//------------------------------// // Chapter 46 - New Plan // Story: Twilight Daylight // by thedarktome //------------------------------// When Merry got the news, she quickly donned on a dress to hide her own pregnancy, zipped out the castle doors and nearly into a group of Pserateps, and bolted to the Main Hospital before the doctors could prepare a statement for the press outside. The royal suite where Arcadia was resting was filled with flowers of all colors, contrasting greatly against the pristine cold white floors that Merry's hooves anxiously jogged across. The nurses and doctors moved out of the way and allowed her to pass for the area. The Elite Guard posted there stepped to the side and allowed her to pass, with the expected results. The First pony she met up with was Gardeen, who seemed to be waiting behind a cart with her two front hooves propped on it for some reason. The door to Arcadia's room beside her was closed, so they were probably doing some intimate stuff. "Gardeen!" Merry called. Gardeen stopped what she was doing with the cart and happily waved to Merry. She slowed to a walk and stopped on the other side of the cart. "I just got the news. How is she?" With a smile, Gardeen shrugged and answered, "Well there are multiple answers to that question. Hungry, angry, a little worried, and... Strangely aroused?" Merry smirked and waved her hoof clockwise for more details. "Yeaaaah, that's all I'm telling you about that bit. The doctors said it's normal for her to be..." "Dripping from the honeypot?" "No—well..." Gardeen glanced to the ceiling. "Yeah, you know what? Yeah, that during pregnancy. What made it awkward was the fact that it's kicking in while she's in the hospital. Poor King Madun barely stood a chance, and the male doctors were reigning themselves in. Anyway, she's more worried about her baby than ashamed about that. The foal is fine overall, but had her ear pierced from the arrow." Merry growled and made known, "I'm going to strangle Blueballs later." "Wait in line behind the rest of Psera. Last I heard he's being held in Lavender Hall Maximum Security. Nearly crazy by now, no doubt. I want to know what's going on in there just for fun. He was held in the hole for five days before they moved him. Now we're just awaiting trial. But that will happen once Lady Arcadia is up and running. And the doctors aren't letting her leave until they're absolutely sure she's not hurting anywhere. Then I think she's not going to be doing anything until the baby is born. And if she is, then... We'll figure something out. "So summary? After she's released, the trial will more than likely be put on hold until after she's gone through labor. Just to rid of any risks of stress. Between now and then, wedding and coronation. That's what she wants. So for right now, we're focusing on her in the hospital." Merry sighed and took a seat. Then gestured over Gardeen's shoulder for the door. "What's happening right now?" Gardeen shrugged and answered, "I think an ultrasound." "Ohhh, look at my little filly! Firehead look at her!" Gardeen smirked over her shoulder then turned back to Merry. "Yeah... Ultrasound. How're your kids?" Merry sighed and answered, "Being pregnant makes me look fat. I have twins going on here." "Awww, you'll be fine. And you're not fat, just... Plump." Plump? Merry glanced around awkwardly. She didn't think she was actually able to be described, but there Gardeen goes once again. "Gee... Thanks." "You're so welcome." Arcadia's eyes were filled with so much life when she saw the sonogram of her daughter. They printed off images of the baby inside her body and allowed her and King Madun to look at them. He said something about his little girl already growing up too fast. Arcadia pretty much took a bite out of his neck when she said she missed two months of her baby's growth and is very proud of her. Madun didn't get it, at all, so he just responded, "Of course sweetheart." Those mood swings were monsters. Violet Triage, her official doctor was the one performing it. Eyeing the display screen, she nodded and stated, "She's growing perfectly. No problems that I can see so far besides... You know. But other than that no issues. Of course we'll have to wait until she's actually born to assess any issues or problems." From the bed, Arcadia asked worriedly, "Are you expecting any? Is my baby going to be hurt?" Violet Triage shook her head and answered, "At the moment, no. But things may happen along the line that we'll be prepared for." Arcadia nodded and continued staring at the images. From her above left was Madun, coming up with a thought. He nudged Twilight with his muzzle and whispered, "We almost forgot something." They did? Twilight looked his way with a confused expression and repeated her thoughts aloud. "We did?" He nodded and answered, "Names." "Names!" She squealed. Then gasped and repeated, "Names! We need names!! How could we forget that?!!" Twilight whimpered and looked at the photo. Then lifted a hoof and scuffed her chin, thinking up a few. Not much could be said at the moment. She wanted the filly to have a name that combined Psera and Equestrian, her