//------------------------------// // Story - [Zaffre Ruby] // Story: MLP: Actualization Online // by Slendy //------------------------------// [System Reboot....] [Data Restored] [Unknown User - Sky Zaffre] [Beginning Playback] What's up? My name is Sky Zaffre, member of team RWBYS, savor of Remnant for reasons that would take too long to comprehend. For as long as I could recall, my entire life, both being sent to Remnant and through it has been...enlightening, the fact that Multiverse Theory is real, and there are beings capable of horrible things never sits right with me. Me and Ruby, my lovely girlfriend, had gotten a strange request from an old ally I haven't seen in months, if I knew this would lead to my...transformation, I wouldn't be here. This small recording that I'm giving to Rain will help not just those who find it, realize that the universe is faaaaaar bigger then we realize, but of my story and experience in this Death Game. Heh, just another day as a Huntsman. "...Kai....Kai!" Ugh. Why do I always wake up with a headache after meeting someone with a strange persona? Is that just me? Maybe, probably. "Kai. Wake. Up." Alright Iota, I'm up, I'm up...regrettably Once more, I felt my eyelids peel back to shine a crimson light down on my face, strangely warm, guess the world I was in was in summer, or maybe its a slightly warmer climate? All I could see was a ceiling of royal red above me, cracks of golden rays dancing through the trees that resembled Forever Fall, even the ground by my hoof was a carpet of red leaves - wait....hoof, as in a horses hoof? "Iota?" My word came simply, my body slowly beginning to shake, while I felt my heart race, sadly with dread over any form of glee. "Don't tell me..." "Yep." "No, nooooo, no, no, no, no." I refuse to believe this. I can't believe this. I 'WON'T' believe it's happening to me! My head slowly fell back to the ground, raising my right...hoof to my vision, seeing the zaffre coat I had been tainted with. "I'm a fucking pony in My Little Pony..." ... ... ... "GAMMMMMMBIIIIIIT!!!" After releasing all the air from my lungs, I slammed my hoof onto the ground, splashing the air with a flurry of red leaves, their red tone matching my emotions quite accurately. I knew T.V shows and the like were also their own realities in the Multiverse, but of all the ones that gambling Nightmare sent me to, he dropped me in a kid's show. I sighed, pushing myself to rest on my backside with a defeated posture. "Alteast it's a kid's show with actual intelligence, I can say that much." This little pick-me-up did little to waver my distraught expression of my location. But something was off, why were we in Forever Fall? Did Gambit drag a piece of Remnant here? No, he's far less careless, that's much is obvious, but then why was it here, in MLP? "We may have more issues than that." Come again, bud? "This 'is' MLP, but only a figment of its design." "What?" I had no answer for this, the only speculation reaching a conclusion. "You're saying this place is a copy of MLP?" "Exactly." Iota enforced grimly, and I sat with my hooves crossed, blowing a strand of my hair from my face. "From what I gathered from our arrival since Penny is out of commission at the moment, this place is a digital world constructed to look and act exactly like the show, in layman's terms, its a game, and a dangerous one at that." Continue "We have been here for at least an hour, in that time Cognitum has gathered that something called 'Harbinger' has ceased control of the world, forcing any to die once their health hits zero, in return, their real bodies would perish too, similar to that of Sword Art Online, only that with each defeat of these 'Raid Lairs' grants them another key in defeating him, but it also caused the system to rapidly evolve, forcing enemies to grow stronger and smarter." "So he's playing God with people's lives. Gee, where have we heard 'that' before?" My dry humor was only met with a blunt silence in my head. "Sorry, continue." "That's all the information we have, other than the fact this area has been heavily warped by Forever Fall. Lift your right hoof and swipe down." Listening to...well myself, I did what Iota said, and before I was a bunch of screens, a Menu, and Stats section too, much like online games, then I saw 'Map'. "There, the map." "I'm the map, I'm the map." I sang, opening the tab to view my area, and to my surprise, the forest was now a mixture of green and red, with a small village east of me labeled, 'Hollow Shades', the outskirts were 'Hollow Remnant', okay, that's bad, the world looked...torn, parts of the landscape