Something Missing (Old/Cancelled)

by Lazy Coyote

Chapter 6: Things...

"Oh! Did you grab your lunch?" Cobalt reached out, running a brush through Silver's mane as she used her wings to comb through his fur.

He let out a chuckle, using his magic to lift his mom into the air and float her away, much to her protests.

"Mom, I'll be fine, we've done this a hundred times by now." He said. "Besides, I'm just going to Ponyville, it's not even a full day away."

Cobalt huffed, reaching out and smacking her wing against Silver's horn, causing him to yelp and his magic to sputter out, trotting over and going back to fiddling with Silver's mane. "I know that! I just want you to make a good impression, I know you have trouble making friends in new places."

Silver groaned. "Mom please, my mane is fine, I have my lunch, can I please go now?"

Cobalt ran the brush through Silver's mane a few times, before taking a step back and sighing. "I know, I know... I guess I need to call it quits sometime, just... be okay?"

Silver smiled. "I'll be safe, Promise."

Cobalt stood there, looking at Silver. His slicked back mane, his smooth blue fur and shined hooves. She sniffed as tears built up in her eyes, before breaking into sobs, much to Silver's dismay.

"Mom!? What's wrong!?" She threw herself at Silver, wrapping him up in a hug as her cries intensified.

"My baby is all grown up!" She sobbed. "He's off to go woo the mares of the world!"

Oh. OH! Oh...

Silver groaned, only barely resisting the urge to facehoof. "Mom, can... can you just not? I'm not leaving forever, just a few days, a week at most."

Cobalt sniffed, bringing a hoof up to rub at her eyes. "I know, I know, it's just... You look just like you're father did when we first met, all spruced up and ready to take on the world. Just... be safe?"

Silver smiled softly, reaching out and wrapping a hoof around Cobalt in a hug. "I'll be fine, I promise."

Cobalt nodded, giving one last sniffle before stepping back. "Alright, I won't keep you any longer, just make sure to hurry back, you hear! Your mom gets lonely in this house by herself!"

Silver nodded, giving Cobalt one last hug before trotting out of the house, taking in a deep breath and letting out a happy exhale, beginning his walk towards the castle.

He made sure to take his time, stopping to say hello to every face he was even passingly familiar with, giving each of his friends one last hug before heading off.

He'd miss Canterlot, but there was a sense of anticipation about him. This was a moment he'd been waiting years for, and while he felt a bit of anxiety now that it was finally here, he was honestly pretty exited.

"Silver? Is that really you? Sweet Celestia you clean up nice!" A voice called out. Silver blinked, looking towards the source of the voice, before a grin broke out on his face.

"Minty!" Silver exclaimed happily. The green pegasus trotted over, wrapping his wings around Silver in a quick hug, before stepping back and giving the unicorn a once over, whistling.

"Wow, what are you all spruced up for? And how did you manage to get your mane and fur so smooth?" Minty asked.

"I'm heading off to Ponyville for a few days, my mom decided that I needed to look my best for it, as for the fur... Coconut oil. Lots of coconut oil."

Minty scratched the back of his head with a wing in thought. "Huh, I'll have to remember that for when me and Blitz go to the fancy restaurants."

Silver blinked. "Wait, I thought you hated fancy places."

Minty sighed. "I do, but Blitz is obsessed with them, and they aren't that bad. I just don't like the snooty ponies that we usually find there."

Silver sighed. "Yeah, I hear you, I run across ponies like that all the time at the castle, and unlike you, they actually try to talk to me."

Minty winced. "You poor, poor pony. Well anyway, I should be getting back, Blitz can't cook for the life of him, and I'd prefer non-burnt food today."

Silver nodded. "I need to be getting to the castle anyway. The carriage should be ready by now, and Spike is probably waiting for me."

They shared one last hug before they headed in different directions, Silver watching him go with a small smile.

"I'm gonna miss those two." He sighed, turning and starting to trot towards the castle at a steady pace.

Soon enough he was coming up on the castle doors, and he nodded to the two guards stationed there as he walked through, turning and beginning the long walk to his room through the maze that was canterlot castle.

"You go left, take a left, take another left, turn left again, go up the stairs, and then you're in the cellar, because logic is for the weak." He muttered in amusement. A nearby noble looked at him funny, but Silver just ignored them, making his way down the halls until he was standing in front of his room's door.

Wham! "Spike! Up and at em bro!" Silver glanced around the room, narrowing his eyes as he spotted the bed, along with the empty spot where a dragon was supposed to be sleeping.

"That's... odd, Spike is never up this early..." Silver scratched the back of his head in confusion, walking over and checking on either side of the bed to make sure Spike hadn't rolled off it while he slept, frowning when he didn't spot the drake there either.

"Must already be waiting for me." He shrugged, using his magic to float over his pouch of Bits, about to put it in his mane like usual, before thinking better of it and tying the string around his neck, with his mane slicked back it would just fall out anyway.

He walked out of the room, smiling and giving the guard standing outside his door a nod as he passed by, trotting down the halls as he made his way to Celestia's room.

