1000 Years

by DekaSkittalz

Day 77380

Ya know… this place has changed quite a bit since I first arrived. When I first got here, this place was nothing but a little hovel. Castle still being built. Town just starting to flourish. Everyone was still shaken up by this ‘Discord’ fella. Now everyone seems to be taking life for granted. Running amok without a care in the world. The mere mention of ‘Discord’ makes everyone scoff. Admittedly it makes me laugh too; but for an entirely different reason. I’m a statue. Essentially a dead man. What more can he do to me? He already screwed over my life by being a problem when I just happened to show up.

Not like my eye has helped at all. Hell, it’s also what got me into this mess. Had I never found it, I wouldn’t be here. Admittedly, I’d probably be dead in a coffin by now, but still! At least I’d have spent my time how I wanted. I could have gotten a job, found a girlfriend, maybe even get married and have kids. I had my whole future ahead of me, and now… My life, my future, and even time I shouldn’t be able to call my own is robbed of me. I was just a kid…. Hell, I am still a kid. This statue hasn’t let me grow at all, and sitting around for years at a time doesn’t help ones maturity. Talking to Luna has helped, as I’ve learned things from her; as well as this eye manages to help in making me aware of various things… along with watching ponies go about their lives, discuss their plans and goals in life… not being able to live out a childhood of my own, I’m forced to listen to that of others.

Anyways, yeah. This place has come a long way. They’ve got an actual town going now. A growing economy. A school was built not too long ago as well! A school for gifted unicorns. That’s an interesting tale to be sure. Apparently this guy named ‘Starswirl’ came along, and showed the ponies that magic could go beyond what they thought it could. It was hilarious too, because he had just so happened to do it not far from the gardens; well within my sight. Imagine like… some dude in the 80’s being told about the wonders of technology we had in 2014. Yeah. that’s what it was like for these ponies. But with magic.

After his little performance, every unicorn and their momma were trying to do shit with magic. Almost all failing miserably. Those miserable failures had left quite a few injured apparently. But instead of lynching him for “misleading them” like humans would have, he and the princesses came to an agreement for him to teach them how to use their magic properly. And just like that, it was a sealed deal. Hehe… that rhymed. Another proverbial crack on my statue.

This was all… 15 years ago? Ish? Maybe 17? And I think it took them a year to make the school? Hell if I know, my memory is starting to get shaky. It’s all still here, but it’s so disorganized that I can’t remember something if I wanted to. If something just happens to float through my mind, that’s what I latch on to.

Oh yeah, speaking of time; Today marks day 77380. 212 years. Why do I even still count? I dunno… gives me something to hold onto I guess. Got no possessions, nobody that I can talk to. What else can I have besides numbers? Either way, I don’t plan to stop.

But hey. Guess where they decided to build that school? That’s right. Right on the castle grounds. Not far from the gardens; right in my view. So that means I get to watch ponies of every age show up to class, eager to learn more about magic. From what I can tell, they have class from 9 a.m. to about noon ish… that’s when they break. Then they come back about an hour later and leave at 2 p.m.

None of it is mandatory of course. It’s all voluntary. If you don’t wanna learn, that’s your own fault. But magic is such a hot thing right now, anyone who doesn’t wanna learn it is bullied. Of course, pegasai and earth ponies are given a bit of leeway, as they aren’t physically capable of it; but that doesn’t stop most unicorns from acting like they’re better than everyone else.

Word from the grapevine tells me that Luna wants to implement magic into their military, as it would be a valuable asset. And she’s right. It really would. But in my opinion? I think these ponies are too new at it to where they’d think they were god and get wrecked from being overconfident. Celestia on the other hand, thinks it would be a terrible idea. To her it just seems inhumane to allow magic to be used against their enemies. My opinion on that? Eh, she’s kinda right; to a degree. But being able to nuke another country with the push of a button is also inhumane. Yet we still had to ability to do so. Though with this situation, I guess it would be a bit more common to use magic versus how common nukes were used… I guess it would be more comparable to something like napalm or chemical bombs. Things that are outlawed now, but were still used. While these ponies may not have any form of Geneva Convention as far as I know, their morals seem to keep them in check.