looked broken or shoved into each other for space, like fitting the triangle in the circle hole. "I...think I know Gambit brought us here with - RUBY!" Without care, I felt my nerves react, and within seconds, a black armor had coated my body, only...I was looking down at my fingers against the side of a black tree, the blue lines running across my arms with a bright sensation. I was wearing Iron Regalia again, strange, I could move between Equine and Human forms with ease. "Iota, did you see Ruby anywhere when Cognitum scanned the area?" I asked calmly, placing a hand on my chest to slow my heart rate. Ruby could handle herself, I needed to stay calm....inhale...exhale, okay. "Anything?" "Three. Two. One." Wait - *Crash* "Hiiii love..." I groaned, my arms flattening against the forest floor again, and to my shaken vision, I saw how much the game had changed Ruby from a cute Huntress to...well, she was now cuddly. Her coat was a royal red, with her mane a messy black with the signature red highlights, and her silver eyes remained, but she still held Crescent Rose and her cape "S-Sky?" What a great start to the day [User: Purplrain] As the Grimm approached us again, the one behind Ruby took its chance to attack her, and it nearly worked, as Ruby turned to see the claws mere inches from her face, yet the look on her face, now a thread of fear was laced in her eyes, since Sky had spun on his heel, a chain connecting his gauntlet with the Grimm, a thin blade piecing the Beowolf's neck. With a pull, the Grimm fell backward, allowing Ruby to point the barrel of her rifle down at its head, the single, flaming shot tore the monster's skull in half. "You dare lay a finger on her, and I'll skin you alive." Sky warned smoothly, turning back around to block another set of claws with his left arm, retracting the chain and using the blade to impale the Grimm, throwing it into the wall, followed by his legs bending down to duck under a lunge from above, his left gauntlet pointed upwards to slice the arm of the Beowolf off at the elbow, along with a horizontal lunge from Sky's right, cutting the wolf in-two Suddenly, two beams of orange whizzed past his head, striking two more Beowolves from afar, it was Ruby, resting Crescent Rose in her hooves while she flew in a single spot with a grin. But she didn't see it, there was one crawling towards her from a small perch, without realizing it, I felt my body morph into the shadows behind me, I transcended the typical plane of reality, and my vision soon cleared from shadows, my eyes on Ruby's form below me, and as I fell my hooves reached out drawing back a purple and black bow of shadows, firing a single, powerful 'Gloom Grip', the single shot pinned the Beowolf against the wall behind her, her sharp turn was met with relief at my save, the arrow burning through the monster's health with ease. "Thank you." Ruby smiled at me kindly and I merely nodded with a sigh, noting Sky giving Silver and Nox time to fall back, leaving only a small number of Beowolves to be disposed of. But below us, Sky stood with his arms hanging by his sides, the metal palm clanking off his hips, but there was something off about his posture, he was completely rigid, his fingers slowly coiling into his palms, and the energy in the air felt... Angry. Sky raised his hand up slightly, releasing a set of glowing, translucent claws, while his monstrous, cybernetic scream even made my wings quiver from the vibrations. The Grimm looked stunned by this, leaving them open for Sky to breaking into a powerful sprint, his feet bending to push him into the air, his body spinning with his claws to strike two Beowolves down before him, his legs sliding under another, pushing up to continue his uppercut, the claws shoved through the lower jaw of the Grimm, Sky pulled out, ducking under a set of claws, slicing three more down behind him, then he pushed back on the chest of another, flipping over the five that had tried to pile atop him. But in his palms, sat two bubbling colors. "The flames on my right and the ice on my left put them together." I gaped at this, he was...mimicking a spell from Fairy Tail!? That shouldn't - He shouldn't - What!? [Unity Move - Fire-Ice Dragon's Brillant Flame] The world before my eyes was consumed by a yellow blast of light, the air screaming with a piercing blast of energy, whilst a mixture of cold and warm air had risen in the ruins, but I couldn't hear anything but a sudden, sharp noise and the crackling of flames, my hooves muffled out the rest as I squinted through the massive cloud. Ruby coughed beside me, the others slowly moving in a