Silver paused as a group of familiar ponies turned the corner, all of them wearing maid outfits, and he tilted his head as an idea popped into his head, smiling evilly, before putting on his best neutral expression as the group of maids neared.

He nodded politely to the maids, smiling as they nodded back, before slowing to a stop once he was behind them, taking in a deep breath and weighing the consequences in his mind.

He readied himself, his horn lighting up as he turned around and steeled himself for what he was about to do, a wind spell already forming.


Time stopped. Silver opened his eyes as wide as he could, searing the sight in front of him into his mind, before suddenly time caught up with him and he realized that there were four angry, blushing mares glaring at him.

"Silver..." The lead mare growled his name out through grit teeth, she and the other maids pawing the ground aggressively.

Silver grinned cheekily. "It was a nice show ladies, but I gotta GO!" He cut himself off with a yelp as the maids charged, whirling around and scrambling down the hallway before they reached him.

He turned the corner, jumping over a noble as they reared back in surprise and cackling as the maids shouted after him, his eyes quickly spotting the sun-emblazoned door near the end of the hall as he ran, using his magic to throw it open and all but leaping through, slamming it closed behind him.

He quickly took in the scene, spotting Spike sitting across a table from Celestia, both of them looking at him worriedly, and a grin broke out on his face as he spotted the chariot sitting on the balcony.

Silver grabbed spike in his magic, the young dragon yelping as he was tossed into the chariot, and Silver wrapped his hooves around Celestia in a quick hug, before booking it towards the chariot, wincing when Celestia's door was thrown open.

Silver quickly threw his head over the front of the chariot, shouting. "Gogogo!" The guards shrugged, before lifting off and starting to fly away moments before the first maid reached Silver.

Silver stuck his tongue out at the panting maids, silently thanking the fact that he'd decided to get in shape. "Better luck next time ladies!" The inarticulate scream of rage from the lead mare did little to muffle the laughter and farewells of the other three, and he waved goodbye to a bemused Celestia standing behind them.

"You want to tell me what that was all about?" Spike asked in irritation. Silver turned to see the drake doing his best to re-straighten his frills, most of them having been knocked around from the toss.

Silver chuckled. "Sorry buddy, here." He grabbed Spike's frills in his magic, putting them back into place before quickly smoothing them over.

Spike ran a claw over his head, nodding. "That's fine. Now, what was that whole thing about?"

Silver shrugged. "It was a... harmless prank on a few of the maids that I know. We were leaving anyway so I figured why not."

Spike stared at him for a moment, before shrugging. "Eh, makes sense, especially with how Glamour was acting."

Silver blinked, laying down on the floor of the chariot in an attempt to get comfy. "You know Glamour?"

Spike sat down against Silver, shrugging. "Hey, I need something to do when your off doing stuff, figured I might as well explore the castle, get to know a few people."

"Good of an excuse as any I suppose."

They sat there in silence for a bit, the wind whistling by as they waited, before Silver grabbed a Bit from the pouch around his neck, holding the coin out to Spike. "I call heads. Winner gets a massage when we get back."

Spike snorted, rolling his eyes as he took the Bit, flicking it up into the air and catching it, opening up his a claw and grinning, showing the results to Silver, who groaned.

"Looks like you owe me a massage, again." Silver stuck his tongue out at the drake, before the carriage fell into silence as they went back to laying there.

Spike shifted slightly, turning his head to look at Silver. "So what's Terry up to? Wasn't he gonna come with us?"

Silver shrugged. "Nothing much, he's finishing some stuff up, then he's gonna meet us at Ponyville."

Spike nodded. "He's pretty fast, so he'll probably get there before us."

"Nah, he'll probably take it slower than usual, it's a long fight."

Spike shrugged. "I guess. But hey, you think you could use that spell of yours to let me take a quick nap?"

Silver raised a brow. "Haste?" Spike nodded, and Silver hummed lightly as he thought about it.

"I guess so long as we don't move too much I can get the effect to last about an hour, though it'll be weaker than usual." He said after a moment.

Spike grinned. "Hey, that's still at least an hour and a half of sleep. It's better than nothing."

Silver blinked. "Fair enough I suppose." He lit up his horn, and after a few moments the world around them slowed, though not by much.

Spike leaned back against Silver, closing his eyes in an attempt to get a bit of sleep.

"Night Bro." "Goodnight Spike."

He stared.

Spike snorted, shifting in his sleep as he dreamed about... whatever it was dragons dreamed about.

Silver reached out with a hoof, doing his best to stifle his giggles as he gently covered Spike's nostrils, the dragon's face scrunching up after a few moments, before he started to wriggle around in his sleep, eventually lurching awake with a gasp, smacking Silver's hoof off his face in the process.

Silver burst out laughing as Spike sat there panting, before a look of righteous fury spread across the drake's face and he stood up all but throwing himself at Silver, beating his fists against the unicorn's side.

"I swear to Celestia Silver! I will make you suffer!" Silver just laughed harder, using his magic to pick up Spike and hold him in the air as he flailed about.

Silver's laughs eventually petered out, and he floated Spike over to the edge of the chariot, the dragon looking over the edge and blinking.

"Oh, we're almost there." He said calmly. Silver walked over to the edge as well, peering over it and grinning at the sight that greeted him in the distance.