and her father's descent. "I think..." She whispered. "I think that we should wait until she's born to name her." Madun lightly grabbed the photo from her hooves to take a closer look and asked, "Why?" "Well I want our little filly to know she's part Equestrian and part Pseratopian. I want a hybrid of names and I can't really think of any right now. Not until I look at her in my hooves." Madun shrugged and gave her back the photo. "Okay," he whispered. "Yeah, we can do that. I too don't want to come up with anything silly." Arcadia smiled and shared a nuzzle with him "Thank you, Madun," she whispered. "You're welcome, Twilight." He pulled back and sighed. "Now we have a problem on our hands. Our wedding. I wanted you to have a fantastic one, but that pony went ahead and made it tragic." Arcadia sighed too and lowered back onto the bed by her wing. Then looked up at Violet Triage and nodded. She bowed and grabbed the machine. Then opened the door and backed it up out of the doorway into the hall. She reached in and softly shut the door back so they could have their conversation. Then turned around and locked eyes with Gardeen. She tilted her head to the side and asked, "Well?" Despite what she was feeling, Violet Triage smiled and answered softly, "They were excited. But now they're bummed their wedding was interrupted. I don't hear any tears, but they were definitely upset. I shuffled out so they could have their time alone. The baby is doing fine and should be scheduled for her birth next month." Gardeen nodded in understanding. She had a feeling Arcadia may have an early pregnancy. They were nearing her mark of birth a little bit after next month, but now it had been reduced to early because of the blood transfusion. A premature birth. There were going to be problems in the future. Arcadia probably knew that by now. The foal should come out alright. One of their happy endings were ruined by a pony. Merry hummed from beside Gardeen with a thought. Apparently, she had a grand idea because she smirked to Gardeen and said, "Hey... I have an idea." Gardeen shrugged and motioned for Merry to continue. "What about..." She leaned in and whispered, "A surprise wedding?" "A surprise wedding?" Merry nodded and clarified, "Yeah. When Arcadia is allowed to leave, we can have it setup at the castle in the throne room. Or wherever we can get them to get it setup. But we have to be secretive. We want to surprise them with it." Gardeen and Violet Triage shared a glance. Then back to Merry. After a few seconds, Gardeen smiled and whispered, "That... Could work. And I know just who can and will definitely want to help. But I need to get some permission first. Do you have another wedding dress?" Merry deadpanned her next expression. "I'll take that as a yes. You just get the garments prepared, I'll get some help." With narrowed eyes, Merry leaned in and whispered, "I hope you're not getting you-know-who." It was clear a boiling point was reaching it's zenith between the Equestrians and Pserateps. Gardeen whispered, "It'll be a great way to make things right. You didn't see what I saw when I went there earlier. These guys were just sad. Crying all over the place and making the floor wet. They feel really guilty and they didn't even do anything. So I was thinking they can make up for it by just helping set up a new wedding." Merry hummed. She didn't like the idea of these ponies, the same ones who were with Bluebutt two months ago returning. Gardeen was right, they didn't do anything. But the rest of Psera may not think that. Merry motioned towards the door and suggested, "Just talk to mom about it first. She's the one taking over everything right now. She gives the final verdict and if she says it'll work out, it'll work out. Don't expect me to be on board with them though." Gardeen was absolutely positive the castle's foyer floor turned into lava from her Majesty's bearing eyes. After flying back to the castle Gardeen met up with Molten in the foyer before she could walk out the door and told her the plan. Now she was shooting her a gaze that was melting her soul. Gardeen couldn't tell if she was thinking or waiting for something. Probably the former because she hummed and straightened back up. Then motioned towards the door. Taking the hint, Gardeen turned around and proceeded towards the door with Her Majesty, blue and red with white on the side. After they stepped out into the morning air, Molten asked, "If I say yes... Will you keep them in line? I want you and solely you to be in charge of the activity and providing discipline. Merry will be too mad to focus." Gardeen nodded eagerly and answered, "Yes I will." Molten slowly nodded her head and thought a little bit more. "Here's the deal, Gardeen. I will provide the secrecy and distractions while you and whoever else set up the events. Right now, I'll have a private chariot delivered to the hospital bay doors from the Capita Base. You get those from Equestria back here to the Castle's rear entrance, and we'll go on from there to plan and inform them of rules and all that." Gardeen bowed and acquiesced, "Yes, ma'am." Then turned around to fly