//------------------------------// // In the Darkness of Dreams // Story: Requiem for a Clone // by FictionaryThought //------------------------------// Deep in the Darkness I had gone. Life, it seemed, had been taken from me all over again. Here I was, floating in the Darkness like I was when this story began. I was drowsy and numb. My head was spinning. I was so cold. I almost expected to wake up in the Everfree Forest, or maybe back at Castle Oblivion to find that it was all a dream. But when I opened my eyes all I could see was a vast expanse of Darkness. The only light in this vast emptiness was my own, illuminating only a few inches of space around me. I was surprised I had any light to begin with, but I suppose even a puppet born to use the Darkness had to have light somewhere in his fake little heart. I couldn't feel a thing, so I tried to look down and see if I was being restrained. Surely enough, there were chains wrapped around me. That damned Namine Impostor had tied me up in my own mind. Or perhaps my heart? Wherever I was, it was cold. I could hear That Faker's laughter in the distance. She knew I was thinking about her, that there was still hatred in my heart for her. And rightfully so. If your worst enemy took on the form of someone you love most, you'd be pretty pissed off at them too. Still, I could see another lecture happening in the near future. “What's happening right now?” I asked. “In the real world I mean. Am I asleep? And what's Twilight doing?” I knew she would answer. Of course, she would. She had nothing better to do than to pester me. “What's happening to Twilight is beyond my knowing.” She answered in the dark depths of this place. “But you are correct in saying that you are asleep. Comatose actually. No doubt you'll be sent to the hospital and leave pony doctors baffled as to what they should do. Meanwhile the Darkness in Twilight's heart will fester as she feels guilt for what she did.” I saw her walking up to me slowly, as though she were moving through water. I looked at her with frustration in my eyes, feeling too tired to show fury or hatred. “Is that what you want? To make Twilight fall into the Darkness?” “Well, turning the Element of Magic into a heartless would make my goals of freedom be more easily achieved-” She walked up close enough to reach a hand out and grab the chains that restrained me. “but that is not my current objective. You see-” She pulled me closer to her and whispered into my ear. “I want you to join me. ~” I attempted to bite off part of her face, but she moved away too quickly. “You expect me to join you!? Over my dead body!” She giggled. It was equal parts cute and terrible. Cute because it looked like Namine giggling, terrible because it wasn't. “If corpses were all I needed, I wouldn't have brought you back, now would I? Mind control isn't favorable either. I don't just want an empty husk to make into a new body, I want a follower. Someone to worship the ground I walk on and know that everything I say is true.” I glare at her some more. “Then find someone else! I don't trust some low-life that wants to use me. Whether it's as a vessel or a follower, I'm no puppet.” She gently stroked her finger across my chest and circled around where my heart would be. “Do you have any idea where you are? First you are knocked unconscious by Twilight's Darkness, and then you fall asleep a second time when I push you in deeper. A dream within a dream. Darkness within Darkness.” She pulled me closer by my chains, her face nearer to mine. “You are in my domain. And that means I choose what happens next.” “You think I care?” I can’t do much else but keep talking. Maybe I can think of something while I do. “Even if I’m stuck here for eternity I won’t serve you. I’d rather be locked away than be a puppet again. I’m done serving others!” “Hahahahahahahahahaha!” Hearing a laugh like that come from Namine’s mouth left me feeling sick. I’d give anything to break out of these chains and punch her lights out. “You think you know eternity? I’ve been locked up for 1000 years. I know isolation. It’s like an old friend of mine.” She looked angrier now. “You spent all your time asleep in Darkness. While I was very much aware of my prison. I watched from afar as the kingdom that was once mine grew and prospered without me. I know firsthand that life goes on regardless of whether you are there to live it. I know true pain. YOU don’t.” I hold back the urge to laugh, suppress the urge to smile. She gave me all the knowledge I need. “Nightmare Moon I presume? I’ve read about you.” I give up holding back and wear a sly grin as I continue. “You’re the same old story, one I’ve heard plenty. A selfish person with a heart full of Darkness. Full of