It was, from this distance, nothing but a small gathering of houses, and that was pretty much what it was, but it was also where Nightmare Moon would show up, and hopefully where he would stop her and get Celestia her sister back.

"Pretty small compared to Canterlot, huh." Spike said from beside him. Silver nodded along, compared to the massive precisely laid out city, Ponyville seemed more patchwork, but that also had the effect of making the small town look more... pleasant.

Spike narrowed his eyes, leaning forward slightly. "Hey, I think I see Terry."

Silver blinked, leaning forwards and squinting, his eyes locking onto a form flying through the air. "Eh, green body, white head... could be anyone."

"It... looks like he's trying to... flirt with someone?"

"Okay it's probably Terry."

Silver leaned over the front of the chariot and grinned. "Alright you guys, start turning back, I'll take it from here."

The two guards looked back in confusion, but Silver had already turned back to Spike, his grin widening as he floated the dragon up onto his back. "So, buddy, you ready to go for a fall?" Spike smiled in response, wrapping his arms around Silver's neck in preparation.

The guards' eyes widened and they sent eachother a quick look, before looking back at the chariot, the left one speaking up. "Hang on back there, did you just say fall!?"

Silver sent the two guards a grin, using his magic to make sure his bits were secure, before walking over to the opening on the side of the chariot.

Silver started listing forward, and he blinked in fake astonishment as he and Spike neared the edge. "Oops! I appear to have slipped." Spike snorted, huddling closer to Silver in preparation.

And then they were falling.

There was a startled shout from the guards pulling the chariot, but Silver was too busy cackling to hear them, Spike's laughter next to his ear drowning out even the wind.

Before they could get too far down, Silver coated himself and Spike in his magic, focusing for a second, before there was a flash of light and he was suddenly standing on solid ground, his heart thundering in his ears as he tried to get rid of the crazed grin on his face.

Spike slid off Silver, throwing his claws in the air and laughing. "Woo! What a rush! Hey bro, did you see the looks on those guards faces?"

Silver chucked as his body started to calm down, reaching out and patting Spike on the head. "Yes I did Spike, yes I did, but that's not important right now, what's important is going around Ponyville and making sure everything is ready for tomorrow."

Spike lowered his arms, nodding. "Yeah, we need to meet up with Terry anyway." He turned towards the town, raising a brow. "Hey, you actually got it pretty close this time, it's only a few minutes away."

Silver puffed out his chest in feigned pride. "Of course good sir! Never once have I been more than slightly off target!"

"We ended up in a trashcan. On the other side of Canterlot."

Silver suddenly found a rock off to the side particularly interesting. "Never once did I claim I was good at teleporting, everyone just assumes it."

Spike rolled his eyes. "Of course, I mean, it's not like your special talent is magic or anything, wherever would they get that idea?"

"Hey! Teleportation is hard!"

"I've seen foals do it."

Silver grimaced. "Okay, okay, point gotten. Still, I make up for it in different areas. Like trivia! Did you know that-?"

Spike slapped a claw over Silver's mouth, giving the unicorn a look. "Bro, if you go into another 'Did you know?' rant, I will seriously consider setting you on fire."

Silver shrugged, pushing Spike's claw away. "Fair enough, I'll just talk with Terry once we catch up to him."

Spike winced. "Now I just feel bad for him."

Silver's eyes narrowed. "Hey! I'm not that bad!"

Spike nodded seriously. "Yes. Yes you are that bad. In fact you're probably worse."

Silver huffed, rolling his eyes and starting to walk towards Ponyville, Spike chuckling to himself as hopped up on Silver's back, reaching around the neck of his ride and shoving a claw into the pouch of Bits located there, grinning as he pulled out a ruby.

"If you get gem dust on me I'm throwing you in a river." Silver piped up from below him, and Spike shrugged, tossing the gem in his mouth and loudly crunching down on it, making Silver flinch and flatten his ears against his head.

"Do you really have to eat that, like, right next to my ears?" Silver asked, irritated. Spike bit down on a particularly large piece in response, causing Silver to flinch again, using his tail to smack Spike on the back of the head in retaliation.

Spike winced, rubbing the back of his head. "Didn't have to hit me." He grumbled.

"You're covered in scales, you probably hardly even felt it."

Spike tilted his head, before shrugging. "True enough, but that isn't the point, the point is that you shouldn't beat up your little brother."

"My little brother is a dragon, who probably wouldn't be hurt if I tied him in a ball and threw him off a cliff."

Spike narrowed his eyes at the back of Silver's head. "You better not, I'll tell Celestia if you do."

Silver looked back, raising a brow. "Not mom?"

"Mom would just laugh with you." Spike huffed. Silver laughed from under him, forcing the young drake to grab onto Silver's neck to keep from falling, much to his annoyance.

"Hey, be careful down there!" Spike stomped his feet a few times out of annoyance, but Silver just chuckled, going back to steadily trotting towards Ponyville.

"This is gonna be great." Silver whispered happily, a smile rotted firmly on his face.

A grin slowly spread across Spike's as well. "Yeah..."

"This is gonna be awesome."