//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: My Little Pony - Equestria Boy // by OliverSparkle //------------------------------// It’s been five days since Oliver started teaching at the School of Friendship, and to be honest he’s actually enjoying after his first day. His lessons at the school was about imaginations, he was teaching students how to let their imaginations go wild and it can anything they want to think of, no matter how silly or crazy it can be. His classroom was the same size as the other classrooms, with walls of dark purple, light purple floor, two windows and a brown door with a golden handle. There was also drawings of different designs on the walls, that’s because Oliver said that the students can either take their creative pictures home or stick them to the wall for other students to see. It was now Friday afternoon, and the school bell just rang as the students began to tidy away and gather their things ready to go as Oliver spoke, “Alright class, hope you enjoyed today. Remember to think of some character ideas for next week, cos we’ll be learning how to make comics with them.” As all the students in the class walked out, Oliver was the only one left in the class as he cleaned his black board, packed his things into his bag, placed the bag on his back and walked out of his classroom closing the door behind him, and soon met up with his aunt, her friends and Spike, who were waiting for him, as they all walked towards the doors of the school, ready to return to their homes. “So how was class today?” Asked Twilight. “Oh the same as usual, but in a good way,” answered Oliver, “We’re planning on learning about making comics with our imaginative characters next week.” “That sounds like fun!” Spike Said with excitement as he flew next to him, “Be sure to let me know when some of the comics are done. Fancy reading them myself.” The girls and Oliver laughed after hearing what Spike just said, they all know that he was indeed a comic book fan since he’s been reading the Power Ponies comics. At last, they reached the doors as Twilight opened them with her magic and they all walked out as Twilight closed the doors behind them. “Well, might as well head back,” Said Applejack, “I’ll see y’all soon.” She then walked off back to her farm. “Bye everypony,” Said Twilight, Spike, Sunset, Starlight and Oliver as they all walked back to the castle. “Bye!” The rest of the girls shouted back as they all went their different ways and headed home. Rainbow then remembered something as she flew back down to where Fluttershy was and said, “Oh Fluttershy, forgot to warn you. That’s a storm coming tonight, so I think you should put all your animal friends to bed early.” Fluttershy nodded before saying, “I’ll do that, Rainbow. Thanks for warning me.” Rainbow smiled as she then flew off again to her home in cloudsdale in the skies while Fluttershy flew towards her cottage. One hour has passed, and Fluttershy was putting his animal friends to bed early just before the storm came. She was glad the storm hadn’t started yet as she finish putting her bird friends to bed in their nests. After putting Angel Bunny to bed, Fluttershy was on her way back to her cottage to get some sleep, but she stopped as soon as she heard a noise coming from outside. Making sure that she wasn’t just hearing things, she stood still and listened closely to what that noise could have been. It sounded like somepony was crying, and it sounded like a young pony as well. Fluttershy decided to track down the sound of the crying pony and found herself right in front of the Everfree Forest, the most dangerous location in Equestria. Luckily for her, the crying wasn’t too deep in the forest, so she ventured into the forest, but not for long since the crying was close to some nearby trees. She looked behind one of those trees and was surprised at what she discovered. It was a small Pegasus colt. He was curled into a little ball crying quietly hard. He looked to be about five years old. His coat was as dark blue as the midnight sky, and his mane and tail were as green as the grass in the springtime. His body was covered in dirt and mud, and sticks and twigs were sticking from his mane and tail. Fluttershy was pondering about where this little colt came from, why he was in the Everfree Forest alone, and how long he had been out here. Based on his current state, it seemed that he was out here for about a few hours. Letting go of her thoughts, Fluttershy reached her hoof out to touch the little colt, but before she could even lay a tender touch on him, he saw her as looked up and let out a small yelp before he ran to the Everfree Forest’s entrance passing her by. Fluttershy rushed to his aid and found him curled up in a little ball again, but he seemed more scared than before when she first found him. He looked at her and ran away again, but he didn’t get far because he tripped over his own hooves. Fluttershy walked up to the colt slowly so she wouldn’t scare him again. He blubbered as he saw her face and started bawling in tears. She felt so sad for the colt, seeing how scared he was. She tried reaching her hoof to him once again but had second thoughts on it. He was really scared of her, but she wanted to be there for him. She slowly moved towards the colt and was finally able to lay her hoof in him. “Shh… It’s okay, little guy. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise,” she said softly while rubbing his shoulder. He looked at her with a surprised look on his face by her gentle voice. He was about to say something to her until… *Flash, Flash, Kra-Kroom* A huge roar of thunder and lightning made him scream and run into Fluttershy’s leg. He held it while crying nonstop. Thunderstorms were what scared him the most. Fluttershy was the same way when she was a filly, but she was not as scared as he was. “Do you live nearby?” she asked while stroking his back. He went from crying to sobbing and shook his head in response to her question. “Do your parents know you’re out here alone?” He began to shake and tried to hold back his tears. Fluttershy, fearful for the colt, asked him in a nervous tone, “D-Do you… have any parents?” When he heard Fluttershy ask this question, he burst into tears. Seeing the colt in so much pain broke Fluttershy’s heart. He didn’t have any parents to look after him. He was so scared and alone. She did everything she could to comfort him, but… *Flash, Flash, Kra-Koom* Another loud blast of thunder and lightning broke through the sky causing the colt to bawl harder than ever before. Since he had nowhere to go, Fluttershy decided it would be better if he stayed with her for the night and think about what should happen next in the