power lust and jealousy. I’m amazed you aren’t a heartless already. But I’m sure that’ll happen soon enough.” She slaps me across the face. “Insolent worm! Hold your tongue before the might of a Goddess!” She paused. She thought for a moment, likely considering tying my mouth shut, but flashed a grin and chose not to. “Actually, speak freely. If I intend to have you as a servant, I should allow such freedom of speech. Let out all your frustrations now. In fact- “ With a snap of her fingers she broke my restraints. “Hit me as hard as you can. Let out your innermost rage and fury. I want to see your hatred.” It was obviously a trap. She’d probably use this moment to control my body, using my rage to give her control. But I didn’t care. I was sick and tired of seeing her face. Namine’s face. I hate seeing someone else use it. I call fourth my blade, Soul Eater, and get ready to fight. The ground beneath us rises. All around me dirt and rock form, and a stage for our fight is made of elegantly carved stone. Hills and valleys set all around me, a sky full of stars above, the moon in view. This is her domain she said, and this is how she chooses to make it? Typical. Royalty always prefers style over substance. Without a second thought, I take my first strike. I take my sword, hold it behind me, swing it over my head, and as it reaches the height of my swing- “BURN!!” I cast Firaga, sending a giant ball of fire in her direction. I could’ve used Dark Fire, but I need something that will hurt, and I don’t know any light magic aside from Cure spells. Fire should be enough, even if she isn’t weak to it. Not even flinching, the Fake Namine (Nightmare Moon) stands there and lets the attack hit. She is visibly in pain as the flames dance across her body, seemingly not damaging the skin in any way, but still causing pain. Through gritted teeth and harsh breaths, she spits a venomous tone. “I’ve felt the fires of the sun from my accursed sister.” She holds her hands to her heart. “This pain is the last feeling she gave me before locking me away.” She looks at me with hate in her eyes. “These flames only fuel my RAGE!” She throws her arms forwards, and the flames jump off of her body, dancing through the air towards me, seemingly alive with a desire to kill. With regret for my choice of spells, I cast Reflaga as fast as I can, though the heat I felt was proof of just how close a call it was. The fire wraps around the protective shield, coming ever so close to breaking it before the spell dissipates, and the hexagonal panels break off, releasing magical energy outward on all sides. If she were right next to me it would’ve made a decent counter attack. Knowing her, she’d never make it that easy. She starts walking closer, a weapon forming in her right hand. A long staff with a crescent moon shaped blade at the end. The staff was made of ornate silver, with a razor-sharp blade. Style over substance, though clearly deadly. Now holding it in both hands, she runs forwards, towards me, blade aimed my direction. To her surprise, I run towards her weapon, and before it has the chance to graze me, I cast Dark Roll and melt my form into that of pure shadow for just a moment, rushing past her in a beam of dark, reassembling my body just behind hers. I coat my blade with ice, using Blizzard Edge to slam down my magically enhanced weapon against her body. Better ice than fire against her it seems. Now knocked to the ground, weapon no longer in her hands, the Fake looks back in surprise. “I’ll say it. I’m impressed.” She vanishes from sight, only to reappear several feet away, now standing. “But you can’t even begin to know the cold I’ve felt.” With a smile, she kneels to the ground, pressing a hand to the floor, watching as the land around her reshapes to white stone covered in craters. The air gets sucked from my lungs, and the cold around me numbs my body to the core in seconds, and the moon above us is now gone. No, we’re standing on it. This really was a dream world, though I didn’t have time to think about that as I panicked, hoping to think of a way to breath. And it takes no time at all for me to think of one. I mouth out the word wind as the spell Aeroga is cast. In no time at all wind swirls around my body, and I gasp for breath in this ice-cold landscape of stone and desolation. “Clever boy!” She says. “That’s some old magic. Tell you what, since you’ve done well so far, I’ll ease up on the cold.” And with a snap of her fingers, the world around me becomes much warmer. Still cold, like the winter air of the Everfree, but warm enough to function. “You’re such a weakling. But I guess it’s not fair to compare you to a goddess.” I’m still gasping for air, but I talk back anyway. “If you’re