daze, Sky standing beside them both with his hands dusting the armor he wore. But on them were the lingering embers and snowflakes of the powerful Unity Move, I didn't even think a single person could combine moves without a partner if Sky could do that...just how powerful is he? Almost like a demon. But my voice died in my throat, seeing the remaining Beowolves push through the cloud of smoke, Sky moving back slightly to defend Nox and Silver, and I quickly channeled my magic too, but it was all for naught, since a blinding flash of white light forced me to fall to the ground, my wings covering my eyes in pain. Where did that light come from? It didn't last thankfully, and to my right, Ruby stood with a simple smile on her face, the lingering ghost of that light has died in her silver eyes...she conjured a holy spell, but...how!? Ugh, this day's giving me a headache. "This day is giving me a headache..." Nox echoed my thoughts exactly, and Sky looked...annoyed, seeing the three remaining Grimm burst into a stream of colors, much to his slow turn to look at Ruby "That's just cheating; I swear, if you're just going to use that One-Shot, why did I bother killing anything?" Was he really complaining about it? "Because you love showing off?" Ruby suggested, and we all watched as his armour vanished in a flash of blue light, leaving only a pegasus with a coat the same color as my eyes, his black hair with locks of blue and white much like Ruby's highlights, while he stared at the girl with a conflicted expression, his purple eyes looking to her then back to himself "Do I show off?" He paused, before rolling his eyes flatly with disdain. "Thank you, for that 'thrilling' insight, Iota." "Okay, slow down, what the hell is going on? Just...please, explain what Grimm were doing here, why Ruby Rose, the greatest, most badass Huntress of all time -" We were now all looking at Nox, whose eyes glowed with awe, wherever these two were from, she looked like she was fangirling. "Ahem, sorry." Ruby didn't look displeased, only giggling with a hoof to her muzzle "Moving past that, what is going on, Sky? Why did you call me out here?" I asked, shifting to look at them both warily, despite how powerful they both are, something wasn't right, no player is this strong, not yet at least, and the A.I...they...they were too real, almost human Sky sighed, rubbing the back of his neck shamefully, but all the more serious as us, with Ruby standing with him, her face of equal concern. "Okay...let's go back to town, I can explain everything once we get back, sound fair?" We all looked with equal curiosity, seeing that the sun was going to be setting soon, and if there's were more Grimm out there, the three of us weren't ready to face something so complex in nature "We'll follow you, just..." I paused, looking at Nox and Silver with an overwhelming amount of guilt in my chest, I drew the Grimm to us, Nox said negative emotions attracted them, and I...I was. "I'm sorry." "...For what?" Nox tilted her head oddly, with Silver shrugging "I...you said the Grimm were attracted to negative emotions, and I...I was..." A sudden pressure caused me to look up at the blue eyes of Nox's mask, curled up with sympathy "Don't. You have no reason to blame yourself for this crap, 'all of us' were caught off guard by their intelligence, and if a certain Nightmare was more clear with his teleportation, we wouldn't have bee caught off guard." Nox reassured me...what little it did for my feeling of guilt, I wasn't like White, moving past these feelings was harder, but, I'm glad they don't hate me "We are all together/All that matters/We are safe." Silver added too, making my small smile return to me again, then Nox wrapped an arm around my neck, pointing a hoof at Sky and Ruby "Now come on, these two owe us a drink." She proclaimed, making Ruby grin cheekily at Sky who in turn looked back and forth between the two girls "When did I agree to this?" Sky was suddenly jabbed by Ruby for that, making him chuckle lightly. "Fine. Guess I kinda do." [Hollow Shades - Celica Tavern] "Hey, Nox? You've seen the show a lot, what's this place anyway?" I asked curiously, seeing her stumble slightly in her step at that, her eyes turning rose "W-Well...let me think...Hollow Shades is a village inhabited by both ponies and Thestrals, which explains the mixture of NPCs, luckily no players though. There's a great tree that is the oldest tree of the forest that was created by green star seed to serve as a vessel until it was taken by Fluttershy at the time when the Light Kingdom was restored, most of this came from the comics that my