back to the city. Molten watched her leave for a moment. Then turned to one of the Elite Guards and nodded her head, sending out the command she knew they heard. ~✶~ Twilight and Madun were confused when Gardeen rushed into her hospital room and asked if Arcadia could open a portal for Equestria in the Hospital Bay doors. It wasn't like her to make a request like that, let alone a request. It was odd. And a little suspicious. Arcadia and Madun shared a look. Then looked back to Gardeen. Arcadia stammered, "Er.... I-I guess. But why?" "I just need to grab a few things." That was partially true. Ponies weren't "things", but she still needed to grab them. Arcadia hummed for a moment. Then shrugged and answered, "Well ... Alright. I'll keep it open for ten minutes. Take a few guards with you, I don't want anything happening to you." Gardeen smiled and walked close to the bed to share a nuzzle with her. Arcadia had always been a second mother to her. Well... Third. "I'll be safe." "You better." Arcadia pulled back and shooed her away with a wave of her hooves. "Now go, I have to spend time with Madun. Let a Guard know so they don't freak out " The two shared a wink before Gardeen stepped out and shut the door back. Leaving Madun and Arcadia to whatever they were doing before. Once the door was shut, Twilight lit her horn and conjured a portal near the bays underneath her level, flashing into sight at the same time two black private pods backed in, bearing the colorful Crest of Psera and flashing Gold and White lights. Once they were in place, the drivers jumped out and looked over their assignment with a few more guards in there. Apparently, they were collecting the last ponies they really wanted to see. That all Pserateps really wanted to see. And driving them to Cop. That was going to be a long drive. The door to the bay opened and Gardeen trotted out with a distress beacon on her hoof, just in case something happened. Along with two guards. The portal was set up on the side across from the Pods. She had ten minutes to go in and grab them. "Secretary Gardeen!" She stopped and turned to the left at the vehicles towards an Elite Guard who was making her way over. "Just for security measures we'll be supplying the Pods with escorts out of the city. They're outside of the Hospital's property." Gardeen nodded then turned back around and jumped straight through the portal, followed by her own escort. Twilight opened it directly in front of Cadance and Shining Armor, once more in the Crystal Empire's throne room with little Flurry Heart on her father's back. They must've been making way for the door. When they walked out, Cadance gasped and asked, "Has something happened? What's wrong, you have that look on your face." Gardeen didn't know what she meant by "look," but she shook her head and answered, "Nothing's wrong. I just thought you and the others may want to help us get everything back where it was before. Her Majesty wants to meet with everyone." Cadance reared up and yelled, "EVERYPONY, WAIT!!!" Then sat back down and held up her hoof. "Sorry, they were just beginning to leave and head back to their own places. They've been staying here for the last few days, so things were rather tense and they were depending on each other for comfort." Gardeen understood that. She and Pink had been doing the same. The doors behind the portal burst open and Celestia lead everyone back inside. Already asking questions. "What has happened, is everything al—Gardeen! Oh it's wonderful to see you again." She walked around into Gardeen's view with everyone else and sat down. "Do you have news?" Gardeen cleared her throat and explained, "I have submitted an idea to Her Majesty Molten Ice in an attempt to help Lady Arcadia and King Madun. As well as clear your name and this guilt I can feel in the room right now. You're coming to Psera and will be staying for a few days if Her Majesty approves. You must see her first. So we're taking you to her. But the downside is Lady Arcadia doesn't know about this. It's a surprise. So no talking about it." After they agreed to not speak a word and Celestia and Luna made know to their guards they were going to be out of office for a few days for political reasons, Gardeen turned around and led them out of the Throne Room into the Bay of the Main Hospital. Just as expected, there were a contingent of Royal Guard there waiting beside the steel bodies of the Royal Pods. Celestia walked over to Gardeen and asked, "So what is this plan?" "I'll tell you in the Pod. We're riding to Cop. No flying for respect." Gardeen walked towards one of the luxurious pods when a guard opened the door and got in first. The rulers and older adults took the one with Gardeen while the Element Bearers took the other. Gardeen got comfortable at the very front, facing the back while the Princesses and Prince Consort sat on the side and back, eyeing each other in a square box. But it was definitely a fancy box. There were large couches along the side sitting on top of what looked like a bunch of drawers and things. There was a small bookcase on the far side where Gardeen was sitting and a wine bar beside