//------------------------------// // Observations and Reflections // Story: Torrentous Tears // by UmbraEquinae //------------------------------// "Realities," muttered Jeffrey Woods, kitchen knife brandishing in his clenched fist. Dressed in his signature white hooded sweatshirt and black jeans, the 20-year old man observed the carnage surrounding him. Crimson puddles painted the landscape; viscera lay about or dangled from hooks and strings. The scenes of death read stories of suffering and torment brought upon the victims by their perpetrators; all a reflection of Jeff’s own life in his past. Eyes darting throughout the separate settings around, Jeff hung his head in sorrow of the agony endured by so many innocent lives, “Simplicity of the complicated world: existence of sin." Contrary to the belief of those uneducated in the science of astronomy and physics, realities were a far simpler essence of existence, yet mere comprehension was beyond reach and something no group or individual could achieve without controversy and conflict. The complicated nature of life itself was something Jeff understood, as it only takes stepping back to see the simplicity from which complications all stem from: existence. The fundamentality of existence itself is something beyond all comprehension, but it is existence from which all other phenomenon can be traced to. As for realities, life is a nonlinear string of parallel realities made seemingly linear and consistent by an individual's consciousness. Their consciousness is a perception of occurrences, mere actions and events around them. As one is unable to see all life, thus the entirety of existence around them, they perceive their conscious perception as a linear reality. This, however, is the source of controversy: Existence is a composition of nonlinear parallel realities from which one perceives via their consciousness as their life. Alternate universes do not exist; rather, they are simply parallel realities of which one cannot comprehend. The unknown is such an abstraction, a noun of the indefinite definition; the lack of knowledge is an idea so shockingly comprehendible. What exactly is it, why does it exist? How could abstractions, mere ideas, have effects so drastic on a life, if not in entire community or society? A question so profound, though Jeff had eventually come to comprehend – or rather, accept – the answer to: the unknown is an aspect of life that brings paradoxes to those who try to delve into it for answers. Sometimes, attempting to know the unknown would bring excitement and joy, but other times, it would bring corruption and pain. Pains, both mental and physical, could infect a person, blinding them to things around them. Blindness to the comprehendible blurs their perception of reality until they are of narrow-minded sight. Jeffrey Woods knew this too well in his own experiences. "And my vision becomes blurry." (Madame Macabre's "Painted Smile") It was his own narrow-minded perception that led Jeffrey Woods to murder his parents, Matthew and Shelia Woods, that night in Mandeville, Louisiana. The relatable opposite could be said about psychiatrist Doctor Joseph Sawyer, whose curiosity and determination to understand the human psychiatry and sociology prompted his dismissal from Sam Houston University, Texas and moving to Mandeville. Sawyer's unethical experiment's on infants caused him to be dismissed from that university, but he was set on continuing his experiments on the residents of Mandeville itself. "Once Sawyer was dismissed from Sam Houston, he moved to Mandeville and decided to hatch yet another experiment, only this time the lab would be the town itself, and istead of 'white walls,' it would be social influence determining the paths of his subjects." (K. Banning Kellum's "Jeff the Killer: Shades of Madness") As he stood amongst the gruesome displays surrounding him, Jeff could grit his teeth in hatred and rage at what that sick psychiatrist did to Randy Hayden, the bully who proved to be the controlled variable in Joseph Sawyer's second social experiment. If not for Sawyer's influence on the Hayden family along with almost all the law enforcements of Mandeville, Randy would have been more aware of his actions as a bully, Jeff himself would not have become what he was and still aware of now: serial killer Jeff the Killer. His brother, Liu Woods, would not have to suffer what became his life after he was greeted with the sight of their slaughtered parents, who would not have died if Jeff had not snapped after the flare gun incident and the misguided overhearing in the hospital. But the past is the past, the present is a now to be dealt with. Though the past coincided with his future, Jeff promised himself to fix all the issues and mistakes of Mandeville only until after he was well trained in his goals. Jeffrey Woods stiffened, standing straight before turning to a display of less carnage than those around him. "I will return," Jeff murmured to himself, addressing Mandeville. "I will set things right, but ... I have a lot to learn." Memories of the past four years flashed through Jeff's mind: him disappearing into the woods after murdering his parents and saying farewell to his brother, his interview with Bennie Rosenberg, him disappearing once again into the booth after leaving Rosenberg dead in the fireworks booth, Dr. Sawyer... HITS. Jeff smiled at the memory of his encounter with the Harmonists in the Shadows, an organization striving towards the objective of restoring or spreading, and maintaining harmony and virtue to ensure a sense of unbiased unity in societies of many kinds and places. Jeff had met some of those tirelessly working to ensure the success of the organization’s mission: Ghostface – the titular costume given life and soul – and GLaDOS – the artificial intelligence unit who currently is still married to science, though to a lesser degree. Jeff relished memories of his – for lack of a better phrase – Reawakening, an occurrence of repentance and redemption brought to those once-normal, now-corrupted individuals who still had hope and who had a promising future in the organization's task. Jeff, along with Ghostface and GLaDOS, were some of the few deemed worthy of the Reawakening. With perception cleared and set on purging the world of the corruption that had birthed Jeff the Killer, Jeffrey Woods stepped through the plane of reality before him, his form disappearing from the vacant blackness from where he formerly stood in a blinding flash of rippling light, "Let the adventure begin."