Princess Twilight's Perfect World

by Sonic_Applejack2005

Princess Twilight's Perfect World

Princess Twilight's Perfect World

"What did you call me here for Princess Celestia?" the purple unicorn asked as she entered Princess Celestia's big white castle. Celestia was sitting on her throne with Luna beside her.

Celestia motioned for Twilight to come sit beside her so she did. "As you know Twilight I am getting old," she said.

"Yes I know," replied Twilight, nodding her head.

"That was rude Twilight. Do not say that," said Princess Celestia.

"Sorry, I thought you taught me the importance of honesty," said Twilight, bowing her head.

Celestia cleared her throat, making it clear she did not want to continue the discussion. "Anyway, I no longer wish to rule over Equestria.

"So Princess Luna is going to take your place?" asked Twilight.

Celestia shook her head. "Princess Luna is too dumb to raise the sun by herself. I trust that you are able to Twilight."

Twilight's eyes widened. Luna was too stupid to raise the sun? "You are, Princess Luna?"

Princess Luna frowned. "'Twas simply not an ability endowed upon us, Twilight Sparkle. Tia is just upset tha--"

"That's enough, Luna!" Celestia interrupted loudly. "But regardless, Luna cannot take my place. It must be you, my prized pupil."

Twilight raised a hoof. "So I get to make all the rules and I have control over Equestria?" she asked.

Celestia nodded. "Of course. I know you will make a wonderful ruler, Twilight."

Twilight glowed with pride. "Thank you Princess Celestia." She turned to the Princess of the Night. "And you can forget about raising the moon. I am smart enough to do both."

Twilight watched as every citizen of Poniville gathered on the grass below her. "Dear citizens of Ponyville, as the new ruler of Equestria I have very good news!" The crowd murmured in excitement. "From this day forward, all gay and lesbian ponies will be banished from Ponyville forever!" The crowd was shocked.

"But I'm gay!" cried a young colt from the crowd.

"And I'm gay with him!" said another colt.

"My parents are gay!"

Cries rang throughout the crowd. Twilight frowned. She had not expected so many Ponyville citizens to violate the nature of the universe but she had a plan for that just in case. "Dont worry everypony!" Twilight pointed to a mirror beside her. "When you step through this magic mirror, you will be transported to a land where you are free to do anything you want."

The crowd murmured again but this time in excitement. "So every fillyfooler and coltcuddler please line up to be teleported." Knowing they had no choice the crowd began to line up in front of the mirror. Twilight smiled as she watched the last pony step through. Little did they know the mirror was actually a portal to an unknown world that Twilight had discovered during her studies. She did not know what was in that world but she massive carnivores with spiked teeth lived there. The gays would have to survive on their own as punishment for their choice.

"Twilight that is a horrible thing to do," said Rainbow Dash. The rest of her friends walked behind her.

"Ah agree. Why did ya send all the gay folks away?" said Applejack.

"um yeah Princess Celestia never did that," whispered Fluttershy.

"Darling, please reconsider," said Rarity.

Pinkie Pie watched from the side with a smile on her face.

Twilight looked at her friends in shock. She thought they would be happy that she had cleaned the gayness from Ponyville. "Are you guys not happy? I did us all a favour." Her eyes widened. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

Rainbow Dash poked a hoof in Twilight's chest. "Actually, yeah! I'm gay too!"

"With who!?" exclaimed Twilight.

Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around Fluttershy who blushed and lowered her head. "With Fluttershy!" said Rainbow Dash.

"And me an' Rarity are fillyfoolers too!" exclaimed Applejack, putting a leg around her marefriend's neck.

Twilight thought for a moment. "That's okay. You are my friends," she said. She opened her legs for a group hug. Smiling, everyone except Pinkie Pie gathered in close for the embrace. "I would never judge you for your sexual choices!"

"Does that mean you'll bring everypony back?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

"Yeah, ah kinda miss Big Mac," said Applejack.

"Big Mac?" said Twilight.

Applejack nodded. "He's dating Spike."

Twilight's eyes blanked. All her friends, the citizens, even her dragon, all gay. Her horn sparked with magic.

"Twilight? Are you okay?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Of course I am!" said Twilight, an insane look in her eye. "Like I said, I will never judge you... THEY'LL JUDGE YOU ALL IN TARTARUS!"

In a flash of light all her friends disappeared and were sent to Tartarus. Twilight Sparkle stood alone in Ponyville panting from the effort of the spell. Suddenly Princess Celestia appeared in front of her. "Twilight Sparkle you must stop this!"

"Why?" shouted Twilight. "I've cleansed Ponyville and made things right again!"

"This is not right Twilight!! You must let others live how they want to live."

Twilight shook her head. "You gave me the power to rule over Equestria, Celestia. Not even you can stop me from getting rid of the gays now."

Celestia was furious as a vegan being served meat. "Is this what this is all about, Twilight? What if I told you that I am gay?" she screamed.

Images flickered in Twilight's mind like a plastic mirror from the dollar store. "You too?" gasped Twilight. "With who?"

"With my sister, Twilight! I love Princess Luna. Will you throw me, your lifetime mentor away as well?"

"Duh? You just admitted you are gay AND you like incest!" With a poof, Celestia was banished to Tartarus as well.

Suddenly, she heard voices behind her. "What the fuck happened Sonic?" said a voice.

"I don't know, Shadow. Everyone is gone!"

"Hey, are you two gay?" shouted Twilight. She shined the light of her horn on them. There was a blue hedgehog and a black hedgehog holding hands.

They looked at each other. The blsck one spoke. "You got a problem with that?"

"Yes. If you are I will banish you forever."

Sonic spoke quickly before Shadow could reply. "Good thing we aren't!" he said. "We're both guys and we love each other, but it isnt gay because I've been with a girl before! Anyone can understand that."

Twilight nodded. She had learned something new today