so powerful, then why do you need me?” “Hahahahahahahaha!” God I both love and hate that laugh. “Right you are boy. I shouldn’t need you. In this world you see the fullest extent of my power. But out there I’m barely a ghost. The Pony of Shadows they called me. And shadow was all I was. Until you came along.” She sits down, a throne of white stone instantly there. “I always find it puzzling how quickly people shun the Darkness. So quick to avoid corruption. Yet they fail to see the benefits. Many times in your world, the followers of Darkness would resurrect their fallen allies with almost no consequence. A few amnesiacs here and there, but otherwise perfectly fine. And look at you, you turned out just fine! It astounds me, the ignorance my kind possess.” She had a point. Based on Zexion’s memories from the Organization, several instances of resurrection were easily performed through the power of Darkness. But most users of Darkness are too abrasive and too quick to lash out to form any lasting bonds. Without outside help, you can’t resurrect yourself using that kind of power. You either come back as a Heartless, a Nobody, or both. But both can be avoided so long as SOMEONE cares enough to try. But empathy isn’t a feeling bred by Darkness. “Is that it?” I ask “Do you want me to bring you back? Because so far, I’m not sure why I would. You aren’t exactly a friend.” “You’re not entirely wrong.” She replied. “I’m looking to come back, that much is true. But I need you stronger for that. I need you to use ALL of the Darkness in your heart. I can help keep it from consuming you. With your help, I can become even STRONGER than I was.” She snaps her fingers, and suddenly we’re sitting at a small table, a tea set in front of us. “Mind if we take a break from fighting? I want to admire the view.” I half expected she was joking, but she immediately turned to the horizon, watching the planet below, the sun shining just behind it, raised only just so much above the planet’s horizon that light shines across the land. Ignoring the lack of air, save for my spell, it was truly breath taking. I turn to face her. “I’d expect you would hate a view like this. Given that you were banished here.” To my surprise, she lets out a gentle laugh, a tear rolling down the face she was wearing. It moved my fake heart to see Namine shed a tear. “Stars on all sides, an endless expanse of Night. Glittering light across all horizons, and a view of my kingdom, lit up so well by my sister’s Sun. Probably the only thing I can appreciate about her Sun in fact, and only because I love the land so much.” She takes a sip of tea, never for a moment looking away. “Do you know why I was banished? Not because I was power hungry, or because I hated my sister, but because I wanted my kingdom to see the wonders of my stars. They probably think I’d be a cruel Princess. Do you know what I would do if given that power?” She turned to face me, an evil grin on her face. Or Namine’s face rather. “I’d be the most kind-hearted monarch in history just to spite her. I’d earn my empire’s affection. Because love is all I’ve ever wanted. I’d fight for it, die for it, live for it.” In that moment I realized… she and I weren’t so different. Love was what drove us, and kept us going in Darkness. My love of Namine is what keeps me going, and her love of Equestria keeps her going through the throws of death. I take a sip from my cup. Hm… Royal Milk Tea, if Zexion’s memories are right. Figures she’d conjure a quality drink. “If… If I do bring you back. What exactly can you do for me?” I take a look at the horizon, not nearly as impressed by it as she is. “Equestria doesn’t mean anything to me, so ruling it with you isn’t something I’d want. And I doubt you can make me any different from my other.” “Riku you mean?” She turned to face me. “The only one who can make you any different is you. Change is a natural state of living, and if you don’t change over time on your own, how can you consider yourself real?” She takes another sip. “As for what I can give you… I can offer you a choice. I felt Namine’s heart when I found yours.” I immediately put down my drink. “Where is she!?” I probably should have tried to act less desperate, but I didn’t care. “Outside of your reach.” She said, her honesty being clear. “She’s outside this world, obviously. But that presents a problem. See, this world has a barrier that my accursed sister put in place. One that keeps most of the darkness from getting in. I was able to pull you from the cracks, but I can’t easily get you out. Not without drawing attention.” “I don’t care!” I said. “Whatever it takes to see her again. Just tell me what to do.” She gave a smile like she was winning a game. “As you wish.”