morning. “Why don’t you come with me? You can sleep at my house tonight,” she said to him while rubbing his back. He nodded in response, and Fluttershy put the scared, little colt gently on her back. It was starting to rain, so she hurriedly flew to her cottage while the colt was gently holding onto her neck. Fluttershy finally arrived at her cottage and opened the door. She flew inside with the little colt still gripping onto her neck. Once inside, she landed on the floor and bent down on her knees to let the colt off her back. He didn’t have enough strength or energy to balance himself off Fluttershy’s back and onto the floor with his tiny wings, so before he fell, Fluttershy caught him with her wing and was able to put him down safely. She could tell that he was a weak flier and felt sorry for him, but she had to put her sorrowful feeling aside so she could care for the colt. “Are you hungry, little one?” she asked him. His stomach growled, which was enough for Fluttershy’s question being answered. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she said with a little giggle. “You stay here while I make you something to eat.” But before she went to the kitchen, she stopped and realized that she never properly introduced herself to the little colt. “My name is Fluttershy by the way,” she greeted him and went into the kitchen. About a few minutes later, she came back from the kitchen with a piping, hot, delicious bowl of daffodil soup and a spoon. The little colt’s mouth started to water when he smelled the soup. Fluttershy put the soup on a small tray and lifted the colt onto the couch so he could eat. Then, she gave him the spoon. He took a small sip of the soup with his spoon. The heat from the soup started to melt away the freezing cold feeling he had in his stomach, almost as if the sun was melting ice from a frozen lake on a warm, summer afternoon. He took another sip before gulping the soup down. After he finished eating, Fluttershy took the bowl and put it in the sink to wash later. Then, she sat next to the colt on the couch and softly rubbed his back with her hoof. “You must have been very hungry,” Fluttershy said to him with a chuckle. “You’re still dirty though. I’ll give you a bath.” She put the colt on her back and flew upstairs to the bathroom, but while she was flying, she realized that the colt had not said anything since she found him in the Everfree Forest. She didn’t want to rush things with him since he’s still trying to get himself together, so she decided to let him talk whenever he was ready. She got to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Then, she took the colt off of her back and put him beside her. She filled the bathtub with warm water until the level of the water was just right for the little colt. She lifted him up and put him in the tub. He just sat in the bathtub and stared at Fluttershy as she gently picked out the twigs and branches from his green mane and lathered it in shampoo. Then, she took a small bucket of water and poured it on his head to rinse the shampoo off of his mane. He yipped in fear as the water was being poured onto his head. He became quiet as Fluttershy calmed him down by rubbing his side. Then, she gently washed his body, removing all of the dirt and mud that was previously covering his blue fur coat. After that nice, warm bath, she took him out of the tub and placed him next to her. After draining the tub, she got a towel to dry him off. While leaving the bathroom, Fluttershy looked at the clock on her wall. Realizing how late it was, she immediately turned to the colt who began to yawn. “Oh my. It’s getting late, isn’t it?” Fluttershy said. “We must go to bed now. You can sleep in my bed, and I’ll sleep on the couch. Does that sound good to you?” He gave her a small nod. Realizing how tired he was, Fluttershy put him on her back and went to her bedroom. Once she got there, she placed him on her bed and tucked him in. When she was just about to blow out the candle next to the bed, the little colt started to whimper in fear. She realized that he was afraid of the dark, so she decided to leave the candle lit so the colt wouldn’t be scared. She gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. “If you ever need anything, I’ll be downstairs on the couch, okay?” She said to him. He gave her a small, gentle smile and nodded to her response. “Alright. Sweet dreams, little guy.” She gave him one more kiss on his forehead and went downstairs. About a few hours later, Fluttershy woke up from her sweet, peaceful sleep by a roar of thunder and lightning followed by a loud scream coming from her room. She quickly flew upstairs to check on the little colt. When she got to her bedroom, she found him wrestling with in the bed covers, screaming louder than before. She realized that he was having a nightmare. “M-Momma!” He screamed at the top of his lungs while crying heavily. Fluttershy immediately picked him up and cradled him close to her. He woke up almost instantly and started screaming again, but he stopped as quickly as he started when he remembered that Fluttershy was holding him tightly in her arms. He looked at her and began to cry. He buried his face into Fluttershy’s chest and cried even more. She nuzzled him while trying to calm him down. “Shhh.. it’s okay, sweetie. It was just a bad dream. Everything’s okay now. I’m right here.” Thunder and lightning struck again and made the little colt scream and cry harder than before, shaking in fear underneath Fluttershy’s chest. She began to rock him gently while trying to calm him down. “Shhh… Don’t worry, sweetie. I’m right here. Shhh...” She hushed as he continued to cry. She started to softly sing a lullaby to him. Hush now, quiet now It’s time to lay your sleepy head Hush now, quiet now It’s time to go to bed Drifting off to sleep, leave the exciting day behind you Drifting off to sleep, let the joy of Dreamland find you Hush now, quiet now It’s time to lay your sleepy head Hush now, quiet now It’s time to go to bed The colt stopped crying as Fluttershy continued to rock and sing to him. She gave him a warm, tender, and loving smile. Even though they just met each other not too long ago, she had shown him so much love, compassion and affection. He snuggled closer to Fluttershy’s chest and laid his head against her neck. Fluttershy began to cry, but she immediately wiped them away with her hoof and kissed the little colt on his forehead. So he wouldn’t be alone for the rest of the night, she decided to sleep with him in bed while still gripping onto him. She pulled the covers over themselves so they would both be warm, and they both slept peacefully through the night while still holding on to each other.