This of course, led to a heated debate between the two sisters. One that I had to listen to, as Celestia decided to follow her sister as she walked away and continue arguing. They eventually came to a compromise, and decided to see how far magic would progress before deciding on what to do with it.

They too had also been learning magic from Starswirl, but in private and at a way more advanced level and faster pace. Can’t let their subjects get more powerful than them, no? Speaking of which, it was hilarious to see some cocky unicorn think they were god and try to overthrow Celestia and Luna. He showed up, tried firing a few blasts at them, then failed when Celestia threw up a shield, and was immediately arrested. Haven’t seen him since.

Meanwhile, Starswirl himself seem’d to be as busy as a bee. When he’s not teaching at school, he’s teaching the princesses. When he’s not teaching the princesses, he’s off experimenting; learning and creating more magic. I’m almost sure he doesn’t sleep; I always see something going on in his tower at night. I think it will be quite some time before the princesses catch up to him, even with how fast they are learning.

All this does leave one question ringing in my head however… where did this ‘Starswirl’ character come from? How does he know so much about magic? Let alone why did he show up in the first place? It seems he could easily overrun this nation if he wanted to. Yet here he is, sharing his knowledge with this nation.

Huh? Now this is new. Starswirl seems to be out and about past dark. Bastard usually never wanders…. ‘What are you up to old man…’

He wanders around the grounds seemingly aimlessly for a while; first passing the school, down a couple laps around the courtyard. Looks like he’s thinking about something. I notice Luna heading towards the gardens as per usual; however, Starswirl seems to be heading this way too. Chances are they’ll notice each other.

Looks like I’m right too, because Luna perks up at the sight of him and speeds up her pace to a more brisk walk and calls out to him.

“Starswirl. How are you tonight? Besides that, what are you doing out so late?” Luna asks.

Starswirl tries to put on a fake smile. “Can’t an old geezer just take a walk to clear his mind?”

But it seems Luna saw right through it and fixed him with a womanly look. It looks odd on her to be honest. “Starswirl, I know as well as anypony else that you do not take walks. You’re almost always doing something. Now tell me, what’s the matter?”

Starswirl lets out a sigh and drops the fake smile. “It’s not good, Princess. Something has taken place that plagues my mind and makes me worry. I cannot shake the feeling something bad may happen in the future as a result.”

Luna adopts a look of genuine concern. “Starswirl, what happened.”

He looks out into the forest past the gardens; a place I can’t look at as it’s behind me. “A Student has been rather troublesome…”

Luna simply smiles and laughs a bit. “A student has you in a tizzy? Starswirl, when did such trivial matters become so important to you? Had I not known better, I’d think you were a changeling.”

Starswirl for his part just maintains his distressed look. “It’s not such a simple matter, Luna. this student has turned down a dark path. He’s traversing a field of magic I dare not teach; and when I confronted him about it, he was severely distraught. He thought I’d praise him; for having ventured further into magic than most would. I tried to tell him that some magic is better left forgotten…. Now him and a couple of others have gone missing, along with a couple of my research journals… I can’t help but feel it’s my fault and that something terrible will come to fruition.”

Throughout his explanation, Luna lost her smile, and her expression morphs into one of deep concern. “This is troubling… you think they stole your research?” at this Starswirl nods and Luna lets out a sigh. “How long ago did all of this take place?”

Starswirl finally looks up at her and there’s a deep regret in his eyes. “A few days ago…”

Luna for her part just hangs her head. “They could be anywhere by now…” her head pops back up. “We should send out a search party.”

Starswirl shakes his head. “They are all full grown adults; we can play no part here. They are gone, Luna.”

“But they stole your research. Thievery is a crime, remember?” Luna says with a tilt of her head.

“Yes, but by this point they would have already learned everything they could from it and burned the journals. On top of that, there is no definitive proof that they are the ones who stole it; even if we did find them and bring them back for trial, it wouldn’t hold up in court. Knowledge is something we cannot take from others. Face it, Luna, it would be a fruitless venture, and a waste of time.” he explains.

