end of the date, I'm escorting you to the door. I mean, it says here I should escort you into your door, not out mine, but I did say acceptable unorthodoxies."

"I'm all about unorthodoxies, Twiggles," Pinkie said as they both walked on through the door. As they were right outside the castle and in public, plenty of ponies could see them just fine.

"Alrighty, now I lead you to outside the front door and then one of us gives the other a kiss goodnight," Twilight kept reading.

Pinkie smiled and looked up at the sky. "It looks like it's five-thirty, but we could pretend-"

Pinkie suddenly went very quiet when Twilight popped a peck on her cheek.

"Yes, let's pretend," Twilight said. She looked back down at her book and nodded. "Alright, successful date, complete!"

Pinkie covered her mouth to giggle, a laughing spell that quickly spread to her companion, both of them laughing at this nice, peaceful little mome-