Lightning's Bizarre Adventure

by Lightningflash101

Chapter 20: The Test of Endurance and Control

Another day had passed since starting this death test. Ceaser is still leading with 60 feet, Jojo with 53 feet. With me in dead last at 33 feet. This is a lot harder than I first thought. A straight climb up with nothing to relax on is extremely tiring. I must have gotten physically weaker because my core and upper body strength isn't what it used to be. I need to try something different if I need to catch up. But I risk falling down if I try. At the same time, if this keeps up as it is, is doomed to fall when my energy wears off.

Maybe if I try using my legs instead. That way, I can just walk up the pillar. That could work. I just need to stay focused.

Taking a deep breath, I planted my feet firmly on the pillar. Dispersing the energy to my legs. so far so good I thought to myself as I slowly moved my hands away from the smooth surface. There was a slight slide downward, which resulted in an up in energy output. Other than that, it was an overall success.

"N-now to just w-walk..." I shuddered to myself, slowly starting to walk up the pillar

Step after step, I can catch back up to them. Before I moved to a new home. I would walk everywhere. So naturally, my legs would be stronger than the rest my body. But even so, working directly against gravity like this is a lot more straining than anyone could imagine.

3 hours later

I can tell why they slowed down so much when they got this high up. I can feel the pillar widen out as it goes up. It's like walking up a mountain that suddenly got more impossible to climb up than Mount Everest. But it won't stop me from going up. I've managed to catch up to Jojo at 60 feet with my idea. Once I got used to waking up, I started to walk faster. But maybe I should have stuck to a slower pace. I've had to stop to rest for the tenth time now, kneeling down onto the pillar and sticking my hands onto it.

"Th...this is..."I struggled to say, "Too much... For a st...stupid test!"

As if the universe had heard me, a sound of a switch went off rang throughout the tunnel. Then suddenly a jet of oil shot out just ahead of us two. It's thin, thin enough to see past it. Ceaser being just ahead of the jet, looked back down at me and Jojo. He looked like he was upset about something.

"W-whats up Ceaser?" Jojo asked, "what's with the look?"

Ceaser gave no response as he refocused on climbing up the tower. As he climbed, a pen fell from his coat pocket. It only fell for a moment before it disappeared. It must have been pulverized by the pressure the jet is giving off. There's no way Jojo and I can get through it.

9 hours later

Ceaser made it to the top.

I can hear him begging Lisa Lisa to stop the test. I'm too exhausted to make out any words...

Jojo and I haven't made any progress ever since the jet started. I can't see a way past it. It has to end at some point, right?

The next day

I'm the only one left hanging in the test. Jojo pulled a stunt that launched him the top of the pillar. He managed to slide with the jet and jumped over it. the pressure must get weaker the farther it gets from the source. I'm not strong enough to do something similar.

I've managed to stay on the pillar so far. But I can feel the energy slowly fading from my body.

I have to do something or I'm done for! I can't die here!

Do to the will to survive, the Remastered update had increased to 20%!

New milestone reached!

You are now able to summon the right arm of Remastered for a small period of time!

I just skimmed through the pop-ups as the appeared. taking a moment on the last one.

"Remastered's right arm?" I whispered to myself, "M-maybe I can use it to block the jet... N-no.. if remastered isn't durable enough to take it as a shield, I'll lose a hand... m-maybe with enough pressure of my own... I can open the jet long enough to make it threw..."

I can feel my feet start to slide down the pillar. it's now or never!

Cupping one of my hands on the pillar, I gathered a small amount of oil. then I summoned Remastered just outside of it. revealing a cyber blue hand with a fingerless glove. it followed my hand perfectly as I aimed at the small slit in the pillar. I can feel that someone was watching as I threw the oil towards the pillar as hard as I could. With remastered's assist, it went harder than I could have imagined.

Bullseye! in an instant, there was now a shallow cut in the pillar. oil started to spray in every direction the pressure of the jet dropped. but it wasn't enough. The jet must have lessened the force of it.

try again... I thought to myself One more time... One more time...

I needed this to work. It has to work. I placed my hand back onto the pillar to gather more oil as I felt my feet slip off the pillar. My grip on my hand wasn't prepared to hold my weight so suddenly. I felt like I was going to fall as the oil gathered in my hand dropped down to the pool below.

My breathing was out of control as the energy began to fade away faster. The mask started to suffocate me due to the lack of control. I need to hurry up.

I placed my other hand back on to the pillar at ger a better grip as I summoned remastered's arm to gather the oil.

"j-just one solid cut!" I told myself as remastered readied to throw another blade of oil.


I couldn't even see how fast the arm went. The arm disappeared as the jet's pressure got disturbed. Now instead of a solid stream, there was now a cone of oil spraying from the cuts. This was my chance!

Without a second thought, I started climbing up the pillar. I felt a sudden burst of energy as I climbed. Nothing else mattered more than finally getting to the top and getting some rest. I didn't even worry about how increasingly hard it was getting the higher I got.

Left arm, pull up. right arm, pull up. left arm, pull up. right arm, pull up.

It didn't take long before I had a solid grip on the edge. I was shaking from exhaustion as pulled myself over to solid ground. it felt amazing to not have to hold myself against gravity anymore. I almost passed out right there. That was until Lisa Lisa's shadow looked over me. I barely had the strength to look over to her.

"Wh-what..." I asked