Luna hangs her head once more and remains silent for a moment. “What was this students name? The one who catalyzed all of this?”

Starswirl looks to the sky before looking back down at the ground with a sigh.


Sombra huh? That name actually sounds familiar… I think he used to frequent the gardens with some mare. They seemed like normal love birds to me. Then one day they just stopped coming here. I had guessed they just got into a fight or something.

Before I can think over this new information, starswirl decides to change the subject. “Nevermind that, there’s nothing for it. No good will come from fretting over it too much.” he puts on a smile that looks albeit weak, but still genuine. “Now, I’ve told you why I’m out here, what about you? What brings you to the gardens?”

Luna for her part blushes and tries to hide behind her mane. “It’s somewhat embarrassing, but not really a secret. I come to the gardens quite often actually.”

“And what’s embarrassing about that?” Starswirl queries with a tilt of his head.

Luna blushes a bit more. “The reason. I tend to… confide in the statues. One in particular.” she says as she casts a glance my way.

This doesn’t go unnoticed by Starswirl, and he examines me a bit more closely. “Talking to statues probably isn’t good for one’s mental health, but I won’t tell you what kind of diary to keep.” he then adopts a puzzled look. “This one is strange though. I’ve never seen anything like it. What was the sculptor going for? And why this one in particular?”

Luna perks up a little bit at the chance to show me off a little. “This is Null.” her smile drops a little as she remembers my history. “He… was once a living being. My sister and I used the Elements of Harmony on him out of fear for a potential risk. He possessed something called a Left Eye. I’m sure you’ve heard of what happened with the last time a ‘Left Eye’ was around.”

Starswirl looks away from me and back at Luna. “you make him out to sound like a villain. Yet, his title implies otherwise. Coupled with the fact that you confide in him, surely you understand my confusion?”

Luna smiles and giggles a bit. “Yes, I can see how it would be confusing. But rest assured, I do not believe him to be of malicious intent. He has always brought me good luck. And many ponies come to the gardens and pray to him for luck. Most of the time, they come back thanking him. Some even view him as a deity of sorts.”

“A deity, hm? I notice you refer to him as if he is still among the living. Why is that?” Starswirl asks.

“Well.” she turns and looks at me. “Deep down, I feel he’s in there somewhere. Watching. Listening. That’s why I gave him that title. I like to believe he is alive.”

“If you praise him so, why haven’t you free’d him?” starswirl questions.

She lets out a sigh. “Were it so simple. I’ve tried to think of a way, but I’ve no idea how or even where to begin trying to figure it out… some friend I am, huh?” she perks up a bit. “Maybe… you could look into it? Even if only as a side project?”

Starswirl puts a hoof to his chin. “I’m not sure Luna. The elements of harmony are a powerful magic. A good one, but one I would rather not meddle with.”

Luna hits him with some puppy eyes and pouts, with a little curl of the lip for extra effect. ‘Damn, I’m glad I’m not on the receiving end of that… wait… she’s trying to find a way to free me? How long has this been going on?’

Starswirl smiles and lets out a chuckle. “Alright alright. I’ll look into it for you. But I make no promises.”

She leaps at him and gives him a big hug with a look of pure glee on her face, rocking him side to side. “Oh thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me!”

Meanwhile I’m still stuck on the fact that she’s been trying to free me. I’d all but given up hope that someday I might get outta here. I’d smile if I could.

“Easy now Luna, these old bones aren’t what they used to be!” the old wizard pony cries out. After which, Luna sheepishly puts him down and smiles.

Starswirl turns and looks me in the eyes. “Well then Null. If you’re in there… well, you heard it all for yourself. I look forward to this project and hope to meet you properly one day.” He says with a smile.

He then turns and starts hobbling off. “I trust you’ll still show up for your daily lessons, Princess?” he calls out over his shoulder.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” she calls back with a smile. She then turns and faces me, and gives me a hug.

‘Damnit with the hugs! I can’t even shove her off! Er… hug her back! God, indecisiveness is a bitch!’