siblings collected." Nox elaborated on Hollow Shade's background, most of the cobblestone houses were covered by thick, dark wood trees, some of which were a bright, vibrant crimson too "It's really something, isn't it?" At Sky's reply beside me, I stopped staring at the sights to see him raising a hoof to allow a red leaf to fall upon it. "Forever Fall, a mystical forest of royal red trees, a ground of red where the endless leaves fall, it never grows old." "It's even got sap that tastes amazing too! Especially with pancakes." Ruby stated proudly with her eyes shut "You can...eat the sap?" Nox looked at them both with a baffled expression through her eyes "Yeah, if Nora doesn't eat it all first." Sky added under his breath, hiding his muzzle under his scarf, then his eyes brightened up with a wave of his hoof. "We've arrived!" From the outside, the tavern looked more inviting then the cobblestone houses around us, just the golden glow from the small windows gave me the impression of an inviting and pleasant place. Large stones and wooden details make up most of the building's outer structure. When Sky held the door open for us all, we were greeted with a gather relaxing atmosphere, and surprisingly, there were three players here, all of which looked to us, with an orange, feminine dragon saluting with her two claws to us, then they turned back. "Don't mind them, we gave them the rundown not to let word of this place reach anyone else, as far as help goes, we're all that's in Hollow Shades." Sky answered my internal thoughts quickly, as we made our way towards a round table The bartender looked quite busy but still managed to welcome us with a short wave of his hoof. It's as charming inside as it is on the outside. Rounded, wooden beams support the upper floor and the light fixtures attached to them. The walls are littered with all sorts of memorabilia, I liked it, it felt homely. Approaching a smooth, oak table, the five of us pulled up seats to sit down under a small lantern hanging from the pillar behind me, as Sky looked to the bartender. "You guys want anything?" At his request, Ruby gave him a wink. "Usual, got it. Anyone else?" "Me and Silver will take a cider each." Nox waved, taking off her mask and setting it down on the table with her hoof across it "Just a lemonade is fine." I smiled thankfully, and with that, Sky left us with Ruby. "So...Nox called you a 'Huntress', is that your title here?" "Not really, well, kind of. Me and Sky actually came from another world entirely because of a funny guy called, Gambit." If I wasn't already tired, my jaw would have hit the table, she and Sky were from...another world "You came from Remnant, because of that prick?" Nox gaped with wide eyes, and Ruby nodded "He said there was a problem that was bugging him recently and he needed it 'Exterminated' as he put it, but only me and Sky could go, so we left our friends behind, thankfully, our time moves weirdly here...I think he said it was like a second back home is a month here or something?" Ruby looked just as lost, all of us were still grasping the concept of traveling between worlds, the thing to startle us were the soft thud of the wooden mugs "Trust me, just accept it and move on, your lives we'll be much easier from there." Sky interrupted, sitting down as he handed us our drinks, and I quickly drunk a mouthful, giving myself a buzz on energy again. "Okay...you all calmed down now?" After taking a gulp, Silver spoke next with a monotone stare. "What is happening/All worlds mixed/All truths lost." His reply made Sky stare for a moment "...Huh, Zer0 would be pleased, but to put simply. The Multiverse is very real, and MLP has a reality of its own too, much like how this reality is a game concept around the show, right?" We all nodded, and Sky smiled smoothly. "Let me guess, me and Rubes are a T.V show too?" "You are, but you don't exist, its just team RWBY, not RWBYS." Nox questioned with an inquisitive look, then her eyes lit up. "Unless you're parallel to it!" "Now you're beginning to see it clearly." Sky smiled, moving to hug Ruby from the side. "My world is as you see Remnant, a living, breathing world, the only difference is that I'm from Remnant too and that Ruby here is my lovely girlfriend, to which I don't deserve." "Wait, but...whaaaaat!?" Nox's expression made me laugh a little, and she snorted at that. "This is serious, Rain, the ship to end all ships is...its just, AGGGGH!" Her head hit the table in defeat, only to have Silver pat her back softly, and I swore she was crying, Nox must really care a lot about this show they're from. "WhiteRose is