//------------------------------// // Apologising is tough! - The only chapter // Story: A tough apology // by Xenont //------------------------------// "How's your throat Twilight" Sunset asked as the six of them sat down at a booth at Sugarcube corner, excluding Rainbow Dash, who was currently at a show at a nearby stage "Fine, better, in fact, now that I don't have to sing anymore...." She rubbed her throat. "Nothing to worry about here." She said as she reached over to grab her cup of water. "I still can't believe what just happened!" Fluttershy said. "I can't believe we just walked out of the band, I still can't believe Rainbow shouted at us...." Fluttershy shrunk in her seat. "Well, at least I don't have to write another song and suffer another sleepless night...." "And, now my arms won't ache as much anymore." Pinkie said. "Every single time Dash approaches me, I know its about me not drumming loud enough! I go home everyday with muscle cramps everywhere!" Pinkie lifted her smoothie to her mouth and drank a huge sip. "Guys, it wasn't exactly that bad..." Sunset said as she leaned back in the chair. "Whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked as she grabbed hold of Sunset's hand, raising her fingers up in the air. "Your right hand is completely bandaged up!" "Well duh, do you know how painful it is when the strings press into your fingers after long hours of playing? I mean....ohhhhh.....yeah, I guess it was that bad huh." Sunset crossed her arms and sighed. "Fair enough, you've got a point there, I'll give you that." "But what I mean is....well, you guys did split once before, you know, during the battle of the bands." Sunset continued. "And if I remember correctly, it didn't end well at all right?" Sunset sighed. "I know that Dash mighta kina lashed out at us, but she had her reasons, although mw may not have been able to comprehend them....." "We should find her, talk some sense into her, knowing Rainbow, she'll snap right in back." Sunset added. "Really?" Applejack asked. "I did see you try to do so at her house, I did not end up good. We ended up leavin and quittin." Applejack said. "And we have tried to reason with Dash quite a few times on many occasions and did she listen? No, she did not!" "Yeah, I draw the line at parties!" Pinkie said. "I don't obsess over them, do I?" She asked, looking to the girls, who shrugged as an answer. "She broke your guitar for crying out loud!" Applejack said. "You can't just forgive her!" Sunset's mind flashed back to when she heard the ear-piercing 'sproing' of her guitar strings. She leaned back down on the chair. "Yeah...thanks for reminding me......" Sunset had saved up so much for that guitar, worked extra time in the restaurant so that she could afford it. And now, she thought, it's just wood in my eyes. "Ohh......how am I supposed to play without a drummer?" Rainbow thought as she stepped up on the stage. "It's just me and my guitar today...how am I gonna wow the crowd?" "Oh, hello, my fans!" Rainbow said in the most cheerful voice she could master. "Welcome to...wait...." Rainbow looked at the crowd. "Where is the rest of the crowd?" Rainbow stared at the small crowd in front of her. "Why is there only like, a quarter of the crowd today?" Rainbow looked across the crowd and caught sight of someone leaving. "Hey!" Rainbow said as she ran up. "Where are you going? The show's not finished!" "Well, it's not worth watching a band play when there's only one guitarist! Where's your drummer? Or the others? I enjoy watching all of you sing together in harmony, not just one of you guys play. You're not even a band!" The stranger said, before walking away. "I'm not a band....I'm not a...." Rainbow's eyes widened. "A one-man band...." She looked towards the stage and gasped. "My friends! Ohh, what would I do???" She thought of all the things that she had done to them. "How would I make it up? How?" With that thought, Rainbow ran from the stage and into her house. "Well, what have I done to them these days?" Rainbow scratched her chin as she looked across her room, Sunset's broken guitar laid there, making Rainbow cringe. Oh, she must have been heartbroken...I would have been.... Suddenly, something snapped in Rainbow's mind. I know what to get them! "Welp, I think we should go now..." Sunset said as she stood up. "There is school tomorrow." She stood up to leave just as Rainbow walked in through the doors. "After all, it looks like the performance is over, so we can walk past the stage without bothering poor Rainbow." Just then, the doors to the shop swund open, revealing a certain rainbow haired girl. "Hey guys...." Rainbow said. She walked towards the table they were at and stood there. "What are you doing here?" Sunset asked as she returned to her seat. "I thought you have a huge competition?" She crossed her arms and stared at the girl. "I'm sorry..." rainbow muttered softly. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Rarity asked. "I'm sorry!" Rainbow said, tears rimming in her eyes. "I never should have acted the way I did! I never should have yelled at you guys even if it wasn't at my expectations, which, to be fair, were a little off the top...." She was crying now. "I did try to perform, but....but....." Rainbow avoided her friend's gazes as she looked down. "Hey." Sunset moved closer to Rainbow. "You really mean it?" "Yes!" Rainbow cried. "Then I forgive you." Sunset looked at her. "It's okay...." "Really?" Rainbow asked as she looked up. "But....but....I...." Rainbow rubbed her eyes as she reached behind her. "Here...." She said as she pushed something into Sunset's hands. "What is..." Sunset started. "Well, I did break your new guitar, so I...kinda decided to give you my new one. To say sorry...." Sunset looked at the instrument in her hands, then at Rainbow. "Thank you." "And Pinkie...." Rainbow said as she looked at the Pinkie. "I owe you an apology too....I shouldn't have shouted at you or said things that hurt your feelings. You are the best at throwing parties and I just kinda made use of you without thanking you or anything, didn't acknowledge the gift that I had just presented to me." "Aww..." Pinkie said as she hugged Rainbow. "I forgive you!" She smiled. "I know you didn't really mean to say those things to me anyway. And friends always forgive each other!" "But I have been a terrible friend you you..." Rainbow said. "You really forgive me?" "Yes!" Pinkie said. "Everyone deserves a second chance. "And you came to apologise and won up to our mistakes! That means that you are still worthy of my friendship!" Rainbow smiled. "And to the rest of you guys..." Rainbow said as she turned her attention to the rest of the group. "Sorry I stressed you out on writing a new song Flutters.....And sorry about making the rest of you work so hard that, well....I took this whole thing too far. It wasn't until the most crucial moment did I realise that all of you guys mattered." "It's okay, so long you learned your lesson." Applejack said as she slung her hand over Rainbow. "And I don't mind writing songs for the band every once in a while, I do enjoy it very much. But I can't write one every other day, as long as you give me time, I wouldn't mind." "I guess I did get way way too carried away..." Rainbow said. "Just because of fans and popularity, I neglected those who helped me to get there, my friends." The seven girls sat there, in a quiet table in Sugarcube Corner, watching the performance, currently being put on at the stage. ~end~