the door they just walked through. The ceiling above was made out of reflective glass with tiny lights, currently dimmed creating a romantic atmosphere. This was pretty much a love pod. Once the doors were shut, Gardeen lifted her Comm Block and relayed, "This is Secretary Gardeen, I have the package. Let Lady Arcadia know that I'm taking the things to Cop." "Seriously, Gardeen?" Arcadia deadpanned on the channel. Gardeen eeped and made a shush to the ponies inside with her. Celestia smiled and directed her eyes to the Comm Block on her wrist. "I thought you were just going to grab something from Equestria. Now you're moving them?" "Yes, ma'am. The package is going to Cop." "That's going to take a while considering all air traffic is halted. You're podding there?" "Yes, ma'am. We're taking the dark route to keep out of traffic." The Pod they were in revved to life before it began to move forward out of the bays. Startling Celestia and anyone else not used to it. They only rode in this three times, but the Royal one was much faster. Cadance directed her attention to the windows when the sun's rays breached through after they left the hospital bays. Even though they could see out, no one could see in. The glass was really thick too. Rainbow Dash could slam into it and would probably only scratch it. "Alright. I'll let you know if I need anything. Tell Pink that I said hi and that I'm alright. I know she's going nuts up there." "Ten-four." Gardeen flipped the band holding it to her hoof and set it on the seat next to her. Then sat back and faced the ponies in front of her. "So here's the deal. Her Majesty is still pretty upset with Equestria. And nopony likes an upset Queen, let alone a former upset Queen. Earlier when I was stationed outside of Arcadia's room her doctor Violet Triage let me know of her status. She's fine and well, but she and Madun are pretty bummed about their wedding being ruined. So much so that I thought I heard her highness crying. So Merry decided to come up with the idea of a surprise wedding. She deserves a wedding. Seriously." "Oh yes, most certainly," Luna agreed. "I decided that we enlist your help, just to clear your name. So with that in mind, I told Merry and she wasn't on board. She decided that if she was going to help, she was going to stay away from you, and you from her. Trust me, if Merry is mad, the whole nation will know. She becomes extremely aggressive. So please, if you see her—I think she's with her husband right now in Cop, please refrain from making eye contact, discussion, and even greetings. She. Will. Bite, I'm telling you." Cadance whispered, "How bad could she be?" "Let's just say the Elite Guard are scared of Merry, more than Secretary Manny. And there's a reason she doesn't have guards anymore. Now we're taking you to Molten to settle some ground rules. And since we can't go by air, the streets will be congested, so we're taking the Underpass to speed up time, which is a system of highways that the Royal Caravan uses to get around during the midst of an emergency evacuation and we can't use the air. It'll take us straight to Cop and we're going really fast." "We are?" Shining looked out the window at all of the passing buildings and life. They were being escorted by four more pods, flashing golden lights on the side. All moving in the same direction. "Hmm." Gardeen shrugged and answered, "We will be in the future. Just wait until we're on the Underpass. It hasn't been used in years though, so it may be out of shape." Celestia commented, "You Pserateps have a lot of security measures." Gardeen shook her head and deadpanned, "You have no idea. We have so many, I think... I think we have a book in here somewhere, I remember Arcadia reading it, hold on." Gardeen reached down and grabbed the handle of a mahogany drawer below her and pulled it out. A book was inside with a label on it written in what seemed to be shapes to the visitors. But looked like words to Gardeen. "Yep! A book on Security Measures and Procedures. She's read through the whole thing." Shining chuckled and commented, "That's Twilight for you. She's a bookworm." Gardeen smiled and asked, "Think her foal's going to be a bookworm?" "Definitely. Speaking of which..." Gardeen sighed and answered their unspoken question, "Don't let Arcadia know I told you, but the filly had her right ear pierced by the arrow. She'll be born with a hole in her ear and possibly premature. Other than that, she's fine. Technically, Arcadia should have actually had a miscarriage because of it. The arrow was just that close. It's a miracle. "The pony who did it is being roughed up right now in Lavender Hall, a Maximum Security Prison in Lavender. They moved him there a week after he was in the hole. But one thing is for certain. He has made a terrible, terrible, mistake. When Lady Arcadia gets her hooves on him, things are going to get messy. She was a little upset earlier just thinking about it. The power in the entire building fluctuated and all systems had to be restarted because of what she called a 'Magic Surge.' Her emotions took control of her magic. So let's just hope she doesn't see him."