gooooone..." "Tell that to the guy who's aware of said 'Ships', trust me, not a thought I'd like to have in my head." Sky groaned, rubbing his temples, only for me to squee at the sight of Ruby kissing him lightly on the cheek, instantly perking him back up "I still love you." It was so cute, even Silver couldn't hide a grin. Sky did straighten up again, frowning sadly "If you weren't here I'd have lost it by now, including Iota." He then looked at me directly with a serious gaze. "Rain, our world's, Remnant and MLP can't stay like this, parts of our world are starting to splice with yours...Gambit's aware of this, but he can't go against the world's laws directly to stop it." "...What can we do?" I asked with a defeated look at Silver and Nox, the two looking just as clueless "We need to find the source of the rupture and close it if we don't..." That look he shared with us, it reminded me so much of White...how the odds were stacked in a way no other player could see But... Bombard's last look of despair shot through all of us, as he dryly moved his mouth. "....bastard....." *Shatter* "n-no....no-no-no-no...." "I don't care." My sudden rise in voice made all other conversations stop in a heartbeat, that image, death was so easily looked over when you least expect it, and now, the one thing that could kill everyone is looming over all of us, I won't...I won't let it happen again, I can't see someone else die because I was too busy being a helpless, little girl. Moving my head up, I stared back at Sky's neutral expression. "Whatever it takes, I'll help you stop this world from dying." He smiled, crossing his forelimbs. "It won't be easy, ya know? Dangerously intelligent A.I, possible end of the world." Sky rambled on but I didn't care, I wanted to do this, I 'needed' to do this "Whatever. It. Takes." My hoof jabbed the table with each word, and Sky happily chuckled at that, looking far more convinced "Very well, starting tomorrow we'll go and scout out a place Rubes here found." Sky replied breathlessly, forcing my sense of courage to falter. "Oh, and due to the fact that I did make a quest of this for you; If we live, and we will live, I'll give you a copy of one of my armors." "And I can make a convertible weapon I designed years ago, just to sweeten the deal." Ruby winked, and a sudden wave of determination has flooded back to me "Well, Rain's the temp-Boss, so why not? 'Bout time we kick this world where it hurts." Nox grinned, taking another large swig of her cider. "Hey, Zer0, you in?" "Always ready/Your words are inspiring/I shall follow." Silver answered, so Sky chuckled happily, slamming his fist on the table, shaking the stand "Okay then. Let this be the start of Team SSORRN!" Sky was met with only silence from all of us, say for my hoof over my mouth to stop my stifled laughs, and he immediately drooped. "What? It's the best I could come up with? You tell me where I can find a color with two 'Ss' and to 'Rs'?" "We'll work on it." Ruby patted his head, before stretching her forelimbs out. "Well then team, let's hatch a plan!" [Harrow's Fortuna] Darkness was all that remained with the illumination of the massive super moon above the ruins of the fortress, now littered with weapons, remnants of color, mostly reds, blues, and khaki. The air which would normally be filled with the scent of the woodlands below and the sound of wildlife is now thick with the stench of ashes, sickening darkness and death, enough to destroy whatever courage is left in the survivors. But it wouldn't allow such an outcome to occur. Standing atop a small podium where the back wall was gone, allowing the moonlight to glide through the carnage, sat a dark figure, its cloak ragged and burnt, holes revealed only small, white spikes, broken and jagged at uneven angles. Held in its black, feathered arm, coiled tightly by long, white claws was a crooked, black scythe, the massive, mirror face of the blade curved at both ends, the larger piece reflecting the moonlight on the hood of the hooded figure. "...All is still..." "...All is silent..." "...Reap and Sow what is meant..." "...The night is near its end..." To Be Continued... Update Party: Purplrain - lvl 37 [Stealth class] SilverCrow - lvl 39 [Defensive class] Noximillion - lvl 38 [Support class] Sky Zaffre - lvl ??? [Offensive class] Ruby Rose - lvl ??? [Offensive class] Current Level: 37 Magic: Shadow/Umbra Seal Items: N/A New Skills [Draconic Seal - Fire Dust] - Release a small blast of fire damage [Unity Move - Fire-Ice Dragon's Brillant Flame] - A unity of Ice and Fire, highly explosive and capable of massive elemental damage